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By Richard Trionfo on 2016-06-23 21:59:00

We start off this week’s show with a look back at what happened on Raw with the World Title situation.

We are in Tucson, Arizona and your announcers are Mauro Ranallo, David Otunga, and Byron Saxton.

Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring.

Seth asks if you remember when you were kids and your parents told us that if we worked hard enough, we could achieve anything you want.  Money in the Bank proved that our parents are big fat liars.  No one out works him.  He came back from a career threatening injury in record time.  He pinned that paper champion, Roman Reigns, in the center of the ring.  That was his dream and he achieved it.

Where is the WWE Championship?  After fighting the match of his life, that thief and scumbag Dean Ambrose came up from behind and smacked him in the back of the head and stole his WWE Title. 

To make matters worse, instead of taking me on in my rematch one on one, he has to beat both Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose in a Triple Threat match at Battleground.  That is fine.  At Battleground, he will prove that he is and always has been and will always be the greatest member of the Shield.  He says that is the truth, but that is Battleground.

Seth says he wants to prove something tonight.  He will prove that he is more of a man than Dean Ambrose could ever be.  He is going to make a one-on-one open challenge to anyone in the locker room to come out and face him in the main event of Smackdown.
Who has the guts to take on The Man?

Sami Zayn’s music plays and he makes his way onto the stage and he walks to the ring.

Seth shows fake enthusiasm for Sami and he asks if Sami’s master Kevin Owens let him off the leash for a few hours.  He tells Sami to calm down.  He says that Sami is the perfect man for him to make an example of later.  It couldn’t be any better than this.
Dean Ambrose’s music makes his way to the ring.  He tells everyone to stop.

Seth says this is his time.

Dean says they look like a couple of amateurs and he wants his set brought out.

The Ambrose Asylum set it brought into the ring and Dean wants this centered.

Dean welcomes everyone to the Ambrose Asylum . . . Championship Edition.  Dean draws a title belt on the sign to make it official.

Dean introduces the two men who are in the ring.

Seth says this is the stupidest thing he has ever seen.

Sami says this is exciting.  He says he is a huge fan.

Dean says he likes Sami’s enthusiasm.

Dean asks Seth why is he being such a jackass.

Seth says he has his own microphone and he does not have time for Dean’s games because he has a main event match against Sami Zayn.
Dean says that Seth has a bad attitude and he might never ask for him to be his guest again.
Sami wants to know why does he have to wait for the main event and why not do it now.
Dean tells Sami he is the one who asks the questions so he asks the same question.
Seth says that is his title and this is his time so he will wrestle Sami when he wants.  He calls this bull crap and he leaves the ring.

Dean says that Seth has a poor attitude.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Alberto Del Rio is in the Goldman Box.  He says that Cesaro has always been jealous of his success and Cesaro cost him at Money in the Bank.  He should be the champion.  He will make Cesaro pay and suffer because he is the pride of Mexico.

Cesaro is also in the Goldman Box.  Cesaro says Del Rio blames him for losing and that he is jealous.  He might be jealous of one thing, and that is Alberto’s hair.  If Del Rio has a problem with him, he should take a swing and see what happens.

Match Number One:  Cesaro versus Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio kicks Cesaro in the leg as the bell rings and he punches and kicks Cesaro in the corner.  Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and then he poses on the turnbuckles instead of continuing the attack and that allows Cesaro to hit two tilt-a-whirl back breakers and then when Del Rio misses a clothesline, he hits a third one.  Cesaro with a running European uppercut and then follows with three Irish whips and European uppercuts.  Cesaro winds up for a European uppercut and Del Rio goes to the floor.  Cesaro with a cannonball off the apron.

Cesaro sends Del Rio into the ring but Del Rio drops the arm on the top rope and hits a step up enzuigiri that sends Cesaro to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio spins is finger and then comes off the turnbuckles with a double sledge and he gets a near fall.  Del Rio with an arm bar.  We see footage from the commercial break when Cesaro’s arm was slammed into the ring steps.  Cesaro with a European uppercut and he puts Del Rio on the turnbuckles.  Del Rio applies a cross arm breaker in the ropes.

