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By Mike Johnson on 2025-02-25 08:00:00

February 25th

On this day in history in ....

1949 - Richard Fliehr is born. He would go on to become, arguably, the greatest professional wrestler of all time, Nature Boy Ric Flair.  WOOO!

1990 - The NWA held their WrestleWar Pay-per-view in Greensboro, North Carolina at the Greensboro Coliseum. Here are the results from the show:
- Kevin Sullivan & Buzz Sawyer defeated The Dynamic Dudes (Shane Douglas & Johnny Ace).
- Norman The Lunatic defeated Cactus Jack.
- The Rock N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) defeated The Midnight Express (Stan Lane & Bobby Eaton) when the Midnights went for a flapjack on Morton only to have Morton tackle Eaton, and Gibson rolled up Lane for the pin.
- The Road Warriors defeated The Skyscrapers (Mark Callous & Mike Enos, who was wearing a mask, subbing for Dan Spivey) in a Chicago Streetfight with the Doomsday Device on Enos. After the match, Doom and the Warriors brawled at ringside.
- United States Tag Team Champions Brian Pillman & Tom Zenk defeated The Freebirds (Jimmy Garvin & Michael Hayes) when Pillman hit a flying bodypress on Garvin for the win.
- NWA World Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Ole & Arn Anderson when Rick pinned Ole with a cradle.
- NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair defeated Lex Luger via countout. Luger had Flair in the torture rack, but the Andersons attacked the injured Sting at ringside. Luger went to help Sting, and was counted out.

1995 - ECW ran a show at the ECW Arena in South Philadelphia that would become known as "The Return Of The Funker", as Terry Funk returned to the promotion after a five month absence. Here are results from the show:
- The Pitbulls defeated Chad Austin & Joel Hartgood when Pitbull #2 pinned Hartgood with a superbomb.
- Joey Styles interviewed Raven & Stevie Richards, leading to a confrontation and brawl with Tommy Dreamer.
- Jason Knight & Paul Lauria defeated Mikey Whipwreck & Hack Myers when a masked man entered the ring and knocked out Hack, allowing Lauria to get the pin.
- 2 Cold Scorpio defeated Hector Guerrero with the 450 splash.
- Axl Rotten defeated Ian Rotten in a barbed wire baseball bat match.
- ECW World Champion Shane Douglas defeated Marty Jannetty when he turned a rana attempt into a powerbomb for the pin.
- The Public Enemy (including Rocco Rock in a wheelchair selling his injuries from the "Double Tables" show) come out for an interview, but are attacked by Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko.
- Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko defeated Taz & Sabu to win the ECW World Tag Team Title when Benoit pinned Sabu with a top rope powerbomb.
- Woman and the Sandman come out, and explain that Sandman cannot wrestle due to suffering a concussion against Cactus at the previous show. Instead, they have a large box with a mystery opponent, DC Drake, who Cactus defeats with a double arm DDT. Cactus and Sandman then start brawling, with Cactus knocking the Sandman into the box. Cactus pulls him back out, with the curtain from the box covering Sandman's head. Cactus pulls the curtain off to reveal Terry Funk, dressed in an identical outfit to the Sandman. Funk and Cactus start going at it, with Sandman joining in. Tommy Dreamer comes in to make a save, but just stares at Funk, his mentor, and gets beaten down by the Sandman. Shane Douglas comes in, and Woman tries to convince him to join with Funk and Sandman. He considers it, and appears to agree, but then runs off Funk and Sandman to help Cactus, since Douglas and Cactus had trained together at Dominic Denucci's school when they first broke into the business.  This angle, called "Funk In A Box", is one of the most memorable in ECW history.

2001 - WWF held their No Way Out Pay-per-view at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here are the results of the show:
- In a match that was broadcast on Heat, Rikishi defeated Matt Hardy via disqualification when Lita ran in and gave Rikishi a low blow while he was setting up for the Stinkface. Matt, Lita and Jeff Hardy then beat down Rikishi until Haku came to the ring for the save.
- Big Show defeated Raven to win the WWF Hardcore Title. During the match, Steve Blackman, Hardcore Holly, Crash Holly, Molly Holly and the masked lady ninja (Tori) all got involved. Billy Gunn pinned Raven at one point to win the title under the 24/7 rule, but Raven pinned him to win it back before Big Show chokeslammed Raven on a garbage can to win the title.
- Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho defeated Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit and X-Pac in a four way match. Towards the end, with all four men down. Benoit hit Guerrero with a back suplex, then hit a top rope headbutt on him. X-Pac then hit Benoit with a back spin kick. Jericho then rolled up X-Pac from behind and bridged back (Backlund Bridge) to get the pin.
- Stephanie McMahon defeated Trish Stratus when William Regal gave Trish a neckbreaker with the referee down.
- Triple H defeated Steve Austin in a three fall match in which each fall had a different stipulation. The entire bout went almost 40 minutes.
* Austin won the first fall, a standard match, when Triple H jumped off the second rope, but Austin booted him in the gut and hit the stunner for the pin.
* Triple H won the second fall, a Street Fight match, when he hit Austin in the head with a sledgehammer and delivered the Pedigree for the win.
* Triple H won the third fall, a steel cage match, when Austin, with a 2x4, and Triple H, with the sledgehammer, hit each other at the same time. Both men fell to the mat, but Triple H fell on top of Austin, getting the pin.
- Steven Richards defeated Jerry Lawler when the Kat accidentally hit Lawler with the Women's Title belt.
- WWF World Tag Team Champions The Dudley Boyz defeated Edge & Christian and Undertaker & Kane in a Three Way Tables match. Towards the end, Rikishi & Haku ran out and started brawling with Kane & Undertaker in the aisle. In the ring, a table was propped in the corner, and Edge charged Buh Buh, missed, and slammed into the table, not breaking it. Edge fell to the floor, as Christian was exchanging punches with D-Von. D-Von lifted Christian and fell back, and Buh Buh grabbed him in a 3D through a table to win the match.
- The Rock defeated Kurt Angle to win the WWF World Heavyweight Title after delivering two Rock Bottoms.

2005 - WWE ran at Madison Square Garden in New York City headlined by Batista & Randy Orton defeating Ric Flair & Triple H in a steel cage match. However, the highlight of the show was an appearance by Superstar Billy Graham, who came out a huge ovation and knocked out Jonathan Coachman.

2006 - During a WWE show in Quezon City, Manila, Philippines, Ric Flair & Big Show defeat Triple H & Chris Masters when Masters submits to Flair's figure four.  After the match, a surprise birthday cake was brought out for Flair, who was celebrating his 57th birthday.

2007 - WWE ran Sacramento, CA.  Josh Macias filed the following live report:

Here is a recap of the Raw house show from the Arco Arena in Sacramento, California. The bottom half of the building was totally full, but the upper half was almost empty. The night started out with Val Venis coming to the ring. He announced that due to some of the crew being stuck in the Sierra snow storm, coming from last nights show in Reno, Nevada, the ring announcer would not be here and he (Val) would stand in for the evening.

Match 1- "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters versus Super Crazy

This match was back and forth, with Masters getting a bit of an upper-hand. Crazy came back and went for the top rope moonsault but to no avail, as Masters rolled out of the way. Masters waited on Crazy to get back to his feet and went for the "Master Lock" but Crazy dropped down and reversed into a roll-up and got the win in about ten minutes.

Match 2- The Highlanders versus The Samoan Fight Club (Sonny Siaki & Afa)

Crowd was really behind the Highlanders as nobody really knew their opponents. Sonny Siaki is sporting a bit of a stomach and doesn't look anywhere near what he did in TNA. This was actually a decent match as the Highlanders took the early advantage. The tide turned after Siaki tripped Robbie allowing his partner to get a two count. The Fight Club then took turns with quick tags and referee distractions to work over Robbie. After a few minutes of taking a beating, Robbie was able to make the hot tag to Rory. Rory came in and cleaned house of his opponents, and attempting a cover only to have it broken by Siaki. This brought Robbie back in and the four men brawled. Afa was double clothesline over the top to the outside by the Highlanders, then Siaki found himself on the wrong side of a double slingshot suplex which led to the 1-2-3 for the Highlanders. 

Match 3- Kenny Dykstra versus Bradley Jay

I felt sorry for these two guys as they were trying but nobody cared. People were even leaving to the concession stands during this match. It might have been that Dykstra's a heel, and nobody knew who Bradley Jay was. I thought this was a decent match with Kenny dominating most of it. Bradley Jay made a bit of a comeback, but Kenny eventually got the win in about 12 minutes.

Match 4 - Cryme Time versus The World's Greatest Tag Team 

Cryme Time was over big here. I haven't seen Haas in a couple of weeks, but he is now sporting a short hairdo and no longer has the corn rows. Match started with Shelton taking a beating from both JTG and Shad. Benjamin kept complaining that Cryme Time were pulling his hair. Benjamin and Haas eventually got the advantage after Benjamin spat in the face of Shad while he was on the apron, as the ref tried to keep him from entering the ring, this allowed Haas and Benjamin to hit their leapfrog splash to JTG. Haas was then tagged in and went to work on JTG. One great spot saw Shelton leap to the top rope in one jump and nail a super-plex to JTG. Both men were down for the count, but eventually made the tag to their respective partners. Shad then came in the ring and took care of both Haas and Benjamin. Cryme Time was then able to hit their combination neck breaker on Haas for the win.

Match 5- Johnny Nitro versus Carlito

Arguably the best match of the night. (In my opinion) Lots of fast paced and high-flying action. The match was back and forth. Nitro got a bit of an advantage after nailing Carlito with a drop-kick while he was trying to springboard from the outside back in. Finish came when Nitro went for a float-over in the corner but instead of going under, Carlito put on the breaks and nailed the back-cracker for the win. I know word is that Carlito doesn't give much on house shows, but he really tried and gave a lot of effort tonight.

We then had a 15 minute intermission followed by the shooting of T-shirts into the crowd.

Match 6- WWE Women's Championship: Melina versus Candice Michele
Very short match. Candice hit a few moves followed my Melina rolling her up and getting the win with her feet on the ropes. Nothing of note here at all.

Match 7- Intercontinental Championship: Umaga w/ Armando versus Jeff Hardy

Umaga is now sporting a new "SAMOA" tattoo on his stomach. Match started with Hardy moving fast to avoid the big man and hitting a lot of drop-kicks and punches. Umaga took over after hitting a Samoan drop. Umaga then worked over Hardy with holds which Hardy would escape from only to be stopped once again. Hardy came back after avoiding Umaga's rear end charge into the corner. Hardy hit a flurry on punches and his version of a jaw breaker. Hardy the went for the Swanton Bomb and nailed it, and went for the cover but only got a two, which the crowd jumped at thinking it was a three. Hardy didn't know what else to do, he went for the Twist of Fate but Umaga shoved him off to the ropes and hit the samoan drop. Umaga then placed Hardy into the corner and nailed his rear end charge into the corner followed by the spike and the win.

Main Event- World Tag Team Championship: Rated RKO versus John Cena & Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels was way over tonight, even receiving a bit of a bigger pop than Cena. Match started with HBK and Orton. Shawn worked over Orton before making the tag to Cena. Orton and Edge took over on Cena after Edge pulled down the rope as Cena was flying into them. Orton worked over Cena with his "Orton Stomp" and reverse chin lock. Cena eventually came back to make the tag to Michaels. Michaels came in and took out both Orton and Edge. Michaels was setting up for the super kick but was tripped and crotched into the post by Edge. This allowed Orton to make the tag. Edge then took over on Michaels, and made quick tags with Orton to keep the advantage. Michaels then came back with his forearm, body slam, top rope elbow combination to Edge after avoiding a spear in the corner, followed by the hot tag to Cena. Cena came in a "house of fire" nailing clotheslines and shoulder blocks to both Orton and Edge. Cena nailed his side suplex followed by the five knuckle shuffle and attempt at the F-U, but was interrupted by Edge. This prompted Michaels to reenter the ring and eliminate Edge from the fray. Michaels then hit Orton with the superkick followed by an F-U by Cena and the win. Post match saw Michaels throw down the tag titles and take hold of the WWE title. He stared at it before handing it back to Cena and raising his hand. Both men then made rounds on the floor taking pictures and shaking hands with the fans. Michaels then abruptly left, and yelled at the sound guy on his way out for not playing his music. Cena posed for the fans one more time before leaving.

After the show I caught some of the guys leaving. Cryme Tyme and Kenny Dykstra left together, but not before stopping and getting out to join the crowd for some pictures and autographs, really cool of them to do that. Benjamin, Haas, and Umaga left together. Followed by The Samoan Fight Club, Armando Estrada, and Super Crazy all packed into a mini van. Shawn Michaels got a town car escort from inside the building and not the parking lot where the rest of the crew was parked. Lastly Randy Orton and Chris Masters left together. Overall an entertaining night with a few good matches, and even better without any long McMahon promos. 

2008 -

World Wrestling Entertainment informed Neil Bzibziak, who wrestled as Chet the Jet and at one point was set to be brought up to the main roster with a gimmick playing off his Polish background, that he was being released from the company. Bzibziak was suspended for 30 days by WWE last month for a Wellness policy violation. He had just returned to the ring over the weekend for Florida Championship Wrestling.

Derek Niekirk, who was suspended at the same time, has already been released.

2008 -

Roadkill has posted several entries on his blog, updating his health situation as well as responding to reports over why he was let go from his WWE deal:

On his health, Roadkill wrote, "As it pertains to the injury that I suffered on January 5th of this year.  I went to the neck and spine specialist today and he told me that I have to get a Mylogram. That is a procedure where they shoot dye into your spinal column in order for the results to show up on an x-ray.   have already gone through 3 weeks of physical therapy, and when I tuck my head forward, I get a "shock" sensation in my left hand. The specialist told me that "this should not be occurring," and recommended the Mylogram. He also told me that it would be unsafe for me to return to the ring at this time. One wrong hit or bump could lead to paralyzation." 

In a previous blog entry, Roadkill also asked question, "Is it legal to be released while on the injured list????"

On reports he was released due to selling merchandise at OVW events, Roadkill posted the following -

Was I selling WWE merchandise at OVW live events?...................

Yes I was.

Was I told that my firing was a disclipinary action?........................

No I was not.

Was there then, and is there now, a STOOGE in the WWE Office?...........




I don't know what's more disappionting, the fact that this "information" is leaked to the internet, or that people actually belive it.

Nowhere in my WWE contract did it say that I was not allowed to buy WWE merchandise from a licensed WWE merchandise vendor, and then sell such merchandise to make a profit.

Basically, "someone" was jealous that I took the incentive to make some extra money and they did not.

No one from the WWE ever told me that I could not sell WWE merchandise. If they would have, I simply would have stopped.

How can you dicipline someone when you didn't even tell them what they did wrong?

I have talked to some of the other release-es, also on thier "Future Endeavours" tour, and it seems that we all received the same blanket statement from the WWE office on why we were all released.

The reason.................................................................. is between the 6 of us and the WWE Office.

