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By Mike Johnson on 2018-03-17 09:56:00

It looks like WWE is setting up at least 4 triple threats for Mania... Miz v Balor v Rollins, new v usos v bludgeon bros, rose v Orton v Mahal, and possibly Owens v Zayne v McMahon... would they really pull the trigger on 4 triple threats on one show? Or is it more likely they’ll just load up the undercard title bouts with more than 3 people?

Obviously, we have a few weeks to go, but it's quite possible.  The company is going to try to get as many talents on the show as possible.

Usually when the WWE announces their first inductee into their Hall of Fame, it's the headliner for that year. So are the Dudley Boyz the headliners, or is it really Jeff Jarrett? And do you think that if it is Jeff Jarrett, they purposely didn't announced him first to sort of not shine the light so bright on him with his recent rehab stint, association with TNA, etc.? 

You are forgetting that the first person announced was Bill Goldberg, who is the headliner.

Would it be fair to say that John Cena portrays a bully? This year he's calling out The Undertaker for no reason. Not because of a history, feud or interaction, and Cena is not even a heel. He's just ragging on him and trying to pick a fight. Last year, he punks out Roman, and to a degree The Miz. A few years ago, he craps on The Rock who wasn't even apart of WWE. If Cena was a heel, fine.The problem is he's portraying as a good guy, so the mixed message (especially impressionable kids), is that it's ok to do this. He call call people out to either get what he wants or worst, make him look good while someone isn't even there to defend themselves. Thoughts?

It's been a long running joke on Elite audio that John's character is really a d*** when you look at it, as our own Mike Epsenhart first pointed out.   I don't think that it's done specifically to make him appear this way, just that it's the direction in that very moment for Cena to get him where they want him.  Cena has publicly taled of regretting how he treated and spoke about Rock since their seconf match. 

How did Ronda Rousey end up with the "Rowdy" moniker? I know know that at the end of his life Roddy Piper gave her his blessings to use it, but do you have the history of how that came to be? Did the UFC fans give that name to her and then Rousey ask Piper for his blessings? Or something else entirely?

Rousey became close with Piper and he gave her his blessing to use the moniker in UFC.  Now that she's working with WWE, they have played up that connection with the logo and Rousey even wore his leather jacket in her debut at the Royal Rumble.  She is very legitimately trying to pay tribute to him and as someone who very much loved Roddy Piper, I appreciate that.

Was there ever interest in bringing Nick Aldis into WWE being that he’s married to Mickie James? 

There may have been, but I hadn't ever heard it personally.  I think he's found a nice niche for himself working for the NWA now.





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