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By Dave Scherer on 2018-04-01 10:00:00

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Would it be fair to say that John Cena portrays a bully? This year he's calling out The Undertaker for no reason. Not because of a history, feud or interaction, and Cena is not even a heel. He's just ragging on him and trying to pick a fight. Last year, he punks out Roman, and to a degree The Miz. A few years ago, he craps on The Rock who wasn't even apart of WWE. If Cena was a heel, fine. The problem is he's portraying as a good guy, so the mixed message (especially impressionable kids), is that it's ok to do this. He call calls people out to either get what he wants or worst, make him look good while someone isn't even there to defend themselves. Thoughts?

Undertaker retired symbolically at Mania last year.  At Raw 25 he appeared and said, in essence, he’s done.  Then Cena, after not being able to win his way into a big match on Raw, uses the backdoor to try and do it on Smackdown.  Then when he failed there, he starts calling out a guy who has, in the storylines, retired.  Yeah, that makes him a bully and a tool in the storylines, for sure.  Hustle, Loyalty and Respect must mean, Run a Hustle on the fans, Have Loyalty to yourself first, Don’t Respect anyone else.  He isn’t sending a great message to the kids right now.  I get that the idea is to pop for Taker, but they didn’t have to go down this insipid road to get there.

Is it a given that Paul Heyman is done with the WWE if Brock Lesnar is?

A given?  Well I can’t say 100 percent but it is definitely extremely likely that if Brock leaves, Heyman will leave as well.  His role is Brock’s advocate.  Without Brock, that role in WWE is gone.

Do you think they will let Mark Henry have one last match at Wrestlemania this year? I know he said he's officially retired, but surely he would agree to one. He is most deserving, especially since he didn't get a chance to in front of his Texas hometown crowd at Mania before. 

Unless he enters the Andre Battle Royal, probably not.  The card is already loaded and I am wondering how they fit it all in seven hours.  I don’t see how they can add yet another match and as Henry said, he may come back and wrestle in the future if makes sense.  Also remember, he’s 46 years old.  That isn’t exactly young in a physical business like wrestling.

Also, Mark Henry's fake retirement was absolutely awesome. Do you think WWE would ever use the HOF as a backdrop to an angle? I wouldn't put it past them that they will do it one day in the future if the circumstances were right. Would it be in poor taste if they did, or just part of the business?

Would they?  I can’t say for sure.  I would think that they would not however.  They see the Hall Of Fame as their “classy” night of the year.  It’s wrestling so poor taste comes with the territory, but I think it would be wrong to do it there.  With all of the wrestlers in attendance it would be hard to do anything physical that would be more than a quick spot.  Any derogatory verbiage would bring down the room.  I think WWE knows this and will keep the HOF what it is, their night to honor the business.

So now that the last WWE HOF inductee has been announced, it's clear that Vader will not go in this year. Given that his health may not hold up for next year (hopefully it will), what are your views on them not inducting him in this year? Vader's health was very questionable for even this year, and I feel that it's terrible that the WWE didn't announce him. I get that they may not want Vader on the podium if he is not 100%, but the man almost died and he should get inducted (while he is still living) to enjoy it. The human being deserves it. 

Well, I can’t say I blame them.  He is currently almost a week into a hospital stay after serious heart surgery.  As much as it stinks for him to not be in, it would be worse from a PR standpoint to announce he was going into the Hall and then have him not be able to appear, or worse.  

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