 In the meantime, if you are interested in WWE merchandise, send requests to;


c/o OVW Wrestling

4400 Sheppardville Road

Louisville, KY 40218

2008 - WWE held a press conference for Wrestlemania 24.  Joe McConnell filed the following report from the conference:

At Staples Center in Los Angeles...the WWE does what it does best--entertain the masses.
Over 500 fans and a slew of media were on hand for the pre-Wrestlemania news conference which featured Big Show, Floyd "Money" Mayweather and other WWE Superstars. Mayweather told me in an interview following the news conference that he's getting 20 million dollars for his Wrestlemania appearance! Seems a bit outlandish even for Vince McMahon, but AP is now reporting it as well.

McMahon was introduced by Jonathan Coachman, who handled the emceeing duties (along with a brief appearance by Mike Adamle, who introed Mayweather). Vince was out of character, talking about how Wrestlemania is the highlight of the year, is done better than just about any other show, and promised the fans the best WM ever.

The crowd was INSANE from about a half-hour before the noon newser throughout the entire conference. John Cena was up next...and the reaction was about 95 % pro-Cena. Which was amazing since just last Monday  he was heavily booed at Raw just 35 miles down the road in Anaheim. Cena was followed by WWE Champ Randy Orton and Triple H.   Later came Edge, Rey Mysterio, Candace and Maria (my goodness are they smokin' hot in person--way better than on TV!!), Shane McMahon and the absolutely amazing
Show-Mayweather faceoff.

Mayweather came out and stole the news conference, talking about how he--not Vince--ran the WWE, and that he was the real WWE champion. Being in LA--the home of Oscar de la Hoya--he was booed mercilessly, but he quickly turned the boos to cheers by throwing what he told me later was about six thousand dollars into the crowd.
Show came out and was definitely the face in that segment, and basically clowned Floyd. Mayweather didn't back down, though, jumping on a chair and getting in Show's face. Show the put his hand next to Floyd's head and said his hand was as big as Mayweather's head, and that he'd crush him on March 30. And his hand WAS damned near as big as Money's head!

After the show ended, I was able to sit down with Mayweather, Cena and Triple H.  Mayweather talked about the money he's getting for WM...Cena discussed step-by-step how he was able to come back so quickly from his injury, and Triple H talked about the criticism to which he and the business have been subjected.

2008 - WWE broadcast Raw.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We are now less than five weeks from the 'Super Bowl of Professional Sports Entertainment' and the card is starting to take shape. Today we had the Wrestlemania press conference and we found out that the Mayweather/Big Show match will be a reality. We also found out that we will be getting a match with a Playboy theme. Speaking of Playboy we will see footage from today's photo shoot involving Maria. How will Santino Marella react to Maria's state of near nakedity? What is in store for the future Hall of Famer as he approaches the twilight of his career? What is next in the Let's Beat the Crap out of Hornswoggle storyline? Will Finlay get revenge on Bradshaw or Vince for what they did last week in the steel cage? Who will be the next to qualify for the Money in the Bank Match? Which one of the participants in the main event will get the upper hand tonight?


We start off with a look back at the main event from last week between randy Orton and John Cena with guest referee Triple H to see if John Cena can get into the main event at Wrestlemania. John Cena was able to win but that did not mean that he got to walk out of Raw since Triple H hit Pedigrees on Cena and Orton.

We are live from Phoenix, Arizona and your announcers are Jim 'Happy Wooooo Day' Ross and Jerry 'If Santino is going to leave Maria I will provide her a shoulder . . . or more to cry on' Lawler.

William Regal is in the ring with Triple Heytch, Randy Orton, and Cena and there is a red carpet in the ring. Regal reminds everyone that they will be in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Title. Regal says that he has been getting requests for a photo of the three participants in the match. The photographers are at ringside and all three men pose. Regal also says that they will give us comments about their match.

Cena goes first and he thanks Orton and Hunter for coming out and he says that he has a problem with one of them. Cena says that he was raised to be a man and say it to his face. Cena gets in Hunter’s face and he says that half of him has to thank Hunter because Hunter could have disqualified him. However, cannot say that he appreciated the Pedigree that he got after the match. That is what Cena has a problem with.

Hunter says that Cena does not need to thank him because he did not do any favors. He did what was right. He wants Cena in the match at Wrestlemania. Cena and some of the fans might not appreciate the Pedigree last week, but a lot of them did. Hunter does not care if Cena appreciates it or not, but he better get used to it at Wrestlemania.

Cena says that the last time there was a Clash of the Titans; it was Hunter who tapped out. Hunter takes off his jacket and drops his mic. Orton tries to be the peacemaker and says that they can talk all of the trash but one thing is going to remain the same. That is that he will be the champion. Orton says that both of them have given him their best shot, but he still has the WWE Title. Orton asks Cena about his catchphrase and says that the Champ is Here. Orton says that there is not a damn thing that either of them can do about it.

Cena and Hunter both attack Orton and throw him over the top rope to the floor. Cena and Hunter go nose to nose and then they start punching each other. Orton returns to the ring and he hits an RKO on Hunter and then one on Cena. Orton stands over both men in the center of the ring holding the title belt over his head. We go to commercial.

We are back and it is less than five weeks until Wrestlemania.

Randy Orton is walking in the back and Ken Kennedy stops him. Kennedy talks about Wrestlemania and Money in the Bank. Kennedy says that he will win it again and then he says that he will cash it in that same night. Kennedy tells Orton if he loses, he loses; but even if he wins, he loses.

Orton tells Ken that he can make all of the threats that he wants, but he will be walking out of Wrestlemania as the WWE Champion.

Match Number One: Santino Marella and Carlito with Maria versus World Tag Team Champions Bob Holly and Cody MAH THUN Rhodes
Santino and Cody start things off and Santino pushes Cody, but Cody pushes back. Cody blocks a punch and has Marella in a side head lock. Rhodes with a shoulder tackle and slam followed by a knee drop. Rhodes with a hard Irish whip followed by forearms in the corner. Rhodes with a biel while Carlito distracts the referee. Rhodes is sent into Carlito and Carlito is knocked off the apron. Marella with an STO and then Carlito is tagged in and Carlito with punches to Rhodes. Carlito with a rear chin lock but Rhodes gets out of the hold with punches. Carlito with a knee and a swinging snap suplex for a near fall. Santino is tagged in as we lose the action due to HD. Rhodes with a side Russian leg sweep and both men are down. Carlito is tagged in and so is Holly. Holly with punches to Carlito. Holly with a back body drop and then Holly with the field goal kick to the solar plexus. Carlito with a forearm to Holly and then he tries for a lungblower but Holly holds on to the ropes. Marella tags in and he sees Maria talking to Lawler. Holly is able to connect with a press slam and then Holly with a spinning Alabama Slam for the three count.
Winners: World Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Bob Holly

After the match, Maria checks on Santino and then Santino yells at Lawler for talking to Maria.

We see some footage from the Wrestlemania press conference as we go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to see footage of the Big Show/Floyd Mayweather situation over the last eight days. We see Show’s ’apology’ to Mayweather last week, followed by his challenge.

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about the press conference and the match between the two men.

It is time for an Earlier Today Moment with footage of the Wrestlemania Press Conference with a focus on the Show/Mayweather confrontation.

Todd Grisham is with William Regal and Regal has something to say about the main event. Regal says that nothing sells a main event like conflict. Ken Kennedy and Randy Orton will face John Cena and Triple Haitch.

Regal turns around and he sees Chris Jericho. Jericho and Regal have a Supercuts Moment as they compare hair and then Jericho asks if Regal wants some tea. Jericho says that he wants to be in the Money in the Bank Match. Regal says that he has to qualify like everyone else. Regal tells Jericho that he will face the man who defeated him in the Elimination Chamber Match, Jeff Hardy. We go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Jeff Hardy qualifying for the Money in the Bank Match by defeating Gene Snitsky.

Match Number Two: Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy versus Chris Jericho in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
They circle each other before they lock up and break when they get into the ropes. Jericho with an arm bar and then Hardy kips up and reverses the arm bar. Jericho with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Hardy with arm drags but Jericho with a rollup for a near fall. Hardy with a mule kick to Jericho. Jericho sends Hardy to the apron but Jericho misses the springboard drop kick. Hardy with a cross body from the top but Jericho rolls through and gets a near fall. Jericho with a suplex to Hardy and then he hits a snap elbow drop for a near fall. Jericho with a forearm and chop but he misses a clothesline. Hardy catapults Jericho over the top rope to the floor. Hardy misses a baseball slide and both return to the ring. Jericho and Hardy stare each other down as we go to commercial.

We are back and Jericho is in control of the match as he works on Hardy’s back. We see footage from during the commercial when Hardy missed the hesitation drop kick in the corner. Hardy with a kick as we return to live action. Jericho with a knee to the midsection and Jericho with a cover. Jericho with kicks to Hardy’s head. Jericho follows that with a chop to Hardy. Both men try for cross body presses at the same time and both men go down. Hardy with punches to Jericho followed by a running forearm. Hardy with a leaping clothesline. Hardy with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Jericho goes into the corner and he misses Hardy. Hardy gets a near fall on Jericho. Hardy with a kick to the midsection but then Jericho with a clothesline for a near fall. Jericho with an elbow to the back of the neck. Hardy tries for Whisper in the Wind, but Jericho crotches Hardy on the top turnbuckle. Hardy knocks Jericho off the turnbuckles and then he hits Whisper in the Wind but only gets a two count. Hardy tries for a rana but Jericho counters and he puts Hardy in the Walls of Jericho. Hardy gets to the ropes but Jericho works on Hardy’s back with a series of kicks. Hardy with a kick and then he hits a sit out gourdbuster. Hardy goes up top and he misses a Swanton. Jericho with a Lionsault for a two count. Hardy with an inside cradle for a two count. Hardy tries for the Twist of Fate but Jericho counters into another Walls of Jericho attempt, but Hardy counters. Jericho gets the three count with a sunset flip.
Winner: Chris Jericho

It is time to relive the attack that Bradshaw perpetrated on Hornswoggle. Vince McMahon gets the okay from the makeup lady as he poses. We go to commercial.

We are back and if it is the end of hour one, it is time for Vince McMahon to walk to the ring as only Vince McMahon can. Vince has something to say and he says that you are about to hear something from him that we have never heard before. Vince says that he has an admission to make and that admission is that he made a mistake. He says that it is difficult for him to say that he made a mistake for the first time in his life (not factoring in WBF, XFL, Stacker 2). That was when he put his son in jeopardy. Last week, he whipped his son with his belt. When he left the ring, Bradshaw attacked his son against the cage. For placing his son in that kind of jeopardy, he wants to say that he apologizes. Vince says that he is not the only one who is going to apologize tonight. He says that the man who put HIS SON in a doctor’s care is going to come out to apologize.

Bradshaw comes to the ring slightly slower than Undertaker comes to the ring. Vince says that he wants to beat the hell out of Bradshaw in front of everyone. Vince says that he wants an explanation because Bradshaw was there to deal with Finlay, not annihilate his son. Bradshaw eventually says that he is sorry. He says that he is sorry that he did not do it sooner. Bradshaw says that he has it on very good advice that Hornswoggle is not his son. Bradshaw says that this ruse goes to the top of the WWE and it is from his family. Bradshaw says that Hornswoggle is not his son. Hornswoggle is Finlay’s son.

Vince says that it seems to make sense because his family is rotten to the core. Vince wonders if he could produce that mutant from his loins. Vince asks if Hornswoggle is going after his money. Bradshaw says that Hornswoggle had no idea. Bradshaw says that Finlay knew the entire time. Bradshaw says that he has documentation. Bradshaw tells Vince to look into Finlay’s eyes because they are guilty as hell. The next time that Finlay is in one of his rings, he will make Finlay admit it.

Hunter is in his locker room and his tag team partner enters. Hunter says that it must be time for them to say that things will be fine if they can look past their problems. Hunter says that if he had his way that Cena would be facing Orton and Kennedy by himself. Hunter says that he is going to do what he does best. Cena tells Hunter that he does not need to watch Cena’s back but he should watch his own back. We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Umaga versus D.H. Smith
Umaga charges into a forearm from Smith but Smith with an elbow and kick that sends Smith to the floor. Umaga with a chop and then he rolls Smith into the ring. Umaga with a splash from the top onto Smith and then he puts Smith in the corner and connects with some punches. Umaga sets for the running butt splash. Umaga scrapes Smith off the mat and then sends him back down with the Samoan Spike for the three count.
Winner: Umaga

William Regal is in his office with Paul Burchill and Katie Lea. Regal reads a letter from Vickie Guerrero about a Raw versus Smackdown match. Regal chooses UMANGA. Katie says that Regal should choose her brother, Paul Burchill. Regal tells Burchill that he needs to show him some more. Burchill says that they have no problem having one of these chats in the future and Burchill says especially his sister. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Ric Flair being announced as the first inductee.

Match Number Four: Lance Cade with Trevor Murdoch versus Shawn Michaels
They lock up and Michaels with a side head lock but Cade with a back elbow. Cade with a forearm to Michaels followed by a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Cade slams Michaels’s head into the turnbuckle but Michaels gets a two count with a backslide. Cade works on Michaels’s neck. Michaels with chops to Cade but Cade with a kick to Michaels. Michaels with more chops but Cade with a kick to Michaels head. Cade charges into a boot and Michaels with chops. Michaels with an uranage and then he goes up top but misses an elbow drop from the turnbuckles. Michaels goes up top but he does not miss the elbow drop. Michaels gets ready for Sweet Chin Music but Murdoch tries to interfere. Cade misses a clothesline and then Michaels puts Cade in a version of a figure four leg lock. Murdoch with an elbow drop to get Michaels out of the hold. The referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Shawn Michaels by disqualification

After the match, Michaels with Sweet Chin Music to Murdoch and then a reverse atomic drop to Cade followed by Sweet Chin Music..

We hear a Wooooo and Ric Flair comes out. Michaels gets down and shows respect to Flair as Flair comes to the ring. Flair gives Michaels his handkerchief to wipe the blood from his nose. Flair tells Michaels that he is absolutely incredible. Flair says that he was so honored to have Shawn Michaels introduce him as the first active wrestler to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Flair says that it will be a magical weekend. Flair says that he will go into the Hall of Fame as an active wrestler. There is only one thing better and that would be to wrestle the man whose name is synonymous with Wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels.

Shawn says that he would love to do it but he points out the stipulation that if Flair loses, he has to retire. Shawn says that he has done some things that he is ashamed of. However, he cannot imagine a day without Ric Flair. Shawn says that he will not be known as the guy to end Ric Flair’s career. Flair tells Shawn that is not where he was going. Flair wonders if it is a given that he will lose to Shawn. Flair says that all of the respect that he paid him last week means nothing if Shawn does not give him the opportunity to have the greatest match of his career on the grandest stage of them all.

Shawn thinks about it and says that it would be his honor to wrestle Ric Flair at Wrestlemania.

