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By Brian Cannon on 2017-12-04 07:30:00

This is the OVW Report for the December 2, 2017 Saturday Night Special!


-Tyler Matrix tries to regain the OVW Heavyweight Title against Michael Hayes!

-Adam Slade & Kevin Giza try to regain the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles against the Bad Boys Club!


-Randall Floyd defends the OVW Television Title against Logan James in a submission match!

-Ca$h Flo goes 1-on-1 with Dapper Dan!

-Plus more!


Your announcers for tonight are Dr. Ted McNaler & Gilbert Corsey, and KC is ring announcer.

SK Eveslage vs. Big Zo.

SK tries to lock Zo up, but Zo just shoves him off with ease. SK runs into some hip tosses and a big slam. Zo hits the Are You Serious? legdrop for 2. He hits the cartwheel butt bump and some back elbows in the corner. Zo with a fallaway slam, then the Zo train. He misses a headbutt drop and SK chokes him. He drops an elbow for 1. He tries another pin, then another, but Zo easily kicks out. Zo hits SK into the corner and throws him hard into the opposite corner. He splashes him twice, then hits a roundhouse kick. He goes up, connects with the Zo bomb, and gets the 3.

WINNER: ZO by pinfall.


"The Bro Godz": Colton Cage & Dustin Jackson, Paparazzi Camera Man, & David Lee Lorenze III (w/OVW Women's Champion Jaylee) vs. Houdini, "Livewire" KTD, BGB, & Stephon Smith.

Houdini, KTD, & BGB are out first. David comes out and says this is supposed to be a 4-on-4 match, but obviously Stephon (in ref gear) can't count. David has his own ref, and out comes Apollo. Stephon leaves, but comes back out in wrestling gear, goes up top, and flies down on David's team. Stephon is on a roll, until getting kicked from the outside by Colton. He gets worked over in their corner for a while, until a double clothesline with Paparazzi. BGB & David tag in, and BGB back elbows and clotheslines David & the Bros down. Things break down on the outside, and David kicks BGB in the face as he goes to fly out on everyone. Stephon then does fly out on everyone. David has snuck around to the other side of the ring behind BGB and kicks him below the belt. Apollo "doesn't see it", then counts the 3.



END of a LEGACY: Ca$h Flo vs. Dapper Dan.
Josh Ashcraft sits on the outside. Ca$h & Dan exchange blows. Dan fires away and slams Ca$h. Ca$h rolls out and Dan follows him. Dan hits him, but Ca$h comes back and rams Dan into a steel support. He then grabs a chair, but Josh grabs it away. Ca$h throws Dan into the steps. Dan gets back in at 9. He starts to fire back and goes for the Death Valley Driver, but Ca$h slides off and hits the Wall Street Crash. Dan gets his foot on the ropes and Josh points it out. Ca$h then rolls him up and has his feet on the ropes, and again Josh points it out. Ca$h grabs Josh and takes the chain off his belt loop. Dan is back up and hits the Death Valley Driver, but Josh is still arguing with the ref. The ref turns to take the chain away from Ca$h, and Josh then low blows Dan! Ca$h gets the 3.
WINNER: CA$H by pinfall.

After the match, Ca$h holds Dan for Josh to hit with the chain.

Then, Josh and Ca$h handcuff Dan to the ropes and hit him with the kendo stick.

OVW SOUTHERN TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: "The Top Guys"Kevin Giza & "The Winter Swoldier" Adam Slade vs. "The Bad Boys Club""Double R Superstar" Randy Royal & "Bad Boy" Shane Andrews (w/"Bad Girl" Jessie Belle) (c).

Jessie has mistletoe and says she is trying to get on Santa's nice list, so she is offering one of the Top Guys a kiss. Slade walks up, but she says she wants to get on Santa's nice list, not kiss him. Giza walks up, and she smacks him in the face. Slade grabs her and spanks her. Slade uppercuts Shane and Giza dropkicks Royal. The BBC quickly takes advantage though and works over Giza. Shane hits the double foot stomp on Giza in the ropes. He kicks him in the back and hits a back body drop. Royal is in and hits a German suplex. Shane tags in and they go for a double team, but Giza reverses them into a double DDT. Slade gets tagged and he comes firing away with forearms and uppercuts. He hits a slingblade on Royal for 2. They go for their finisher, but Shane pulls the ropes down, and Giza flies outside. Royal distracts the ref, and Jessie throws powder in Slade's eyes. Royal hits Slade with the Samoan drop, then Shane hits the flying elbow drop for the 3.


OVW TELEVISION TITLE SUBMISSION MATCH: "The River City Dragon" Logan James vs. "The Real Deal" Randall Floyd (c).

