Where did Luke Harper and Erick Rowan go?
They were off TV with the idea of putting them back together as a team. We reported back in July in the Elite section of PWInsider.com that they were slated to be the team that was behind the Breezango attacks but whether that idea was dropped or not, we'll have to see. There has been talk that the company has been working on coming up with a new look and gimmick for the team.
Do you think the WWE will ever do anything to acknowledge the great "enhancement" talents of the past? I mean the guys the Name guys used to work on Saturday morning wrestling. Guys like The Mulkeys, Quick Draw Rick McGraw, Jose Estrada, Barry O, Etc.
It's possible that at some point, some of them may be included in the WWE Hall of Fame but in terms of a separate acknowledgement at an event, I don't see it.
So, they're considered independent contractors in WWE, although we know that's a very thin premise. WWE Studios, a division of the company routinely puts contracted WWE talent into their pictures. The second they get paid for an acting job does that wrestler/talent apply for a SAG card? What about commercials or spots within a live RAW or SD for Subway, etc? What does it take to navigate their way to being with SAG and acquiring health insurance? Seems like a great path to go down and a no-brainer. Unless I'm missing something.....
Incorrect. WWE Studios films are non-union, as are the commercials. The way to get into SAG is to book a certain number of union jobs, at which point you are required to join or you can no longer work at that level. Union members can work non-union films and shoots with permission.
As a follow up question to the Warrior Award. Do you think Droz could be a potential candidate? He is someone who worked for the company after his injury with his columns and Byte This show. But he's also been positive after his injury.
I think he's absolutely a worthy recepient. In fact, he should be the next one.
What does a ''source'' get out of being a source to you or your colleagues? Do you cleverly write about them in a positive light when the opportunity presents itself? Other than that, I don't see why anyone would consistently risk their job in that way. A one-time thing, out of frustration or anger, I get. Otherwise, it seems foolish.
They get the truth out. To some, that is important. You always have to judge what you are being told and why, which is why it's important to double source. No, I don't put over sources unless they have done something worthy of the praise. If someone has a great match, you have to praise it. If they don't, you have to call it, or you've lost your credibility.
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