We go to comments from Shaquille O’Neal about the Mayweather/Big Show feud. We go to commercial.

We are back and Mike Adamle is ready to announce the next inductees into the WWE Hall of Fame: Peter Maivia and Rocky Johnson; and they will be inducted by The Rock.

It is time for Jerry Lawler to announce the next new match for Wrestlemania as Candice Michelle and Maria will face Beth Phoenix and Melina in a Bunnymania Match.

It is time for a video package for Maria’s Playboy photo shoot. Next week we will see the unveiling of the cover. We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Ken Kennedy and WWE Champion Randy Orton versus John Cena and Triple H
Orton attacks Cena while Kennedy goes after Hunter. Cena and Hunter get rid of Kennedy and Orton and then Hunter and Cena stare each other down. After fifteen minutes of entrances, we get twenty seconds of action and a commercial.

We are back and Cena covers Kennedy for a near fall. Hunter tags in and he punches Kennedy in the corner followed by an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow. Kennedy punches Hunter. Hunter responds with a spinebuster. Cena tags in and he punches Kennedy in the corner. Cena shows up Hunter and tags him back in. Hunter with a crotch chop to Cena. Kennedy takes Hunter down with a kick to the quad. Orton tags in and he stomps on Hunter. Orton hits a leaping knee drop for a near fall. Kennedy tags in and works on Hunter’s leg while Orton holds on. Hunter tries to fight out of the corner but Kennedy hits a running boot on Hunter. Orton tags back in and he puts Hunter in a reverse chin lock. Hunter with punches to Orton but Orton pulls Hunter back to the mat. The referee gets between Orton and Cena and that allows Kennedy to attack Hunter. Orton with a DDT using the ropes and he gets a near fall. Kennedy tags back in and he kicks Hunter. Kennedy with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Hunter tries to tag in Cena and Orton stops Hunter. Orton with a back breaker to Hunter and then it is time for Orton pushups as he sets for the RKO. Hunter escapes the hold and he tags in Cena who goes after Kennedy with punches. Cena with the flying shoulder tackles to Kennedy followed by a spinebuster type maneuver. Cena with a Blue Thunder Bomb and then it is time for the finish of the Moves of Doom . . . the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena sets for the FU but Orton stops Cena. Orton with a forearm to Cena but Hunter with a forearm to Hunter. Cena with a drop toe hold and the STFU and Kennedy taps.
Winners: John Cena and Triple H

After the match, Cena says that he wants a piece of Hunter. Kennedy hits the Mic Check on Cena and leaves the ring. We go to credits.

Raw Thoughts

The Matches:

The opening tag match was okay, but have we reached the peak with Rhodes and Holly? What about the tension between the two? There was more tension between Santino and Jerry Lawler over Lawler drooling over Maria during the match.

I really liked the Jeff Hardy/Chris Jericho match and it was probably Jericho’s best match since his return. I was hoping that the match would have given Jeff a second spot in the Money in the Bank Match to allow him to pick someone to fill in that slot. If Hardy had not already been in the match at Wrestlemania, this would have been the type of match to build for Money in the Bank.

Who did D.H. Smith annoy with his suspension to be thrown to the Samoan wolves? The only thing that could have been worse was to see Smith lose to Gene ‘A Face that Only HD could make you hate more’ Snitsky.

I liked the idea of the Cade/Michaels match because of their history (outside of the WWE). I thought Cade held his own against Michaels. The only thing that surprised me was that Flair did not help out Michaels during the match.

The main event was good. I wish they would have avoided the Superman comeback for Cena. I did not mind that Cena got the victory, but with him being laid out again at the end, and this time at the hands of Ken Kennedy, do we think that Cena won’t win at Wrestlemania?

The Angles:

I thought the opening segment with Regal, Orton, Cena, and Hunter was good. I liked how Cena and Hunter were working together until it was just the two of them in the ring and everything changed. I was a bit surprised that Orton was the one standing at the end of the opening segment. I guess that means that Cena gets to do it next week.

The Orton/Kennedy interaction in the back was good as well. It was a good way to keep the idea that whoever wins their respective title match at Wrestlemania, they might not leave with the title.

I did not like Jericho’s interaction with William Regal. It seemed too forced.

It looks like the main focus of Wrestlemania is going to be the Mayweather/Show match in the same vein that the Trump/McMahon match was the media focus for last year’s Wrestlemania.

Does anyone else want to see Vince team with Bradshaw to face Finlay and Mick Foley at Wrestlemania? I did not like the Vince/Bradshaw segment because it was a typical ‘We can do it in five, but we will do it in fifteen because it has Vince in it’ segment.

Will there be an ECW representative in the ‘Battle of the Brands Match’?

Will we find out that Regal and Burchill are related to take the potential incest angle to a newer kinkier level?

The Michaels/Flair segment was good. I wish they would have drawn the ‘Will Michaels accept the challenge’ card a little longer so we could see them in tag matches not trusting each other until they have a respect that forces them to have the match.

This looks like it will be an entertaining Hall of Fame Ceremony.

I wonder if we will see Santino do his best to hide Maria’s Playboy cover, only to have Lawler figure out a way to outsmart Santino?

2009 - Former WWE Diva Amy Weber, who worked with JBL during the timeframe he had his Cabinet, announced on her myspace blog that she was expecting her first child.

2009 - WCCO Television in Minnesota reported that the Hennepin County Medical Examiner has ruled that the death of Helmut R. Gutmann being ruled a homicide due to complications from a right hip fracture.  Gutmann was injured after being attacked by former AWA World champion and WWE Hall of Famer Verne Gagne.  They both lived in the same assisted living facility and were dealing with dementia as a result of Alzheimer's disease.

The investigation is ongoing, although the belief is that Gagne is unlikely to be charged due to the circumstances involved.  There had been previous instances involving Gagne at the facility which had caused him to be removed from living there, although he was later allowed to return.  One of those instances involved Gutmann.

Gagne at the time was 82.  Gutmann was 97 at the time of his death.

2009 - Pennsylvania CBS affiliate KYW3 featured a story about local independent wrestler Michael Taris, who had worked for a number of groups in the New Jersey/Pennsylvania area.

In 2007, Taris slipped on a puddle of coffee in a Levittown, PA 7-Eleven. He claimed neck, back and leg injuries prevented him from working and hindered his quality of life, but allegedly continued wrestling professionally on the local independent scene (under the name Shane Taylor) for Dino Sanno's World Wide Wrestling Alliance and Joe Panzarino's National Wrestling Superstars. 

Investigators were able to obtain video of Taris wrestling and also allege he continued to work as a male escort and massage therapist.

Taris has been charged with one count of insurance fraud and one count of criminal attempt theft by deception.  He was arraigned and released on $10,000 unsecured bond and is due back in court in March.

"Mr. Taris was hoping to make fast, easy money at the expense of others," Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett said. "Fortunately his scheme was discovered and he was never able to profit from his deception."

2009 - Florida Championship Wrestling broadcast their weekly TV.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We are live on tape from Tampa, Florida and your announcers are Josh Mathews and Scotty ‘Cabanarama is coming back’ Goldman.

Josh and Scotty talk about the Queen of FCW finals and Josh asks Scotty about who he thinks will win. Josh brings up Scotty’s fling with The Girl from Mexico.

Match Number One: Sweet Papi Sanchez versus Kaleb O’Neil with Byron Saxton

O’Neil goes for Sanchez’s leg to weaken his base. Sanchez pushes O’Neil away and hits a back elbow and body block. Sanchez steps on O’Neil’s chest but he misses a boot in the corner and O’Neil kicks Sanchez in the leg and he works on the knee and ankle. O’Neil with a leg drop to Sanchez’s leg and then he applies a spinning toe hold. O’Neil with an elbow drop to Sanchez. Sanchez with a punch and then he tries for a boot but O’Neil holds on to the ropes and Sanchez grabs his hamstring and O’Neil with a shoulder tackle. O’Neil returns to the leg but Sanchez kicks him off. Sanchez with a thrust to the throat followed by a side slam. Saxton gets on the apron and Sanchez knocks him off. Sanchez with a super kick and then he hits a splash for the three count.
Winner: Sweet Papi Sanchez

Tyson Tarver comes to the ring and he is going to address the people in the building. He says that before he continues, he has reached a mutual agreement with Byron Saxton and he is no longer a part of the Conglomerate. Tarver says that he has not been focused. When you think about the history of the Florida Heavyweight Title and the people who have held the title, it forces him to think about what would he do with the Florida Heavyweight Title. He tells Eric Escobar that he respects him but he wants the Florida Heavyweight Title.

Match Number Two: Paul Lloyd versus Kaval

Kaval with a kick to the leg and then they lock up. Kaval with a clean break and then they lock up again. Lloyd with a punch on the break and Kaval with a kick to the chest and the leg. Kaval with a kick to the upper chest. Kaval with a running kick to the chest and a near fall. Lloyd with a knee and a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Lloyd with a camel clutch but Kaval gets to his feet but Lloyd with a forearm to the back of the neck followed by a belly-to-back suplex. Lloyd returns to the back and he puts his knee in the spine. Kaval with a Liger Kick followed by an Irish whip and Tidal Crush. Kaval goes up top for the double stomp and hits it and gets the three count.
Winner: Kaval

Josh asks Scotty for his pick for the Queen of FCW and he is unable to make a pick.

Match Number Three: Alicia Fox versus Angela in the Queen of FCW Finals

They lock up and Angela with a waist lock and Alicia with a standing switch but Angela with a take down. Alicia with a head scissors and Angela escapes. They lock up and Alicia with a snap mare but Angela gets back to her feet and she goes with a matrix move to avoid a spin kick from Alicia. Angela with a side head lock and Alicia with a shoulder tackle followed by a rana for a near fall. Angela with a sunset flip but Alicia rolls through and hits a drop kick for a near fall. Alicia with a body scissors on Angela and turns it into a full nelson. Angela with elbows and forearms to Alicia. Fox with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Alicia works on Angela’s back and connects with a forearm to the back and she gets a near fall. Both women take the other down by the hair. Angela with a kick to the midsection followed by an elbow and drop kick. Angela with a spinning head scissors for a near fall. Angela with a forearm but Alicia sends Angela to the apron. Angela misses a springboard clothesline and Alicia is only able to get a two count. Alicia with an axe kick but she only gets a two count. Angela with an inverted DDT for the three count.
Winner: Angela

Match Number Four: Ryback versus Tyler Reks

They lock up and Ryback chokes Reks but Reks with shoulders in the corner. Reks tries for a cross body but Ryback catches him and hits a back breaker and then he continues to work on the back before going for a cover. Ryback with a waist lock and Reks gets to his feet but Ryback takes Reks back to the mat. Reks with punches to Ryback followed by a drop kick that staggers Ryback but he stays on his feet. Reks with a corkscrew cross body on Ryback and then he goes for the double jump moonsault but Sheamus O’Shaunessy attacks Reks and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Tyler Reks by disqualification

Johnny Curtis comes out to help his tag team partner and Sheamus and Ryback leave the ring.

After the match, Ryback has the mic and he tells Reks and Curtis if they want a fight they have found one. He says that their fate is set as champions. Sheamus wants to know if the muppets in the ring are out of their minds. He says that their time as champions are coming to an end. Sheamus challenges them for the titles.

Match Number Five: John Cutler versus Yoshitatsu

Yoshitatsu with a series of kicks that do not connect but they back Cutler into the ropes. Cutler with a slap but Yoshitatsu responds in kind. Cutler puts Yoshitatsu into the turnbuckles and then drops him on the mat. Cutler works on the leg and he gets a near fall. Cutler with an elbow to the top of the head and then he returns to the leg. Yoshitatsu with a sunset flip for a near fall. Cutler with a slam and then he returns to the leg. Yoshitatsu with a series of kicks to Cutler and then he hits a running double knee into the corner. Yoshitatsu rolls through with Cutler and then he connects with a kick to the chest for a near fall. Yoshitatsu with a near fall on a rollup. Yoshitatsu with the Octopus and Cutler taps.
Winner: Yoshitatsu

Match Number Six: TJ Wilson versus DH Smith versus Eric Escobar for the FCW Florida Title

Smith and Wilson appear to be working together at the start as they focus on Escobar before anyone locks up. Wilson and Escobar square off but Escobar sends Wilson to the floor. Escobar with punches to Smith and then Escobar with a baseball slide to Wilson. Smith with punches to Escobar but Escobar with a kick to the chest. Smith with a drop toe hold that sends Escobar into the ropes and Wilson comes from out of nowhere to hit a running Yakuza kick. Wilson and Smith kick Escobar and then hit a double shoulder tackle. Wilson holds Escobar for a kick by Smith and then Smith and Wilson change positions. Wilson and Smith continue to double team Escobar. Smith with a camel clutch and Wilson with a kick to the head. Smith puts Escobar in the camel clutch again and Wilson with the drop kick to Smith this time. Wilson kicks Smith and then hits a slingshot leg drop onto the apron for a near fall. Smith with a Saito suplex to Wilson but Escobar breaks up the cover. Escobar punches Smith and slams him before going to the turnbuckles for an elbow drop and near fall. Escobar tries for a suplex but Smith blocks it. Smith sends Escobar to the apron but Escobar drops Smith on the top rope. Wilson with a baseball slide into a head scissors on the floor. All three men are on the floor and Smith hits Wilson from behind with a forearm. Smith tries to suplex Wilson on the floor but Wilson lands on the apron. Wilson tries for a tornado DDT but Smith throws Wilson off and then hits a super kick.

Smith and Escobar return to the ring and Smith hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Smith tries for another neck breaker but Escobar with a back slide for a near fall. Smith regains control and then he hits a suplex on Escobar. Smith signals that it is over and he goes to the top but Escobar punches Smith. Smith pushes Escobar off and then Wilson with a springboard rana on Smith that sends Smith onto Escobar. Wilson with a near fall on Escobar followed by one to Escobar.

Smith kicks Wilson away. Smith tries for the running power slam, but Wilson escapes the hold and Wilson tries for a rana but Smith counters with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Smith puts Wilson on top and he tries for a super belly-to-belly suplex but Escobar gets under Smith and Wilson with a leaping swinging neck breaker. Escobar with a drop kick to Wilson and he lands on Smith with an elbow drop for the three count.
Winner: Erick Escobar

We go to credits.

2010 - TNA broadcast Impact Wrestling.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We start off with Abyss telling everyone what it was like to get Hulk Hogan’s Hall of Fame ring. He says that he thought last week would be the worst day ever, but it ended up as the greatest day of his life. Abyss laughs.

We see highlights of the Abyss/Mick Foley match and then we go back to the apparent unmasking of Abyss.

We are live on tape from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida and your announcers are Mike ‘I also mentor Michael Cole’ Tenay and Taz.

A.J. Styles comes to the ring and he is accompanied by Ric Flair, but there are no women this week.

We see footage from last week when D’Angelo Dinero was attacked by Flair and Little Flair.

