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By Paul Crockett on 2017-10-30 23:19:00

Beyond Wrestling “Apocalypse Dudes”

October 29, 2017

Worcester, MA


MATCH ONE: Josh Briggs v. “The Kingpin” Brian Milonas

Milonas is coming off a win over John Silver last month.

This was a pretty good match.  The story was Briggs trying to overcome the size difference when he is usually the one with it.  Briggs finished it with a moonsault, showing off his athleticism as well as having to pull out a big move to beat the bigger Milonas.  After the match, he got on the mic and said he wants in next month’s Tournament For Tomorrow, Beyond’s big yearly tournament.

MATCH TWO: The Amityville Project (Ryan Galeone & Mike Verna with Dan Barry and Rex Lawless) v. American Gaijin (Jay Freddie & Rory Gulak)

The match had good intensity and was easy to watch.  The ending saw Barry interfering, which allowed Rex Lawless to hit Gulak with a crutch (as he has been sidelined with a long-term knee injury) to allow Amityville to score the pin.  Galeone and Verna have a lot of potential as a team, and both have great potential as singles.

After the match, Freddie called out Verna for Tournament For Tomorrow in a very heated and aggressive manner.  That was a nice touch.

WINNERS: The Amityville Project

MATCH THREE: Dante Caballero v. Sage Phillips

These two recently participated in a camp run by Jonathan Gresham.  They earned this spot in Beyond through that camp.

Simple babyface/heel match.  Both guys did well in showing some character and both handled themselves well in the ring.  Phillips ended up getting the win with Sliced Bread #1.

MATCH FOUR: Hot Wheels (“Hot Sauce” Tracey Williams & Wheeler Yuta) v. Zenshi & “Shred God” Brandon Watts

Decent match.  I like Yuta and Williams as a team quite a bit.  They were teasing dissention between Zenshi and Watts, who started out as opponents and have been teaming recently.  The finish saw Yuta use his Package Tombstone Piledriver submission (yes, you read that right) for the victory.

WINNERS: Hot Wheels

MAIN EVENT: John Silver v. Ace Romero

After being on a hot steak, Silver was cooled off by Milonas last month.  Now, he faces the former partner of Milonas and a man of similar size in Romero.

Silver is absolutely tremendous in his role of a babyface who, despite his smaller size, can hit REALLY hard and is fantastic at firing up.  This was a good big man-little man match with Romero doing well in getting the heat on Silver to lead to his great comebacks.

The finish saw Romero hit a Bossman Slam on the outside, followed by a discus lariat in the ring for the win.  Pretty surprising considering Silver’s popularity in the promotion.  I’m curious why and what they’re doing with this losing streak.

After the match, Romero called out Briggs for Tournament For Tomorrow.  Briggs came out and they had a brawl that lead to the locker room coming out to pull them apart.  That was a good ending for the show and (hopefully) gives people a reason to show up in Somerville in two weeks.

WINNER: Ace Romero


MATCH ONE: Team PAWG (LuFisto & Jordynne Grace) v. The Hooligans

I had never seen the Hooligan before.  Think The Godwinns meet Necro Butcher meet the “Home” episode of The X-Files.

Anyway, Team PAWG is super over in Beyond.  They work really well together.  This was more of a wild brawl than I’m used to seeing from PAWG, and they did a good job.

The finish saw Team PAWG score the win with the double running butt bump to their seated opponent.


MATCH TWO: Orange Cassidy v. “Supercop” Dick Justice

Total comedy match.  Despite comedy wrestling not being my cup of tea, Cassidy has a ton of charisma in his role of being lazy, slow and carefree.  

The match went to a no-contest.


MATCH THREE: Secret City Soldiers (Anthony Stone, Kris Pyro, Davey Cash & Alisha Edwards) v. Team New England Pro Wrestling Academy (Mikey Webb, “All Good” Anthony Greene, Brick Mastone & Davienne)

The story of the match was Cam Zagami’s involvement.  He came out and tried to help his fellow NEPWA students, but ended up accidentally superkicking Webb.  This allowed the Soldiers to get the win.  After the match, Zagami tried apologizing, but he just ended up angering Webb even more.  Webb had to be held back from getting after Cam.

