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By Mike Johnson on 2024-07-09 08:00:00

July 9th
On this day in history in ....

1963 - The Crusher defeats Verne Gagne for the AWA World Heavyweight Title in Minneapolis, Minnesota, ending Gagne's third title reign.
1985 - Rick Morton & Robert Gibson defeat Ivan Koloff & Krusher Krushchev for the NWA World Tag Team Title in Shelby, North Carolina. This marks the first NWA World Tag Title reign for the Rock N' Roll Express.
1986 - Fabulous Moolah defeats Velvet McIntyre for the WWF Women's Title in Sydney, Australia, winning back the belt she had lost six days earlier. This marked the start of Moolah's sixth title reign, although many record books ignore the Australia title changes.
2000 - The most controversial Pay-per-view event in the history of WCW, Bash at the Beach took place in Daytona Beach, Florida at the Ocean Center. Here is Tim Whitehead's original report on the event:
Well, they're gonna be talking about this one, that's for sure. WCW's Bash at the Beach (7/9 from the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach) was nothing special until an elaborate worked shoot angle near the finale involving Vince Russo and Hulk Hogan. At least it appears at press time to be a well-executed angle, though there were people within the WCW locker room immediately afterward who were convinced it was an actual shoot. I guess we'll find out eventually, but in wrestling, always bet on the work. If it is a work, it was a darn good one that involved also working the commentators and most of the wrestlers, though as we've seen in the past, that is something certain parties in the WCW office enjoy doing. Otherwise, the show was so-so at best, with some average Nitro-style matches and a couple of really horrible gimmick matches. Crowd heat was mostly good, which helped the show, and the announcing was fine, though they had to ad lib much of the latter part of the show due to the nature of the worked shoot angle (or actual shoot, depending on your opinion at press time). There was a technical glitch for the first minute or so and the Spanish commentary was heard instead of English. Booker T emerging as the surprise WCW World Champion was a nice touch.
Cat (Ernest Miller) arrived in his limo and was immediately surrounded by the Jung Dragons. Cat kicked them all in the balls.
LT. LOCO defeated JUVENTUD GUERRERA in 12:07 to retain the Cruiserweight Title. Cat banned both the Filthy Animals and the MIA's from ringside. Juventud came out with the title belt, which he had stolen last week on TV. Loco sent Juvi out with an atomic drop. Juvi returned but Loco sent him out again and dived on him. Loco hit some solid moves, including a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and head scissors, scoring some twos. Juvi did a legdrop from the ring onto Loco on the floor. The Animals all came back out wearing masks, but the ref sent them away again. Juvi scored some twos, including one after a People's Elbow. The MIA's then came out with masks as supposed disguises. Hugh G. Rection was wearing a Clinton mask, which was appropriately symbolic. Juvi hit the Juvi Driver but Loco made the ropes and did the big comeback to win with a Tornado DDT. The match was pretty good but all the mask antics distracted the fans.
The Jung Dragons confronted Cat in his office and he tried to appease them by telling them they did a good job on Thunder last week. They sarcastically repeated the word "job". Jeff Jarrett then barged in and was worried that Hulk Hogan hadn't arrived since he wanted to destroy him. Cat said if Hulk doesn't arrive, he'll find a new opponent for him. Jarrett had one of the overweight Viking chicks with him from the hilarious angle they did on Nitro.
BIG VITO beat NORMAN SMILEY & RALPHUS in a handicap match in 5:56 to retain the Hardcore Title. Not much to it. They brawled around backstage a little with garbage cans and the usual objects. Vito beat up a caterer when he emerged from a freight elevator, and then tossed Smiley on the elevator, which carried him up. Vito pounded Ralphus down to the ring. Vito brought in a table but the leg was broken so he had to prop it up at an angle but did splash Ralphus through it for the pin. Smiley arrived for the save but was too late.
Bill Goldberg was backstage with Scott Hall's contract. Hogan isn't immortal, but that contract sure is. Either that, or it's Cat's contract and it has nine lives. Kevin Nash then said that after he beats Goldberg he'll do an audience survey just to piss him off (Hall did a survey to put himself over as a babyface on a Nitro show months ago despite being instructed not to, which at the time legit pissed Goldberg off backstage).
DAFFNEY defeated MISS HANCOCK in the wedding gown match in 4:14. Really bad. David Flair came out wearing a tux and kept kissing Miss H. Daffney gave him a low blow. Mark Madden said they should call this the Flair Witch Project. Miss H did a handspring elbow which was 97% handspring but only 3% elbow. Both David and the ref got their pants torn off. Daffney was down and David was going to shave her head but Crowbar made the save. Seeing that both David and the ref were in their boxer shorts, he stripped to his as well. He was pounding David but Miss H stripped her own gown off to distract him, which had the side effect of giving Daffney the win. They all fought with pieces of the wedding cake afterward, and so much cake got on the ring and ringside mats that it took several minutes for the ring crew to clean it up and the commentators had to kill time talking about whatever came to mind. Why didn't they do the cake brawl backstage to avoid this problem? Because this is WCW, that's why.
Cat was walking around backstage and kept hearing Japanese music. The Jung Dragons were seen hiding and stalking him.
KRONIC defeated SEAN STASIAK & CHUCK PALUMBO in 13:34 to capture the WCW World Tag Titles. They were out there way too long. The match had decent heat but was mainly a bunch of power moves sloppily executed. Brian Adams took a hilarious delayed reaction bump over the top when Palumbo held down the ropes. Stasiak was nearly killed taking an airplane spin into a DDT spot. By the way, weren't these guys sunburned badly in those tanning beds? Shouldn't they have been peeling or something? Anyway, Palumbo got laid out with the high tide and Kronic then pinned Stasiak with their powerbomb spot.
Jarrett again said he wanted Hogan and was furious that he hadn't yet arrived. After Jarrett stormed out, the Japanese music was heard again and the Dragons attacked Cat with martial arts weapons and left him laying.
KANYON defeated BOOKER T in 10:04. Booker sent Kanyon reeling with some good moves and kicks. He got Kanyon's book and removed the brick. Kanyon didn't see this since he was laid out on the floor. They brawled on the floor and Kanyon put the stairs on top of Booker and then hit the stairs with a chairshot. Kanyon worked on Booker's back. Booker came back and scored some near falls. Kanyon wedged a chair between the turnbuckles, but as you might expect he was the one who ended up crashing into it. Kanyon used the book, thinking the brick was in it (didn't it weigh a lot less without it?) but with no brick, he was unable to KO Booker. Booker hit his chokeslam (called the "Bookend") but only got a two count. Jarrett then ran in and busted a guitar over Booker's head and Kanyon pinned him with the Kanyon Kutter. An okay match.
MIKE AWESOME beat SCOTT STEINER by DQ in 9:09 of the U.S. Title match. Scott attacked Awesome on the floor and they brawled into the crowd. Scott scored a near pin after a belly-to-belly suplex off the top. Scott bumped out where Awesome hit him with the ring bell and a chair across the back. Awesome kept working on Scott's back, which has legit sidelined him in the past. Referee Ron Howard overlooked all the chairshots since he was operating under the relaxed rules of the Russo Era. The new ref really does look like Ron Howard. Cat came out, apparently unhurt from the savage beating he had just taken, and tried to kick Scott but hit Awesome instead. Scott suplexed Cat. They traded some near falls and when Scott went for the recliner, Cat warned him that it was a banned move. Scott ignored him and hooked it anyway so Cat DQ'ed him and stripped him of the title. Oh joy, another title stripping. Scott suplexed Awesome afterward. A standard Nitro type match.
VAMPIRO defeated DEMON in the graveyard match. Just awful. The rules were that you had to destroy your opponent in the graveyard and then make it to the arena before him. Demon brought Asya with him, which made no sense given the fact that he's supposedly trying to protect her from Vampiro. Vampiro was hiding in a tree. They brawled around in near total darkness and Vampiro fell in an open grave. Vampiro than pulled Demon in and fled with Asya. Demon ran after him and found Asya freaking out beside a pond. Vampiro emerged from the pond like Mark Lewin during the Kevin Sullivan occult angles from the early 1980's and threw Demon in. The ref had to save Demon from "drowning" and Tony Schiavone said, "we've gone to new boundaries now." Uh-huh. Demon again found Asya freaking out, this time next to a coffin. Vampiro emerged and broke a very soft tombstone over Demon's head, put him in the coffin, and shoved it into a grave. Vampiro then left, I guess to call a taxi to bring him to the arena. This segment lasted 8:07, which was 8:53 too long.
SHANE DOUGLAS beat BUFF BAGWELL in 7:52. Douglas guaranteed that he'd win since he really is "that damn good". It really makes the promotion look bad when they openly borrow the competition's catch phrases. They quickly began brawling on the floor. The crowd heat was okay but they had to kill the mic when a "Shane's a pussy" chant started. See? Even WCW's paying fans borrow WWF's fan chants. Shane tried to piledrive Buff on the concrete floor but Buff blocked it. They kept brawling in pretty much standard action. Shane knocked a chair into Buff's face. Then, Torrie Wilson arrived. Shane wanted to kiss her but she slapped him. Buff made a comeback and was scoring near falls as Torrie cheered him, but then she turned on him (like we couldn't see that coming) and kicked him in the balls (like we couldn't see that coming, too). Shane hit the Pittsburgh Plunge but only got two. Buff scored two with a DDT. Buff shoved Torrie off the apron but ended up getting crotched and Shane won with his new move, which the commentators tried to sell as a big deal even though they didn't know what to call it. It's basically a Stone Cold Stunner from the opposite side. Shane and Torrie kissed and left together.
Hulk Hogan finally arrived. Jarrett told Jurassic Slapnuts (Gene Okerlund) that Plan A would now go into effect and asked if he had seen the movie "Usual Suspects". Hmmmmm.
HULK HOGAN beat JEFF JARRETT in 1:19 to win some version of the WCW World Title. Jarrett's music played but it took a while for him to come out, accompanied by Vince Russo, back from his hiatus. When the bell rang, Jarrett simply laid down and Russo tossed the belt to Hogan. Hogan looked surprised but eventually pinned Jarrett, who then simply got up and left. Hogan got on the mic and said, "That's why this company is in the shape it's in, because of bulls*** like this." I guess Hogan forgot about the Sting match on PPV and the time he himself won the title on Nitro when Nash laid down for him. Come to think of it, I'd like to forget those things, too. Hogan then left. In fact, he left the arena completely.
Vampiro arrived so I guess his win became official. Sting's music played and a bunch of Druids in Sting masks came out carrying a coffin. Another Druid in a Sting mask, supposedly the real Sting, emerged from the coffin, beat Vampiro up, and threw him in. Lame.
Goldberg did an interview and said it was all he could do to keep from destroying Hall's contract. I thought he not only destroyed it, but ate it on Nitro. Maybe Hall has 314 contracts and that's how his ass keeps from getting fired no matter how unprofessionally he behaves.
Russo came back out and did what was either a total shoot or a very good worked shoot interview (take your pick but lean strongly toward the latter). He used the "s" word freely and said Hogan had exercised the creative control clause in his contract to demand the title win over Jarrett since he doesn't give a damn about the company. So Russo gave him his win but said the company is now through with Hogan and that the belt he "won" was the Hulk Hogan Memorial Title and that the real WCW World Title is still held by Jarrett. Basically, Russo was Vince and Hogan was Bret Hart with the babyface - heel roles reversed. Anyway, it was a hot interview and Russo said he came back for the boys in the locker room who work their asses off every night for the company and that there would be a real world title defense later with Jarrett vs. Booker T, whom Russo said had worked his ass off for 14 years in WCW (I agree he's worked his ass off but not for 14 years). The commentators, who were not in on this if it was an angle, had to ad lib and they put all this over as a shoot.
BILL GOLDBERG beat KEVIN NASH in 5:27 in the match for Hall's contract. Nash asked Scott Steiner to watch his back but he didn't act interested. It was slow-paced power moves for the most part. Goldberg really isn't back at 100%. Scott then came out and used the contract to "motivate" Nash. He should have used Nash's contract if that was the goal. Goldberg went for the spear but missed and hit the turnbuckles, rather than the post. Scott then turned on Nash and attacked him, which Nash didn't sell, which made the turn even more meaningless than it was. Goldberg speared and jackhammered Nash for the pin, He tore up the reincarnated contract that cannot die afterward.
BOOKER T defeated JEFF JARRETT in 13:38 to capture the WCW World Title. They were calling the spots all through this match so it was not planned out. If the Hogan incident was a work it was also a work on the boys themselves, which is also quite likely. They brawled through the crowd. Jarrett used a chair and then threw Booker over the announcers' desk before piledriving him on the desk. Jarrett worked on Booker's knee and did the figure four but Booker escaped. The heat began rising. Booker missed an axe kick but Jarrett sold it anyway. There was a ref bump. Jarrett tried to use the belt but Booker got it and used it for a near fall as the ref revived. Jarrett lodged a chair in between the turnbuckles but, as in the earlier match, it was Jarrett who took the blow. Jarrett flattened the ref. He went for a shot with the guitar but missed and Booker hit the bookend chokeslam and scored the three count to become the new world champion as a second ref ran in for the count. A good match, but overshadowed by the bizarre Hogan incident.
In the days following the event, opinion was split down the middle as to whether this was a shoot or a work. Hogan's name was not mentioned the next night on Nitro, because attorneys for Hogan served WCW with papers to prevent them from doing so. The next day, WCW head Brad Siegal would not allow a taped interview with Russo, where he allegedly tore into Hogan, to air on Thunder. Hogan filed a lawsuit against Russo for defamation of character, which was eventually dismissed by a judge several years later.  To this day, fans argue over where the "work" ended and the "shoot" began, with the most common theory being that everything up to Hogan leaving was a work, and then Russo double crossed him after he left, beginning the shoot.
2001 - The APA defeat The Dudley Boyz for the WWF World Tag Team Title in Atlanta, Georgia, ending the Dudleys fourth title reign, and beginning their own third run with the belts.'