Del Rio goes up top but Cesaro with a European uppercut at Del Rio leaps off the turnbuckles.  Both men are down and Cesaro tries to get feeling back into his arm.  Del Rio punches Cesaro punches back.  They go back and forth and Cesaro adds a flurry of European uppercuts.  Cesaro with a springboard corkscrew European uppercut for a near fall.  Cesaro with a double leg take down and Cesaro with a double stomp for a near fall.  Cesaro tries for a suplex but Del Rio lands on his feet and he hits a lungblower for a near fall.

Del Rio signals for a super kick and he connects but he can only get a near fall.  Cesaro puts Del Rio on the turnbuckles and he hits a drop kick.  Cesaro goes up top and sets for a superplex but Del Rio with punches and he puts Cesaro in the Tree of Woe.  Del Rio sets for the double stomp but he takes too long and Cesaro with an arm drag to send Del Rio to the mat.  Cesaro goes for a cross body but Del Rio sidesteps him and he floats over into the cross arm breaker but Cesaro rolls through and hits the Gotch Style Neutralizer for the three count.

Winner:  Cesaro

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two:  Sheamus versus Apollo Crews

Sheamus punches Crews in the corner and the referee warns Sheamus.  Sheamus slaps Crews and Crews with forearms.  Crews with a cross body and both men go over the top rope to the floor.  Crews sends Sheamus into the ring steps.  Crews rolls Sheamus back into the ring and he hits a Stinger Splash and cross body.  Crews runs into boots from Sheamus and Sheamus goes for the uranage back breaker and Crews with elbows and an enzuigiri followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall.

Sheamus with a knee to the midsection followed by a running double sledge and then he puts Crews on the apron and hits the forearms across the chest.  Sheamus suplexes Crews back into the ring but Crews lands on his feet.  Crews avoids Sheamus and Sheamus goes over the top rope and then Crews with a clothesline off the apron.  Sheamus with a Finlay Slam and then he breaks the referee’s count.  Sheamus sets up the ring steps vertically.  Crews with a drop kick that sends Sheamus into the apron.  Crews sends Sheamus back in and then Sheamus kicks Crews and then he sends Crews into the apron.  Sheamus with a Brogue Kick to the back of the head that sends Crews into the ring steps and Crews is unable to get back into the ring before the ten count.

Winner:  Sheamus

We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look at what AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, and Karl Anderson did to John Cena on Sunday and Monday nights.

Luke, Karl, and AJ are in the back and Luke says there is no greater feeling on the Earth than the way you beat John Cena on Sunday.  Karl says another great feeling was when they did what they did on Monday.

Jimmy and Jey Uso show up and they talk about how AJ is having trouble winning by himself because he needs help from Head and Shoulders.

AJ says he cannot tell the Usos apart.

Jimmy says they scrapped with the Club many times but they have never met one on one.

AJ wants to know if Jimmy is challenging him.  AJ says there will be no “Scary Club” tonight.  He says that Jimmy has his word.

Jimmy wants to shake on it.

Match Number Three:  Jimmy Uso (with Jey Uso) versus AJ Styles

Jimmy with a wrist lock but Styles with a side head lock.  Jimmy with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.  Styles trips Jimmy as he goes over Styles and Styles with a side head lock.  Styles with a wrist lock and Jimmy with a reversal.  Jimmy with a head lock take down.  Styles backs Uso into the corner and misses a forearm.  Jimmy with a few chops.