I think Cam has a lot of potential as an obnoxious heel, so I’m hoping this leads to more of that.

WINNERS: Secret City Soldiers

MATCH FOUR: Matt Riddle v. JT Dunn

Match of the night.  Matt Riddle is easily one of the top ten workers on the planet, and it was all on display in this match.  This isn’t to take away from Dunn, who on any given night can go in and steal the show on any card he is a part of, which he definitely did here.

They tore the house down.  If you’re an up and coming worker, watch this match and see all of the things Riddle does better than most.  His intensity of his fire ups and comebacks, his facial expressions, his physicality in his offense and how he carries himself.

The finish saw Riddle win the match with the Bromission.  Go find this match and see it for yourself.  I couldn’t do it justice if I tried.

WINNER: Matt Riddle

MATCH FIVE: Doom Patrol (Jaka & Chris Dickinson) v. Viking War Party

This match was a pretty wild brawl.  So much so that one of the members of the VWP went to the back and emerged with a chainsaw.  Luckily, no one was sliced up.  The finish saw Dickinson win it with a roll-up. Fun match.

WINNERS: Doom Patrol

MATCH SIX: World Independent Championship – Jonathan Gresham (c) (with Stokely Hathaway) v. Travis “Flip” Gordon

Gresham is out with a new heel persona and it’s exactly what he’s needed.  Always one of the best technical workers in the world, he had sort of reached the end of the line in Beyond in regards to his regular character.  Now, with new tights, a new haircut and a new attitude (and with Stokley by his side), he is fresh and ready for a new chapter in his career.

This match was very good in that it told a couple of stories: high flyer v. technician and the new side of Gresham.  Gresham got Flip tied up in the figure four.  Flip was able to roll his way over to the apron.  Gresham kept the hold on, gave Flip the finger, and rolled them both to the floor, going knees first to inflict maximum damage to Flip.  Gresham got back in the ring, but Flip couldn’t get back in before ten.  Really creative finish.  Gresham showing that he doesn’t care about being the cool heel, he just wants you to hate him, and the crowd hated this finish, so he is on his way.  Well done.

WINNER: Jonathan Gresham

MATCH SEVEN: Martin Stone v. Zack Sabre, Jr.

Second best match of the night.  These two did the long, slow burn and it was tremendous to watch.  It was a totally different match from everything else on the card.  This was very high level technical wrestling mixed with a lot of great striking.

Aside from the finishing sequence, which saw back and forth pin attempts, I think there may have been maybe two or three pin attempts the entire match, with the first coming very deep in the match.  Expert storytelling by both.

The finish saw Zack win with a pinning predicament.  They both received a well-deserved reception from the crowd.  After the match, as Stone was in the ring, JT Dunn elbowed him in the back of the head.  They had two outstanding matches in the last two months, so clearly the feud will be continuing.  Dunn got on the mic and said he wants Stone out of Beyond forever, so since he knows Stone has no friends, he told him to try and find a partner for two weeks from now in Somerville when he reunites the Juicy Product (his team with David Starr) for a match against him.

This doesn’t make much sense to me storyline wise because Dunn’s character is a scumbag heel, and Starr is very popular in Beyond, so why would he team with Dunn?  But we’ll see where they go.

WINNER: Zack Sabre, Jr.

MAIN EVENT: EYFBO (Angel Ortiz & Mike Draztik) v. The Unbreakable F’N Machines (Brian Cage & Michael Elgin)

Very good showcase for both teams.  EYFBO continue to be one of the best teams in the world.  The story was them trying to find different ways to overcome the massive power of Cage & Elgin.

The finish saw Cage pin Ortiz after a Steiner Screwdriver.  Ortiz suffered a split open ear during the match and was bleeding pretty bad.  Kudos to him for being really tough and super professional.  After the match, Elgin announced that he would be the captain of an Independent All-Star Team in Somerville in two weeks.

WINNERS: The Unbreakable F’N Machines

This was a really great night of wrestling from Beyond.  They did some good stuff to lead into the Tournament For Tomorrow in Somerville in a couple of weeks, and they left the crowd satisfied.

Check them out online @BeyondWrestling

Check me out @HelloCrockett

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