A.J. says that Dinero came out to the House that A.J. Styles Built to try to make it his temple. He said that he would be the champion of the people. A.J. says that was real cute and he gets it. He says that Dinero wants to be the ‘golden boy’ and the ‘chosen one’. He says that Dinero will not win. He says that Dinero is a man, but A.J. says that he is THE man and we get a Wooo from the congregation. A.J. quotes Flair and says that Dinero needs to beat him to be the man. A.J. tells Dinero that he better think again if he wants to step over the champion. He says that it doesn’t look like Dinero is going to be walking for a long time.

Flair gets on the mic and he says that something transpired last week that got him crazy. Last week, the immortal Hulk Hogan gave his Hall of Fame ring to The Abyss. Flair wants to know if Hogan was serious. He says that it would be like giving the ring to someone in the crowd. Flair says that Hogan was never Ric Flair. He says that Abyss never should have been in a Hall of Fame. Flair says that he wants The Abyss to come out.

Abyss comes to the ring and he has new music and he holds out his ring like a proud girlfriend.

Flair wants to know what Abyss is doing coming out to that music. He calls Abyss pathetic. He says that it is a disgrace to have a Hall of Fame ring. Flair says that he is a Hall of Famer and that makes him puke. Flair tells the Abyss to look at him when he talks to him. Flair says that the Abyss is not a Hall of Famer. Flair says that the Abyss makes him sick. Flair says that the only thing that the Abyss is good for is to shine the World Champion’s boots. He calls the Abyss a clown.

The Abyss tells Mr. Flair that he is right. He says that he couldn’t shine A.J.’s shoes because he is not a shoe shine boy. He says that he would be willing to take A.J.’s boots and stick them up Flair’s ass.

Flair asks Abyss if he knows who he is talking to.

A.J. tells Abyss not to say another word and he calls him a pathetic piece of crap. A.J. says that nobody came to see Abyss. They came to see the World Champion. He calls Abyss a disgrace. He calls Abyss a bum the way he dresses. A.J. calls Abyss an ugly piece of crap and a disgrace. A.J. tells Abyss to do everyone a favor and take off the Hall of Fame ring. Flair tells the Abyss to put the ring on A.J.’s finger.

Abyss does the finger point of doom and that signal’s Hulk Hogan’s muzak and he comes to the ring. Hogan wants to know what A.J. knows about having a good name brother. He says that just because A.J. kisses Flair’s butt and makes the same mistakes Flair does gives him a good name, brother. He tells A.J. that by running down Abyss in the ring, he is a coward, brother. Hogan says that when the history book is written, the weakest champion of all time will be A.J. Styles.

Flair tells Hogan that he knew it would happen sooner than later. Flair says that he came to TNA because everything that Hogan touches turns to gold. He tells Hogan that he will never tell the Nature Boy what to do. Hogan tells Flair to back his ass up. Flair wants to know what Hogan is doing giving Abyss a Hall of Fame ring.

Flair and Styles take off their jackets and Flair suggests that they do it right now. Abyss takes off the flannel and Hogan is ready for a fight too. A.J. and Flair leave the ring. Flair says that before the night is over, the ring will be on A.J.’s finger.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Mick Foley is walking into the building and Foley does not look happy.

We run through tonight’s card.

We have a moments ago moment from moments ago.

We see footage from the match between the Nasty Boys and Team 3D from Against All Odds.

Match Number One: The Nasty Boys with Jimmy Hart versus Team 3D in a No Disqualification Tables Match

They brawl on the ramp and then Ray sends Knobs into the ring steps. Sags punches Devon in the ring. Knobs with a kick on the floor. Sags with an Irish whip and a rambling clothesline into the corner. Ray punches Knobs in his injured shoulder and then Devon with a clothesline to Sags. Knobs with a back elbow to Ray while Devon hits Sags on the floor. Knobs with an Irish whip but he walks into an elbow. Ray with a flying shoulder from the turnbuckles. Ray with punches and then it is time for the Bubbonic Elbow. Ray slams Sags and then Devon hits the Wassup head butt. Ray pushes Devon and the crowd calls for tables. The table is in the ring and it is set up. Knobs and Sags take Ray and Devon down. They try to hip toss Devon through the table but Ray moves it out of the way. Jimmy Hart grabs Ray’s leg and Sags with a press slam from the turnbuckles. Jesse Neal comes out and he grabs the helmet and he hits Sags with it. Devon hits Knobs with the helmet and Sags gets a 3D through the table.
Winners: Team 3D

Mick Foley is in the Bischoffice and he tells Eric that it was a set up to have his goons go after Abyss. Eric says that he doesn’t understand the level of paranoia that Foley shows. Foley says that Bischoff’s actions make people paranoid. Eric says that Abyss has Hulkamania in the palm of his hand and Bischoff takes all of the credit for the transformation. Eric wants to know why Foley is making this all about him. Foley says that Abyss is in a good place. Foley says that he feels that Eric tried to get him out of the building. Eric says that Abyss and JB are fine. Eric tells Foley to live up to his end of the bargain. Eric wants to know where the suit is. Foley says that the suit is at the hotel. Eric tells Foley that he lived up to his side of the bargain. Foley says that he might be back with the suit.

We go to commercial.

We see footage from last week when Daffney used a chair and guardrails on Tara.

Match Number Two: ODB versus Daffney

Daffney is sent into the ring post and then ODB with a chop and then she takes a drink. ODB sends Daffney into the turnbuckles. ODB sends Daffney across the ring.

We go to comments from Tara in the back and Tara talks about the vicious attack at the hands of Daffney last week. She says that she underestimated Daffney and she calls her dangerous and violent. Tara says that she will be ready for Daffney if she wants a title match.

Daffney clips ODB and she kicks her in the leg. Daffney slams ODB’s leg into the apron. Daffney sends ODB’s leg into the ring post. Daffney uses the ring steps and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: ODB by disqualification

After the match, Daffney uses the broom on ODB’s leg until Stevie Richards comes out to stop her.

Jeremy Borash is with the Tag Champions and he talks about their match at Against All Odds. Hernandez says that they have talked about it already. Matt says that what he did was no big deal. He saw an opportunity and he grabbed it. Hernandez says that he literally grabbed it. Morgan says that Hernandez would have done the same thing. They were going to do whatever it took to win that match. They are finished with that and they have moved on. Their focus is on the tag titles and they will defend them any time and any place. They will go down as the greatest tag team of all time.

Scott Hall and Sean Waltman are outside the arena and Scott found the Big Poppa Pipe and Waltman has a 2x4.

We go to commercial.

We are back for a minute and James Storm and Robert Roode are walking in the back. We go back to commercials.

We are back and Storm and Roode are already in the ring. Roode says that it was almost two years ago that they decided to form a tag team called Beer Money. They made a promise to be the best that they could be each and every night. They built a reputation that can be summarized in a word and that word is ‘pride’. They wanted to be the best and they are not only the greatest tag team in TNA, but the greatest tag team in all of professional wrestling. Storm says that they are not here to have a war of words with Hogan or Bischoff. They have been here since the beginning and they are the veterans of TNA. He says that they built this company and they made this company a lot of money because of their merchandise. For some reason, the new TNA management wants to put them on the sidelines. He says that doesn’t set too well with them. He says that Roode needs to make some money so he can buy him some beer. They have seen the lowest of lows and the highest of highs and TNA is the highest it has ever been, but to get to that next step, they will need some Beer Money.

Hernandez comes out and says that they do not have to prove anything because he knows their reputation. Just like Beer Money, Hernandez and Morgan want to be the best. Hernandez says that he is going to go to Hogan and he wants to give Beer Money a title shot.

Roode accepts the challenge.

Jeremy Borash is with Eric Young and Kevin Nash and he talks about last week’s main event. Jeremy says that since Hall and Waltman are not under contract, it will make a match difficult. Nash says that he is not asking for a ring. They only want Waltman and Hall. They want to bust them up and crack some skulls. Eric says that they are not asking for a match, just some television time. Eric says that it will be the highest rated segment because they will be doing what everyone wants to do, and that is get rid of Waltman and Hall. Nash says that he did what he could for them, but the emotional pain remains.

Jeff Jarrett is walking through the Bischoffice and he wants to know if that is it because it will take more than six thugs to run him out of the company that he founded. Jarrett says that he has fought for his entire life and he tells Eric to up his game if he wants to run him out. Eric apologizes and Jeff says that he doesn’t buy it. Eric wants Jeff to hear him out but Jeff says that he has worked too hard to let this happen. Eric says that this is tough on both of them. Eric says that he is doing his best and he says that he might have been wrong about Jeff. It took a real set of stones to stand up to him and Jeff did the right thing. Eric says that he respects Jeff. He wants Jeff to meet him in the ring tonight. He wants Jeff to do it in front of his fans. He wants to give Jeff the opportunity he deserves. He tells Jeff to trust him. Jarrett wonders if he can trust Bischoff and then he walks away and says that Eric will see him in the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Jeff Jarrett/Eric Bischoff video package.

Eric Bischoff makes his way into the Impact Zone and he comes to the ring. Eric thanks everyone for the reception and he says that he loves everyone. Eric says that one thing he prides himself on is that he is man enough to admit his mistakes. He says that he has made a number of them. As you get older, you realize that to get to the point where you want to be and you need to learn from your mistakes. Eric wants Jeff Jarrett to come out and he even wants Jeff’s music to play.

Jeff comes to the ring. Eric tells Jeff that he knows this situation is tough but he says that he can put it all behind him. Eric wants something to be brought out from his office and we see the barbed wire baseball bat. Eric says that some would think that to use this weapon is a disgusting thing. Eric says that Jeff did the right thing as a man by not attacking one of his peers with a weapon as disgusting as this. Eric says that the problem is that Jeff didn’t do the right thing by him. That is why they have the problem between them. Eric says that Jeff is not able to do what he wants him to do. Eric tells Jeffrey that he has one more chance to do the right thing. He tells Jeff to go to catering and flip a few burgers for the fine people at TNA. Eric gives Jeff a hair net so they don’t violate any health codes. Eric tells Jeff that he can quit to make it easy on both of them.

We go to commercial.

We are back for a second so Taz and Tenay can talk about Abyss and his match with Desmond Wolfe.

We are back and Matt Morgan is furious at Hernandez for giving Roode and Storm a title match at Destination X. Morgan says that he thought they would be facing teams like Generation Me or the Motor City Machine Guns. Morgan says that he said what he did because he thought it was cool. Morgan says that they need to be on the same page. Hernandez says that they shouldn’t be backing off from any challenges. Morgan says that if they are going to hold the tag titles, they need to be on the same page in and out of the ring. They leave the Impact Zone with about 50 minutes to go in the show.

Match Number Three: Brian Kendrick versus Frankie Kazarian in a Number One Contender Match for Destination X

Kendrick with an arm bar and he works on the elbow. Kazarian with an arm bar of his own and turns it into a hammer lock. Kendrick with an elbow and arm bar. Kazarian uses the ropes to counter and he hits an arm drag followed by a slam and a slingshot leg drop. Kazarian with the hesitation drop kick in the corner. Kazarian misses a charge into the corner and Kendrick with a rollup and an enzuigiri. Kendrick with a neck breaker for a near fall. Kendrick goes to the turnbuckle but Kazarian with a kick to stop Kendrick. We see footage from the kidnapping of Samoa Joe and ignore the match. Kazarian with a kick to the head followed by the Flux Capacitor for the three count.
Winner: Frankie Kazarian

Nash and Young are getting ready for their fight against two guys not under contract. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jeremy Borash is with Abyss. He says that anyone who tries to get the ring can try to get it from him. They can bring a chainsaw or a seesaw to get the ring off his finger. Hogan gave him the ring and the power within it. With the power comes great responsibility. Hogan saw something in him and gave the ring to him and it gave him powers he never had. Abyss says that he might come and get them because he is the Monster of the Rings.

We have a Legends Title/Global Title video package.

Ken Anderson is with Christy Hemme to ask him about his match with Rob Terry. Ken puts Christy’s mic aside and waits for his to drop down. Ken asks who has been unstoppable since debuting in TNA. Who has left the greatest wrestler in the world soaking in his blood. He asks who is the ‘one’. Tonight he gets his first taste of championship gold. It is the first step for when he walks out of the Impact Zone as the World Champion. He says that Rob Terry is a strong guy but he has been in the ring with bigger guys and he has even beaten six gorillas.

Kurt Angle is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Rob Terry is bouncing in the back and Brutus Magnus gives him a word of warning. They carried him for a year and you don’t bite the hand that feeds him. He says that they are no longer allies and Rob will answer to him. Rob grabs Brutus’ finger and thanks Brutus for the warning and then he tells Brutus to piss off.

Ken gets on the mic before the match and he asks if he is supposed to feel sorry for spitting on the medal given to Kurt by the mother of a soldier? Ken doesn’t realize that Kurt Angle has arrived in the Anglevator and is standing behind him with a chair. Ken says that the thing around his neck was given to him by the widow of a fallen soldier. That widow and that soldier were Vietnamese. Ken asks if that is alright. The fans chant for Angle and Anderson says that the crowd should be ashamed of themselves. Angle hits Anderson with the steel chair and Anderson is down.

Oh my god . . . he killed Kenny. Rob Terry walks to pick up Anderson and brings him to the ring and almost takes out the camera man.

Match Number Four: Rob Terry versus Ken Anderson for the Global Title

Anderson is slammed into the ring and then Terry hits a power slam for the three count.
Winner: Rob Terry

We see Jeff Jarrett making some burgers.

Mick Foley is walking into the Impact Zone again and he has an overcoat on. Foley Fashion Show coming up. First, a commercial.

We are back and it is time for a video package of the return of Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Sean Waltman as ‘the Band’.

Nash and Young walk outside the Impact Zone and we see Waltman crotch chopping as Young goes after Waltman. Hall hits Nsah with the pipe and then he goes after Young who just threw a plastic trash can at Waltman. Hall chokes Young and says that it is nothing personal. Waltman with a spin kick and then he does a crotch chop just like Hornswoggle would. Waltman has some spray paint and he ‘tags’ Young. We go to commercial.

We are back for a second and Abyss is still happy that he has ‘THE RING’. We go back to commercial.

We are back and Jeff is still working in catering.

Eric Bischoff is on the phone and he says that they are not going to use celebrity hosts every week because it is a dumb idea. There is a knock on the door and Mick Foley enters in his overcoat. Foley reveals his suit and it already has a stain. Mick asks if the stain is a problem. Eric says that they want to take it to the next level and he has an etiquette coach for Foley. Mick is shocked that Eric is willing to invest that much in him. Foley says that he is looking for a new beginning and he is looking forward to it.

Foley leaves and Eric gets a good chuckle out of it.