2002  - NWA:TNA announced that Vince Russo had officially joined the company.  A story on the NWA:TNA website featured CEO Jerry Jarrett saying, “I am delighted to have Vince Russo as another addition to our support staff.”

2002 - Kevin Nash underwent surgery to repair a torn quadraceps in Birmingham, Alabama, several days after suffering the injury during a ten man tag team match on Raw.

2002 - Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura was hospitalized for treatment of a blood clot in his lung after experiencing discomfort in his chest earlier today. After seeing his primary doctor, Ventura was admitted to North Memorial Hospital in Robbinsdale, Minnesota.   This is not Ventura's first battle with blood clots in his lung, also known as a pulmonary emboli. Ventura's in ring career as a professional wrestler ended in the 1980s after blood clots were found in his lungs. While on tour for the WWF in San Diego, Ventura felt discomfort over several matches. When Ventura, believing he was coming down with pneumonia, went to a doctor, the clots were discovered.  Although Ventura was scheduled to headline the tour against then-WWF champion Hulk Hogan, he did not work as he was being treated with Coumadin, a blood thinner. The Coumadin would have made any cuts suffered inside the ring near fatal as they wouldn't have clotted.  Ventura did return to the ring on a few occasions before retiring, becoming the heel commentator for the promotion, and taking on an acting career, before getting involved in Minnesota politics.

2005 - The James J. Dillon book "Wrestlers Are Like Seagulls" was released.

2007 - Penny Bordeau-Durham, the wife of the late Mike "Johnny Grunge" Durham was interviewed by WSB-TV channel 2 in Atlanta, Georgia and commented that had it not been for Dr. Phil Astin dispensing medication "like candy" her husband might still be alive.  "I want the truth to be revealed."   The news report noted that at the time of Durham's death, authorities had no reason to suspect wrongdoing on Astin's part, but when the Benoit tragedy came to light, they handed the Durham case file over to Fayetteville County investigators.  Durham noted that she and her husband were close friends with the Benoits ("We practically lived in each other's homes") and shot down the theory that Daniel Benoit was suffering from Fragile X syndrome.  "That is ridiculous.  Nancy [Benoit] would have told me."

2007 - World Wrestling Entertainment signed former Million Dollar Tough Enough competitor Daniel Rodimer. A Florida native, Rodimer does not make it to the main WWE roster.

2007 -     WWE broadcast Monday Night Raw.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV Report:

Despite being told on USA Network that we would see Bobby Lashley and John Cena face King Booker and Ken Kennedy, but due to a scheduling change, we will see King Booker face Bobby Lashley this week on Raw. With the Great American Bash in less than two weeks, it is time to see what contributions the Raw brand will be making to the pay per view. Thanks to his victory over Shelton Benjamin last week on Raw, Bobby Lashley earned the title match against John Cena. Will Bobby make it to the Bash or will King Booker force a change in plans? What is next for the women’s champion Candice Michelle as she has to deal with the former champion Melina? What will happen when The American Dream Dusty Rhodes confronts the Legend Killer Randy Orton? Will Randy add another legendary notch to his belt or will Dusty be too ‘funky like a monkey’ to stop Orton? What is next for Umaga after defeating Santino Marella to regain the Intercontinental Title that Marella won from Umaga a few months ago? Will we see the tag team champions this week?

We are live from Lafayette, Louisiana and your announcers are Jim Ross and Jerry Ventura.

We see Bobby Lashley spearing John Cena last week on Raw after they signed the contract for their match at the Great American Bash.

Match Number One: Bobby Lashley versus King Booker (with Queen Sharmell)
Lashley backs Booker into the ropes on a collar and elbow tie up but Booker with chops and forearms. Booker slams Lashley's head into the turnbuckle. Lashley reverses an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow. Booker charges at Lashley and is given a powerslam for his troubles and Lashley gets a two count. Lashley with shoulders into the corner and then he hits a gutbreaker on his shoulder for a two count. Lashley with a snap suplex for a two count. Booker with kicks to the knee but Lashley with a clothesline for a two count. Lashley with a slam to Booker and then he picks up King Booker and connects with punches. Booker tries for a spin kick but Lashley blocks it and hits a power slam for a two count. Lashley gets Booker up for a delayed vertical suplex.

From out of nowhere, Ken Kennedy comes out and he attacks Lashley. The referee calls for the bell. Booker and Kennedy attack Lashley and they double team the number one contender.
Winner: No Contest

Jonathan Coachman comes out and he tells King Booker and Ken Kennedy to stop. He says that Bobby Lashley deserves a fighting chance. Bobby Lashley was supposed to team with John Cena but since he sent Cena to Los Angeles, the main event will be King Booker and Ken Kennedy against Bobby Lashley and a partner of his choosing. If Lashley cannot find a tag team partner, it will be a handicap match.

Kennedy leaves the ring but Booker tries to continue the attack. Lashley punches Booker and then he clotheslines Booker over the top rope to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and William Regal is in the office and Jonathan Coachman stops by. Coach wants to thank Regal for helping out last week and says that Regal did a good job. Regal says that people told him it was a breath of fresh air. Regal liked Coach's announcement of the main event and called it creative and effective. Coach tells Regal that he will be facing the Sandman tonight. Regal calls him a beer swilling, cane swinging maniac. Coach says that from an entertainment perspective, it will be entertaining.

We have the "Stay in the Game" Moment: Umaga winning the Intercontinental Title back from Santino Marella last week on Raw.

Match Number Two: Intercontinental Champion Umaga versus Santino Marella for the Intercontinental Title
Marella charges at Umaga but Umaga pushes him back. Marella tries for a cross body but Umaga catches him and hits a side slam. Umaga kicks Marella in the back and punches the challenger. Umaga chops Marella in the corner and then punches him. Umaga is told by the referee to get out of the corner.

Maria comes to ringside to check on Marella while Umaga continues to punch and kick Marella. Umaga with a chop to Marella followed by a knee drop across the upper chest. Umaga with a hard Irish whip to Marella. Marella punches Umaga, but Umaga with an uppercut to the throat and Marella goes down. Umaga chokes Marella in the ropes. Umaga with a forearm to the chest followed by a kick to the chest and head. Umaga with another hard Irish whip to Marella as he drags Marella into the center of the ring. Umaga takes his time and he goes to the second turnbuckle for a diving head butt but Marella moves out of the way. Marella with punches to Umaga's head. Umaga pushes Marella into the ropes and Marella with a drop kick for a near fall. Umaga with a superkick to Marella and Marella goes down again. Umaga puts Marella into the corner and he punches Marella in the head before hitting the running butt splash into the corner. The referee checks on Marella and Umaga picks up Marella for the Samoan Spike and the three count.
Winner: Intercontinental Champion Umaga

After the match, Maria checks on Marella in the ring.

Bobby Lashley is walking in the back and he enters the locker room in search of a tag team partner. We go to commercial.

We are back and Rey Mysterio will be coming back soon. You can read about his return in the WWE Magazine.

Match Number Three: World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch versus The Highlanders
Rory and Cade start things off and Cade with a side head lock followed by a shoulder tackle. Cade with another side head lock and Rory with forearms and then he tries for a hip toss, but Cade blocks it and hits a fireman's carry. Cade backs Rory into the ropes on a collar and elbow tie up and Rory reverses things and connects with a shoulder. Murdoch tags in but Rory with a knee before Murdoch can enter the ring. Murdoch with a side head lock take down. Murdoch with a slap to Rory's back followed by an Irish whip and a running elbow into the corner. Murdoch with a snap mare and rear chin lock on Rory. Murdoch tries to slam Rory but Rory with a jawbreaker and Robbie is tagged. Robbie with a clothesline and drop kick before he hits a flapjack on Murdoch for a two count. Rory with a forearm to Cade but while the referee is with Rory, Cade and Murdoch hit a double gouzle on Robbie for the three count.
Winners: World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

Maria is in the back with Santino Marella and she feels sorry for her loss. Maria wants to know if they can go out and have some fun. Santino says that everyone will point at him and say that he is the man who does not deserve to be Intercontinental Champion. Santino asks Maria if she can go to his hotel room to help him. Maria suggests that they can watch a movie. Santino says that he does not think he should be alone tonight. We go to commercial.

We are back and Charlie Haas enters the locker room. Shelton says that he was getting ready for his match by taping his hand. Charlie points out that Shelton kissed King Booker's hand last week. Shelton points out that this is his birthday and is looking forward to winning. Charlie tells Shelton that he should kiss his hand. Shelton says that he is so confident that he will win tonight that he will kiss Charlie Haas on the lips. Shelton leaves the locker room and Charlie does not look too happy about Shelton's wager.

We go to a video package about John Cena. It talks about his dream of being a WWE champion. We see John Cena's debut on Smackdown against Kurt Angle in 2002. Cena talks about how he came out as himself. We see Cena come out in the throwback jerseys. Then we see Cena give Big Show the F5 to win the US Title at Wrestlemania XX. We go to footage from Wrestlemania 21 when he defeated Bradshaw to become the WWE Champion. We see more footage of Cena. We go to commercial.

We see footage from last week's Raw when Ken Kennedy got rolled up by Super Crazy to keep Kennedy out of the main event at the Great American Bash.

Match Number Four: Gene Snitsky versus Super Crazy
Snitsky sends Crazy into the corner but Crazy with a boot. Snitsky with a forearm to Crazy and then he runs Crazy into the turnbuckles followed by a running knee to the back. Snitsky with a kick to Crazy’s back followed by a forearm to the back. Snitsky with a head butt to Crazy’s back. Snitsky with a hard Irish whip followed by a pump handle power slam for the three count.
Winner: Gene Snitsky

After the match, Snitsky gets Crazy up and hits another pump handle power slam.

Jim Ross talks about one of the most embarrassing moments he ever saw last week on Raw. He talks about Randy Orton showing no respect to Dusty Rhodes in the back. We go to footage from last week when Randy wants to have Dusty introduce his son to him. Randy says that he can be just like Randy and be better than his father. Randy introduces himself to Cody Runnels. Cody tells Randy to stay away from his dad. Dusty tells Randy that he is disrespectful. Randy says that was not disrespectful so he slaps Dusty.

Dusty Rhodes is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Triple H will be coming back soon.

Dusty Rhodes comes out to the ring. Dusty has a mic and he says that last week he made a statement after their filibuster early in the night. He said that he wanted to meet Randy Orton face-to-face in the ring. Dusty wants Randy to come to the ring.

Randy Orton comes out and Dusty calls his entrance impressive. Dusty wants to know if Randy thought the slap last week would be the end of it. Dusty calls Orton a snotty nose punk. Dusty wants to know if Orton is just going to stand there and look stupid. Orton says that it is enough of this legend speech. Dusty interrupts Orton and asks if this is about spitting in Harley Race’s face and being disrespectful to the people who brought him up in the business. Orton points out that he is a third generation wrestler. Orton says that people who live off the past do not deserve any respect. Orton says that he gets respect for the things that he has accomplished. Dusty wants to know how bad Orton is. Orton says that he is the youngest World Champion. He mentions that he ended the careers of Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam. Dusty says that is what he has been talking about. Having a great match is not what it is all about. When you kick someone in the head when they are down, you do not get respect. Dusty tells Orton to look at him when he talks. Orton tells Dusty to put his money where his mouth is. Orton challenges Dusty to a match at the show that Dusty invented, the Great American Bash. Dusty thinks about it and he says that there was a time that he would not need to hear what Orton said to jump on him. Dusty says that he is not in shape to meet Orton at the Great American Bash at this point in his career. Orton tells Dusty to do it for his son if not for himself. Orton asks Dusty if he should end Cody’s career before it starts. Dusty says that he will meet Orton at the Great American Bash, but on his terms. Dusty wants a Texas Bullrope Match. Orton accepts the challenge, but he tells Orton to bring a broom to clean up what is left of Dusty after the match.

Cody Runnels comes to the ring and Orton tells Cody to get out of the ring before he gets hurt. Orton gets in Cody's face and Cody slaps Orton. Orton cannot believe what Cody did to him and Dusty gets his son’s back. Orton leaves the ring and heads up the ramp towards the back. Dusty raises his son’s hand as we go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that John Cena will be interviewed later on the show.

Match Number Five: Paul London versus Shelton Benjamin
London with a side head lock but Benjamin escapes into a top wrist lock. London with a hammer lock but Benjamin reverses it and takes London down to the mat and applies a front face lock. Benjamin with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. London with a series of kicks to Benjamin and Benjamin goes to the apron. London with a front face lock but Benjamin backs London into the corner. Benjamin with punches to London but London with forearms. Benjamin with a hammer lock back breaker. London is sent shoulder first into the turnbuckles as Benjamin works on the arm. Benjamin with an arm bar. Benjamin with a punch to London but London with a kick and rana. London with a running drop kick and inside cradle for a two count. Benjamin with a thrust kick to London and then he slams London after putting London in a hammer lock. Benjamin kicks London in the arm. London misses an enzuigiri but London with a rollup for the three count.
Winner: Paul London

After the match we see Shelton Benjamin in shock at the thought of having to kiss his tag team partner.

