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By Mike Johnson on 2017-09-28 10:31:00

I get the need for Music dubs for network content (even WCW music at a stretch as i can imagine WCWs habit of copying real song's with small adjustments would cause issues these days), but with ECW, why not dub music for guy's like RVD, and The Sandman and even the FBI with their WWE music? RVDs 1st WWE theme i guess is the closest to Pantera and then even the FBI wouldn't have to the bizzare jazz tune they have. 

I know that WWE has done that in the past with certain talents on the old WWE 24/7 VOD series, but it doesn't seem to happen on the WWE Network.  My only guess is that different producers have made different calls on what music would be used.  What you suggest would be an easy way to simply have that music be the thread that runs through the talents' careers.  I personally don't get distracted by the music unless its The Midnight Express of ECW TV, because that music was core to the presentation of the promotion, so I do feel your pain here.

Any word on WWN suing Flosports?  I saw they made a lot of WWN content free this week, which had to be a way to hurt WWN, right?

As of this writing, we have not heard back when we asked if a countersuit had been filed.  To me, making that library free has to be a way to drive down its worth for WWN outside of Flosports and flip the bird at WWN.  That decision, depending on what an attorney says, could be actionable in civil court.  WWN could certainly claim damages, because why would I want to order Dragon Gate Open the Gabe Email Gate if I can stream it for free? WWN has 50 days to respond to the Flosports lawsuit, so we may have some waiting to look forward to.  If and when there is a countersuit filed, we will cover the story.

Has the Vince/WWE already thrown the towel in on the brand extension? I understand it’s wrestling and not a true sport like baseball or football.. However, I have some issues. How does Cena declare himself a free agent? How does Jordan leave Smackdown and go to Raw w/o compensation? I get the angle but shouldn’t Sdown get something in return? Little things like that bother me. 

They will throw in the towel when the touring brands are mixed up again.  I think the little things, as you described them, are things that WWE shirks off, feeling they don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Unfortunately, they do leave storyline holes that make the audience scratch their heads

What's the latest on the possible return of Mid Atlantic Wrestling Legends Fan Fest in 2018?

There has been nothing announced, at all.

 Do you see WWE giving Rhonda Rousey a new wrestling name? Will she be wrestling under her own name or what WWE gives her?

If WWE gets Rousey to wrestle, the absolute stupidest decision in the history of the entire company would be to rebrand her.  She's a globally known star.  If WWE gets her to perform, it will be as herself, playing off the brand she has built for herself.

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