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By Dave Scherer on 2017-09-11 10:00:00

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What is this OIBDA you keep talking about?

It is an accounting term that corporations use.  Here is the definition: “Operating income before depreciation and amortization (OIBDA) is a non-GAAP measure of financial performance used by companies to show profitability in continuing business activities, excluding the effects of capitalization and tax structure.”  In a nut shell, it gives you a good idea what parts of the business are making money.  As we have seen with WWE, TV revenues makes a lot more than touring and the WWE Network (which are two and three for them) combined.

Half joking, half serious. With Jeff Jarrett suspended or taking time off what are the chances of Dixie Carter coming back as more then an "advisory" role? Not hinting as partial owner or on screen presence but having some power as in creative or other back stage duties.

I would put those chances at whatever the lowest amount over zero is.  That isn’t to say I don’t think she could help a group that needs it, and they do need it, but Ed Nordholm seems to have a way he wants to do things and I think the company will sink or swim with his vision being implemented.

Can TNA/Impact/GFW or whatever they are called this month catch a break? I have tried to keep watching cause there are wrestlers I actually enjoy but seems bad decisions are constantly being made by people in high positions. I'm not jumping on the "trash TNA" bandwagon but story lines have not improved and some of the backstage interviews/segments have gone down hill (in my opinion). At this point it's almost just watch the matches with sound muted and fast forward through rest.

Catching a break, to me, implies that things outside of the company’s control have happened and affected the company in a negative way.  In truth, pretty much all of the problems that they have arose from bad decisions by those in charge.  I can’t blame the state of the company on bad luck.  It is more a matter of decision making by those in charge.

You have Jeff Jarrett, Bruce Pritchard, Dutch Mantel (and even Jim Cornette to a point) on the GFW Creative team. With all this old school knowledge there how is it that they can keep booking inconsistently like Vince Russo? Do you think now that Jarrett is on leave that the "Jarrett is Russo" booking will stop and that more continuity to the storylines will finally come thru? I can name half a dozen indy groups that book more consistently and make more sense on a weekly basis than both GFW and WWE. How sad is that that the two biggest companies can't book as consistent as a lot of indy groups can?

You hit the nail on the head, Jarrett and Russo think very similarly where booking is concerned so the blame falls on him.  He likes the same stuff that Russo does so that is the kind of product they put out.  We will have to see who takes over before we know if things will change but keep in mind that almost the next two months of TV have already been taped so we probably won’t see any real changes before they do their next set of tapings.

Now that Jeff Jarrett has been forced to take a leave of absence from his own company  for the second time in a row (TNA was the first time), do you think he'll finally realize that he's just 'not good for business"? I bet if you take a poll most fans will echo the same opinion I have, that Jeff Jarrett isn't good for the wrestling business, in any capacity.

To be fair, we don’t know for sure why he was put on leave.  It could be that Anthem wants to take time work on some issues and then come back.  Ed Nordholm has intimated that is a possibility.  I don’t know that I would say he is not good for business but I think it’s fair to say that he has not been, on the whole, good this year for Impact.  I think a major reason for that is not learning from past mistakes and adjusting his process, and improving it.  Maybe during his time away he can be introspective and see where he went wrong and correct those things if he ever gets the chance to have power again.

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