Super Crazy is in the back and Ken Kennedy sees him. Kennedy wants to know if Crazy is okay and then he runs him into a dumpster. Kennedy tells Crazy that last week was just a big old misunderstanding due to the language barrier. Kennedy kicks Crazy in the head before leaving.

Candice Michelle and Mickie James are walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas are in the locker room. Benjamin says that it was a joke about kissing him. Charlie says that he would not let Shelton kiss him on the lips because that would be weird. Charlie tells Shelton that he can kiss him on the hand. Charlie says that he got Shelton and then he hugs Shelton and teases kissing him. Ron Simmons enters the locker room for a DAMN moment.

We see footage from last week when Melina attacked Candice Michelle after her match but then we see Candice send Melina into the ringside barrier.

Before Melina comes to the ring, she says that she is invoking her rematch clause for the Great American Bash. Melina says that she will not be wrestling tonight because of a sprained ankle. She has a replacement who is a close friend of hers. She brings out Beth Phoenix.

Match Number Six: Women's Champion Candice Michelle and Mickie James versus Beth Phoenix and Jillian Hall (with Melina)
Mickie starts off with forearms and kicks to Phoenix. Mickie with an elbow when Beth charges into the corner. Mickie tries for a rana but Beth holds on and she tosses Mickie to the mat. Jillian with a kick to Mickie’s back but Mickie with a forearm to Jillian. Beth picks Mickie up and tosses her to the mat. Mickie is sent into the corner but she avoids Jillian when Beth Irish whips her into the corner. Mickie with a clothesline to Phoenix. Mickie kicks Jillian off and Candice is tagged in. Candice with drop kicks to Jillian and Beth before Jillian kicks Candice. Jillian tries to slam Candice, but Candice escapes the hold and hits a side Russian leg sweep and floatover for a two count. Beth breaks up the cover. Mickie with a Louise Thesz Press to Beth and they fight outside. Jillian with a side slam to Candice but she can only get a two count. Candice with a back slide for the three count.
Winners: Candice Michelle and Mickie James

After the match, Beth Phoenix attacks Candice from behind and then Beth and Jillian hold Candice in the air as Melina hits a seated senton splash onto Candice. Mickie comes into the ring and Melina, Beth, and Jillian leave the ring.

We go to the Smackdown Rebound.

We see Arn Anderson talking to Bobby Lashley in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and King Booker is in his locker room with Queen Sharmell. Ken Kennedy arrives and he says that Super Crazy has been taken care of so there is only one thing left, Bobby Lashley. Booker says that he was not made a fool, but Kennedy. Booker says that there is only one king and they will both be victorious.

Carlito joins Ross and Lawler at the announce table.

Match Number Seven: William Regal versus Sandman
Regal attacks Sandman as Sandman enters the ring and punches him and connects with forearms. Regal with knees and forearms to Sandman and he gets a near fall. Sandman punches Regal in the midsection but Regal responds with a forearm. Regal with a knee to the head for a near fall. Sandman with a knee and punches to Regal. Regal sends Sandman out of the ring. Carlito tries to interfere but Sandman hits Carlito with the cane and then he does the same thing to Regal.
Winner: William Regal (by disqualification)

We are told that John Cena will be interviewed when we return from commercial.

We are back and it is time to talk about the main event for the Great American Bash:
John Cena versus Bobby Lashley for the WWE Title

We go to a video package about Bobby Lashley. We see footage from his debut in September 2005 against Simon Dean. Lashley talks about comments made by Bradshaw that he would not be good until Lashley beats him. We see footage of Lashley beating Bradshaw to win the US Title. We then see Bobby Lashley defeating the Big Show to win the ECW Title. Lashley says that he is not done yet and then we see him spear John Cena from last week’s Raw.

Jim Ross says that we are joined by John Cena in Los Angeles. Jerry asks Cena if he came off more intelligent than Paris Hilton. Cena says that a kindergartner would have done better. Cena says that he appreciates that Larry was professional enough to have people who are in the WWE on his show. Jim Ross asks Cena about his match at the Great American Bash and the spear from last week. Cena says that was competitive intensity but he will address Bobby Lashley next week. Lawler says that Cena has not met an opponent as motivated as Lashley. Lawler asks Cena if he thinks that Lashley is an uncrowned champion. Cena agrees with that description of Lashley. Cena says that if Lashley is on Raw, he is gunning for his title. After the Bash we will find out who the real champion is. Jim Ross asks Cena how someone can beat Bobby Lashley but Cena says that he has faced the biggest and baddest. His never say quit attitude has helped him get past every challenge.

We go through the card for The Great American Bash:
John Cena versus Bobby Lashley for the WWE Title
Dusty Rhodes versus Randy Orton in a Texas Bullrope Match
Edge versus Kane for the World Title

Match Number Eight: King Booker (with Queen Sharmell) and Ken Kennedy versus Bobby Lashley and Jeff Hardy
Hardy and Booker start things off and Booker gets in Hardy’s face and he punches Hardy and sends him into the corner. Hardy with an Irish whip but Hardy charges into a boot. Hardy avoids the scissors kick and Hardy with a leg drop for a near fall. Hardy with an arm bar. Booker sends Hardy into the corner and Booker with knees to Hardy. Kennedy is tagged in and he kicks Hardy and punches him. Kennedy slams Hardy’s head into the turnbuckle and then he kicks Hardy in the leg. Hardy with a mule kick to Kennedy and it sends Kennedy into the corner. Hardy with a delayed baseball slide for a two count. Hardy with an arm bar and he tags in Lashley but Lashley makes it back to his corner but Booker goes to the floor. Lashley with a suplex and elbow to the back for a near fall. Lashley with a forearm but Kennedy with a knee. Lashley sends Kennedy into Booker’s boot before Lashley sends Booker to the floor. Hardy hits Poetry in Motion on Kennedy and he gets a two count. Hardy punches Kennedy and Booker with a kick from the apron and Kennedy with a clothesline to Hardy for a two count. Booker tags in and he hits a back kick on Hardy for a two count. Booker with an Irish whip but Hardy with Whisper in the Wind and both men are down. Booker makes his way to tag in Kennedy but Lashley tags in and he hits a clothesline and kick on Kennedy followed by an Irish whip and running shoulder into the corner followed by a back body toss. Lashley with a Torture Rack into Shock Treatment for a near fall that is broken up by Booker. Hardy with a clothesline that sends both men to the floor. Lashley with a spear to Kennedy for the three count.
Winners: Bobby Lashley and Jeff Hardy

2008 - WWE released Diva Ashley Massaro, who had publicly stated several days earlier that she had requested her release due to her child being ill.   She has not worked in the business since.

2008 - TNA issued the following press release, announcing they had signed former NASCAR star Hermie Sadler.  Interestingly, the release lists Ron Killings as a "TNA star" as if he was part of the company, although he had departed for WWE:

NASHVILLE, Tenn., July 9, 2008 -- Former NASCAR driver Hermie Sadler signed a "Professional Services" contract today with Total Nonstop Action (TNA) Wrestling, it was announced by the Tennessee-based company. Terms of the deal were not released.

Sadler retired from the NASCAR Nextel Cup series after the 2006 season and is now an analyst for NASCAR on SPEED and Direct TV Hot Pass, and TNA has agreed to sponsor Sadler on Direct TV's Hot Pass. Since TNA's inception in 2002, Sadler has wrestled in past matches, served as a guest referee and also has sat in as a TNA announcer with broadcasters Mike Tenay and Don West.

"I am a longtime pro wrestling fan and a true supporter of TNA Wrestling; I really believe in the product. It has been a lot of fun, truly an enjoyable experience working with the superstars of TNA Wrestling," said Sadler, 38, the 1993 Busch Series Rookie of the Year. "In this new job with TNA, there are endless possibilities -- both behind the scenes and in front of the camera.

In addition to NASCAR announcing, Sadler also is a weekly guest every Tuesday on the nationally-syndicated John Boy & Billy Big Show, a morning radio show which originates from Charlotte, N.C. He regularly discusses TNA storylines and superstars on the popular radio show.

In addition, Sadler appears on card No. 52 in the 100-card "TNA Impact!" trading card set, released in June by Houston-based Tristar Productions, Inc. "When it was first mentioned about having a Hermie Sadler card in our inaugural TNA Wrestling card set, it was a no-brainer; we definitely wanted to include him," said Tristar Vice President Mandy Fuerst.

"A little-known fact about the Hermie Sadler card is, it was the absolute last card added to the set, and we've had as many inquiries about that card as almost any in the entire set. We've had a number of people asking for an authentically-signed Sadler insert card, and though there were not any included in this first set, we're hoping to have Sadler autograph cards for the next set, which comes out this fall."

The NASCAR scene shifts to Chicago this week as the Chicagoland 400 is slated for July 12 -- and that is three months to the day from TNA Wrestling's first-ever Chicago-area show, "Bound For Glory IV," the company's biggest annual pay-per-view.

TNA Wrestling presents "Bound For Glory IV" live from the Sears Centre Arena in suburban Hoffman Estates, Ill., on Sunday, Oct. 12, starting at 8 p.m. ET, and it will air worldwide exclusively on pay-per-view.

"We're absolutely thrilled to have Hermie join the TNA Family in a more formal role," said TNA Wrestling President Dixie Carter. "We're excited to be coming to Chicago with 'Bound For Glory IV,' and though it's still too early to talk about specifics for our October show, we plan to have Hermie involved in an integral role on the show."

In 2002, Sadler had a feud with TNA Wrestling star Ron Killings, leading to a number of appearances and matches as part of a cross promotion between TNA and NASCAR. TNA Wrestling later sponsored Sadler's racing efforts.

"Hermie's enthusiasm for TNA Wrestling shines through every time he comes to the arena," said TNA Wrestling commentator Don West. "His ability to relate what he sees in the (wrestling) ring to his NASCAR experiences is a great insight whenever he gets on the TNA broadcast."

Cross the line to TNA Wrestling, the most innovative experience in professional wrestling today. Join Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle, "The Icon" Sting, Samoa Joe, A.J. Styles and the no-limits X-Division in the six-sided ring of "TNA iMPACT!" every Thursday at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Spike TV.

TNA Entertainment, LLC is a privately held company headquartered in Nashville, Tenn.

Spike TV is available in over 96 million homes and is a division of Viacom International Inc.

Cross The Line at

2009 - Rob Van Dam appeared on MSNBC's "Morning Meeting" to talk about the possible legalization of marijuana, which is becoming quite a debate in California as a way to help the economy.  RVD, a longtime advocate of legalizing marijuana, debated with retired General Barry McCaffrey, the former drug czar.  While both men agreed that marijuana is less dangerous that alcohol and cigarettes when looking at death tolls, McCaffrey argued that the money brought in by regulating (and taxing) marijuana would not make up for the number of people who would need treatment for addiction.  Van Dam, noting that marijuana is already the "number one cash crop" in the U.S., argued that legalizing it and regulating it would keep it out of the hands of drug dealers and cut down on crime.  The debate came down to the usual argument of whether regulation will allow it to be controlled and kept away from children, and whether it is a "gateway" to harder drugs.  When Van Dam was speaking they noted with an on-screen graphic he was busted for marijuana while WWE Champion.  Unfortunately, as the debate looked to be getting more in-depth, they were "out of time" on the show.

2009 - TNA broadcast Impact on SpikeTV.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV Report:

We are live on tape from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida and your announcers are Don ‘Where’s Mike Johnson’ West and Mike ‘Is that Buck Woodward with the British Invasion’ Tenay.

Mick Foley comes to the ring to start things off. Mick says that life can be kind of funny. Maybe you get staples over his eye and you look cool, but you get stitches in your nostril and you look foolish. Mick says that he has been thinking about it and he does not think that TNA is set up to have two separate deciders in the front office. Mick suggests that tonight be the night when one of them step down.

Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring. Jeff asks Mick if he ever thinks about what he says and Mick says that he does not have one of those filtering mechanisms. Jeff acknowledges that they are both competitors and he knows that Mick wants to be back in the middle of things. Jeff reminds Mick that he became the TNA Champion. Jeff asks if the story should have stopped there and he says that it should have but it did not. Jeff says that Mick has put TNA in danger with his desire to get his title back. Jeff says that Mick will always be a true legend in the business regardless of what happens at Victory Road. Jeff asks Mick to do one thing and that is to think about why he came to TNA, the young athletes who need the two of them to co-exist for the good of the company. Jeff asks Mick to think of the future and they could build the company to heights they could never had dreamed of. Jeff tells Mick that it was their dream, but if the Main Event Mafia wins all of the titles, it could be a battle they cannot win.

Mick tells Jeff that he appreciates what he is saying. Mick says that maybe he was stupid to say that he would defend the title once a year. Mick says that they are even, but Jeff is wrong when he says that Mick has nothing to prove. Mick says that he needs to prove something to himself. He needs to prove that the title win was no fluke and he needs to do it against the best wrestler in the world. Mick says that he is going to do it for the right reasons this time. Mick suggests that they have a main event tonight for Kurt Angle to have a tune up match against Jeff Jarrett in a non-title match. Jarrett says that he likes that idea. Jeff wants to up the ante and he wants to tweak things a little. Jeff wants to make it a three way dance with Angle and Jarrett having Mick Foley added to the mix. Mick wants to give Kurt Angle a chance to name the guest referee for the match. Jarrett says that Angle can name the guest referee, but it cannot be a member of the Main Event Mafia or Matt Morgan.

