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By Richard Trionfo on 2017-05-12 23:15:00

Welcome to’s coverage of Shine 42 from the Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida.

Match Number One:  SHINE Sparkle Showcase Match:  Aja Perrera versus Dementia D'Rose

They lock up and Dementia sends Aja to the mat.  Aja with a waist lock but Dementia uses her rear end to escape.  Dementia with a shoulder tackle but she misses a seated splash.  Aja with a head scissors take down.  Dementia goes to the floor.  Aja with a suicide dive onto Dementia.  Aja sends Dementia back into the ring and Dementia with a head butt and she gets Aja on her shoulders but Aja gets back to her feet.  Aja with a forearm and an arm drag.  Dementia with a forearm.

Dementia with a choke breaker to Aja and she connects with a series of forearms and she slams Aja's head into the mat.  Dementia with a head butt and forearm.  Dementia with a biel to Aja that sends her across the ring.  Dementia with a kick to the back and she sets for a running rear end splash but she misses when Aja moves.  Dementia with a jumping knee to the midsection.  Dementia with an Earthquake splash for a near fall.  Dementia with a boot to the back.  Dementia with an Earthquake splash to the back and then she applies a camel clutch.

Aja with forearms and a waist lock but Dementia backs Aja into the corner and uses her rear end to inflict more damage.  Dementia misses a splash and Aja with a kick and German suplex.  Aja with a chop and kicks to Dementia.  Aja with a driver out of a head scissors for a near fall.  Dementia with a spinebuster for a near fall.  Dementia puts Aja in the corner and sets for a running butt splash into the corner but Aja moves.  Dementia with a drop kick and she hits the running butt splash into the corner.  Dementia gets the three count.

Winner:  Dementia D'Rose

Match Number Two:  Maria Maria versus Dynamite Didi

Didi wants everyone to be quiet and she offers her hand to Maria but Maria is confused.  They shake hands and Didi tries to punch Maria but Maria with a clothesline and back senton for a near fall.  Maria with a senton for a near fall.  Maria with a rollup for a near fall.  Maria gets another near fall and Didi wants to take a break.  DIdi wants to dance and Maria agrees to join in.  Maria dips Didi and connects with an elbow for a near fall.  Didi knocks Maria off the turnbuckles and gets a near fall.  Didi with kicks and she chokes Maria in the corner.

Didid puts Maria on the turnbuckles and kicks her in the legs and gets a near fall.  Didi with more kicks and a forearm in the corner.  Didi with a running hip strike into the corner and she hits two more.  Didi gets a near fall and she chokes Maria until the referee warns her.  Didi kicks Maria.  Maria with a sunset flip for a near fall.  Didi with a clothesline and she gets a near fall.  Didi punches Maria and the referee warns her.  DIdi with a camel clutch.  Maria with punches but Didi with a forearm to the back and a kick to the midsection.  

Maria with forearms and elbows but Didi with a kick and a front face lock.  Maria with a drop kick and she pulls Didi to the mat and gets a near fall.  Maria with a Gory Special for the three count.

Winner:  Maria Maria

Match Number Three:  Priscilla Kelly versus Kiera Hogan

They lock up and go into the ropes.  Kelly backs Hogan into the corner but they break the hold together.  They lock up again and Hogan backs Kelly into the corner but they continue to go around the ring and go to a stalemate.  Kelly misses a boot and Hogan with arm drags and a drop kick.  Hogan runs into an elbow and Kelly comes off the turnbuckles with an arm drag.  Kelly backs Hogan into the corner and the referee warns Kelly.  Kelly kicks Hogan in the leg and Hogan goes to the floor.  Kelly joins Hogan on the floor and she kicks Hogan.  Hogan with forearms.

They continue around the ringside area and Hogan with forearms.  Hogan slams Kelly's head into the ring steps.  Kelly kicks Hogan and sends her into the apron.  Hogan with a chop as they continue to battle at ringside.  Hogan sends Kelly into the post.

Aria Blake and Candy Cartwright come out  while Hogan kicks Kelly on the apron and hits a neck breaker with Kelly hanging from the ropes and Hogan gets a near fall.  Hogan gets a near fall.  Hogan kicks Kelly and chokes her in the corner.  Hogan with a hard Irish whip and a snap mare and Hogan gets a near fall.  Hogan chokes Kelly in the ropes.  Kelly with a kick and forearm to the back.  Kelly with a knee and she goes for a suplex but Hogan blocks it and she hits a suplex of her own and gets a near fall.  