Styles with an Irish whip and Jimmy slides into the corner and connects with an uppercut and then he clotheslines Styles over the top rope to the floor.  Styles blocks a baseball slide and Styles slams Jimmy’s head into the ring steps.  Styles returns to the ring as Jey checks on his brother.  Jimmy gets back into the ring and Styles with kicks to the head.  Styles catapults Jimmy throat first into the bottom rope.  Styles with a rear chin lock.  Jimmy has a kick blocked and then he hits a dragon whip but Styles fires back with a Pele kick.

Styles is sent to the apron and Styles with a forearm.  Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm but Jimmy with a super kick to stop Styles and he bounces on the top rope.  Jimmy crawls across the ring and tries to make a tag.

Jimmy with a series of uppercuts and then he hits a Samoan Drop and gets a near fall.  Jimmy goes for the running butt splash but Styles moves.  Styles runs into a super kick and he crawls to make the cover but Jimmy gets a near fall.  Anderson and Gallows attack Jey and Jimmy with a plancha onto Karl and Luke.  Styles with a slingshot pescado onto Jimmy and Jimmy hits Jey.  Styles with a Phenomenal Forearm for the three count.

Winner:  AJ Styles

We go to commercial.

We are back and the New Day makes their way to the ring.  We see the return of the Wyatt Family to Raw and the New Day’s interruption.

Match Number Four:  Aiden English and Simon Gotch versus Big E and Kofi Kingston (with Xavier Woods) in a Non Title Match

Kofi and Gotch start things off and Gotch with a wrist lock but Kofi with a waist lock.  English makes the tag and he punches Kofi when Kofi goes for an O’Connor Roll on Gotch.  English with punches and a knee drop.  Gotch tags back in and they chop and punch Kofi.  English tags in and Gotch with a kick before going to the apron.

English sends Kofi into the turnbuckles.  English with an Irish whip and a running hip strike into the corner.  English charges into the corner but Kingston with a leaping double stomp and both men are down.   Big E tags in and hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and he hits a second one on Gotch.  Big E hits a third one and then he hits the Warrior Splash. 

English tries to interfere and Kofi is sent to the floor.  English is sent to the floor by Big E and then Kofi with a cross body off the steps.

Kingston makes the tag when Gotch tries for an O’Connor Roll on Big E and then Big E gets Gotch up for the Spike Big Ending and the three count.

Winners:  Kofi Kingston and Big E

The New Day celebrates in the ring but the Wyatt Family appears on the TitanTron.

Bray says they say the measure of a man is what he does with power.  You preach the Power of Positivity, but what did you do with this power?  You interrupted the return of the Eater of Worlds.  He believes that will prove to be a very very painful mistake.

Pain demands to be felt.  Bray laughs and he says he knows that he hears him.  Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess, he promises it.  New Day Falls.

Erick tells everyone to run.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the latest Life Lesson with Coach Backlund.  Bob says he wants to review Darren’s goals.  Darren says he wants to be great again.  He wants to win a singles title and maybe main event Wrestlemania.  Bob says he has wrestled at Wrestlemania and was a singles champion.  He was also a tag team partner of Pedro Morales.  Darren says he is feeling good about this.  He says he needs a boost in guidance due to the new era.  Bob asks Darren if he knows what they called his era.  It was the Bob Backlund Era.  He wants this to be the Darren Young Era.

Greg Hamilton is with Sami Zayn in the interview area.  He asks Sami about his situation with Kevin Owens and we see the footage from Raw.

Sami says he said on Monday he wanted to put this rivalry to rest because his career will not go forward as long as he is obsessed with Kevin.  That is why he accepted Seth’s challenge.  Seth is one of the premier talents and a win over him will be a good step.  Seth should not be worried about Dean Ambrose, he should be worried about him kicking off his face.

Charlotte and Dana Brooke are walking in the back and Renee Young stops them for some comments.

Charlotte says she knows what Renee is going to say.  Dana proved herself and she has upgraded herself to First Class.  They will dominate anyone who gets in their way.

Renee asks about Sasha Banks.

Charlotte says the only statement that is going to be made is her bowing down to her.  Sasha might be the Boss, but she is the Queen.