We go to Lauren in the back with The British Invasion. She mentions that the X Division title match shot will be up for grabs in a ladder match. Doug Williams says that he is going to give someone an opportunity at the briefcase. If you beat him fair and square, you get the title match. Brutus says that they are here to make the big money. He does not want to be looked down upon by the fans. They are here to take their place atop the tag team division. We go to commercial.

We are back and Doug Williams has a mic as he comes to the ring. He reminds everyone about the open challenge to get the X Division Title Match case. Doug says that he wants a real wrestler tonight, not a redneck.

Match Number One: Doug Williams with Brutus Magnus and Rob Terry versus Homicide

Williams and Homicide with punches and Homicide gets the advantage followed by a back elbow. Homicide with a kick followed by a clothesline. Homicide with a monkey flip and Williams is in the corner. Homicide brings the ladder into the ring and he runs it into Williams. The ladder is set up and Homicide starts to climb it but Williams clips Homicide as he comes off the turnbuckles. Williams puts the ladder in the corner and Williams sends Homicide into it and the ladder falls on Homicide. Williams sets up the ladder and he has the case in his hand but Homicide pushes Williams down and Williams takes Terry and Magnus out as well. Homicide climbs the ladder but Team 3D stop Williams to allow Homicide to get the case.
Winner: Homicide

After the match, Team 3D fight with the British and then Bashir and Kiyoshi attack Team 3D. Magnus holds Devon to allow Williams to hit a European uppercut from the turnbuckles. Now Ray gets punched and Terry with a spinebuster to Ray.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to talk about the situation surrounding Kurt Angle choosing the referee for his match tonight.

We go to an interview that Mike Tenay did with Suicide. Mike talks about how we know about Suicide from his entrance music lyrics. He says that he was in darkness and felt the pain. He says the torment is not his alone and it is shared. He says that he was left with two choices, life or death. Suicide says that he chooses to see the light and come alive. He says that he is the dark savior. He says that he does not represent the end. He represents the beginning.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Sting’s role in the Main Event Mafia.

Speaking of Sting, it is time for him to come to the ring to address the fans and he has his stolen booty from Kurt Angle. Sting tells Kurt that he knows that Kurt is watching in the back and he has Kurt’s belt. He tells Kurt that if Kurt wants it, Kurt can get it. Sting wants to talk to Joe and he wants Joe to come out.

Joe obliges Sting and comes out. Joe does not have his trademark and vintage black towel. Sting tells Joe that he is every reason why wrestling is as bad as it is and as bad as this company is. It was people like Joe who forced the Main Event Mafia to form. He tells Joe that he does not want to work to get things. Sting says that he does not need four guys behind him and he can fight for himself. He tells Joe that things are wrong because Joe pissed him off. Sting tells Joe to do something about it and he wants to know why Joe isn’t doing anything. Sting asks Joe who is stopping him.

Joe says that he has been told to keep his temper. He tells Sting that his time will come.

Sting asks Joe who is telling Joe what Joe should do. Sting tells Joe that he knows that Joe is not doing this on his own. Sting wants to know who Joe’s ‘Oz’ is behind the curtain.

Joe says that Sting will find out at Victory Road.

Sting says that he will find the person and pull him from the darkness and pull him apart piece by piece and feed him to the fans.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to go to Lauren with Jenna. Lauren asks Jenna about her match at Victory Road and wants to know how she is training. Jenna says that he will use her money. She bought a trainer of her own and Saeed says that she will destroy.

Booker T and Scott Steiner come out and they join Don and Mike at the announce table.

Match Number Two: Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin versus James Storm and Robert Roode

Sabin and Storm start things off and they lock up with Storm working on the arm. Storm pulls Sabin down by the hair and Sabin with a chop. Sabin gets out of a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Storm avoids an arm drag. Sabin slaps Storm and Storm punches Sabin and Sabin goes to the floor. Storm follows after him and Shelley with a running knee off the apron that sends Storm into the guardrails. Shelley tags in and they hit a series of kicks on Storm. Shelley with a near fall. Shelley holds Storm by the hair and Sabin with a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Sabin and Shelley with clotheslines from each side and Sabin gets a near fall. Sabin and Shelley choke Storm with their boots. Shelley goes up top and he hits a double sledge on Storm. Roode makes the save for Storm and Shelley collides into Sabin. Roode hip tosses Storm to make the tag. Roode punches Storm and Sabin and hits a back elbow on Shelley. Roode with a drop kick to Sabin and a David Young spinebuster to Shelley. All four men are in the ring and Shelley and Sabin with stereo clotheslines. Sabin with the springboard drop kick while Shelley hits the Flatline and Shelley can only get a two count. Storm with a kick to Shelley and a superkick to Sabin. Storm with a lungblower and then they hit DWI for the three count.
Winners: James Storm and Robert Roode

After the match, Steiner has the tag title belt.

We see Angelina walking in the back with Madison and Velvet but they stop while Angelina keeps talking. Velvet says that Angelina needs to stop talking about herself because the spider was on her. Velvet says that she is not Angelina’s puppet, pawn, or guinea pig. Velvet tells Angelina if she doesn’t have her back, they are done for good.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sarita is coming next week.

We see footage of Tara and her spider from last week.

Match Number Three: Velvet Sky with Angelina Love and Madison Rayne versus Tara

Tara slaps Velvet and then connects with shoulders in the corner. Tara with an Irish whip but Velvet with boots and a flying clothesline as she punches Tara and chokes her. Velvet pulls Tara up by the hair before sending her back to the mat. Velvet with a hair biel to Tara for a near fall. Velvet with a snap mare and a near fall. Velvet puts Tara in the ropes and talks to the referee. The referee is able to stop Angelina from interfering. Tara punches Velvet. Tara with a clothesline and slam. Tara with a kick and it is time for the Widow’s Peak for the three count.
Winner: Tara

After the match, Tara gets her friend from his case and Angelina tells her to stop from a safe distance. Angelina tells Tara if she wants some they can do it right now.

Tara accepts the challenge as long as the title is on the line. Madison tells Angelina to accept the challenge and Angelina accepts.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Tara versus Angelina Love with Madison Rayne and what is left of Velvet Sky for the TNA Women’s Title

Tara has put her friend back in its home and Angelina battles with the referee over the title belt. Tara with a rollup and backslide for a near fall. Tara with an inside cradle for a near fall and Angelina goes to the floor to regroup. Tara tries to pull Angelina back into the ring but Madison pulls Tara out to the floor and the referee sends Madison to the back. Angelina punches Tara and she sends Tara into the guardrail. Angelina with a chop to Tara and they return to the ring. Angelina with a boot to Tara for a near fall. Angelina with a series of near falls and she throws a tantrum. Tara punches Angelina but Angelina with an Irish whip. Angelina misses a charge into the corner and then Tara punches Angelina and hits a clothesline. Tara hits the uranage side slam for a near fall. Tara gets Angelina up for the Widow’s Peak and she gets the three count.
Winner: Tara

While Tara celebrates in the ring, Angelina realizes that she lost her title.

We go to commercial.

We go to the back where Lauren is with the new Women’s Champion. Tara says that she cannot believe it. She says that anything can happen in TNA. She says that she never thought she would be happy again, but she is proud to be a part of TNA. She thanks Angelina for giving her the chance.

It is time to run through the card for Victory Road.

It is time to see what happened during Abyss’s appointment with Dr. Stevie. Abyss attacked Stevie while Stevie tries to explain why he did what he did to Lauren. Stevie has drugged Abyss to paralyze him. Then Stevie slaps Abyss.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Matt Morgan and Kevin Nash versus Daniels and A.J. Styles

Nash lets his younger partner start things off and he faces Daniels. Daniels with chops to Morgan but Morgan with a big shoulder tackle. Daniels with kicks to the leg but Morgan with a knee and a slam. Morgan misses an elbow drop and Daniels with a side head lock. Daniels with a kick and Styles is tagged in. Daniels and Styles with forearms that barely stagger Morgan so Styles and Daniels go high and low on Morgan to take him down. Styles with a phenomenal knee drop. Morgan sends Styles into the turnbuckles and then he hits a splash in the corner. Nash tags in and he gestures to Daniels and then connects with elbows to Styles. Styles with a kick and punches to Nash. Nash with an elbow and Morgan and Daniels are back in. Daniels with a flying forearm. Nash stops Daniels as he comes off the ropes. Daniels punches Nash but Morgan with a bicycle kick to Daniels and Daniels is out on the mat. Morgan can only get a two count. Nash tags in and he punches Daniels and then connects with knees in the corner. Nash adds a few elbows in the corner. Morgan tags in and he kicks Daniels in the ribs. Morgan stops Daniels from making the tag and then he hits his vintage elbows in the corner. Morgan with a splash into the corner and then he sends Daniels into the turnbuckles and gets a near fall. Daniels is held by Nash but Morgan accidentally hits Nash when Daniels moves. Styles with a drop kick and then goes to the apron and hits the phenomenal forearm for a near fall. Styles knocks Nash off the apron. Styles with a drop kick to the knee and then he hits a baseball slide into Nash off Morgan’s back. Morgan tries for a choke slam but Styles avoids the hold and hits a Pele kick. Daniels hits the BME and then Styles with a frog splash three-quarters of the way across the ring for the three count.
Winners: A.J. Styles and Daniels

After the match, Nash attacks Styles and Daniels. Morgan with a choke slam to Daniels while Nash sends Styles into the ring steps. Morgan has Daniels leg in a steel chair and then Morgan with a leg drop on the chair. Styles sends Nash into the ring steps and Styles is able to intimidate the larger Morgan as he leaves the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Lauren is with Samoa Joe. Lauren says that she was looking for Sting. Sting is wearing the vintage black towel as the car of Joe’s advisor arrives. Joe is able to protect his advisor’s identity and he chokes out Sting with a night stick.

Match Number Six: Mick Foley versus Kurt Angle versus Jeff Jarrett with Guest Referee Eric Young

Foley and Jarrett try to corner Angle but Angle tries to cross the stream and he fails. They punch Angle and then Jarrett lets Foley get in a few shots. Jarrett with a suplex to Angle and then Foley rakes Angle’s eyes across the top rope. Jarrett punches Angle in the corner and Eric Young pulls Jarrett off. Foley with punches to Angle while Jarrett and Young continue to argue. Angle moves out of the way and Foley accidentally punches Jarrett. Foley sends Angle to the floor and then he sends Angle into the guardrail. Foley rakes the face and then he Irish whips Angle into the guardrail. Jarrett punches Foley and then hits the Stroke on the ring steps. We go to commercial.

We are back and Angle is kicking Jarrett followed by a snap suplex for a near fall. Angle with a reverse chin lock on Jarrett and Foley is down on the floor. Angle with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.

Scott Steiner comes out and he hits Foley with the Big Poppa Pipe. Angle with a near fall and a waist lock on Jarrett. Jarrett with elbows and clotheslines. Angle charges into a boot from Jarrett and Jarrett hits a tornado DDT for a two count. Angle with a kick and Jarrett counter the Olympic Slam with an arm drag. Jarrett with the Stroke and Young with a very slow count that allows Foley to break up the cover. Foley with a sleeper but Jarrett with a jawbreaker. Jarrett grabs the guitar and Eric has left the ring. Foley has his sock and he applies the mandible claw. Young takes the guitar and Angle hits the Olympic slam on Foley for a two count. Jarrett has Angle in the figure four leg lock and Foley with an elbow for a near fall on Jarrett. Angle puts Foley in the ankle lock and Young calls for the bell.
Winner: Kurt Angle

After the match, Jarrett attacks the referee and hits a back body drop and an Irish whip. Young does the Young flip and then Young is sent to the guardrail. Jarrett chases Young to the back with a chair.

Foley with a clothesline to Angle and then he hits the mandible claw. Joe comes to the ring and he hits Foley with the title belt. Steiner makes his way to the ring with the Big Poppa Pipe. Nash hurries to the ring and he has barbed wire. Booker has the barbed wire baseball bat and more barbed wire. They have Foley wrapped in barbed wire.

Foley’s security comes to the ring and they cannot stop the Main Event Mafia.
2009 - WWE broadcast Superstars on WGN.  Richard Trionfo filed the following report:

We start off with a match from Smackdown.

R Truth wants to know what’s up with the people in the crowd.

Ricky Ortiz gets on the mic and he says that everyone has to rally up their personal lives and he says that his hand will be what’s up at the end of the match.