Match Number Five: Desmond Wolfe with Chelsea versus Abyss with His Precious

They lock up and Abyss pushes Desmond into the corner. Desmond with a kick and then he works on the arm. Abyss uses the power of the ring and he backs Wolfe into the turnbuckles. Wolfe returns to the arm and then Abyss charges into the corner but Wolfe moves when Abyss charges. Wolfe with a clothesline and then he tries to suplex Abyss but he cannot get Abyss up. Wolfe with a running European uppercut into the corner. Abyss stops Wolfe on a second attempt and hits a splash into the corner. Abyss tries for a choke slam but Wolfe with an arm wringer but Abyss with a Black Hole Slam for the three count.
Winner: Abyss

After the match, Ric Flair and Lil Ric come to the ring and they run into a few punches from Abyss. Wolfe hits Abyss with a chair and Abyss goes down. Abyss uses the power of the ring and then he does the Finger Point of Doom but Styles hits Abyss from behind and then Flair with a ‘knee to the gut’. Wolfe has some handcuffs and Abyss is locked in the ropes.

Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring while Wolfe, Flair, and Styles continue the attack.

Flair struts but he is punched by Hogan. Hogan punches Wolfe and Styles as well. Hogan goes after Styles but Flair clips Hogan and he kicks Hogan in the gut. Wolfe and Flair pick up Flair and they rip off the shirt. Flair with chops and then Styles with a chop. Flair punches Hogan and then Styles hits Hogan with the title belt. Hogan is bleeding and the blood causes Abyss to summon the strength of many men and utilize the power of the yellow sun to break the cuffs from the ropes. Styles, Flair, and Wolfe leave the ring while Abyss checks on Hogan. We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of what just happened moments ago.

Hogan is on the mic and he tells Flair that if he is going to interfere in everybody’s matches, on March 8th on the next biggest night in wrestling history. On March 8th, Flair is coming out of retirement. Flair babbles about something and Hogan turns off Flair’s mic. Hogan says that in addition to Flair, A.J. will be in a tag match against Abyss and his tag team partner. A.J. wants to know who Abyss’ partner will be. Hogan says that when they go live on March 8th, it will be Abyss and his partner . . . Hulk Hogan. Mike Tenay freaks out and so does the Impact Zone.

We go to credits, but first a commercial for the match on March 8th. It is almost as if the show was taped and they knew the match was going to happen or they have a great production crew.

2010 - issued the following statement today: would like to announce we have settled our dispute with Ric Flair concerning the NWA belt. We thank Ric and all the attorneys involved for their cooperation today in reaching a resolution and truly wish Mr Flair the best in his future endeavors . Happy birthday champ!

2011 - WWE broadcast Smackdown.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We begin with a look back at the momentous 600th episode of Smackdown that took place last week. Do you remember when Vickie Guerrero fired Edge? Do you remember where you were when Dolph Ziggler was the World Champion? Do you remember where you were five minutes later when he lost the title to the recently rehired Edge? Do you remember Teddy Long firing Dolph Ziggler? What will happen as we move into the next 600 episodes?

Teddy Long is in his office and he says that due to Vickie Guerrero’s complicit actions with Dolph Ziggler, he says that he has every right to fire Vickie Guerrero. However, he has decided to let Vickie fight for her job. Tonight, Vickie will be in a mixed tag match. Vickie will team with Drew McIntyre to face Kelly Kelly and Edge. If Vickie and Drew lose, Vickie will be fired tonight.

We are live on tape from Sacramento, California and your announcers are Michael ‘If I can pick on one King, how about a whole team of Kings’ Cole, Josh ‘Did I really have to sit through this week’s NXT’ Mathews, and Booker ‘Why couldn’t I get a video package of me in the rain to hype my return like everyone else’ T.

Match Number One: Rey Mysterio versus Kane


Rey with a kick but Kane with a kick and punches of his own. Kane with a knee followed by a snap mare and drop kick for a near fall. Kane with an uppercut but Rey with kicks to Kane to try to stop him. Kane tries for a side slam but Rey tries to counter with a DDT. Kane stop that and he hits the Oklahoma Stampede and gets a near fall. Kane with a body scissors on Rey. Rey hits Kane in the knee to get out of the hold. Kane with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall.

Kane punches Rey followed by an Irish whip but he runs into boots from Rey. Rey gets out of a slam attempt and Rey with a drop toe hold but Kane rolls to the floor because he knew the 619 was coming. Rey with a baseball slide to Kane and then he tries for the seated splash off the apron but Kane ducks it. Kane with a boot to Rey and we go to commercial.

We are back and Kane with another back breaker and he stretches Rey on his knee. Rey with punches to Kane followed by a kick. Kane stops Rey with a side slam and he gets a near fall. Kane with an elbow drop or two and he gets another near fall. Kane with a bear hug and Rey looks like he is about to pass out but he gets a second wind thanks to the fans in the building. Rey escapes and he kicks Kane in the leg but Kane returns to the bear hug and he runs Rey into the turnbuckles.

Kane puts Rey on top and he connects with a vintage uppercut. Kane climbs for a superplex but Rey punches Kane and head butts him off. Rey with a seated splash and then he drop kicks Kane in the knee and kicks him in the head and gets a near fall. Rey goes up top but Kane with an uppercut and he gets a near fall on Rey. Now it is Kane’s turn to go up top for the clothesline but Rey moves out of the way. Kane tries for a choke slam but Rey with a drop kick and then he drop kicks Kane again and Kane goes into the ropes. Rey with a 619 and then he goes up top for the seated senton but Kane catches him and tries for a power bomb. Rey is able to counter with a sunset flip and he gets the three count.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

After the match, Rey goes into the ring to celebrate his victory. That victory is cut short by the music of Hall of Famer ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes.

Dusty makes his way to the ring and he hugs Rey. We go to commercial.

We are back and Dusty has a mic. He tells Rey that he is out here because he is a friend of the family for a long time and a personal friend of his. Dusty says that he is disappointed by the actions of his son, Cody Rhodes. Dusty says that he wants to personally apologize to Rey for Cody’s actions and what he has been saying. Dusty says that he wants Cody to come out and apologize to Rey.

Cody walks out without any fanfare, but he has the clear facial mask over his face. Cody wants to know why his dad is doing this. He knows that he had an announcement to make about his future, but this isn’t what he was talking about. Cody says that everyone is staring at him. Cody asks his dad if he wants him to apologize to the man who did this to his face. Because of Rey, he didn’t have a Royal Rumble or an Elimination Chamber. That means that he has no Wrestlemania.

Dusty tells Cody that somewhere along the line of Cody coming to the WWE, there was some pride involved. One of the things was Wrestlemania. One of the things was being a champion. One of the things is the Hall of Fame (and he points to the ring that he is wearing). Dusty says that somewhere Cody lost his focus. Dusty brings up the Divas poll that gave us ‘Dashing’ Cody Rhodes and he lost his focus. Dusty says that Cody is being ‘dashing’ and doing commercials and being on Syfy doing Warehousing. Agents are calling him in Hollywood and Cody lost focus. Does he want to go to Hollywood or be in the WWE?

Dusty tells Cody that he has to make some choices. While Cody was being ‘dashing’ the Miz snuck in and took his spot as the WWE Champion. While Cody was being ‘dashing’, Edge comes back from an injury after being fired and he becomes the World Champion. Then Cody comes out to Rey Mysterio, a personal friend of the family and Cody accuses Rey of exposing his knee brace, causing the injury that led to his facial reconstructive surgery. Dusty tells Cody that he needs to refocus. Dusty tells Cody that he needs to listen to him. No matter what Cody decides, he loves him. Dusty tells Cody that he has to make this right. He tells Cody that he needs to do what has to be done. He needs to apologize to Rey Mysterio.

Cody tells his dad that he is sorry. He then tells Rey that he should not have said the things that he said. Cody apologizes to Rey. He offers his hand and Rey shakes his hand.

Everything appears to be fine between the houses of Rhodes and Mysterio. Dusty and Rey shake hands and hug one more time. Dusty does not let go and Cody attacks Rey from behind. Cody kicks Rey and then he punches Rey. Cody throws Rey under the bottom rope to the floor. Cody takes off his tie and then he sends Rey into the ring steps. Cody Irish whips Rey into the ringside barrier. Cody drags Rey to the ramp and Cody with forearms to the back while Dusty walks to the back. Cody pulls Rey to the stage and then he rubs Rey’s face on the stage. Cody listens to the crowd’s reaction to this attack and then he does the Nexus salute. Cody sees his mirror on the video wall of the TitanTron and he sees his face. Cody sends Rey into the ‘mirror’ and then he removes Rey’s mask and leaves.

Officials come out and cover Rey’s face as they check on him and we go to commercial.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that WWE has published 23 New York Times bestsellers?

We have a moments ago moment of the attack by the Family Rhodes on Rey Mysterio when it looked like Cody had humbled himself to apologize for accusing Rey of causing Cody’s facial injuries.

We go to the back where Dusty his hugging his son while Cody holds Rey’s mask. Dusty tells Cody that he is there to do anything for him. Cody says that now Rey Mysterio is dashing.

Michelle McCool joins the guys at the announce table so that means that one of the announcers is going to suck up to their guest while ignoring most of the action in the ring.

Match Number Two: Rosa Mendes versus Layla


Layla pushes Rosa but Rosa with a Thesz Press and Rosa slams Layla’s head into the mat. Layla with a forearm but Rosa with an Irish whip. Layla tries to float over but Rosa catches Layla and Rosa sends her to the apron. Layla moves when Rosa tries for a shoulder and Layla kicks Rosa and then they fall to the floor. Rosa with a knee and she sends Layla into the apron. Rosa with a forearm and Irish whip into the ringside barrier.

Michelle leaves the announce table and has something to say to Rosa. Layla hits Rosa in the back and Rosa falls into Michelle and Michelle is knocked into the chair that was put at the announce table for her.

Michelle hits Rosa from behind and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Rosa Mendes by disqualification

After the match, Michelle continues her attack on Rosa. Layla wants to know why Michelle did what she did. Michelle says that if Layla could take care of her business, she wouldn’t have to do that. Layla tells Michelle that she needs help. Michelle says that she is taking care of the business that Layla can’t. After appearing to ending their BFFship, they leave the ring together.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see the footage of Kofi Kingston’s attack on Alberto Del Rio on Monday night that ended up backfiring on Kofi when Ricardo Rodriguez got involved.

Match Number Three: Jack Swagger versus Kofi Kingston


They lock up and Swagger backs Kofi into the corner and Swagger with a clean break. Kofi punches Swagger but Swagger with a shoulder tackle and it connects with Kofi’s injured arm. Swagger with an Irish whip and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Swagger with an arm bar on the injured arm. Kofi kicks Swagger off and then he kicks a charging Swagger into the corner. Kofi with kicks to Swagger followed by punches. The referee pulls Kofi out of the corner and hits a clothesline. Kofi hits the Boom Drop and then he hits the Superman punch into the corner. Swagger hits Kofi in the arm and then kicks him in the arm. Swagger sends Kofi’s leg into the ring post. Kofi kicks Swagger off. Kofi tries for Trouble in Paradise but Swagger hold on to the ropes. Swagger puts Kofi in the ankle lock and Kofi taps out.

Winner: Jack Swagger

Vickie Guerrero is in the back and she is trying to get Teddy’s attention. She tells Teddy through the door that putting her in this match is so unfair. Vickie wants Teddy to come out and talk to her. Vickie walks away and we go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to see John Cena’s response to the Rock from this week’s Raw.

Vickie Guerrero is walking in the back and she finds her nephew Chavo. She says that she is desperate and she has asked everyone for help. Vickie says that they are Guerreros and they stick together. Chavo says that they are family and they stick together. Vickie thinks that she finally has an ally, but then Chavo reminds Vickie of all of the times that Vickie had Chavo be her gofer and getting her coffee. Vickie tells Chavo that was a job, and then Chavo refuses to help Vickie and he walks away.

We go to commercial.

Before the match starts, Big Show throws his jacket at Michael Cole and hits him.

Match Number Four: Big Show versus Wade Barrett in a Corre is banned from ringside match


Show with a knee and forearm to Barrett. Show with a chop in the corner and then they move to a second corner and chops him. Show with punches to the midsection and then he Irish whips Barrett but Show runs into boots from Barrett. Barrett tries for a sleeper but it turns into a reverse chin lock while he remains on Show’s back. Show looks like he is starting to fade, but Show gets a second wind before he gets to the ropes. Barrett kicks Show and the referee warns him. We go to commercial.

We are back and Barrett is punching Show. Barrett kicks Show and then we see footage of Barrett kicking Show during the break. Barrett gets a near fall and then he kicks Show. Show with a series of chops to the chest and Barrett goes down. Barrett with a drop kick to the knee and then he hits a DDT and gets a near fall but the kick out sends Barrett to the floor. Show clotheslines Barrett over the top rope to the floor and then Show goes after him.

Show chops Barrett against the ringside barrier. Show tries to send Barrett into the ring post but Barrett sends Show into the post. Barrett almost gets back into the ring but Show pulls him out and Show returns to the ring before the ten count.

Winner: Big Show by count out

After the match, Show grabs Barrett by the throat and the Corre come out to help their equal partner. Show returns to the ring and then Corre gets on the apron. Show leaves the ring and he gets a chair. Show hits Gabriel with the chair and then the rest of Corre leave.

We go to commercial.

We are back and where were you at 10:00 PM Eastern on 2/21/11? We have a video package recapping the return of the Dead Man and The Game. Who will prevail? The man with a SYMBOL. . . or the man who spits water like no other? What will happen in 4/3/11?

Drew McIntyre and Vickie Guerrero are walking in the back and Vickie does not look too confident.

Match Number Five: Drew McIntyre and Vickie Guerrero versus Edge and Kelly Kelly in a Vickie Guerrero’s WWE Career on a (figurative) Pole Match


The men start off the match but before they lock up, Edge decides to tag in Kelly so instead we see the ladies begin. Vickie pushes Kelly and then she tries to kick Vickie and Kelly blocks it and sends Vickie to the mat. Kelly slams Vickie’s head into the mat and Vickie goes to the apron and she tags Drew back in.

Drew has something to say to Kelly as Edge comes back in. Edge punches Drew and kicks him. Drew with an Irish whip but Edge with a sunset flip for a near fall. Edge punches Drew and then he gestures that she was thisclose to being fired. Edge wit a kick but Drew with a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Drew punches Edge in the corner and then he stomps on Edge’s head and punches Edge. The referee stops Drew from stomping on Edge and he warns Drew. Drew with a forearm to the back and then he puts Edge in an arm bar with a chin lock. Drew sends Edge back to the mat when Edge tries to get to his feet. Drew has something to say to Kelly and that allows Edge to recover and he hits a flapjack.

Vickie yells at Kelly from the apron while Drew and Edge are on the mat. Edge with a running forearm and a series of clotheslines to Drew followed by a half nelson bulldog for a near fall. Edge with an Irish whip into the corner and he tries for a running shoulder but Drew moves out of the way and Edge stops short. Since it is in Drew’s corner, Edge stares at Vickie and Vickie slaps Edge in the face. Edge turns around into a big boot from Drew.