Kelly with a forearm and then she hits a thrust kick and both women are down.  Candy gets on the apron and Aria and Keira double team Kelly and hit a double DDT for the three count.

Winner:  Kiera Hogan

After the match Hogan celebrates with Cartwright and Blake.

Match Number Four:  Amanda Carolina Rodriguez versus Lindsay Snow

Snow with a waist lock and Rodriguez with a standing switch, but Snow with a standing switch and take down.  Snow with a wrist lock and Amanda with a leg sweep to escape.  Amanda works on the ankle but Snow counters.  Amanda with a head scissors. Snow escapes and she works on the ankle but Rodriguez counters and works on the legs.  Amanda with a side head lock.  Amanda with a shoulder tackle but Snow with a take down and she works on the leg with a knee bar.  Amanda makes it to the ropes and Lindsay releases the hold.  Snow with arm drags and a drop kick.

Amanda with an Irish whip but Snow sends her to the apron.  Snow with a forearm that sends Amanda to the floor.  Snow goes for a baseball slide but Amanda avoids it.  Amanda with a drop toe hold in the ring and she chokes Snow in the ropes.  Amanda gets a near fall.  Snow with a forearm and Amanda sends Snow into the corner and chokes her.  Amanda with kicks.  Snow with a Crippler Crossface but Amanda rolls Snow over to get a near fall.  Amanda with a clothesline for a near fall.

Amanda with a reverse chin lock and then she stretches Snow.  Snow with a jaw breaker but Amanda with a spin kick.  Amanda stretches Snow in the corner and chops her.  Amanda chops Lindsay again and she talks about how she did not need Mercedes or Ivelisse.  Lindsay with a chop of her own.  Amanda with a biel to Lindsay and then she does it again as she uses the hair.  Amanda misses a charge into the corner and Snow with a rollup for a near fall.  Snow works on the arm.  Amanda bites Lindsay to escapes the hold.  Amanda with a knee and she hits a butterfly suplex and gets a near fall.  

Amanda slaps Lindsay and then both women go for a cross body and both go down.  Snow and Amanda with forearms.  Snow adds some European uppercuts and clotheslines.  Snow with a fisherman's suiplex.   Snow with a running knee into the corner followed by a set up for a butterfly suplex but Amanda blocks it.  Snow with a uranage for a near fall.   Amanda with a shoulder from the apron followed by a sunset flip for a near fall.  Amanda with a round kick for the three count.

Winner:  Amanda Carolina Rodriguez

Match Number Five:  Aria Blake (with Candy Cartwright and Kiera Hogan) versus Aerial Monroe

They lock up and Blake with a wrist lock.  Monroe with a reversal and she works on the wrist.  Blake with a reversal and hammer lock.  Monroe with a reversal but Blake whips her hair in Monroe's eyes.  Monroe with a wrist lock and take down.  Monroe with a Boston Crab.  She releases the hold and Blake says she is ready.  Monroe blocks a kick and sends Blake to the mat.  Monroe gets a near fall.

Monroe stretches Blake and makes her clap her hands because she is happy and she knows it.  Blake with a back heel kick and she sends Monroe to the mat.  Blake with a Dragon Sleeper.  Blake with chops to Monroe.  Blake with a thumb to the eye and she applies a Lotus Lock.  Monroe leans back and gets a near fall.  Monroe with an elbow but Blake with a forearm and both women are down.  

Monroe and Blake with slaps and Monroe gets the advantage.  Blake with a back slide for a near fall.  Candy and Kiera distract the referee and Blake with a running knee for a near fall.  Monroe with an Irish whip and forearms into the corner.  Monroe with a snap mare and she hits a Sliding D for a near fall.  Blake with a knee and DDT for a near fall.  Monroe with a chop.  Monroe with a rolling elbow and she gets the three count.

Winner:  Aerial Monroe

Match Number Six:  SHINE Tag Team Championship Match:  Santana and Gabi CastroVinci versus Las Sicarias (Ivelisse and Mercedes Martinez)

Ivelisse and Gabi start things off and Ivelisse with a wrist lock and kick to the legs to get Gabi to the mat.  Ivelisse works on the shoulder and applies a hammer lock.  Ivelisse with a knee to the midsection and arm drag.  Ivelisse with a springboard arm drag.  Ivelisse pushes Gabi but Gabi wtih a springboard arm drag.  Mercedes tags in and Gabi with arm drags and a drop kick.  Santana tags in and they double team Mercedes and Santana gets a near fall.  Santana with an Irish whip and monkey flip.  Mercedes avoids a splash into the corner and Santana with a head scissors.  