Match Number One: R Truth versus Ricky Ortiz

They lock up and Ortiz with a side head lock. Ortiz with punches to the head. Truth with a kick and a side head lock of his own with punches to the head. Truth with a rollup for a near fall. Truth with a drop kick and he gets another near fall. Ortiz backs Truth into the corner and he punches Truth. Truth floats over and he does a split to avoid a punch and Truth with a kick and hip toss for a near fall. Ortiz backs into the corner and Truth with punches but Ortiz slams Truth to the mat. Ortiz throws Truth to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Ortiz with a knee to the back followed by an elbow drop. Ortiz with a single leg crab that is rarely seen in wrestling. Truth gets to the ropes and Ortiz releases the hold but he maintains his focus on the back with a backbreaker. Ortiz returns to the single leg crab. Truth gets to the ropes one more time and Ortiz releases the hold again. Ortiz with a forearm to the back. Ortiz with another knee drop to the back. Ortiz with a rear chin lock with his knee in Truth’s back. Truth tries to get out of the hold but Ortiz sends Truth face first into the mat. Ortiz with a hard Irish whip. Ortiz with a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Truth with punches but Ortiz holds on to the ropes when Truth tries for a drop kick. Ortiz with a kick to Truth for a near fall. Ortiz returns to the rear chin lock. Ortiz catches Truth and hits a side slam. Ortiz misses the Big O and then Truth gets a rollup for a near fall when Ortiz misses a splash into the corner. Truth with clotheslines but Ortiz with a cross body when Truth tries for a belly-to-back suplex. Truth with a power slam for a near fall. Truth misses the scissors kick. Ortiz tries for a power slam but Truth escapes. Truth with the corkscrew flying forearm for the three count.
Winner: R Truth

Vince McMahon is in his office talking about the WWE Title match and his could have been son, Hornswoggle enters the office. Chavo Guerrero chases him and Chavo says that Hornswoggle bit him. Vince says that they are going to settle it in the ring. Chavo says that he is much bigger than Hornswoggle so Vince makes Chavo wrestle on his knees. Vince wants them to shake hands and Hornswoggle bites his hand again. We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that a lot of people check out

Match Number Two: Zack Ryder versus Tyler Reks

They lock up and Reks with a clean break but Ryder has something to say and then he backs into the comfort of the ropes. Reks works on the arm and he puts Ryder in an arm bar. Reks works on the arm with a leg drop and then the referee has to pull Reks off Ryder. Reks returns to the arm with an arm bar but Ryder with an arm drag but Reks holds on and maintains the arm bar. Ryder with a leg trip but Reks with an arm drag into an arm bar. Reks with knees to the arm for a near fall. Reks with a key lock and a heel trip for a near fall. Ryder with a knee and forearm followed by a side head lock. Reks with a top wrist lock but Ryder escapes the hold. Reks clotheslines Ryder over the top rope to the floor and Ryder loses his head band. Reks with a forearm on the apron and then he hip tosses Ryder back into the ring and gets a two count. Reks returns to the arm but Ryder with a forearm. Ryder with a kick to the midsection when Reks tries to float over. Ryder kicks Reks to the floor and then Ryder runs Reks into the apron. We go to commercial.

We are back and Ryder with a Dragon Sleeper but Reks fights out of the hold. Ryder runs Reks into the corner and then he kicks Reks in the ribs. Ryder with a chin lock and then he slams Reks into the turnbuckles and hits a series of shoulders. Reks gets a knee up and gets a near fall with a rollup. Ryder chokes Reks in the ropes. Ryder with a kick to Reks for a near fall. Ryder taunts Reks and Reks with a punch but Ryder with a knee and kick. Reks fights back but Ryder with a knee and a snap mare. Ryder with a seated abdominal stretch. Ryder with an Irish whip but Reks moves on a charge by Ryder. Ryder tries for a missile drop kick but Reks moves out of the way and both men are down. Reks with a punch but Ryder sends Reks into the turnbuckles. Reks with a flapjack for a near fall. Reks with the sliding punch to the midsection followed by a face plant into the mat for a near fall. Reks blocks the Zack Attack but he can only get a two count with a jackknife cover. Reks with a kick to Ryder but Ryder with a hot shot followed by the Zack Attack for the three count.
Winner: Zack Ryder

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at John Cena’s effect on Alfonso Soriano.

In case you missed it last hour on ECW on Syfy (really?), it is time for the Raw Rebound.

Match Number Three: Chavo Guerrero versus Hornswoggle in a Taller Guy has to Wrestle on his knees because Vince said so Match

Chavo laughs at Hornswoggle before the bell. Hornswoggle has a slight height advantage and he makes fun of Chavo for it. Chavo gets to his feet and the referee forces him back down. Hornswoggle wants a test of strength but Chavo pushes him down. Hornswoggle with a kick to the head followed by punches. Hornswoggle puts Chavo in a side head lock and hits a shoulder tackle. Hornswoggle with a leap frog and then he kicks Chavo out of the ring. The referee forces Chavo to his knees as he tries to get back into the ring. Chavo with a clothesline to Hornswoggle followed by forearms to the back. Chavo with a slam and then he works on the second turnbuckle. While the referee fixes the turnbuckle, Chavo grows and kicks Hornswoggle. Chavo has Hornswoggle in a cloverleaf and gets a near fall. Hornswoggle gets a lateral press after Chavo cannot hold him up on a slam. Chavo runs the ropes on his knees but he falls on Hornswoggle’s feet. Hornswoggle mocks the memory of Eddie Guerrero with a shimmy and Chavo tells Hornswoggle that is his move. Chavo with the Three Amigos on the knees, but Hornswoggle blocks the third and hits a suplex of his own. Hornswoggle with a seated splash and then he goes up top for the frog splash. Chavo stops Hornswoggle and the referee admonishes him. Chavo tries for a superplex but Hornswoggle bites Chavo’s hand and he hits the frog splash for the three count.
Winner: Hornswoggle
2010 - WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler filed a lawsuit against former Memphis Wrestling promoter and announcer Cory Maclin over the rights to the "Memphis Wrestling" trademark.  The lawsuit claimed "Mr. Corey Maclin’s direct actions that fraudulently conveyed upon Jerry Lawler’s trademark and copyright interest ‘Memphis Wrestling’ in the intangible product.”   The suit is still pending.

2010 - WWE broadcast Smackdown.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV Report:

We start off this week’s show with a look back at the match between Big Show and Jack Swagger from two weeks ago. This is followed up with what Jack Swagger did to Rey Mysterio last week after the main event. What is next for Swagger?

We are live on tape from Atlanta, Georgia and your announcers are Matt ‘Schiavone’ Striker and Todd ‘Crockett’ Grisham.

Drew McIntyre is in the ring, back from his deportation, and he has something to say. Before he can say anything, he is interrupted by Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long. Teddy has a smile on his face while Drew has a serious look on his face.

Teddy wants to know what Drew is doing here because he remembers Drew being deported. Drew says that two weeks ago his visa expired, but all of his citizenship issues have been resolved. Drew says that what hasn’t been resolved is the relationship between the two of them. Drew calls Teddy ‘Mr. Long’. Drew says that he came to a realization that he has wronged Teddy in so many ways. He says that he knows that it is never too late to say ‘I’m sorry’. Teddy tells Drew that it is never too early to say that you’re a liar. Teddy says that it is obvious. Drew used to have Mr. McMahon in his back pocket, but now that he is not here any more, there will be no more special privileges for Drew. For the first time since he debuted on Smackdown, he will be on the same playing field.

Drew says that he couldn’t agree with Mr. Long more. Drew says that he wanted to let Teddy know that he is personally nominating Teddy for a spot in the Class of 2011 for the WWE Hall of Fame. Drew says that Wrestlemania weekend is going to be huge for Atlanta. He wants Teddy to think about getting his Hall of Fame ring in his home town while Drew McIntyre main events Wrestlemania. Teddy says that Drew got one thing right. Wrestlemania will be a big thing in Hotlanta. Teddy says that he would love nothing more than to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Teddy tells Drew that the only way he would be World Champion is if he won the Money in the Bank match. Teddy tells Drew that he thinks he can win the match. Drew thanks Mr. Long. Teddy tells Drew that there is one thing that he would like Drew to do. Teddy tells Drew to get on his knees and beg for it. Drew wants to know if Teddy is serious. Teddy tells Drew exactly how it is done and we see the footage from a few weeks ago when Teddy had to beg to keep his job.

Teddy tells Drew if he wants to be the Chosen One so bad, he can get down on his knees. The crowd chants for Drew to get ‘on your knees’ and he thinks about it and then does it. Teddy tells Drew to repeat after him. Teddy tells Drew to say that Teddy is the most handsome, debonair, high class, sharp dressed, and intelligent. Teddy tells Drew that he wants Drew to say that it is an honor and a privilege to have Teddy Long as his boss.

Drew wants to know that he is now in the Money in the Bank Match. Teddy tells Drew that he is not in the match right now. Teddy tells Drew that if he wants to get into the match, he has to earn it. Drew will have to beat a man he doesn’t have a lot of luck with. That man is Kofi Kingston. Teddy wishes Drew luck.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero versus Montel Vontavious Porter versus Chavo Guerrero in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Chavo and Dolph attack Porter as the bell rings and Chavo tries to impress Vickie who has joined Todd and Matt at the announce table. Porter kicks Ziggler and Chavo and then he punches them. Porter with an Exploder suplex to Ziggler followed by a hard Irish whip to Chavo. Porter with a forearm to Ziggler but Chavo hits Porter from behind. Porter is the victim of a double suplex from Ziggler and Chavo. Ziggler with a near fall and Chavo watches. Ziggler with a kick to the back. Porter holds on to the ropes and he back body drops Chavo over the top rope to the floor. Ziggler charges at Porter and Porter sends Ziggler to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Porter gets a near fall on Ziggler. Ziggler with a knee to Porter followed by a punch and kicks. Porter with a kick to the knee. Chavo trips Porter as he comes off the ropes and Chavo punches Porter. Ziggler joins in the assault on Porter as the two on one attack continues. Porter blocks a punch and connects with one on Chavo. Porter with a back elbow to Ziggler. Porter with a punch to Chavo followed by a back kick to Ziggler, but Chavo is able to take Porter down with a drop toe hold. Chavo holds Porter as Ziggler goes to the turnbuckles. Ziggler takes too much time and Porter sends Chavo into the turnbuckles and Ziggler gets crotched. Porter with a superplex to Ziggler and all three men are down.

Chavo gets to his feet first and he stands over both men. Chavo looks at the briefcase and a light bulb goes off over his head. Vickie yells at Chavo because that wasn’t the plan. Chavo covers Porter but he can only get a near fall. Vickie leaves the announce table and yells at Chavo about how that is not what they talked about. Chavo with another near fall on Porter. Chavo argues with Vickie and Ziggler with a forearm to the back of the head and then he kicks and punches Chavo. Ziggler yells at Chavo and tells him not to ruin it for him. Chavo with punches to Ziggler followed by a kick and Chavo hits the Three Amigos. Chavo gets back body dropped by Porter and then he connects with a forearm to Ziggler. Porter with a big boot to Chavo and then he tosses Ziggler in the air and he lands face first on the mat. Porter with a forearm to Chavo followed by a kick to Ziggler and he throws Dolph to the floor.

Porter with the facebuster and it is time for the Ballin’ Elbow but he sees Ziggler charging at him so he hits an overhead belly-to-belly throw. Porter hits the elbow and then he hits the Play of the Day but Vickie pulls the referee out of the ring. Vickie yells at the referee on the floor and that allows Ziggler to apply the sleeper. Vickie pulls Chavo out of the ring so he cannot mess up the plan any more. Porter is out and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Vickie goes into the ring and celebrates with her man.

We go to commercial.

We are back with an Alberto Del Rio video package. He walks down some stairs and he talks about inspiration. He says that it is an admirable quality to possess. He rhetorically asks how someone inspires someone. He says that you cannot show an ounce of fear. He says that you can always accomplish the impossible. He says that it is a natural gift that is unachievable by others. That is what makes you the embodiment of inspiration.

Rey Mysterio is in the trainer’s room and Josh Mathews is there as well with Dr. Michael Sampson. Josh mentions Rey’s ankle injury from last week. Josh asks the doctor for his diagnosis. The Doctor says that Rey has a ligament tear so they are going to try to get the swelling down and let him get some rest. He wants to let Rey get some rehab on the ankle.

Josh asks Rey if the injury will affect his title defense. Rey says that he feels some pain . . .

Rey is interrupted by Jack Swagger who storms into the training room and tells everyone to leave. Jack grabs Rey by his injured ankle and he puts him in the ankle lock. Jack pulls Rey into the hall and then drags him through the hallway while keeping Rey in the ankle lock. Jack yells at Rey as he pulls him further into hallway and then he slams Rey’s knee into a plastic support. Rey is sent into foam padding against the wall. Jack pulls Rey by his ankle and then he stands over Rey and then he returns to the ankle lock as they go into the arena.

Rey tries to fight out of the hold but he cannot escape. A referee and the medical staff stand around until Swagger releases the hold because he sees the Big Show coming at him.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Jack Swagger’s attack on Rey Mysterio’s injured ankle.

Before our next match, we take a look back at last week’s Peep Show when Matt Hardy attacked Christian. Those two men are now going to be part of a team in the next match.

Match Number Two: Christian and Matt Hardy versus Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer

Hardy and Hawkins start things off and they lock up with Hardy putting Hawkins in a side head lock. Hardy with a shoulder tackle. Hawkins tries for a hip toss but Hardy blocks it and hits a short arm clothesline on Hawkins. Hardy works on the arm and sends Hawkins to the mat. Hawkins with a forearm and he runs Hardy into his corner. Archer tags in and then he Irish whips Hawkins into Hardy in the corner. Archer gets a near fall on Hardy and then he chokes Hardy in the ropes. Archer argues with the referee and that allows Hawkins to kick Hardy in the head. Archer with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Hardy punches Archer but Archer with a kick and Irish whip. Archer charges into an elbow and then Hardy with a tornado DDT and both men are down. Christian pulls Hardy over the top rope to the floor and then he walks away.

Archer pulls Hardy back into the ring and Archer with the inverted DDT and he tags in Hawkins who hits the top rope elbow drop for the three count.