Vickie yells at Drew and then Drew sets for the Future Shock DDT but he looks at Kelly and Edge is able to escape the hold and he hits an Impaler DDT. Edge has the vacant stare and he pulls at the hair. That means only one thing. The SPEAR, but Vickie comes into the ring and gets in the line of fire. Vickie begs Edge but Kelly hits a spear on Vickie and Edge hits a spear on Drew for the three count.

Winners: Edge and Kelly Kelly

After the match, Vickie is crying on the floor while Edge and Kelly wave goodbye to her.

Teddy Long comes out and he is dancing like he is Magnitude’s grandfather. We go to commercial.

We are back and Vickie, Edge, and Teddy are in the ring. Vickie is about to cry while Teddy gets the crowd whipped into a frenzy over Vickie’s impending departure. They start to serenade Vickie.

Teddy asks Vickie if she has anything to say. Vickie says that she is sorry and she vows to be the best employee while she begs to keep her job.

Teddy utters the phrase that Vince McMahon made famous and was co-opted by Donald Trump.

Vickie goes to the referee and she asks him to reverse the decision. Vickie goes to Booker and he laughs at her requests to get her job back. Booker waves goodbye to Vickie. Vickie goes to Cole but he says that he doesn’t know what to do. Cole says that he will try to talk to Teddy and he says that he is so sorry. Vickie begs the cameraman to help her.

Vickie gets on the mic and she goes back into the ring . . . maybe for the last time. Vickie tells Edge that they have had great chemistry together. She says that her heart was always with him. Vickie says that she will do anything and she says that she needs her job while crying and holding on to Edge’s leg.

Edge takes the mic and he tells Vickie that he says that he can help her get her job back. Edge thinks about it and he says that he would rather sing. Edge brings back a classic from last week and serenades Vickie out of the ring.

Vickie stands by the entrance on the stage and screams ‘You Wait’. We then cut to the ring where Alberto Del Rio attacks Edge from behind. Del Rio punches Edge in the head and sends Edge shoulder first into the ring post. Del Rio puts Edge in the cross arm breaker and Edge does not tap and a referee tells Alberto to release the hold. Del Rio lets go of the hold and he tells Edge that he will win at Wrestlemania because it is his destiny.

2012 - FWE presented "No Limits" in Brooklyn, NY.  Mike Johnson filed the following live report:

We are live at Family Wrestling Entertainment's No Limits at St. Paul's Hall in New York City.


FWE Women's Championship Tournament Round One: Winter vs. Brooke Tessmacher

They started out with Winter in control but Brooke came back with several armbars and a headscissors into the corner.   Winter cut her off and stomped Tessmacher in the corner.   She snapmared her over with a chinlock   Brooke fought her way out but was snapped back to the mat by her hair.  Winter snapped her over with a sideslam for a two count.   Winter choked Brooke against the ropes and snapmared her over.  She locked Brooke in a double arm submission.  Brooke forced her way up and began elbowing her way out of the move.

Winter missed a charge in the corner and was peppered with forearms.  Brooke nailed a series of clotheslines and his the Polish Hammer.  Winter ended up in the corner, where Brooke gave her the Stinkface.   Winter caught her on a flying bodypress, nailed a gutbuster and scored the pin.

Your winner, advancing, Winter!

Decent but short opener.

The Midnight Senations (Sam Shields & Chris Rockwell) vs. Azrieal & Bandido

The storyline here is that last time, Azrieal and Bandido were doing the Sensations' dirty work for them but failed so tonight they are going to teach them a lesson.   Azrieal and Rockwell started out.  Azrieal grabbed a waistlock but was caught in an armwringer.  They went back and forth trading moves.  Rockwell forced Azrieal down to the mat but her fought back and shoulderblocked and hiptossed Rockwell several times before finishing him off with a dropkick.

Azrieal backdropped Rockwell over the top to the apron, then slingshot him back into the ring.  He and Bandido nailed a Flapjack.   Sheilds tagged in and shoulderblocked Bandido, who came back with a dropkick.  Shields was kicked off out of a charge into the corner and nailed with a flying bodypress.  Bandido and Azrieal worked over Shields, who made a blind tag back to Rockwell as he was sunset flipped.     The Sensations started working over Bandido in the corner.  Shields locked in a sleeper.  The Sensations hit a double shoulderblock off the ropes on Bandido for a two count.

 The Sensations continued to pick apart Bandido, working him over.  Bandido tried to make a tag but was cut off.  They kept working him over.    Azrieal finally made the hot tag and cleaned house on everyone.   They nailed a backsuplex out o a Bandido superkick.   The Sensations hit a combination suplex and bodypress of the ropes on Azrieal for a two.  They followed up with a nice finisher, a neckbreaker by Rockwell as Shields had Azrieal in a Fireman's Carry.

Your winners, The Midnight Sensations!

Solid, hard worked tag match.  They told a nice story.

 Jesse Godderz vs. Jay Santana

Godderz is the former star of CBS' Big Brother who has been in OVW via TNA.  He's currently one half of the OVW Tag Team champions with Rob Terry.  He did a heel bit on the mic where he made everyone spell PECTACULAR and ripped on NYC for being smelly.  He said that he lived here for two years and got four colds because of how disgusting the people are here.  He complained that he had to stand there for two hours during the autograph session and no one pays him enough to shake hands with these people.  He named his arms "Continuously" and "Awesome."

Santana was billed as hailing from Tocula, Mexico, playing off Tito Santana obviously.     He cleaned house on Godderz early, who retreated to the floor to cut the momentum off.  He returned to the ring, where Santana maintained control.   He nailed a clothesline and several dropkicks, sending Godderz back to the floor.  He reatreated up the aisle.  Back in the ring, Godderz tried to call for a time out to no avail.  He was drilled with several kneelifts.  Santana went to charge at him but Godderz dropped down and pulled down the ropes, sending him over the top to the floor in a less than fluid moment.

On the floor, Godderz worked him over, sending Santana into the rail.   He choked out Santana and controlled him on the mat.   He worked over Santana and mocked him.  He pressed Santana over his head and slammed him down.   Godderz stood over him, the locked him in an abdominal stretch.  Santana fought back and finally hiptossed him over.  Godderz cut him and covered him for the pin, although Santana had hit foot on the ropes.

Your winner, Jesse Godderz!

OK match.  Santana worked hard as your old school white meat babyface.  Godderz has a great look and charisma, so you can easily see why TNA signed him up.  He's really rough around the edges but there is a world of potential there.  It's going to take time.

FWE Women's championship Tournament: Maria Kanellis vs. Tara

This is Maria's first match since leaving WWE.  Tara said that she said it was a huge honor to see that Maria wanted to wrestle her in her comeback match since WWE.  She noted that it was also Maria's birthday and sanf Happy Birthday to her, then attacked her.  That was great.  Tara worked her over in the corner and drilled her with shoulderblocks.

Maria came back with a series of armdrags and a twisting headscissors.  Maria nailed her with the Bronco Buster in the corner.   Tara rolled out of the ring to clear her head.   Maria followed her to the floor.  Tara took the mic and ripped on NYC.   She returned to the ring and kicked Maria, who was on the apron, hard in the gut and Maria flew off to the floor.   Back in the ring, she covered Maria for a two count.

Tara mocked her, telling Maria to smile as she worked her over.  She used an over the shoulder backbreaker.  Tara locked her in a side chinlock, trying to force a submission.    Maria fired back with several elbows but was nailed and sent back to the mat.   She whipped Maria into the ropes and went for a clothesline but Maria nailed one at the same time, so they both landed on the mat, out of it.  The referee began counting them both out but they returned to their feet and began battling back and forth.

Maria got the better of the exchange, nailing several clotheslines.  She went to the top and nailed a flying bodypress for a two count.   Tara cut her off and nailed a TKO for a two count.   Tara went the Widow's Peak but Winter ran out and grabbed Maria's leg, preventing the move.  Tara and Winter had a faceoff and Winter backed out of the ring.  Maria rolled up Tara for the pin.

Your winner, Maria Kanellis!

It will be Kanellis vs. Winter later on tonight in the finals.

The match was fine but the finish was a little goofy.  We'll see if the Winter-Maria thing pays off later.

Mike Bennett vs. Wes Draven vs. Matt Taven (with Casey Ray) vs. Firebird Jorge Santi

They started fast with Draven and Santi cleaning house on the heels, then they went back and forth with a series of hot near falls.   Taven and Bennett returned but were dropkicked out of the ring.    All three ended up battling on the floor, leading to Draven hitting a springboard into a spinning dive on all three.   Back in the ring, Bennett caught Draven with a spinebuster for a two count.   Taven caught Santi with a spinning kick.   They all went back and forth, building to a Tower of Doom spot.   Bennett cut off Draven but was caught with a tornado DDT.  Bennett finally caught Santi and rolled him up with the pin.  LOTS of hot spots here that went so quick I couldn't catch it all.

Your winner, Mike Bennett!

Bennett took the mic and again announced himself as the winner, putting himself over for being from Boston.

Good match with lots of hot spots.  Draven does some nice flying spots.  Santi was solid.  Taven looked really good and this was one of the strongest performances overall I've seen from Bennett.

Big Daddy V vs. Malta The Damager - Tables Match

This is the first Tables bout in the promotion's history. 

Ryan Moehring sent word this was V's first match since December 4th, 2010 when he toured for All Japan.

The crowd chanted, "We want Mo."  That's awesome.   They faced off at the bell.  Matla is actually taller than V.  V shoved him backward into the turnbuckles.   Malta shoved him back but V didn't budge as much.   They locked up  and V backed Malta up into the corner.   Malta went from a back suplex but  V backed him up into the turnbuckles.   He chopped Malta hard across the chest.  Malta fought back with one of his own.  V reversed him and drilled him with another chop. 

V hiptossed Malta across the ring and chopped him again against the turnbuckles.   He whipped Malta into the corner, where he took a crazy bump over the top to the floor.   It was pretty impressive to see a guy of that size doing the Ray Stevens/ Justin Credible style bump.  Malta recovered and walked around ringside, looking for tables.  He went for a sunset flip into the ring but V, who's facial expressions were great here, fought it off and went for the sit down splash.  Malta moved, so there was no water in the pool.  He worked over V, nailing several legdrops and stomped and worked him over with clubbing across his back.

Malta rebounded off the ropes but was caught with a sideslam.  They battled to the floor.  V set up Malta in front of a ringpost and charged, but Malta moved so V hit the post head-on.    The crowd began chanting for tables.  Malta set up a table in the ring.  Malta went to suplex him but V was too large to get over.  Malta sold that his back was hurt.  V grabbed him and nailed a Samoan Drop through the table for the win.

Your winner, Big Daddy V!

Decent back and forth battle between monsters.

FWE Tri-Borough champion Damien Darling (with Rick Silver) vs. Jay Lethal

Silver did mic work complaining that Darling had to defend his title, much less defend it before a crowd that forced the concession stand to go get extra hot dogs during intermission.    

Lethal controlled Darling early, running him out of the ring following a series of chops.   Lethal continued working him over with a series of right hands.  He whipped Darling hard into the turnbuckles.   Lethal came off the ropes with a double axehandle for a two count.   He whipped Darling into the corner.  Darling tried to kick off a charge but Lethal caught the boot and drilled him.  He nailed him with ten punches in the corner and covered him for a two count after an elbow.

Lethal went to the top but Silver got on the apron.  Lethal grabbed him but Darling nailed him with a chop block from behind.   Darling began working over Lethal's knee and leg.  He used a stepover toehold to try and force a submission.  The crowd began chanting for Lethal but Darling drilled him and used the ropes to stomp his knee.  Darling pulled Lethal's leg near the ringpost and slammed it into the post.  Darling began arguing with the referee, allowing Silver to work over his led.  Lethal finally fought back and nailed a flying forearm for a two count.

Lethal nailed a hiptoss into a dropkick for another two count.   Darling cut him off and locked on a figure four leglock.  Silver grabbed Darling's hands to add to the momentum, but the fans told the referee what was going on, so Silver got tossed from ringside.   Darling argued with the referee, alllowing Lethal to recover and nail a superkick for a CLOOOOOSE two count.  The crowd was all over the referee, chanting that it was three.

Darling came back to nailed Lethal with a hangman's neckbreaker for a two count.  They battled back and forth.  Darling went for a superplex but Lethal fought him off.   Lethal came off the top with the flying elbow and scored the pin.

Your winner and new FWE Tri-Borough champion, Jay Lethal!

Very good back and forth match  From the standpoint of telling a physical story, the best bell to bell match on the show.  Darling had a good showing here and Lethal has really turned into an awesome worker over the last year.  Good stuff!

Diamond Inc.(with Diamond D) vs. Adrenaline Express, EJ Risk & VSK

Risk and VSK worked over Jason Gotti early.    They went back and forth.  Joey Ace tagged in and woeked over Risk.    Risk came back with a DDT and made the hot tag to VSK.  He sent Ace out of the ring and backdropped Gotti.   He drilled Gotti with a leaping knee and went for a move but D got on the apron.  He dismissed her and went for a backslide for a two count  Gotti reversed it for a two count of his own.

Gotti and VSK battled back and forth on the apron.  Ace attacked VSK from behind.  Gotti went for a spear but VSK moved and Gotti went to the outside, nailing his own partner.  Ace and Risk went out of the ring fighting,  VSK came off the top with a flying kneedrop for a two count.  He and Risk drilled Gotti with a double team.

Your winners, Adrenaline Express!

VSK cut a promo after the match saying that if The Midnight Sensations want to mention them during a promo, they can fight them in March.  They said that they aren't hard to find and they'll see the Sensations in March.

This was one of those matches where when things clicked they looked good and when they didn't, it was because they were trying really hard to do a lot.  OK overall but had things worked out perfectly, this would have been real good.

 FWE Women's Championship Tournament Final: Winter vs. Maria Kanellis

They faced off at the bell.   Winter offered her hand and Maria sklapped it away.  They locked up and Winter caught her in a full nelson.  Maria slipped out and rolled her forward into a pinning situation for a two count.   Winter rolled out of the ring, shocked.  She walked around the ring, then tripped Maria from the outside.  She tried to stomp away at Maria, who rolled out of the ring.  She finally caught Maria with a kick to the gut and said, "Happy Birthday Maria."

Winter choked her against the ropes and tried her to the tree of woe.   She went to the outside and locked a chinlock on Kanellis, forcing her to be be pulled backwards while upside down.   Back in the ring, she drilled Maria for a two count.  Winter locked on a side chinlock.  Maria fought her way out of it but was snapped backwards by her hair back to the mat.   Maria tried to fight back but was kicked down to the mat for another two count.

Winter whipped Maria into the corner and kicked her hard in the gut.  She whipped Maria ito the opposite corner but was nailed with a forearm.  Maria nailed several clotheslines for a two count.   She nailed several kicks and rebounded off the ropes for a kick to the gut.  Maria peppered inter in the corner with punches but was elevated up and dropped on the top turnbuckles with snake eyes.  Brooke Tessmacher came out and distracted the referee, which allowed Tara to hit the ring and nail The Widow's Peak on Winter.  Kanellis covered her for the pin.