Mercedes with a suplex to counter a head scissors attempt.  Mercedes kicks Gabi on the apron.  Ivelisses tags in and she hits a suplex and bridges to get a near fall.  Ivelisses with kicks and a DDT for a near fall.  Ivelisse blocks Sole Food and then Ivelisse with a series of strikes.  Both women with kicks and both go down.  Gabi and Mercedes tag in and Gabi with shoulder tackles followed by a side Russian leg sweep.  Gabi with a Fujiwara arm bar and Ivelisse breaks it up.  Mercedes with a choke and Ivelisse with a round kick followed by a spinebuster from Mercedes for a near fall.

Mercedes with forearms in the corner and Ivelisse tags in.  Ivelisse with a shoulder in the corner.  Santana argues with the referee and that does not help Gabi.  Ivelisse with a snap mare and kick to the back.  Ivelisse with a waist lock and she turns it into a camel clutch.  Ivelisse kicks Gabi and hits a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall.  Ivelisse with a figure four head scissors.  Ivelisse drives Gabi's head into the mat and Mercedes tags in.  Mercedes with a chop and she chokes Gabi.  Mercedes with a chop and snap mare.  Mercedes with knees and forearms.

Mercedes goes for a power slam but Gabi with a jaw breaker and she tags in Santana.  Santana with forearms and Sole Food to Mercedes.  Santana with a handspring back elbow to Mercedes.  Ivelisse with a kick and Exploder to Santana.  Gabi with a tornado DDT.  Mercedes suplexes Gabi and hits a second one.  She holds on and hits a German suplex but Gabi is not the legal person in the match.  Santana with a super kick ans she hits the handspring moonsault but Ivelisse breaks it up.  

Ivelisse with a forearm to Gabi and they go to the floor.  Santana with forearms but Ivelisse with a round kick while Mercedes has Santana up and hits a wheelbarrow driver for the three count.

Winners:  Mercedes Martinez and Ivelisse

Match Number Seven:  Allysin Kay versus Chelsea Green

Before the match, Allysin takes the mic and she asks Chelsea if she has seen her before.  She does not recognize the way she is dressed but she looks familiar.  Was it at a Bar Mitzvah or a strip club?  Was it a wedding.

Chelsea charges at Allysin and connects with punches.  Chelsea sends Allysin into the turnbuckles and Chelsea kicks her into the turnbuckles.  Allysin sends Chelsea to the floor and Allysin puts the pinkies up.  Allsyin follows Chelsea to the floor and comes up behind her.  Allysin sends Chelsea into the chairs.  Chelsea tries to escape but Allysin sends her into the apron.  Allysin puts Chelsea in a chair and chops her.

Allysin tries to keep Chelsea  in the ring but Chelsea gets to the floor.  Allysin grabs Chelsea by the hair and sends her into the apron.  Allysin with forearms to the chest.  Chelsea tries to escape but Allysin runs along the bar and they both go ontot eh bar.  Allysin slaps Chelsea and she sends Chelsea into the bar.   Chelsea slams Allysin's head into a side bar and then she puts Allysin in a chair but Allysin moves and Chelsea kicks the chair and goes down.  Allysin slams Chelsea's head into the comfy chair by the ring and Allysin chops her.  Allysin sends Chelsea into chairs.  

Allysin sends Chelsea into the ring steps and apron.  Chelsea sends Allysin into the pole in the building.  Chelsea and Allysin get back into the ring.  Both women go for bicycle kicks and both go down.  Chelsea misses a splash into the corner but Allysin does not.  Allysin gets a near fall.  Allysin goes for a power bomb but Chelsea with a kick and DDT for a near fall.  Chelsea with forearms and she goes up top and goes for a cross body but Allysin with a cutter for the three count.

Winner:  Allysin Kay

Match Number Eight:  Candy Cartwright (with Aria Blake and Kiera Hogan) versus Renee Michelle

They lock up and Renee works on the arm with a wrist lock.  Candy with a wrist lock and fireman's carry into an arm bar.  Renee with a wrist lock into a side head lock and take down.  Candy with a head scissors and Renee with a head stand into a side head lock.  Candy with a top wrist lock but Renee bridges and applies a wrist lock.  Candy with a reversal.  Renee with a reversal into a hammer lock and side head lock.  Renee with a side head lock take down but Candy gets a near fall.