Winners: Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Drew McIntyre versus Kofi Kingston in a Win and Drew gets in Money in the Bank Match

Kofi tries for a quick rollup but can only get a near fall. They lock up and Drew backs Kofi into the corner and Drew misses a punch in the corner. Kofi with a side head lock but Drew with a take down but Kofi holds on. Drew with a punch to the midsection but Kofi with a cross body for a near fall. Drew sends Kofi to the mat and he gets a near fall. Drew with forearms across the chest and then he locks in a reverse chin lock. Drew with forearms followed by a near fall. Drew with a kick to the head but Kofi with a monkey flip for a near fall. Drew with a kick and he sends Kofi into the turnbuckles. Drew with a kick but Kofi fights back. Drew with a kick to the midsection followed by a punch and Drew gets a near fall. Drew with a neck breaker to the knee and he gets a near fall. Kofi with a rollup for a near fall as Drew complains about the count. Drew with a kick to Kofi followed by a forearm. Drew with an Irish whip but Kofi with a pendulum kick. Kofi tries for a springboard move but Drew kicks the ropes and Kofi lands awkwardly. Drew cannot capitalize and he gets a near fall. We go to commercial.

We are back and Drew has Kofi in a chin lock with the arm isolated but Kofi with a hip toss to escape. Drew with a running back elbow but he misses a leg drop. Kofi with chops followed by a drop kick. Kofi tries for the SOS but Drew blocks it and runs Kofi into the turnbuckles. Drew puts Kofi on the top turnbuckle and Kofi blocks a punch and connects with forearms. Kofi with kicks and a modified Shadows over Hell for a near fall. Kofi with a leaping clothesline and it is time for the Boom Drop and he hits it. Kofi signals for Trouble in Paradise but Drew ducks it. Kofi hits a back heel kick for a near fall. Kofi with a forearm to Drew but Drew with an elbow and then Kofi holds on to the ropes but Drew with a reverse Alabama Slam for a near fall. Drew tries for the double underhook DDT but Kofi escapes. Kofi with an Irish whip and then he tries for a Tornado DDT but Drew pushes him off. Kofi with a drop kick that sends Drew to the floor. Kofi with a suicide dive onto Drew and both men are down on the floor.

The referee starts his count and Kofi sends Drew to the ground. Drew is returned to the ring and then Kofi sets for a Boom Drop on the apron but Drew sends Kofi into the ring post. Drew pulls Kofi in and hits the double underhook DDT for the three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match, Drew points to the briefcase above the ring.

It is time to look back at last week’s Smackdown when Serena showed the video cleared CM Punk of any wrongdoing related to the Undertaker. We also see Punk berate Serena.

Rosa Mendes is in the back doing some step aerobics and CM Punk and Luke Gallows watch for a second before Punk shakes his head and walks away.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for a new Alberto Del Rio video. He is reading a book and he says that he is proudest of his intelligence. It is fostered by his education. He attended the finest universities in Mexico, the United States, and abroad. It is said that knowledge is power. He says that so many have squandered their opportunities at a formal education. Alberto smells some wine and then says that higher education was like a lactating mother and he was a hungry baby consuming as much knowledge as possible. He says that is why he is the product of a superior education.

CM Punk and Luke Gallows are in the ring and Luke says that last week everyone saw a side of the SES that nobody was supposed to see. That was because of one person. Luke says that if Serena has one shred of decency that she will come to the ring.

Serena comes out and she stands on the stage. She says that this has been the hardest week of her life. She tells Punk that he means more to her than being her leader. She says that Punk is her world. Last week, she made a terrible terrible mistake when she allowed herself to get drunk. She made a mistake when she defied Punk. She wants to tell Punk why she did it. She did it to save and protect Punk. Serena enters the ring. She says that Kane is a monster and he is crazy and out of control. Serena says that she did not know what would have happened to Punk if she didn’t do what she did. She begs for forgiveness.

Luke tells Serena that she is the most pathetic person she has ever seen. He says that there is no way that Punk will ever forgive her. Luke says that it makes him sick to think that he ever considered her a sister in the Straight Edge Society. Luke says that he wanted to kick her out of the SES when he found her in the bar and let her wallow in the horribleness of her addiction. Luke says that it is not his decision and it is up to Punk. He says that Punk showed him the big picture that she was the example for women to live the straight edge lifestyle.

Serena says that she is sorry but Luke tells her that if she is really sorry, she will leave the SES.

Punk takes the mic and he tells Luke that the only good thing he said so far tonight is that it is not Luke’s decision, it is his. Punk looks at Luke and tells him that he forgives her. Luke leaves the ring in disgust.

Serena tells Punk that she can never explain what he has done for her. She promises that she will never fail him again.

Punk tells Serena that she better not and then he gestures for her to embrace the Straight Edge Savior. They hug and Punk and Luke stare down from a distance.

We go to commercial.

Cody Rhodes comes out and he has a mirror on his lower TitanTron video board graphic and he looks at it before he comes to the ring.

Match Number Four: Dashing Cody Rhodes versus JTG

They lock up and JTG with an arm drag and arm bar. Cody gets to the ropes and the referee tells JTG to break. They lock up again and JTG with a hammer lock and Cody backs JTG into the ropes. Cody with an elbow but he misses a punch. JTG goes to the turnbuckles but Cody pulls him off. Cody starts to work on the arm and then he slams JTG and uses the ropes for extra leverage when he stomps on JTG’s chest. Cody with a forearm to the back followed by a snap mare and cravate. JTG with punches to get out of the hold followed by a forearm. Cody with a kick but JTG with a flying back elbow followed b a clothesline and flip shoulder tackle. JTG runs into a forearm and then Cody with a kick to the midsection. Cody with a gourdbuster and punch to JTG. JGT with a sliding uppercut and kick. Rhodes with Cross Rhodes for the three count.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

We go to the interview area where Josh Mathews is with Kelly Kelly. Josh asks Kelly about her victories over Michelle McCool and Layla. Josh asks Kelly about her title match at the pay per view against Layla. Layla enters and calls Kelly ‘Smelly Kelly’. Layla says that Kelly must be excited for her first title match. Layla tells Kelly the only way that she will win is if she passes out from Kelly’s horrible smell. Kelly grabs Layla by the throat and Michelle attacks Kelly from behind. Tiffany comes by to check on Kelly.

We go to commercial.

We are back with an Earlier Tonight Moment when Jack Swagger attacked Rey Mysterio in the Trainer’s Room and through the hallways and into the arena.

Big Show is in the interview area with Josh Mathews. Josh asks Show about the attack but Show stops Josh. Show says that he is well aware of what Jack Swagger did to him two weeks ago. Show says that he was the first to feel the ankle lock. He says that he never felt pain like that before. He says that Rey is suffering and he knows how bad Rey is hurting. Show says that Jack Swagger put that ankle lock on him and that was the closest he came to feel his bones break. He says that he is one hundred percent tonight. If Jack wants to make people suffer and feel pain in their minds. Tonight, he puts some fear in Jack Swagger. Tonight, he makes Jack Swagger suffer.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Big Show versus Jack Swagger

Show and Swagger have some words before the match starts. Swagger goes for the ankle but Show pushes him away. Swagger goes for the waist again but Show with an elbow and he tries for a slam but Swagger lands on his feet and Swagger tries to clip Show. Show picks Swagger up and sends him to the mat. Show with a punch to the midsection and then it is time for a chop. Show chokes Swagger in the corner and then it is time for the Shhh Chop. Show with another chop to Swagger and then he asks Swagger if he wants to make people suffer. Show with an Irish whip and then Show announces that the train is leaving the station and he hits a running butt splash in the corner followed by a running shoulder tackle that sends Swagger to the floor.

Swagger punches Show in the leg but Show pulls Swagger onto the apron. Show is dropped across the top rope and then Swagger runs the ankle into the ring post. Swagger tries for the ankle lock but Show kicks Swagger out of the ring. Swagger returns to the ring and Show sends Swagger to the floor just a fast. Show with a chop on the floor as the referee makes his count. They exchange punches on the floor and Show with a head butt. Show with a chop as Swagger tries for punches to stop Show. The referee makes the ten count and calls for the bell.

Double Count Out

Swagger begs for mercy on the stage as he backs himself into a corner. Swagger with a kick to the knee and a DDT of the leg. Swagger looks at what he did to Show and he goes to the back.

Referees check on Show while Swagger comes through the curtain and he is grabbed in the throat by Kane and Kane tells Swagger that they need to talk. They go into the Red Room and Kane tells Swagger that it was him all along. Kane tells Swagger that he proved it when he said that he liked to make people suffer. Kane says that Swagger made his brother suffer. Swagger says that it wasn’t him. Kane says that what Swagger did to his brother will be nothing. Swagger says that it wasn’t him and Kane calls him a liar. Swagger tells Kane that he thought it was Punk but Punk had an alibi. Swagger says that he has an alibi. Swagger says that he will give Kane his alibi next week. Kane says that if there is the slightest bit of doubt, he says that Swagger will be condemned to hell and a lifetime of eternal suffering.

2010 - Dragon Gate USA's Uprising 2010 debuted on PPV.  Mike Johnson filed the following PPV report:

DGUSA Uprising opened with Johnny Gargano cutting a promo thanking everyone for ordering the PPV.  He said that ever since Jon Moxley joined Kamikaze USA, every Japanese stable wants an American to be their mouthpiece.  Gargano said that makes him the hottest free agent in DGUSA and after he watches the show, he'll decide who he's going to represent.  The audio seemed low but beyond that, the promo was fine.

We go to the ring where fans are feverishly banging thundersticks.


This is Tozawa's PPV debut.  The announcers set this up as the elder Mochizuki vs. the young Tozawa.  Mochizuki controls Tozawa early with several shoulderblocks and a kick between the shoulder blades.  Tozawa comes back with a dropkick that sends Mochizuki to the floor and then scores with a tope suicida.  He slams Mochizuki into the post at ringside.  Mochizuki fought back and charged Tozawa with a knee strike outside, but Tozawa moved and Mochizuki nailed the ringpost with his knee.  Tozawa began working over Mochizuki on the floor and tossed him back in the ring.  Mochizuki came back, tossing Tozawa to the floor and beating him with kicks on the floor.  They battle to the apron, where Tozawa is dropped onto the corner of the apron with a shinbreaker.  Mochikuzi nails a running kick to the ribs.    Mochizuki cinched in a leglock.  Tozawa tried to kick free but his other leg was captured and turned into a Sharpshooter variation.  Tozawa made it to the ropes.

Fans began chanting for Mochizuki.  Tozawa went for an enzigiri but Mochizuki ducked and locked in an ankle lock.  Tozawa fought to get to the ropes and finally made it.  Tozawa fought back but was caught with a kick to the chest as he came off the center turnbuckle.  Both men rallied up.  Tozawa ran Mochizuki into the corner turnbuckle but missed a headbutt.  He finally nailed a rolling senton.  He charged Mochizuki but Mochizuki nailed him with a big boot. Mochizuki nailed a running kick to the chest for a two count, then nailed an enziguiri from the top rope.

Tozawa came back with a surprise German suplex into a bridge for a two count.  Tozawa goes for another but Mochizuki lands on his feet and peppers him with kicks.  Tozawa rolls him up for another two count.  Mochizuki kills him with a kick to the head.   Great sequence.  Mochizuki charges and knees Tozawa with kicks as he's laid up in the corner.  They were just brutal.  Mochizuki goes for a Dragon suplex but Tozawa fights him off.  Mochizuki finally drills him with a kick to the head and Tozawa is out and is pinned.

Your winner, Maasaki Mochizuki!

Really stiff opener. Great stuff here and a hot as hell crowd.

Backstage, Lenny Leonard and Chikarason preview the rest of the PPV card.


 Moxley had some disheveled woman that he dragged around with him.   Moxley shoved her into Jacobs then attacked him, choking Jacobs against the ropes.  Moxley kicked Jacobs in the head but Jacobs screamed, then clotheslined  Moxley.  Moxley came back with a series of rights in the corner, beating Jacobs.  Jacobs came back, stomping the hell out of Moxley in the corner.  Moxley whipped Jacobs into a clothesline.  He charged Jacobs, who dropped down and Moxley went over the top to the floor.  Jacobs went for a dive but missed.  Moxley worked him over outside the ring, slamming him into the ringpost and chopping away at him.

Moxley yanked Jacobs arm, trying to wrench it across the ringpost.  He told his woman to bite Jacobs and she did, on the ear.  Ouch.  They continued to brawl around the ring.  Jacobs grabbed a plastic trashcan and charged Moxley, slamming it into his head.  Moxley came back with a chop and slammed Jacobs into the ringpost.  Moxley grabbed several chairs and flung them into the ring.  Moxley tossed Jacobs into the ring.  He went to the top rope but Jacobs threw a chair into Moxley's face.  Moxley went to the floor.  Jacobs hit a dive through the ring but Moxley caught him.  Jacobs turned it into a guillotine choke but was dropped crotch first on the guard rail.  Moxley went to grab Jacobs, who slammed a fan's seat into his face.  Jacobs jumped over the barricade, cracking Moxley with an elbow.

Jacobs tossed Moxley back into the ring and grabbed a wrench from the timekeeper's table.  Moxley took him out and grabbed wrench.  He used it to choke Jacobs, then slammed Jacobs down.  He used the wrench on Jacobs' nose and mouth.  Moxley missed a charge with the wrench and Jacobs kicked him in the gut.  He grabbed the wrench and nailed Moxley in the head.  Jacobs went to grab Moxley, who tried to charge, but Jacobs locked in the End Time choke.  Moxley suplexed him over to escape and scored a two count.