Your winner and first-ever FWE Women's champion, Maria Kanellis!

The match was OK.  Kanellis' offense looked a little light but hell, she's been out of the ring for two years.  Winter really is a hell of an underrated worker as she did a good job in both of her appearances here.  I thought the interference was a little much for my tastes but the idea here was that Winter got her comeuppance for interfering on Tara earlier tonight.

Charlie Haas vs. Tommy Dreamer

Haas came out with the FWE title belt, which he had stolen from champion Eric Young at the end of the last FWE show.  Dreamer got a big "ECW" chant when he came to the ring.     Haas was challenging fans in the front row to fight him.   The crowd chanted, "We want Shelton" at Haas.   They raised the belt as if this was a title match, although it's not.  Haas was awesome heeling the hell out of the fans.

They went back and forth on the mat early.  The crowd was all over Haas.   They locked up in a test of strength.  Dreamer went for a waistlock but Haas immedatley stepped through the ropes to break it.  When they returned to the ring, they went back to the test of strength.  Haas nailed Dreamer low and worked him over in the corner.  Dreamer fought back and tossed Haas over the top to the floor.  Haas hit the guard rail hard.  Dreamer sprayed him with soda then nailed him with a water bottle. 

They battled over the top of the railing to the the crowd.     They brawled towards the back of the building.  Dreamer slammed Haas into a table, then slammed him in the head with a full garbage can.  They battled back to the aisle, where Haas gave Dreamer an atomic drop onto the railing  Haas worked over Dreamer as they returned to the ring.  Haas worked him over in the corner with chops.

Dreamer finally fired back with chops of his own.     He whipped Haas hard into the buckles but missed a charge, nailing the ringpost shoulder first.   Haas nailed the Olympic Slam for a two count.   Haas continued working over Dreamer but couldn't get a three count.   Dreamer fired back and nailed a sunset flip for a two count.  Has caught Dreamer in the Haas of Pain and released it to scream at some of the ringside fans.

Haas continued to wear Dreamer down with submissions, but the fans rallied Dreamer.  Haas brought him to his feet and worked over Tommy in the corner.   He charged but as kicked off by Dreamer.  Dreamer nailed a drop toehold into the buckles.   Dreamer fired back with a series of punches and nailed a neckbreaker.  He went for the DDT but was turned into an Olympic Slam for a two count.  The crowd started chanting "Jackie sucks" at Haas, which was pretty funny.

Haas brought a chair into the ring and went to the middle rope.  He dove off but Dreamer kicked it into Haas' face.  Dreamer DDT'd Haas for a two count.  The crowd chanted that it was three,   Dreamer pulled a table out from under the ring.  He set it up in the corner but Haas cut him off with several punches. Haas went to whip Dreamer into the table but Dreamer reversed.  Dreamer caught him with a DVDR through the table for the pin.

Your winner, Tommy Dreamer! 

Dreamer cut a promo after thanking everyone and putting over the locker room for working as if it was Wrestlemania. The crowd chanted "FWE" and Dreamer said that it looks like he needs a new t-shirt.

Haas and Dreamer faced off. Haas offered his hand but Dreamer warned him not to pull anything. They shook hands and of course, Haas cheapshotted him on the way out.

A really fun back and forth good vs. evil main event with a short, fun brawl in the crowd added in.

FWE Notes: Solid indy show.  Lots of guys and girls working hard up and down the card...The venue is literally a huge meeting room in St. Paul's Church which has housed boxing in the past.  I had never heard of the venue before but it's an awesome little venue.  If they could put bleachers in here (not possible) it would be an incredible place, but there's a nice atmosphere here...They drew in the 300-350 range...The show was filmed or DVD and Blu-Ray release with HDNet's Michael Schiavello and Frank Trigg on commentary...Brian XL was backstage...They utilized Victory Pro Wrestling's ring....They announced Brian Kendrick debuting and Rosita appearing on the 3/24 FWE return to Manhattan.  former TNA champion Petey Williams will debut here in April....For more on the promotion, visit

2013 - WWE broadcast Raw.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

Previously, in the WWE . . . John Cena and CM Punk agreed to wrestle tonight to determine who would be the man to face the Rock at Wrestlemania for the WWE Title and the brand new championship belt. Paul Heyman was informed that Brad Maddox was the assistant to the role that Vickie Guerrero has on Raw, but that was not the worst news for the man who stands by CM Punk’s side. Paul would also be told that he will be facing Vince McMahon in a fight on this week’s show. We are not less than six weeks from Wrestlemania and it seems like it would be the time for a few of the matches to develop.

We are in Dallas, Texas and your announcers are Michael ‘Did you know that I am from Texas’ Cole and Jerry ‘Did you know that I beat up most of the Von Erichs’ Lawler.

Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring but he is still on his crutches and he is not really dressed to fight, unless it is a board room brawl.

Vince says that he likes to do things in a big way and we are close to Wrestlemania so we need something big each week. What better way to start off the show than with a fight. Vince says that it is time to bring out Paul Heyman.

Paul Heyman comes out and he says that Vince is the showman and the great entertainer. Paul says that you will be able to tell your children that you saw a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. Paul says that he has waited his entire life for this fight. He has been portrayed as a wimp, wuss, and the biggest puss.

Paul says that he is all man. Vince has as much chance against him as Tony Romo leading the Cowboys to the Super Bowl. Paul says that he will not take it easy on Vince. He has seen Vince run every promoter out of business, including him. Paul says that he is coming after Vince for everything he’s got.

Paul says that since Vince is in a suit, he must want to make an executive decision. Before they fight, he wants to tell Vince . . .

Paul takes Vince down and he has a crutch. Paul hits Vince in the hamstring with the crutch. Vince struggles to get to his feet and Vince blocks the crutch shot. Vince hits Paul in the midsection and then the back with the crutch.

Brock Lesnar’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. Brock takes his time to do the Brock Bounce before making his way to the ring.

Vince stands in the ring while Brock gets to the apron. Brock takes his time to enter the ring and he looks like he is going to tear the man in the purple suit apart.

Before Brock can do anything, Triple H’s music plays and Vince gets out of the ring while we wait for him to make his way onto the stage and the GAME-AH is back.

Brock goes to the floor to meet Hunter and they fight on the floor. Brock with a knee to Hunter and then he connects with elbows. Hunter sends Brock into the ring post and Lesnar is bleeding. Hunter sends Lesnar into the post again. Hunter clothesline Brock into the Garcia Box. Brock with a knee to Hunter before Hunter can use the crutch.

Lesnar with more knees and then he gets Hunger up and drops him onto the announce table with a fireman’s carry. Hunter is sent into the ring and Brock gets a chair (even though there was Gatorade to use). Before Brock can use the chair, Hunter with a spinebuster and Hunter hits Brock in the back with the chair and Lesnar falls out of the ring and to the floor.

We go to commercial with Ryback walking in the back.

We are back and Michael Cole wants the WWE Universe to send their Touts about what we saw earlier.


Match Number One: Ryback versus Dolph Ziggler (with AJ Lee and Big E Langston)


Ziggler avoids Ryback and he shows off. Ziggler with a waist lock and Ryback with a standing switch and a waist lock take down. Ryback with a forearm to the back followed by another waist lock take down. Ryback with a third waist lock take down. Ziggler with a kick to the knee and a drop kick to the head. Ziggler gets a near fall but Ryback with a forceful kick out.

Ziggler with punches and kicks to Ryback followed by a front face lock. Ryback picks up Ziggler an pushes him away. Ryback with a shoulder tackle and Ryback catches Ziggler on a leap frog attempt for a power slam.

Ryback sends Ziggler head first into the turnbuckles and he chops Ziggler. Ryback with another chop and forearm to the back. Ziggler with kicks and punches. Ryback catches Ziggler on a cross body attempt and Ryback with a new version of an Oklahoma slam but he drops Ziggler. Dolph rolls to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Ryback has Ziggler up for a delayed vertical suplex and he finally hits it and Ziggler rolls to the floor. Ryback sends Ziggler back into the ring but Ziggler recovers and he tries to kick Ryback but Ryback blocks the kick and he pushes Ziggler into the ring. Langston with a running body block while the referee was not looking.

Ziggler with a near fall but Ryback with a powerful kick out. Ziggler with a drop kick to the back of the head and another near fall. Ziggler with a front face lock and Ryback pushes him away. Ryback pushes Ziggler to the corner and he misses a charge into the corner. Ziggler with a delayed DDT and he gets a near fall. Ryback misses a punch and Ziggler with a sleeper.

Ryback with a backpack stunner and both men are down. Ziggler tries for a splash into the corner but Ryback move closer to Ziggler to neutralize him. Ryback tosses Ziggler into the air and then hits a spinebuster. Ryback avoids Langston’s interference while AJ distracts the referee. Ziggler tries for a sleeper but Ryback avoids it and then he hits another spinebuster followed by the marching muscle buster and he gets the three count.


Winner: Ryback


It is time to take a look at the newest WWE Films presentation, The Call starring Halle Berry and featuring David Otunga.

CM Punk makes his way to the ring and we go to commercial.

We are back and CM Punk is now in the ring. He says tonight on live television, the world witnesses history. Those fortunate enough to be here live, it is a night that you will talk to your grandchildren about. A story has been told for years leading up to this moment. Tonight, you see the end of that story as well as the beginning.

There are some who would make you think that tonight is about an epic match between John Cena and CM Punk. Tonight is not about a match. Tonight is not about John Cena. Tonight is not about The Rock. Punk says that he could point at the sign and say that this is about Wrestlemania but it is not even about Wrestlemania. Tonight is not even about the people. As near and dear as the WWE Championship is to him, it is not about that championship.

Tonight is about the future and that is more important than the WWE Title, Wrestlemania, and the Rock. Tonight is about CM Punk. Tonight is about the single most important superstar of this era and eras past. It is about him taking his place at the Showcase of the Immortals in the main event.

Punk says that he has held his precious WWE Title longer than anyone in decades. He has beaten John Cena more times that he can remember. He has pinned the Rock not once, but twice in four weeks. He is the best in the world. He is the best in the world. The best in the world earns the right to go into the main event of Wrestlemania. He is not a superstar. He is an icon who walks among Superstars.

He tells us that we are watching greatness on two feet. Punk says that he is immortal and the greatest of all time. He is an icon, a legend, and the best. In this world that everyone inhabits, he is God.

There is a new name for the Hall of Fame to join Bob Backlund, Mick Foley, Trish Stratus, and Bruno Sammartino. That person is Donald Trump.

Mark Henry and Great Khali walk in the back and if John Layfield was here, he would say that we are watching Godzilla and King King walking in the back. We go to commercial.


Match Number Two: Great Khali versus Mark Henry


They lock up and Khali with a boot to Henry’s head. Khali chops Henry in the corner. Khali with more chops and head butts. Khali with a chop to the head and Henry goes to the floor. Henry sends Khali into the ring post and they return to the ring. Henry with a splash into the corner and Henry with the World’s Strongest Slam for the three count.


Winner: Mark Henry


It is time to take a look at the Marine 3: Homefront starring The Miz, coming to DVD and Blu-Ray.

Miz makes his way to the ring for MizTV.

The guests for MizTV are in the ring. On one side of the ring, Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger. On the other side is Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez.

Miz says that he would start things off with a lot of hype but he wants to cut to the chase. He introduces his guests.

Miz asks Zeb and Jack about the controversy they had last week. Miz says that he is giving them the opportunity to say things to Alberto’s face.

Zeb says that he was looking forward to the opportunity to talk to Glenn Beck, but since he chickened out, he is looking forward to talking to Alberto. He introduces himself and Jack as Real Americans. He says that there is a problem in this country. There are 11 million undocumented workers in this country. He calls them undocumented because of the politically correct.

They want to grant them amnesty to allow them to be citizens. Real Americans have a tough enough time getting jobs. They sneak across the border and take our jobs, our medical resources and they stomp on our productivity. Zeb says that Alberto’s people drain our resources.

Alberto interrupts and then Miz stops him to hear from Alberto.

Miz asks Alberto about obtaining citizenship in Mexico but Zeb starts to answer Miz.

Alberto says to let Zeb talk.

Zeb says that he doesn’t know anyone who wants to be a citizen of Mexico. He says that it takes ten years to become a citizen. Zeb says that a foreigner cannot own property in Mexico. He wants to know what is wrong with Alberto and his people.

Zeb tells Alberto and Sling Blade to calm down. He says that this is not personal. It is what Alberto represents. Alberto represents success and the American dream. He encourages millions of illegals to cross the border to achieve their dreams. There is only one Alberto Del Rio success story. The ones who fail forget to leave this country. He says that they are not going to stand by and let this happen. He says that we call them criminals.

Alberto and Zeb yell at each other and then Alberto tells Zeb that it is time to shut up.

Alberto says that America does not belong to Zeb or to him, it belongs to everyone. He is no different than the people in the crowd or Zeb. He says that they descend from immigrants. They both want to provide their families with a better life. They are here with the promise that if you work hard in America, everything is possible.

Alberto says that he is living proof of that. Do they think they can come out here and bully everyone while hiding behind the Constitution. Alberto says that he did not know anything about Zeb two weeks ago. He heard about people like him but he never met one like him. Alberto says that he does not like bullies and if Zeb has the cajones, why not do something to make them leave right now.

Jack takes the mic and he says that WE will see you at Wrestlemania. WE the people. Jack throws down the mic and leaves.

Randy Orton is walking in the back for his match with Antonio Cesaro and we go to commercial.

We are back and we see footage from the RawActive App when Zeb Colter confronted Miz about his biased journalism only to be a trap for Swagger to attack Miz.


Match Number Three: Antonio Cesaro versus Randy Orton in a Non Title Match


They lock up and Cesaro with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. They lock up again and Cesaro with a side head lock. Orton with a back elbow to Cesaro followed by an Exploder suplex for a near fall. Cesaro and Orton go back and forth with European uppercuts but Cesaro with a kick and a European uppercut to the back of the head followed by a dead lift side salto for a near fall.

Cesaro with a knee to the back and a slap to the back of the head. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock. Orton with elbows but Cesaro with a knee and European uppercuts. Cesaro with an Irish whip but Orton with a clothesline. Orton with another clothesline and he avoids a clothesline from Cesaro. Orton with a power slam and then Orton looks around while Cesaro goes to the apron.

Cesaro drops Orton on the top rope but Orton with a back breaker. Cesaro with a knee and then he goes to the turnbuckles for a European uppercut but Orton counters with an RKO for the three count.


Winner: Randy Orton


Daniel Bryan and Kane are in the back on the monitor and Bryan says that Orton is impressive. He tells Kane to let bygones be bygones. Kane reminds Bryan that they need to be together because they face the Prime Time Players. Bryan tells Kane to stay in the corner and he says that he can beat them blindfolded. Kane says that he can beat them with one arm tied behind his back.

Brad and Vickie enter and Brad Maddox says that they would like to see what they were talking about. Brad says that Kane will have an arm tied behind his back while Vickie tells Bryan that he will be blindfolded.

