Is WWE putting the Mae Young Classic out on DVD?
There are no plans for a DVD devoted to the tournament. It was created as digital content for people who want to subscribe to the Network. They are not going to invest in creating physical media when the lion's share of those interested in watching it already have.
How far in advance does WWE plan its live event tours or what goes up on the WWE Network?
They already have loose plans for both of those categories going through the end of 2018.
What was the first wrestling show you ever watched?
I woke up one night expecting to find Saturday Night Live and instead saw Roddy Piper accosting Mr. T on the set of a "TV show" and I was amazed by the fact that BA Baracas wasn't murdering this guy in a kilt. I started watching immediately.
What's the one promotion you haven't seen live yet and want to see?
CMLL and AAA in Mexico City, WXW in Germany, PROGRESS in the UK, Over the Top in Ireland, ICW in Scotland and WWC in Puerto Rico. I'd love to get over to Japan, but I've seen just about every major Japanese talent in person in the United States, which is the only reason I'm not mentioning any Japanese promotions here.
When was the last time you sat in the front row at a wrestling show? Have you ever sat front row in Madison Square Garden?
To the best of my recollection, it was a TNA TV taping in Orlando, Florida following the Hardcore Justice PPV in August 2010 as that's where the seats TNA brought me to were after I was finished recording interviews backstage before the taping. There were WWE PPVs and TV shows where I sat ringside following that point, but I don't recall being in the first row for them.
I sat in the front row of MSG on occasion in the late 1990s and early 2000s, well prior to this being my full-time job.
I watched the Terry Funk match from over the weekend on Highspots and for the first time, I have to admit, Terry shouldn't have been in the ring. I think it's time for him to hang it up. Thoughts?
After your question, I went and watched the match on The Highspots Wrestling Network. It was not pretty and for the first time, I thought his punches looked weak. It was a lot of brawling and someone willing himself through the scenario. That said, Funk is also 73 years old so I don't know why anyone, myself included, ever would have expected otherwise. I love Funk and have named him as my favorite wrestler of all time many times over the years. I know this makes him happy and I respect that he's the "Last Gunslinger" in a lot of ways, but I worry about him and don't want to see him in the ring. It's his choice but I think he'd be better served relaxing at home. I think he should listen to the words of his theme song and go home.
PWG didn't immediately sell out their All Star Extravaganza shows, so is the bloom off the rose?
The promotion runs a 400 seat venue and sells a tons of DVDs. I don't think it's a major story if they don't sell out immediately and I don't think it's a surprise if they don't, especially since they were coming off a big three day event with high ticket prices. The day of the next show, it will be a full, sold out building and anyone looking for deeper meaning into the the tickets didn't sell out in one day is being silly, in my opinion. PWG exists in its own bubble and I don't see that bubble bursting anytime soon.
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