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By Matthew Macklin on 2018-02-24 17:46:00

Honor Rising Night Two

The Beer City Bruiser defeated Toa Henare
This was a squash. Bruiser said he wanted a fight straight away, so Henare did his best to brawl with the big man. Bruiser is such a throwback to the rugged brawler from any 1980's territory.  Henare dropped him with a tackle, but from there Bruiser hit a DDT and a frog splash for a very strong win.

Jay Lethal, David Finlay & Juice Robinson defeated Hikuleo, Chase Owens & Yujiro Takahashi.   Hikuleo is really improving. He really knows how to build to those moments in the match where he is finally taken off his feet, which is something a lot of guys his size just ignore.  Lethal looked great again coming off the hot tag, delivering several suicide dives. Hikuleo worked the majority of this match and it took a Stunner from Finlay, Pulp Friction from Juice and the Elbow Drop from Lethal to finish him off.

Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI defeated Flip Gordon & Ryusuke Taguchi.   This was great. Hiromu & BUSHI really need a proper run as a tag team.  Flip tweaked his knee on Night One, so that was the target for the LIJ team.  Taguchi had a good back and forth with BUSHI, which allowed Flip to recorder and hit a dive and a springboard sling blade.   Flip survived a sunsetflip/powerbomb combo but was pinned after a devastating looking Doomsday MX. Hiromu got his win back on Flip, but he really got over in these shows.

NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championship: Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Bad Luck Fale defeated Cheeseburger, Jushin Thunder Liger & Delirious.  Liger was worked over by the champions until Delirious got the tag and ran rings around Loa. Cheeseburger got tagged in and hit a satellite DDT on Tama for the second night in a row.  Cheeseburger played the underdog in the last few minutes.  He got in some great near falls on Tama before Tama & Loa dropped him with Guerrilla Warfare to pick up the win.  After the match Tama hit the Gun Stun on Burger, because... why not.

Hangman Page & The Young Bucks defeated Jay White, YOSHI-HASHI & Chuck Taylor.   This was your typical Bucks six-man tag with a million moves and so many mesmerizing sequences.  Page will soon challenge for White's US title, so that was the story here. As the match went on, the crowd got behind Page more and more.  There was far too much action here to even begin to recap.  The finish saw Page pin White with the Right of Passage to a huge pop from the crowd.  After the match Page attempted to attack White with a chair, but The Bucks stepped in and put a stop to it.  However, after they left, Page dropped White with the Right of Passage on the chair.  This was a huge match for Page, and we get another layer added to the Bullet Club story.

ROH World Championship: Dalton Castle defeated Beer City Bruiser & Beretta.   Beretta tore his bicep at PWG last weekend, so Bruiser was added to this match to ease the work load.  Bruiser came to the ring before the bell rang and demanded to be added to this. Castle accepted, and we began with a brawl around ringside.  It took a while for this to get going. It was a bit messy at first with Bruiser dominating.  But things started to pick up later when Beretta would make some brief comebacks, only to be taken out again.  Beretta decided that he wasn't hurt enough, so he took a Death Valley Driver on the apron from Bruiser. He still got back into the match to hit a Piledriver on the big man. The near fall of the match came when Beretta kicked out of Bruiser's frog splash.  Castle then almost got pinned by Beretta when he countered Bangarang.  Castle finished impressively when he hit a deadlift German suplex to score the win and retain.  It was very good for a match that was thrown together at the last minute.

Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi defeated Marty Scurll & Cody.   This whole match was just one amazing feel good moment.  From the incredible pop The Golden Lovers got when their music hit, right to the end, this was fantastic. Omega & Ibushi are beyond over. They had fans losing their minds. Early on Omega hit a springboard dive onto Cody, who had taken a seat in the front row.  Scurll was torn last night, but tonight he wasn't holding back against Kenny. This was probably Scurll's best showing in NJPW to date, and Cody's character work through this was outstanding. Omega & Ibushi hit a lot of double team, some of it new, and not all of it was perfect.  This only added to the story of Omega & Ibushi working to refind the chemistry they once had as a team.  There was so much great stuff in this, and it's a match that everyone needs to go out of their way to see. One great moment saw Cody kiss Ibushi, which set him off, leading to a powerbomb that almost put Cody through the ring. The Golden Lovers got the win when they nailed the Golden Trigger, their new double knee strike on Scurll.

After the match Omega said they were the best tag team in the world. This brought out The Young Bucks, who said they were fine with this whole thing until Omega said they were the best team. The Bucks then announced that they would be part of the heavyweight division going forward. So, it looks like we will be getting The Young Bucks vs The Golden Lovers very soon and it's hard to think of a bigger match anywhere in pro wrestling right now.

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