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By Jeremy Boone on 2017-11-04 14:58:00

AAW: Professional Wrestling Redefined returns tonight to Berwyn with HELL HATH NO FURY.  Tag Titles are on the line, we have two Women's Championship tournament matches and a teased RETURN of a former AAW Heavyweight Champion!  400 strong showed up with weapons of a crazy variety to pack the intimate & legendary Berwyn Eagles Club.

Commentator Phil Colvin, making his last AAW appearance at Berwyn, welcomed everybody to Hell Hath No Fury coming to you from the World Famous Berwyn Eagles Club, and provided gave his thanks and provided his memories of this building.  He starts off the show with the video package which leads us directly into...

Six Pack Challenge - Austin Theory v Stephen Wolf v Curt Stallion v DJZ (Zema Ion) v Myron Reed v AR Fox

Winner Receives A Title Match Against Penta El 0M on 11/25 at Logan Auditorium

In what was completely expected, this match started off the show with craziness and high risk maneuvers in every direction you looked.  Austin Theory had a great showing in his AAW debut match. Be on the lookout for Myron Reed as he is continuously making a name for himself each showing in AAW.  After some close calls near the end and crazy moves, DJZ scored the pinfall.

Winner: DJZ in 11:01 (Will face Penta El 0M on 11/25 for the Heritage Title) 

Backstage Segment - Marty DeRosa introduces us to Jake Crist of OI4K who has a tag match against Cobb & Starr tonight.  Mid-interview, David Starr (sporting his Eddie Quit shirt) comes out and calls out his competitor for the night.  Jake let David Starr know he has no issue with him, but instead his partner Jeff Cobb who has been interfering with the Killer Cult as recent as the Jim Lynam Tournament.  Out comes Jeff Cobb for the ambush and both him and Starr lay a beating into Jake Crist, leaving him backstage laid out.

Tag Match: The Hooligans vs. Colt Cabana & Chuck Taylor

An entertaining match in which Colt Cabana & Chuck Taylor showcased many of their comedic elements of their styles.  The Hooligans get outwitted as Colt goes for the pin.

Winners: Colt Cabana & Chuck Taylor in 8:00

Backstage Segment - Marty DeRosa has with him the Besties in the World (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett) who have been recently having some disagreements inside and outside the AAW ring. Davey Vega reminds Fitchett about Billy Hodges from their childhood and the moral of the story.  Even though they lifted his BMX bike (Mat clarifies that was all Davey) and that it was Mat who convinced them to do the right thing and return it.  Sure... Mat was the one that received the beating, but who was it that had his back?  Davey--even if it meant they both got beat up by Billy & his friends.  And tonight Davey will have Mat's back just like he always had as they move forward to become the new AAW Tag Team Champions.

1st Round Match - Women's Championship Tournament - Veda Scott vs. Delilah Doom

Veda grabbed the mic informing the crowd of how intellectually superior she is and how her history of Berwyn makes her know that the crowd hates energetic people like Delilah Doom.  The match got fun near the end as Delilah made her comeback to make Veda tap out via submission.

Winner: Delilah Doom (Advancing to 2nd Round Match on 11/4 against Ivilesse in LaSalle, IL.) in 8:13

1st Round Match - Women's Championship Tournament - Kylie Rae vs. Su Yung

The crowd was behind Chicago's own Kylie Rae straight from the beginning of the match.  These two had a fantastic match to where either could have won it and the crowd would have been satisfied.  Kylie Rae wins via pinfall and advances on in the tournament.

Winner: Kylie Rae (Advancing to 2nd Round Match on 11/4 against Rachel Ellering in LaSalle, IL.) in 11:33

Match: Shane Strickland vs. Michael Elgin

Fresh from winning last month's Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament, Michael Elgin takes on Shane Strickland.  These two had in my opinion had the match of the night.  Elgin has been on fire all of 2017.  The match close sees Elgin going for an Elgin Bomb, only for Strickland to kick out at 2.9 out of 3.  In a fury, Elgin beats down Strickland immediately and performs a 2nd Elgin Bomb for the win.  A standing ovation for both men as they shake hands at the end of the match.  Elgin continues his streak as he heads to the Windy City Classic to redeem his title shot for the AAW Heavyweight Championship.

Winner: Michael Elgin in 19:15

Fans Bring The Weapons Match:  Connor Braxton vs. PACO

The fans see the return of an old Berwyn staple for the first time in years as they get to bring the weapons for this building feud between PACO and Connor Braxton.  Unique items included a pinata of minty M&Ms, a guitar, cheese grater, guitar hero controller, pumpkins, whiffle ball bats, a "Supeman punch" fist and even a large styrofoam board full of plastic forks sticking out from them.  PACO had the advantage up front until Braxton turned the odds against him.  Braxton refused most of the fan's weapons and instead to use his own including the chairs from under the ring and eventually pulled out a box featuring his Hoverboard.  As PACO regained his footing, he used more fan made weapons and called for a pumpkin labeled "Motherf***in Thumb Tacks."  Braxton got the advantage and then set up all the in-ring weapons in the middle on a pile and emptied the thumb tacks from the pumpkin as the topping.  PACO reversed and leveled Braxton onto the thumbtack and weapon-filled mess leading to the pin.

