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By Paul Crockett on 2016-04-01 20:42:00

ROH Supercard of Honor: Night One
Dallas Hyatt Regency


P-Dog & Rafael King v. Shane Taylor & Keith Lee

This pre-show match features local Texas talent getting a showcase. Taylor & Lee are two very large African-American men, while P-Dog is doing a Jack Evans/Grandmaster Sexay and King got a "Bruno Mars" chant to give you an idea of what he looks like.

P-Dog got on the mic and did a beatbox/freestyle. The crowd did not like this and told him so on a vulgar manner. He then got punched in the mouth.

Keith Lee showed exceptional athleticism for his size while Taylor played a more traditional big man. 

The finish saw Taylor & Lee hit an assisted sit-out power bomb for the win!

WINNERS: Shane Taylor & Keith Lee

Match Two: Christopher Daniels v. Bobby Fish

Both guys are really over with the crowd. There was a lot of really great, fun back and forth may work early on. 

Daniels got the advantage by using a distraction to kick Fish in the left arm and work it over the rest of the way.

Fish went for a moonsault and Daniels caught him in an arm submission for a close call on a submission. Daniels went for the Best Moonsault Ever and misses. They trade some hard kicks when Fish rolls him into a kneebar for the win!

WINNER: Bobby Fish

Match Two: Roderick Strong v. Moose

Moose threw one of the streamers in Strong's face, which promoted Strong to jump him before the bell. Moose responded with a huge dropkick where all of the streamers balled up and went up with him as he connected.

As Moose was getting his usual chant for his fist pump, Roddy responded with a fist pump of his own to a "Roddy!" chant followed by and around the ring jumping knee.

Strong worked Moose over after getting the advantage. A fan in the front row got under his skin and Strong went out and got right in his face, but luckily nothing happened.

The story of the match was Strong trying to overwhelm Moose with constant kicks, chops and strikes, while Moose overcame it with sheer force and power. 

Moose went for a boot on the outside, but Strong missed and Moose kicked Bobby Fish who was doing commentary on ringside. Fish began to pace around the ring. Strong pulled the ref in front of of him and used the distraction to hit a jumping knee and a Sick Kick, but Moose kicked out at ONE to a giant pop. Strong reacted quickly and hit three jumping knees, one without a knee pad, then the Sick Kick for the win. After the match, Fish jumped Strong but Strong bailed.

WINNER: Roderick Strong

BJ Whitmer out with House of Truth members Joey Daddieggo & Taeler Hendrix. He gets cut off by the crowd about thirty times before he says he is with the H.O.T. tonight because he took another payoff to let Joey take his spot. He then goes and joins the broadcast booth to show Mr. Wrestling 3 how it's done.

SIX MAN MAYHEM: Joey Daddiego v. Adam Page v. Donovan Dijak (w/ Prince Nana) v. Frankie Kazarian v. Cheeseburger v. Dalton Castle

There's a lot of action to call here, but the early highlights are everyone ducking out on Kazarian when he tried to tag out while thing to wrestle Castle and getting creeped out, and Cheeseburger and Castle playing the mirror game with each other. Then everyone getting a nut shot and agonizing in the ring together. But then they showed unity by all hitting Kazarian low.

Cheeseburger tried a plancha onto four of the guys but was caught. Dijak was NOT caught as he hit a springboard somersault plancha flooring everyone!

Dalton Castle got the win when he hit the Bang-A-Rang on Cheeseburger. After the match, Dijak and Daddiego continued their feud by fighting on the outside.

WINNER: Dalton Castle

Match Four: Kyle O'Reilly v. Matt Sydal

Some absolutely outstanding mat work between the two to start things out. Similar to the opener, but a little quicker and a little more crisp.

Sydal was going after the left leg of O'Reilly while Kyle was working on Sydal's left arm. They continued to make this a slower paced, methodical mat battle. The crowd was a little quiet for this, but they were still appreciative of the work.

The two traded quick pinfall and submission attempts when Sydal went for the Shooting Star Press. O'Reilly made a quick decision and caught him out of the SSP into a triangle and transitioned into an arm bar for the win!

WINNER: Kyle O'Reilly

Click to Page 2 for more thoughts from tonight's show!

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