Candy sends Renee to the mat and then she connects with forearms and hits a running clothesline into the ropes.  Renee avoids a bulldog.  Renee with a kick to the leg and then to the head.  Renee goes to the turnbuckles for a moonsault but Kiera and Aria attack Renee and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner:  Renee Michelle (by disqualification)

After the match, Aria comes up to Renee and Renee attacks Aria.  Aria, Candy, and Kiera attack Renee until Aerial Monroe comes out.  Renee and Aerial attack Candy, Keira, and Aria.  Priscilla Kelly joins the fight with Aerial and Renee.

Aerial takes the mic and she says she is tired of this mess.  You are not going to jump on her friends.  Aerial calls Aria, Candy, and Kiera, cactus deep throating strippers and says this match is going to continue.

Kiera and Aria get in the ring and the referee calls for the bell.

Match Number Nine:  Renee Michelle, Priscilla Kelly, and Aerial Monroe versus Candy Cartwright, Aria Blake, and Kiera Hogan

Aerial kicks Aria while Priscilla works over Kiera.  Renee chases Candy on the floor and Renee chops Candy.  Aerial with a rolling elbow to Blake while Priscilla bites Kiera.  Renee hits a cross body onto Kiera and Aria.

All six women fight outside the ring.  Aerial continues to work over Aria while Renee takes care of Candy and Priscilla takes care of Kiera.

Aerial and Aria are in the ring while Kiera sends Priscilla into the chairs.  Aerial sends Aria to the floor and she follows.  Kiera with a forearm and kick to Priscilla.  Priscilla with a springboard bulldog for the three count.

Winners:  Aerial Monroe, Priscilla Kelly, and Renee Michelle

Trevin Adams is in the ring and he has an announcement to make.

Trevin mentions the talent in Shine and it is time to give these talents something else to aspire to.  Shine will debut a new chamiponship, the Nova Championship and it will take place on July 13 and July 14.

Match Number Ten:  SHINE Championship Match:  LuFisto versus Leva

LuFisto mocks Leva and Leva slaps LuFisto.  Leva with forearms and shoulders.  Leva charges into the corner but LuFisto moves.  LuFisto with a cannonball and a running boot into the corner.  LuFisto with a kick and a rear chin lock.  LuFisto with a forearm across the chest and she kicks Leva in the head.  LuFisto chops Leva and then she chokes Leva in the corner.  LuFisto with a chop in the corner.  Leva with a chop to LuFisto but LuFisto gets in a few shots on Leva and she chokes the challenger in the ropes.  LuFisto with a butterfly suplex for a near fall.

LuFisto with an Irish whip but Leva with a kick and a drop kick followed by a hesitation kick in the corner.  LuFisto with a clothesline.  LuFisto with a forearm to the back and she applies a camel clutch.  LuFisto continues to work on the back and then she sends Leva into the turnbuckles.  LuFisto with a running butt splash into the corner.  LuFisto with a bow and arrow around the ring post.  LuFisto with a chin lock with Leva hanging over the apron.  

LuFisto with forearms to Leva as she rolls her along the apron and then LuFisto with a running boot to the head.  Leva with punches from the floor and then she chops LuFisto.  LuFisto sends Leva into the apron and then she kicks Leva.  LuFisto brings Leva to the bar but Leva punches LuFisto and sends her into the bar.  Leva with a cross body off the bar.  Leva goes to the bar again and she takes a drink and consumes it.  Leva stomps on LuFisto's hand.  

LuFisto gets on the bar but Leva trips LuFisto onto the bar.  Leva sends LuFisto back into the ring.  Leva kicks LuFisto and Leva hits Sliced Bread #2 but LuFisto kicks out at two.  LuFisto with Gut Check but Leva kicks out.  LuFisto puts Leva on the turnbuckles and LuFisto climbs as well.  Leva blocks it and sets for a Pepsi Plunge off the turnbuckles but LuFisto stops her.  LuFisto goes for a superplex but Leva blocks it.

Leva with a double stomp to the back for a near fall.  LuFisto with a forearm but Leva with a Japanese arm drag into the turnbuckles.  Leva with a super kick for a near fall.  LuFisto wtih a punch and a package brainbuster for a near fall.  LuFisto gets Leva up on her shoulders but Leva escapes.  LuFisto with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall.  LuFisto with a butterfly piledriver but Leva kicks out at one.  

Leva with slaps to LuFisto followed by punches.  LuFisto with a back fist and a Burning Hammer for the three count.

Winner:  LuFisto

LuFisto offers her hand to Leva after the match but when Leva lifts up her hand, LuFisto gives her the finger.







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