Dana says that means play time is over and she tells Renee to get out of their way.  She is going to finish off what is left of that carrot top Becky Lynch.

Match Number Four:  Becky Lynch versus Dana Brooke (with Charlotte)

They lock up and Dana with a knee to the midsection.  Dana pats Becky on the head and sends her into the turnbuckles.  Dana with shoulders and the referee warns her.  Dana chokes Becky in the ropes.  Becky with forearms and kicks to Dana followed by an uppercut.  Becky with a reverse DDT but Charlotte gets on the apron and Becky punches Charlotte.  Dana with a rollup for the three count.

Winner:  Dana Brooke

After the match, Dana kicks Becky in the ribs and then gets Becky on her shoulders but Becky with an Exploder.  Charlotte attacks Becky and then when she poses, Sasha Banks’ music plays and she makes her way to the ring.

Charlotte wants nothing to do with Sasha while Sasha says she wants the title.  Charlotte and Sasha remove clothing to suggest a fight is going to happen but Charlotte leaves the ring for Dana to attack Sasha, but that does not work.  Sasha with a lungblower into the Banks Statement and Dana with a ceremonial tap out.

Seth Rollins is walking in the back and Dean Ambrose stops him and says he is not missing this and he has a front row seat for this.  Seth starts to walk and Dean follows behind him.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dean Ambrose is on commentary for the main event.

Match Number Five:  Seth Rollins versus Sami Zayn

They lock up and Seth pushes Sami away.  They lock up and Seth with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.  Seth relaxes on the turnbuckles to mock Sami.  They lock up and Seth with a side head lock.  Sami with an arm drag or two.  Sami is sent to the apron by Rollins and Sami with a shoulder tackle.  Zayn with a head scissors take down.  Sami punches Seth and he blocks punches from Seth.  Sami with a chop.  Sami with an Irish whip and he is sent to the apron.  Sami with a forearm and Sami goes for a slingshot move and Rollins with a forearm to send Zayn to the floor.

Seth slams Sami’s head into the announce table.  Seth sends Sami into the ring and hits a clothesline as we go to commercial.

We are back and Seth kicks Sami in the corner.  Seth with more kicks as the referee warns Seth.  Zayn and Rollins try for suplexes that are blocked until Seth hits a Falcon Arrow for a near fall.  The referee checks on Sami.  Seth with a running forearm into the corner and the referee checks on Zayn.  Seth slaps Zayn and hits a running forearm in the corner followed by Slingblade for a near fall.

Rollins kicks Sami and slaps him in the head.  Seth taunts Zayn and punches him.  Zayn with a clothesline.  Zayn with punches and then he climbs the turnbuckles and punches Rollins.  Rollins gets out of the corner.  Rollins goes to the floor and relaxes on the announce table.  Zayn clotheslines Rollins on the floor.  Zayn sends Rollins back into the ring and he goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall. 

Rollins goes to the apron and Zayn tries to suplex Rollins back in and Rollins lands on his feet.  Zayn goes for the Blue Thunder Bomb but Rollins with elbows to avoid it.  Zayn hits the Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.  Zayn sets for the Helluva Kick but Rollins with a running drop kick and buckle bomb.  Rollins goes for a super kick but Zayn blocks it and gets a near fall.  Rollins goes for the Pedigree but Zayn counters into a wrist clutch run the ropes tornado DDT. 

Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick but Rollins goes to the floor.  Zayn with a plancha onto Rollins but Rollins hits the Pedigree when they get back into the ring and Rollins gets the three count.

Winner:  Seth Rollins

After the match, Rollins celebrates his victory and walks over to the announce table. 

Rollins has some words with Ambrose and Ambrose tells Rollins to stop touching the title.  Seth starts to walk away and then he knocks Dean over and punches him.

Dean with a cross body to Rollins and they go into the ring.  Ambrose tries for the double underhook DDT but Rollins escapes.

We go to credits.


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