Since the Academy Awards were last night, it is time to take the A Few Good Men parody out of mothballs.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jack Swagger will face Miz later tonight.

Sheamus makes his way to the ring and he is wearing a tuxedo. Sheamus wants to know how everyone is doing. He says that everyone knows him as an arse kicking fighter but he is a movie buff. He says that he missed the Oscars because he was driving to Dallas. He says that what he saw, he did not like.

It was not Ben Affleck’s speech, Jennifer Lawrence’s dive, or Seth McFarlane being unfunny. It was that the Academy missed out on Wade Barrett, the greatest actor of our generation. Sheamus has us look at a clip from Dead Man Down.

Sheamus says that it looks like a great movie. He says that he cannot wait to watch it again. Sheamus says that there is another trailer that shows the acting skills of Wade Barrett.

Sheamus says that he didn’t realize that Colin Farrell was in that clip with Wade. He says that Wade is so inspiring and so . . . out of focus. Wade tried so hard to do . . . nothing.

Wade Barrett’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. He says that the Irish love the color green and it is appropriate when you consider the envy coming out of Sheamus’ pores. He can tell his jokes and the idiots will laugh it up. Sheamus cannot hide that he is jealous of the fact that Wade is going to be a big star.

Wade mentions that he will be appearing at the world premiere of Dead Man Down. All Sheamus will be doing is return his rented tux and he will be going to the local pub.

Sheamus agrees with Wade and he tells Wade to make sure the paparazzi get his good side. Sheamus then says that he doesn’t have a good side.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Damien Sandow is at the announce table with Jerry and Michael.


Match Number Four: R Truth versus Cody Rhodes


They lock up and Truth with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Truth shimmies with Cody and punches Rhodes. Truth with an Irish whip but Cody with an elbow. Cody with a kick and he backs Truth into the corner and goes after Truth’s injured knee. Cody kicks Truth in the leg and he punches him.

Cody with a gourdbuster but Truth with punches to Cody. Cody with a punch and he chokes Truth in the ropes. Cody punches Truth in the midsection. Cody with a snap mare and a full nelson. Truth punches Cody but Cody with a kick and Little Jimmy for the three count.


Winner: R Truth


After the match, Sandow tries to attack Truth but Truth sees it coming and he takes care of Damien.

It is time to take a look at another Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger YouTube video.


Match Number Five: Darren Young and Titus O’Neil versus Daniel Bryan (with a hood) and Kane (with his arm tied behind his back) in a Non Title Match


Bryan and Kane argue over who starts and Bryan wants to begin. He starts off with Titus. Bryan goes for the referee and tries to apply the No Lock. Bryan apologizes. Titus blows his whistle to try to get Bryan’s attention. Titus with a forearm to the back and then he barks. Titus with a slam and he says that he is going to entertain.

Young tags in and he hits a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Titus tags back in and he kicks Bryan. Titus sends Bryan into the turnbuckles and he slams Bryan. Titus misses an elbow drop and Bryan rolls to the floor. Bryan with a forearm to Kane on the floor when Kane tries to help Bryan get up.

Bryan returns to the ring but he trips on the ropes. Bryan moves when Young charges into the corner. Kane tries to get Bryan to come to the corner. Kane tags in and he punches Young. Kane moves when Young tries for a splash. Kane with two clotheslines to Young followed by a running back elbow. Kane tries for the choke slam and he kicks Titus who tries to interfere. Young with kicks but Kane with a choke slam for the three count.


Winners: Kane and Daniel Bryan


After the match, Bryan trips falling into the ring and the hood is removed. Bryan takes his title belt back and they celebrate in the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at what you might have missed in the first two hours of tonight’s show if you are just joining us.

The Shield make their way through the crowd and to the ring.

Dean Ambrose says that it has to get worse before it can get better. It will get a lot worse. There will no peace until there is justice and honor. They are the most efficient and effective unit in history. That means that there are people in the back who are uncomfortable. You can create whatever super team you want, but you won’t stop them.

Roman says that they will fight any challenge and they will win each time. If you don’t believe in the shield, justice will hunt you down and turn your bones to dust.

Seth says that at TLC, they defeated Hell No and the Neanderthal Ryack. At Elimination Chamber, they did what no one on planet Earth thought they would do. They solved the John Cena problem. They defeated the Superhero Squad of John Cena, Sheamus, and Ryback. Then they took care of that wannabe rock star Chris Jericho last week. They have dropped everyone who has come before them.

Is there anyone who wants to step up to them?

Sheamus comes out and he is dressed to fight. He says that if they want a fight tonight, why not come up and fight him? He wants to know if they have the stones.

Reigns and Ambrose go up the ramp while Rollins stays in the ring and Randy Orton comes through the crowd and he gives Rollins and RKO before retreating into the crowd and posing.

We go to commercial.


Match Number Six: Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) versus Miz


Miz with punches to Swagger but Swagger pushes him away. Miz with more punches and then he back body drops Swagger over the top rope to the floor. Miz with a drop kick to keep Swagger on the floor. Miz comes off the apron and Swagger catches Miz and he hits a belly-to-belly suplex on the floor.

Del Rio and Ricardo watch from the back.

Swagger sends Miz into the ropes and he connects with a forearm to the kidneys. Swagger with another forearm to the kidneys. He goes for a third one but Miz with punches of his won. Swagger with an Irish whip and knees to the midsection. Swagger with a running knee into the corner.

Swagger traps the arms but Miz gets to his feet. Swagger with a forearm but Miz with a knee to the knee and a knee lift. Swagger with a clothesline. Swagger with boots to Miz’ midsection. Swagger with a slam and then he hits the double jump Swagger Bomb for a near fall. Swagger with an arm bar.

Miz hits the Reality Check and both men are down. Swagger with a power slam for a near fall. Miz struggles to get to his feet and Swagger punches him in the corner. Miz with punches to Swagger. Swagger with a kick to the midsection but Miz with a clothesline and punches. Miz with a boot to the chest and then it is time for the Awesome Clothesline and then Miz goes up top for the double sledge and he connects.

Miz gets a near fall. Miz tries for a running boot but Swagger blocks it. Miz counters with a sunset flip for a near fall. Swagger sends Miz into the ropes when Miz tries for a DDT. Miz gets his ankle caught in the ropes and Swagger kicks Miz while hanging in the ropes.

Swagger clips the leg and Swagger waits to pounce and he applies the ankle lock and Miz taps out.


Winner: Jack Swagger


We take a look at the unveiling of the new WWE Title Belt.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Triple H entering the Tout era. We see why he Touted.

Josh Mathews is with John Cena in the interview area.

Cena says that there is a buzz in the air. We are moments from Thunderdome in Dallas. Two men enter and one man leaves with the chance at immortality as the winner will get their ticket to Wrestlemania. CM Punk says that Cena cannot win. He says that Punk told him that he made the wrong decision.

CM Punk talked about the 434 days he was champion, but Cena held it for 380 and he has been to the mountain top ten times. There will be no excuses and no second place. Cena says that he asked for this match because he wants to prove that John Cena is back. He says that if you believe in hustle, loyalty, and respect your time is now.

In case you are looking for something to watch tomorrow night, Chris Jericho hosts Robot Combat League on Syfy. We have footage.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see footage of Undertaker’s return at a house show in Waco this weekend.


Match Number Seven: CM Punk versus John Cena in a Number One Contender Match for the WWE Title


Punk kicks Cena away before locking up. They finally lock up and they try to get the advantage. Punk with a waist lock and side head lock take down. Cena gets Punk down to a knee and Cena with a snap mare but Punk escapes a side head lock. Cena with a snap mare and Punk gets to the ropes and he releases the hold.

They lock up and Cena with a side head lock take down. Punk with a side head lock take down of his own. Cena with a hip toss and Punk goes to the floor to stop Cena from hitting any of his offense on Punk. We go to commercial.

We are back and Cena with a back body drop followed by a kick and suplex but he misses a charge into the corner when Punk moves. Punk gets a near fall and then he connects with elbows to the back of the head. Punk with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Punk with a figure four head scissors. Cena gets to his feet while Punk maintains the hold and Cena with an Electric Chair drop.

Cena with a bulldog and he gets a near fall. Cena with a front face lock and a side head lock for a near fall. Punk with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Punk with a reverse chin lock on Cena. Cena with elbows to Punk and a kick to the knee. Cena with punches but Punk with a kick. Cena with a flying shoulder tackle. Punk knows that a second one is coming and Punk ducks and Cena goes to the floor.

Punk with a suicide dive and both men are down as we go to commercial.

We are back and Punk with an abdominal stretch on Cena but Cena with a hip toss to escape. We see footage from the commercial break when Punk hit a DDT to counter an Attitude Adjustment. Cena with two flying shoulder tackles but Punk counters the Blue Thunder Bomb with the Anaconda Vise. Cena gets a near fall with a rollup. Punk with a neck breaker for a near fall.

Punk signals for the Go To Sleep but Cena counters with an STF attempt. Punk with a springboard clothesline for a near fall. Punk tries for the springboard clothesline but Cena moves out of the way and Cena applies the STF. Punk is able to get out of the hold and he counters into the Anaconda Vise. Cena with a Crippler Crossface. Punk with a counter into a rollup for a near fall.

Both men struggle to get back to their feet. Cena with a punch and Punk with a punch of his own. They go back and forth with punches, kicks, and forearms and Cena with the advantage until Punk hits a back heel kick. Cena hits the Blue Thunder Bomb and Punk kicks Cena when he tries for the Five Knuckle Shuffle.

Cena counters the Go To Sleep with a sunset flip but Punk does not go over and he gets a near fall. Punk with a knee in the corner and he tries for the bulldog but Cena blocks it and he hits the Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena with the Five Knuckle Shuffle and he tries for the Attitude Adjustment. Punk tries for the Go To Sleep but Cena escapes and hits a Power Bomb but he can only get a two count.

Cena goes up top but Punk punches Cena and chops him. They fight on the turnbuckles and Cena with a head butt that sends Punk to the mat. Cena with a leg drop to the back of the head but he can only get a two count.

Punk with a round kick to the head and Cena falls into the corner. Punk with the running knee into the corner but Cena is able to get a near fall after an Attitude Adjustment. Punk rolls to the floor. Punk sends Cena into the ring post and he continues his count while Cena fights to get back into he ring at the last moment.

Punk with the Go To Sleep and he connects but Cena kicks out at two. Punk with a front face lock and he gets Cena to his shoulders again and Cena counters with an STF. Punk tries to get to the ropes to avoid tapping out and he crawls to the ropes and he gets there.

Punk with a kick to the knee and he hits a piledriver but Cena kicks out. Punk covers Cena again but Cena kicks out. He tries for a third cover and Cena kicks out. Cena goes up top for the elbow drop but Cena moves. Cena with a rana followed by an Attitude Adjustment for the three count.


Winner: John Cena


We go to credits.

2013 - WWE issued the following press release:


STAMFORD, Conn., February 25, 2013 – Glenn Beck declined WWE’s invitation to address our fans live on Raw® tonight and then hid from WWE reporters when approached this evening at his studios in Dallas. WWE attempted to get comment from Beck but was unable to gain building access after Beck’s representatives said he was “not in the building,” which clearly couldn’t be the case just prior to his show airing live from the same studio.

Beck referenced WWE as “stupid wrestling people” in a segment that aired on TheBlaze TV last week, criticizing a recent WWE storyline involving WWE characters World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio™, Jack Swagger™ and Zeb Colter™.

Similar to other television shows and feature films, WWE is in the entertainment business, creating fictional characters that serve as protagonists or antagonists. To create compelling and relevant content for our audience, it is important to incorporate current events into our storylines.

WWE is creating a rivalry centered on a topical subject that has varying points of view. This storyline was developed to build the Mexican American character Del Rio into a hero given WWE’s large Latino base, which represents 20 percent of our audience.

About WWE:

WWE, a publicly traded company (NYSE: WWE), is an integrated media organization and recognized leader in global entertainment. The company consists of a portfolio of businesses that create and deliver original content 52 weeks a year to a global audience. WWE is committed to family friendly entertainment on its television programming, pay-per-view, digital media and publishing platforms. WWE programming is broadcast in more than 145 countries and 30 languages and reaches more than 600 million homes worldwide. The company is headquartered in Stamford, Conn., with offices in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, London, Mumbai, Shanghai, Singapore, Istanbul and Tokyo.

2013 - After a rough launch, the WWE Network announced the following on the Network's Facebook Page:

"We are currently experiencing technical issues with WWE Network’s video-on-demand library affecting 20% of viewers. Working with MLBAM, we expect to have this issue fully resolved by 6 p.m. tonight."

It would actually take several days before WWE would get many of the technical bugs right.

2015 - The first comic book written by CM Punk, "Thor Annual #1" was released  by Marvel Comics

2015 - Ring of Honor announced the return of former ROH champion Samoa Joe following Joe's departure from TNA.

2015 - TNA announced the following:


Mumbai (Wednesday February 25, 2015): TNA Wrestling and India’s most popular sports TV station Sony SIX have signed a long-term deal that will make Sony SIX the exclusive home for all TNA content until 2022.

This innovative and prestigious agreement anchors TNA with a major media company in the world's largest wrestling market outside of the United States for the next SEVEN years.

The partnership also includes a commitment to the discovery and development of talent from the Indian subcontinent to join the TNA roster, following in the footsteps of Mahabali Shera who last year became TNA's first ever Indian-born Superstar.

Fans across the Indian subcontinent can watch TNA’s flagship show IMPACT WRESTLING every Monday night at 9pm on Sony SIX, with TNA Wrestling's Greatest Matches airing every Tuesday at 9pm and TNA Xplosion each Wednesday at 9pm. Sony SIX also airs TNA's PPV and One Night Only events.

Since joining the Sony SIX line-up in the summer of 2013, TNA has helped Sony SIX become the most viewed sports channel across the Indian subcontinent. Other major sports/events on Sony SIX include Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket, FIFA World Cup soccer, NBA basketball and Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).

A major highlight for 2015 has been the IMPACT WRESTLING debut of Mahabali Shera. Introduced in a blaze of publicity by Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle, Shera has made headlines and led news bulletins across India.

Sony Six Business Head Prasana Krishna said: "We are extremely thrilled to extend our partnership with TNA. India historically boasts of a rich heritage in wresting and we believe, that through this initiative, we will be taking another step forward in reaching out to our audiences across India."

"The introduction of Shera and more Indian talents will only bolster our special televised capsule of action sports, which will feature the best of action and combat sports. We at Sony SIX look forward to building on this fascinating sport."

TNA President Dixie Carter added: "India has an incredible cultural heritage with wrestling and we are thrilled to continue this amazing partnership with Sony SIX for years to come."

“As is evident through this long-term deal with Sony SIX, the powerful introduction of Mahabali Shera, and our continued pledge to find and develop Indian talent, together we are committed to growing legions of TNA fans across the Indian subcontinent.

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