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I understand that for shows on network TV, if you want to have longer matches sometimes you need to have commercial breaks during the match. I also understand that the number and scheduling of commercial breaks are dictated primarily by the network. What i don't understand is for a show like NXT, which is broadcast on the WWE network, why do they still take commercial breaks during matches? Given the fact that WWE has 100% control of the broadcast, including commercial breaks, why do they still feel the need to interrupt a match when they could easily schedule the commercial breaks around the match?
The show airs internationally as well and thus has commercial breaks for those countries.
With the rumours of Ronda Rousey being interested in working for WWE and showing up at the Mae Young classic, do you think there would be interest in reviving the story from WMania 31 were she and Rock took on HHH/Steph? I was their live and it got such a wild reaction. Surely the mainstream attention of that would outweight Rousey vs say Nia Jax?
If Rock would do it? Hell yeah. If they could get Rock to wrestle they would do that in a second.
Not that anybody really cares, but I'm curious... what happened to The Great Khali. He returned at the Punjabi Prison match and cost Orton, and then we never see him again. Was he released that quickly?
It ends up he was brought in as a one shot. He went back home to his wrestling school.
I truly believe if they want Roman Reigns to go over, he needs to turn heel. How about this for a scenario? They are teasing a Shield reunion. How about during a Shield vs Miz/Miztourage match, as The Shield are dominating, Roman turns on Ambrose and Rollins. This could give him enough heat that by the time he gets the Universal Championship, he has monster heat the way Triple H had in 2004. What do you think?
With some people, that would work. I honestly don’t know if it would with Roman. I could see a scenario where the fans that boo him now cheer him if they make him a full on heel.
So where is creative going with this Enzo thing? First he's demoted to 205 Live to supposedly punish him for his behavior, then they make him No. 1 contender to Neville's belt, then Enzo WINS the damn thing, then he's turned heel on Raw, and then he's mauled by the entire cruiserweight division to close out the show. I can't tell if Enzo's getting pushed or buried by the brass. Thoughts?
Going to 205 was not a step up. Time will tell but at this point I see it as a demotion. I see a lot of beatdowns in his future.
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