Moxley cinched in a  STF on Jacobs, while the fans rallied him.  Moxley caught Jacobs with a DDT as Jacobs got up but only received a one count.  Moxley went for a powerbomb but Jacobs escaped and nailed a springboard Ace Crusher.  Jacobs went for a spear but was nailed with a chair for a two count.  Fans began chanting for Jacobs.  Jacobs used a forward roll for a two count.  Moxley ducked a clothesline and went for a move but was caught with End Time.  Moxley called his woman into the ring to break it up.  Jacobs went to spear Moxley, who shoved her into the path of destruction.  Jacobs caught Moxley with sliced bread #2 but YAMATO and Shingo hit the ring and mauled Jacobs.  Moxley scored the pin.

Your winner, Jon Moxley!

They continued beating Jacobs after the match.  BxB Hulk cleared the ring and rescued Jacobs.  As Jacobs recovered, Hulk tried to recruit Jacobs into the WORLD-ONE group but Jacobs walked out, saying he was his own man.

Fun little brawl that basically consisted of them exchanging shots and moves.  It makes sense Jacobs wouldn't want to accept an invitation right away given his past as a character.


Pac is a British star making his PPV debut.  Everyone shook hands in a show of respect before the match.  Fans were chanting for Jigsaw.  Pac and Quackenbush started out going back and forth with some nice counter-wrestling.   After some sweet wrestling,  Pac nailed a series of flips and dropkicks to control the match.  Pac went for a sunset flip but Jigsaw nailed a flying bodypress.  Quack and Jigsaw worked over Naruki Doi.  Doi shoulderblocked Jigsaw down.  They went back and forth with some armdrags and then faced off as the crowd went nuts.  Great stuff.

Doi began to work over Jigsaw's arm and elbow.  Doi and Pac double teamed Jigsaw.  Pac hit a slingshot legdrop into the ring for a one count.  Pac cinched Jigsaw with head scissors.  Jigsaw leaned back trying to trick Pac into a pinning combination.  Doi locked on a figure four leglock while Pac held the head scissors.  Quackenbush argued with the referee.  Doi nailed a corkscrew press off Pac's back.  Quack hit the ring and began chopping away.  Doi went to help Pac but ended up chopping his own partner.  Quack caught Pac with a twisting DDT.  Jigsaw came off the top with a dive for a two count.  Jigsaw locked in a short arm scissors.  He locked on a Gori Guerrero Especial as Quack came in with a rolling senton.  Team CHIKARA worked over Pac's arm with a double stomp to the arm.

The CHIKARA team continued to control the flow of the match.  Pac comes back with a series of kicks and dives to Doi to make the hot tag.    Quack went for a dropkick but Doi tricked him into nailing his own partner in the corner.  He slammed Quack atop olf Jigsaw then splashed them.  CHIKARA went to the floor, where Pac nailed a springboard twisting press onto both.  This is one hell of a match.  Quack is tossed back in the ring.  Doi trapped him in the ropes, nailing him with forearms and dropkicks.  Doi nailed a top rope senton across Quackenbush's back.  Quack was elevated and dropped into a sitdown bomb by Doi for a two count.  Quack rolled out as Jigsaw dropkicked Doi out.

Pac hit a springboard clothesline on Jigsaw.  He went for another but was caught and hit with an enziguiri, then a rack bomb.  Doi broke up the pinfall attempt.  Quack began chopping away.  Quack came back with a series of rapid fire slaps and chops.  Doi nailed a sunset flip but Jigsaw kicked him and drilled Doi with a brainbuster for a two count.  Jigsaw went for a back suplex on Doi but Pac came off with a shooting star press for a two count.  Quack nailed a package bomb on Pac for a two count but Doi superkicked him. Pac hit a shooting star into a dropkick on Jigsaw.  Doin destroyed Jigsaw with a insane running kick and scored the pin.

All four shook hands after the match.  I can't tell you how much I loved this.  You had crazy dives, stiff kicks, fast action and it was all held together with some great mat wrestling.  Fans like to chant "This is awesome" at every headlock these days, but if there was ever a match that deserved such a chant, this was it.  Great stuff.

Your winners, Pac & Naruki Doi!

Quackenbush took the mic and said that after a match like that, he and Jigsaw have nothing but respect for Pac and Doi.  He said that since they are talking respect, he wants to call out someone who he has none for - YAMATO.  He said YAMATO attacked them from behind in Windsor and they have been having problems since the debut DGUSA event.  He challenged YAMATO to assemble his men and battle CHIKARA.    Before YAMATO could respond, his allies from Kamizake USA attacked Jigsaw and Quack from behind.  YAMATO lowblowed Quack as the others held him, then did the same to Jigsaw.  They continued the assault on Quack and Jigsaw.  They are helped out of the ring by DGUSA officials.

Uh, where are those great guys Pac and Doi who respected CHIKARA 30 seconds ago?  With friends like them, who needs enemies?  Beyond that small hole in logic, a good angle to set up the big multi-man match at the DGUSA Anniversary show.

Backstage, they showed BxB Hulk warming up.

Elsewhere, Jimmy Jacobs was screaming from across a room that he didn't need anyone and would take out Jon Moxley and Kamikaze USA one by one.  It was so far away that I didn't even realize it was Jacobs at first.  I guess they were trying to be artsy.

In the ring, Lenny Leonard thanked everyone for their support and announced several wrestlers who made an impression during the training seminar earlier in the day would get a chance to kick off the second half of the PPV.


Impact is a thin long haired guy.  Wave looks like Justin Bieber.    Before they could start the match, Brodie Lee hit the ring and killed everyone, including the referee.  It was awesome destruction.  Lee took the mic and said he's the biggest and baddest in the locker room and would take on anyone, anywhere, anytime.  He threw Impact rudely out of the ring.  This was a nice angle to get over Lee as a monster.

They plug the website.

Backstage, Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw are in a bathroom.  Jigsaw is mad they were attacked again.  Quack promised they were going to end it and told YAMATO to bring everyone he has to the battle.


Kid and CIMA were having fun with the fans before the bell.  YAMATO and Kid started off.  YAMATO sort of remined me of Raven with his look tonight.  They go back and forth trying to get control of the other's arm.  Kid turned a hiptoss into an armdrag.  YAMATO went to the floor.  Kid teased a tag but tagged in CIMA instead.  Shingo caught him with a kick to the rib.  Shingo worked him over in the corner but CIMA escaped and dropkicked Shingo.  Shingo nailed a belly to back suplex.  They caught CIMA with a double kick to the gut.  Kid and CIMA choked out YAMATO in the corner.  Kid came off the ropes with an elbow on YAMATO.    Kid dropped a knee across YAMATO for a near fall.

CIMA and Kid tagged back and forth with kicks and shots on YAMATO.  Kid came off CIMA's shoulders with a senton, then CIMA nailed one of his own.  CIMA tied up YAMATO on the mat, then turned it into a Sharpshooter.  Shingo hit the ring and raked CIMA's face.  Shingo locked in a rear chinlock, forcing his weight down over CIMA's shoulders.  He beat CIMA down with rights.  CIMA fired back but was caught with a Mongolian chop.  CIMA and Kid go to the floor.  They work over Shingo.  CIMA came off the guard rail with a double stomp as Kid held him.

Back in the ring, Kid nailed a hestitation dropkick on Shingo.  Shingo came back with a slam and a kneedrop.  YAMATO tagged in and slides his boot over Kid's face, then dropkicks him in the head for a near fall.  Kid goes to the outside, where Shingo picked him up and dropped him chest first on the apron.  CIMA goes after Shingo but is nailed with a chair.  All four brawl around on the outside.    When it settles down, YAMATO and Shingo continue their assault on Kid.  They pick him up for a double atomic drop.  Shingo uses his boot on the face of Kid.  Kid begans to fire back but Shingo is too powerful.  They exchange kicks but Shingo chops Kid down.

Shingo military presses and slams Dragon Kid.  YAMATO runs in to prevent CIMA from attacking Kid.  Shingo chops away at Kid.  Kid finally reverses a whip but Shingo held onto the ropes and drilled Kid with an elbow.  Kid kicks off Shingo, nails head scissors and makes the hot tag to CIMA.  CIMA and Kid dropkick Shingo to the apron.  Kid nails a 619, then a Bermuda Triangle.  CIMA nails YAMATO with a stiff kick to the chest.  He went for a suplex but YAMATO escaped.  CIMA nailed a codebreaker and the Perfect driver for a two count.  CIMA is shocked he didn't get the win.

YAMATO locked in a choke sleeper but CIMA freed himself.  Kid catches Shingo in an Octopus submission.  Shingo makes his way to his feet and sideslams Kid down.  Fans began chanting "This is awesome."  Shingo chopped Kid.  Kid reversed an elbow, springboarded off the ropes and nailed a stunner.  Shingo drilled him with a hard back elbow, then powerbombs him.  CIMA makes the savem then kicks YAMATO in the face.  CIMA went for a springboard dive but YAMATO got out of the way.  Shingo and YAMATO worked over CIMA.  They whipped CIMA into the corner and each nailed a running charge.  They hit CIMA with the Overbomb for two count.

YAMATO drilled CIMA with a brainbuster but he kicked out at the last minute.   Shingo is put on CIMA's shoulders and Kid nailed a supercanrana off the top on him.  YAMATO breaks up the pin.  Lots of great spots here.  Shingo began beating down Kid, who grabbed him with a crucifix.  CIMA dropkicked Shingo, who went down for a two count.  CIMA kicked in a guillotine choke into a DDT.  YAMATO speared CIMA and held him for Shingo.  CIMA and YAMATO kept reversing positions so Shingo kept starting and stopping so he didn't nail his partner.  In the end, he nailed YAMATO anyway.  That was pretty humorous.  Kid hit the Ultra hurancanrana but Shingo kicked up at two.

Kid went for a Dragonrana but Shingo moved and Kid landed on his feet.  Shingo nailed Made in Japan but CIMA broke it up.  CIMA began checking on Kid as he was out.  Shingo deposited him to the floor.  YAMATO locked on a choke outside the ring.  Shingo began stalking Kid, who was out on his feet.  Shingo nailed a running clothesline.  Shingo went to the ropes with Kid in a Fireman's Carry position, drilled him and scored the pin.

Your winners, Shingo and YAMATO!

Another really strong match.  Great back and forth hard-hitting tag.

CIMA checked on his fallen partner and carried him out on his back.  Fans chanted for Kid and then chanted "That was awesome."

Johnny Gargano, with better audio, said "That one Japanese guy hit that other Japanese guy with that move."  He said he had so many decisions to make and would, but first, he would watch the main event.


They had Lenny Leonard in the ring doing professional ring introductions for the title match.  They went back and forth early with some really good mat wrestling and exchanges.    Hulk caught Yoshino with a dropkick and a boot to the chest.  Hulk nailed several knees to the face and elbows across the back.  Yoshino kicked off Hulk and began working on Hulk's arm.  Yoshino charged and dropkicked Hulk in the back.  Yoshino continued to torque Hulk's arm, wearing him down.  Hulk made it to the ropes and broke the hold.

Yoshino grabbed Hulk, rolled through and cinched in a submission, tying up his arms and scissoring the legs.  Hulk finally made it back to the ropes to break it.  A slow, methodical style so far.  Yoshino came off the top with a double stomp across the arm.  Hulk fought back and came off the top with a springboard missile dropkick.  Hulk measured Yoshino with a series of kicks.  Yoshino hit a standing moonsault press for a two count.  Hulk tried to pick up Yoshino but his arm was killing him.  Yoshino caught him with a Slingblade, nailing a two count.

Yoshino locked in submission.  He turned it into a sunset flip but Hulk rolled through and kicked Yoshino in the head, then hit the BxB Press for a two count.  He went for a moonsault but Yoshino made it out of the way.  Yoshino hit a missile dropkick for a two count.  They went back and forth and lots of crazy stuff. Yoshino did a head scissors into an armbar.  Hulk came back with a jackknife cradle for a near fall.  Hulk hit the FTX for a two count.

They battled on the ropes.  Yoshino shoved Hulk off but he came back.  He hit the Thunder off the ropes for another near fall.  I really thought that was it.  Hulk missed a kick and Yoshino rolled him up for a two count.  He nailed a crucific bomb for another.  Hulk nailed a series of kicks to the head, then the EVOP and scored the pin.

Your winner and still Open the Freedom Gate champion, BxB Hulk!

Jon Moxley immediately came to the ring with the mic and said there is no time for celebration.  He said it was time for Kamikaze USA to show they can make an impact.  He told Hulk he was a target as champion, that they were going to get him and he would never see it coming.  The other members of Kamikaze USA attacked Yoshino and Hulk from behind.  It became a three on one beating on Hulk.  Jimmy Jacobs hit the ring and attacked Moxley, hitting a dive out of the ring on him.  They brawled off.  They continued working over Hulk.  CIMA hit the ring with a broom but was overwhelmed.  Dragon Kid made the save, although he was hurt. In the end, CIMA and Kid ran off Kamikaze USA.

CIMA picked up Hulk's championship and fit it over his waist.  CIMA took the mic as fans chanted for the promotion to come back.    He thanks Toronto for coming.  He asked the fans if they enjoyed themselves and the fans popped and chanted his name.  He led them in chanting Dragon Kid's name instead.  He said that they love Toronto and asked everyone to listen to his "excellent English."  He said they hope and promise to come back to Canada.  He asked the fans if they wanted DGUSA to return here and the place popped.  He led a Dragon Gate chant to end the evening.