Randall immediately goes for the modified Boston crab, but LJ gets out and kicks Randall in the head. He tries to lock in a calf crusher, but Randall gets out. LJ with a hurricanrana. LJ goes to dive, and Randall goes to hit him with a chair, but LJ avoids it. He takes Randall down and goes to the back. He comes out with a keg, and launches it at Randall's head. Randall comes back with the chair and hits LJ. He misses another attempt, and LJ comes back with a shot with a ladder. LJ misses an elbow drop off the apron, and Randall charges at him against the ringpost. LJ moves, and Randall goes split-legged across the post. LJ locks in a figure four around the post. He then goes up top. Randall meets him up top, but LJ knocks him down, and Randall is stuck in a tree of woe. LJ puts a chair in front of him and then goes up top and goes coast-to-coast! He locks in a calf crusher, then locks in Randall's modified Boston crab against him. Randall is about to tap, so he pokes the ref's eyes, then taps. The ref doesn't see it, and LJ doesn't know what happened. Randall hits LJ from behind and locks in the crab, but time expires.

Amon & "The Void": Chace Destiny & Damion vs. "The Boy Wonder" Sam Thompson & "Team Billyocious"Billy O & Aloicious Hamilton.

Chace & Sam start out, and Sam gets the better of Chace. Damion tags in, and doesn't fare well either. Billy & Alo hit him with a double vertical suplex, and a double back body drop. Amon tags in and takes control. A hot tag is made back to Sam, who fires away on Amon, though it doesn't faze him. Amon chops him hard. He then charges at Sam, but Sam pulls the rope down. Sam arm drags the Void and takes them down. Amon rams Billy into the ringpost, then slams him on the ring apron. He gets in, hits Sam from behind, then pedigrees him for the 3.

WINNERS: AMON & VOID by pinfall.
After the match, Amon hits Sam with the chain.


"Bad Girl" Jessie Belle & OVW Women's Champion Jaylee (w/David Lee Lorenze III & "Bad Boy" Shane Andrews) vs. "The Varsity Babes": Cali & Meg.

Meg & Jessie lock up. Meg goes off the ropes, and Shane trips her. Meg & Cali gain control, taking Jessie & Jaylee down and out. They go to fly out on them, and Jessie & Jaylee move. The Babes take out Shane & David. They try again, but Jessie & Jaylee hit them. Shane & David grab Meg to keep her from getting back in, and they are ejected from ringside. Jaylee & Jessie double-team Cali for a bit before she makes the hot tag to Meg. Meg gets double-teamed, but she eventually tags Cali back in. Cali gets the pin on Jessie for the win.

WINNERS: BABES by pinfall.

OVW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: "The Young Lion" Tyler Matrix vs. Michael Hayes (c).
They shove each other, then Hayes takes Tyler down with a side headlock. Tyler reverses into a headscissors. Hayes is out, but Tyler with a side headlock takedown. Hayes gets out and wrings the arm. Tyler works out and hits a dropkick, then an arm drag takedown. He locks Hayes' arm up and Hayes gets in the ropes. They smack each other, then Tyler kicks him in the gut. He charges at him, but Hayes moves and slings him out of the ring to the floor. He goes out and Tyler kicks him. He hits him with a forearm, then a chop. Hayes hits him back. Tyler hits him into the ringpost, but then Hayes moves and Tyler hits his arm against the steel. Hayes takes control. He throws Tyler into the barricade, and rolls him in. Hayes chokes him in the ropes and then slams him for 2. He locks his arm up, and Tyler fights out. He hits him in the corner, but Hayes comes out with a big clothesline for 2. He rakes at Tyler's face. Tyler hits a big kick to the head. He hits a charging forearm in the corner, then another. Hayes catches him on a third attempt, and drops him across the top turnbuckle face-first. He locks in a sleeper. Tyler gets out and kicks Hayes in the head. He goes up top, but Hayes hits the ropes and knocks Tyler down. Hayes slams him hard off the top rope for 2. Tyler comes back and catches Hayes with a knee to the face. Hayes locks in the mandible claw to the outside. Tyler knocks him into the ringpost to break it. Tyler goes to jump on him, but Hayes powerbombs him on the apron. Back inside, Tyler regains control and knocks Hayes back out. He dives out on him. They both get in at 9. They exchange blows, and Hayes goes for the facebuster, but Tyler slides out. He hits Hayes with a Samoan drop, then the swanton, but Hayes kicks out at 2! Hayes hits Tyler with a hard slam, but he kicks out at 2! Tyler hits Hayes with a reverse hurricanrana, a super kick, and a swanton, but again Hayes kicks out! Hayes hits him with his slam again for 2. Hayes hits him with another, again for 2! He goes for the mandible claw, but Tyler kicks him off. He catches him with a kick to the head, but Hayes catches him with another slam and then the mandible claw. He gets the 3 for the win as Tyler fades out.

If you have never been to a Saturday Night Special and/or are not able to, make sure you pick up a copy Wednesday nights at the Davis Arena during the TV tapings, or order them online at the shop on!

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