Winner: PACO in 15:35

Post match, Braxton recovered and ambushed a celebrating PACO and left him bloodied in the middle of the ring. PACO is carried out.

Match: Trevor Lee vs. Eddie Kingston

Trevor Lee takes the mic and lets all the fans know how they have an Impact Superstar in the ring, leading to a chorus of expletives being ushered his way.  He offered Eddie a chance before the match to begin to get his job back and fly to Ottawa tomorrow because he respects Eddie.  Trevor jumps Eddie when he has his back turned and has a good back and forth match.  As Eddie is on the top rope with Trevor Lee in his sights, David Starr and Jeff Cobb come out from the back and distract Eddie.  This leads to Trevor getting the advantage and pin over Eddie.

Winner: Trevor Lee in 7:55

AAW Tag Team Championship Match: Besties In The World (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett) vs. Zachary Wentz & Desmond Xavier (c)

Davey Vega and Mat Fitchett continue to have their issues in ring leading to multiple times where Wentz & Xavier cause Davey to hit Fitchett.  After several hits, Fitchett confronts Davey over this and attempts to charge at him and take him down.  Davey uses the momentum and flips Mat into the current champs.  Davey Vega scores the pinfall and we have new tag champs!

Winners and new AAW Tag Team Champions:  Besties in the World in 10:15

Tag Match: David Starr & Jeff Cobb vs. OI4K

Starr & Cobb are in the ring as only David Crist comes out due to Jake being laid out backstage earlier.  As Dave is about to enter the ring, JT Davidson, the Iron Manager, makes his way from behind and gives Cobb a spinebuster.  All four eventually brawl into the crowd as they use the trash cans and left-over pumpkins to destroy each other.  Cobb lays out JT Davidson after suplexing him onto a stack of chairs leaving only Dave Crist to fight for himself.  The match makes its way back to the ring and starts to become one sided as they tag back in and out destroying Dave.  Mid-match as Dave makes his way instinctively towards the corner, Jake Crist runs out from out back and makes the tag.  Mid-match Trevor Lee makes his way out again and distracts OI4K leading to Dave Crist losing to submission (passed out) in a chinlock by David Starr.  

Winners: David Starr & Jeff Cobb in 9:06

Post match Starr, Cobb & Lee join efforts to beat down both Crist brothers.  Eddie Kingston comes out in street clothes and attempts to save them only to get ambushed and controlled over by Starr & company.  (If you have not been following the fued between Starr & Eddie, go out of your way to check out his WRSTLING promo on AAW's Youtube. It's absolute gold.)  AR Fox comes out with a metal baseball bat and Starr, Cobb & Lee escape from the ring.

AAW Heavyweight Championship Match: Rey Fenix (c) vs. ????

Rey Fenix makes his way to the ring and awaits the challenger, a teased returning former Heavyweight Championship.  Berwyn Eagles Club goes dark and the screen shows the wrestling boots with the camera slowly panning up, to see a hand holding wrestling headgear.  The music hits and THE WALKING WEAPON, JOSH ALEXANDER has returned to AAW.  (He has not been able to perform in the states for the past 14+ months due to visa issues).  Josh had an excellent showing in his return showing he can hang with Fenix.  Fenix retains the title after pinfall.

Winner and still AAW Heavyweight Champion: Rey Fenix in 17:26

Post match, Josh Alexander leaves and Fenix celebrates in the ring, only for the arena to once again go black with ominous choral music hitting the building cutting into Goodbye Horses and the return of JIMMY JACOBS (another former AAW Heavyweight Champion).  Jimmy comes to the ring and confronts Fenix and tells him they have never met and had the chance to properly introduce himself.  Jimmy lets Fenix know that at his previous job, they all knew about the Lucha Brothers and their reputation.  Jimmy lets Fenix know that AAW was the house that Jimmy Jacobs built and pointed to the banner of past AAW legends showcasing himself.  When Jimmy was building the company, Fenix wasn't even strapping on his wrestling boots.  He is back in AAW to reclaim his AAW Heavyweight Championship. He challenges Rey Fenix for the title at the 11/25 Logan Square show later this month.  Fenix accepts and tells him to beware of Cero..... Animo.  The two get into a shoving match leading to Jimmy pulling out his railroad spike and getting in fighting stance.  Both men stand down and Fenix leaves as Jimmy Jacobs stands tall in the ring.

AAW continues next at the following shows finishing off 2017;

November 4th - Rise of the Dragon - Knights of Columbus - LaSalle, IL (Featuring the debut of Ultimo Dragon)

November 25th - Unstoppable - Logan Square Auditorium - Chicago, IL

December 2nd - Knights of Columbus - LaSalle, IL

December 30th - Windy City Classic XIII - Bourbon Street - Merrionette Park, IL

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