A good showing for the company with no bad matches.  I felt there was a stronger attempt to build characters and rivalries here than in the past, where it sometimes felt like a collection of talented guys doing similar matches and spots every month.  While that is entertaining, it also can mesh together.  One thing that really stood out watching the show is that the switch to stronger stables and storylines definitely helped the promotion make this show stand out.  Easily worth the price of admission.

2010 - WWE ran a live event in Peoria, IL.  Adam Bockler filed the following live report:

WWE made its annual return to Peoria tonight in a night that saw a new twist on the WWE title match, a not-on-television Cutting Edge, and a fun brawl between the RAW babyfaces and Nexus.

Mark Henry d. Zack Ryder

Henry played the power a lot here and won pretty quickly. The crowd was super into everything Mark Henry did, from shoving Zack to raising his arms up and down after the slam in his post-match celebration.

Edge came out to host the Cutting Edge and said how we wouldn’t see Evan Bourne do the Shooting Star Press in their match. His guest was Sheamus. Sheamus talked about taking out Nexus, Ricky Steamboat, and Arn Anderson. The Anonymous GM apparently was in the house, and one of the Bella Twins brought out the phone. Tonight’s WWE Championship match between John Cena and Sheamus would be a lumberjack match.

The Great Khali d. William Regal

After Khali shoved Regal out of the ring, Regal got on the mic and said they got off to a bad start. He wanted to form a tag team with Khali, but Khali wanted none of it and make quick work of Regal afterward. Regal’s mic work was excellent, again calling the crowd “oxygen thieves.”

Alicia Fox d. Eve to retain the WWE Divas Championship

Santino Marella was the guest referee for this one. He did the same spot he did in January’s Champaign event, where the Divas rolled over him and he got on the turnbuckles to the applause of the male audience. Alicia faked her leg injury here, but Eve wasn’t buying it like she did on RAW. Fox got the win with the axe kick.

Edge d. Evan Bourne

This match was good. Lots of kicks and aerial attacks from Bourne. The finish was really cool and something I hadn’t seen before. Bourne was looking for a huracanrana on Edge off the top rope, but Edge plucked Bourne over his head and Bourne crash-landed on the turnbuckles and crumpled up for the 1-2-3. Not a spectacular finish, but Bourne got his heat back by hitting the Shooting Star Press anyway.

The Hart Dynasty w/ Natalya d. The Usos w/ Tamina to retain the WWE Unified Tag Team Championship

This was another good wrestling mat. Lots of chain wrestling from Tyson Kidd. David Hart Smith played the babyface in peril for most of the match, but there were a good amount of slow spots mixed with action. If this is what their match is shaping up to be at Money in the Back, it’ll be a good one.

The Miz cut a promo about how we weren’t good enough to say his lines when he went to say he was awesome the first time. He wanted us to sit down and raise our hands if we had something to say. I thought that was funny.

The Miz d. Ted DiBiase and John Morrison in a triple threat match to retain the WWE United States Championship.

DiBiase came out without Maryse. Morrison got beat on most of the match by the heels, who eventually turned on each other. Like a lot of triple threats, this was mainly a singles match with one guy showing up every now and again. Very reminiscent of Miz’s four-way match in Champaign. Morrison hit Starship Pain on DiBiase, and Miz hit the Skull Crushing Finale on Morrison to steal the win.

John Cena vs. Sheamus for the WWE Championship went to a no-contest.

Right before the introductions, a Bella brought the GM phone to the ring. The lumberjacks were announced as the Nexus seven.

After lock-ups, both Cena and Sheamus would look to make sure no Nexus member was getting involved. No matter who got sent outside, Nexus would pounce. Finally, John Cena was thrown outside and Wade Barrett called off Nexus. Instead, they attacked both Cena and Sheamus. Sheamus snuck away with the title as they beat on Cena.

Evan Bourne was the first out to run out, followed by John Morrison. Mark Henry’s music hit and the entire cast of RAW babyfaces on the show were helping in the fight against Nexus. The RAW crew ran Nexus backstage, when a few of the faces brought Wade Barrett out. John Cena invited the Great Khali into the ring to give Barrett a chop, and Cena gave him the Attitude Adjustment to send the crowd home happy.

I kept waiting for Randy Orton to come out and annihilate Nexus but that wasn’t meant to be tonight, I guess. I also found it weird there was no Chris Jericho.

Tony Garea and what looked like IRS were the agents for this show, with IRS taking diligent notes. I’d estimate closer to 3,000 people at this event.

Top 3 Reactions
1. John Cena (also included – John Cena taking his shirt off)
2. Mark Henry
3. Evan Bourne

Top 3 Heat
1. Sheamus
2. Nexus
3. The Miz when he cut people off from saying “awesome.”

2011 - The Medina-Gazette reported that WWE signed Derek Foore to a developmental deal.

2012 - TNA issued the following press release:


EFX products worn by TNA IMPACT WRESTLING star athletes to be

sold at 


NASHVILLE, TN (July 9th, 2012) -- TNA Entertainment and EFX Performance announce the launch of the limited edition “TNA/EFX” performance band that will be sold on TNA’s merchandise arm beginning In July. TNA IMPACT Wrestler’s Samoa Joe and AJ Styles will be the spokespersons for the cumulative physical and mental effects the product offers.
Justin McCully says, “’EFX’ is incredibly excited to be in business with TNA Entertainment. We are aware that TNA Wrestlers are some of the toughest athletes out there. With a grinding pace of travel, performances, and training as a TNA competitor, they are always on the search for a solid edge. Balance, flexibility, & strength are keys to succeeding in the ring. That being said "EFX" is ecstatic to be chosen as a TNA athlete’s option to stay in top form.”
John Rider, director of business development at EFX, feels the relationship with TNA Entertainment is an outstanding opportunity for both entities. “The popularity of our product coupled with the intense athleticism of professional wrestlers and their immensely loyal fan base is a perfect fit. Having such stars as Samoa Joe and AJ Styles understanding the effect of the EFX band and wearing the product makes TNA a wonderful venue to showcase our products.”
Vice President of Merchandising for TNA Entertainment Serg Salinas states, “When I experienced the results of this product for myself, it was a no brainer for us to carry an exclusively TNA branded band on Knowing that such talent as Samoa Joe and Styles have had positive results and are endorsing the product is just icing on the cake.”
TNA branded EFX bands can be purchased on the site beginning in July, 2012.

2012 - WWE broadcasted Raw.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We begin with footage from last week when CM Punk and Daniel Bryan had their match and AJ felt unloved because they actually cared about wrestling. Then AJ decided to ‘GET THE TABLES’ and she was going to throw herself through the table. Then it continued on Smackdown when Punk said that he cared about AJ. Daniel Bryan tried to clear the air and he got kissed. Then Punk got kissed. Who will AJ skip past and kiss tonight?

We are live from Denver, Colorado and your announcers are Michael ‘Avalanche’ Cole and Jerry ‘When do I get to beat Heath Slater’ Lawler.

AJ makes her way to the ring and she has a smile on her face. AJ mentions that on Sunday in the WWE Title match, she will be the guest referee. She says that she realizes that her actions can greatly affect the outcome of this match. The thought of that is overwhelming and very emotional.

AJ says that with that in mind, she wants everyone to welcome CM Punk to the ring.

Punk says that he is here and he wants to know what this is all about.

AJ looks into Punk’s eyes and she tells him that he told her his true feelings when he called her mentally unstable and in need of help. AJ says that she is in charge of all of her faculties. She says that Punk’s sentiment for her . . . she has never . . . no one has ever cared about her, let alone show compassion and care about her. When she kissed him, she knew it. She knew what she had to do.

AJ says that his eyes send love straight into her heart. He fills her up with passion and desire. AJ says that in essence, he turns her on. Now she knows what she has to do.

AJ gets down on her knee. AJ asks Punk to marry her.

Daniel Bryan comes to the ring screaming no. He tells AJ to listen to him. She is going to make the biggest mistake of her life and he cannot let her do that. CM Punk does not love her. Everyone knows that Punk doesn’t love her. Punk is playing her because she is the referee on Sunday. Bryan tells AJ that he hurt her in the past, but he never ever stopped having feelings about her.

Punk only cares about one person and that is CM Punk.

Punk tells Daniel that he doesn’t know the first thing about him and he doesn’t know how Punk really feels about AJ.

Bryan tells Punk to ‘say it’. Bryan tells Punk to say ‘I do’.

Bryan says that Punk sees her as a special referee. Bryan says that he sees AJ as a special person. They are so connected. They had the same idea. Bryan says that when he woke up this morning, he was not going to stop a proposal, he was going to make one. Bryan asks AJ to marry her.

Punk says that this is a load of crap. Punk says that Bryan woke up this morning and said that he was going to propose to her so where is the ring? Punk says that Bryan is a fraud and a liar. Punk tells AJ that they can go to the back and have a discussion about the entire thing.

Bryan tells Punk not to talk down to her future fiancé.

The ding dong returns and Michael Cole is happy to announce the return of the anonymous Raw General Manager.

Michael Cole unveils the Anonymous General ManagerTron Raw 1000.

Cole quotes ‘surprise’ he is back and running Raw tonight. He has been enjoying the love triangle and Punk and AJ make a great couple. They will be in a mixed tag match when they face Daniel Bryan and Eve.

Bryan says that this is not fair and that Bryan and AJ should be a team.

The ding dong says that if Bryan beats Punk, AJ will see her in a different light.

AJ says that this is a bit confusing and the proposal caught Punk by surprise. AJ says that Bryan’s proposal caught her by surprise. AJ says that she is happy that they have this match tonight. She believes that everything happens for a reason. AJ says that she has a feeling that she is going to walk out of the arena tonight with her future husband.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Alberto Del Rio trying to fix the immigration problem only to see Sheamus show his support for the immigrants. Then Del Rio attacked the man he will face on Sunday night.


Match Number One: Sheamus versus Jack Swagger


Swagger with a waist lock and take down. Sheamus with elbows to Swagger and Swagger sends Sheamus to the turnbuckles. Swagger tries for the double jump Swagger Bomb but Sheamus gets up and hits White Noise. Sheamus channels his inner Orton and looks around before hitting the Brogue Kick for the three count.


Winner: Sheamus


A car drives in the back and Del Rio says that Swagger is no Del Rio. He did what no one else has done on Smackdown. He left him like a dying burro. Del Rio says that he will take the title from Sheamus on Sunday.

While Del Rio drives away, Sheamus drills Swagger with another Brogue Kick.

Santino is in the back and he congratulates Zack Ryder for winning the battle royal. Zack says that he will have more charisma than the computer. Santino says that he heard the general manager is in the building and Santino says that he will find it.

Santino looks for a clue as we go to commercial.

We are back and Michael Cole says that Rock will be back in two weeks on the 1000th episode of Raw (even though Cole said this week was the 999th [sic]).


Match Number Two: Tensai and Dolph Ziggler versus Tyson Kidd and Christian


Dolph and Kidd start things off and Kidd goes after Tensai but Ziggler attacks Kidd and hits an elbow drop. Kidd with a neck breaker. Christian tags in and hits a running forearm and flapjack. Christian with a back elbow off the turnbuckles and then Christian claps. Ziggler hits Christian and then Tensai tags in. Tensai misses a charge into the corner and Christain hits a missile drop kick. Ziggler distracts Christian and then Tensai hits a back senton for the three count.


Winner: Dolph Ziggler and Tensai


After the match, Tensai attacks Kidd and he power bombs Kidd into the apron while Ziggler walks away. Vickie appears to be impressed while Tensai hits a back senton on Kidd.

Cole sucks up the Anonymous General Manager and hopes that it becomes the new General Manager on the 1000th episode. Cole asks who he wants to be in charge and Lawler says that Teddy Long should run Smackdown and Mick Foley should run Raw.

Cole spills something on Lawler and runs away when the ding dong sounds. Cole refuses to read the e-mail.

Lawler assumes the position and reads that we will have a Wrestlemania Rematch with Cole facing Lawler.

Cole wants the match to be changed.

There is a ding dong and Cole thinks the match will be changed. HAL RAW 1000 will let the WWE Universe decide. Looks like we have a match.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cole and Lawler do their last minute campaigning for their match.


Match Number Three: Brodus Clay with the Funkettes versus Drew McIntyre


Drew with a kick and punches to Clay but Clay backs Drew into the corner and punches Drew and Irish whips him but he misses a charge into the corner. Drew with a kick and he goes up top and goes into a head butt. Clay with a splash for the three count.


Winner: Brodus Clay


Santino is in the back and he thinks that Chris Jericho is the anonymous GM. Jericho says that he hates the computer and he asks Santino if he isn’t the anonymous GM. Santino is suckered into Jericho’s charm and he leaves.

Show enters and Jericho says that he was looking for him all day. They were the greatest tag team and they get their chance to weaken Cena and Kane. Show says that some of his most embarrassing times were as a part of Jeri-Show. Show tells Jericho to stay out of his way.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Raw 1000 Memorable Moment and it is from Stephanie McMahon. It was the night that Stephanie was going to renew her vows with Hunter in 2002.

John Cena makes his way to the ring and he has something to say before his match. John says that he feels the same way as the fans. In six days in Phoenix, the world will witness Money in the Bank. If you plan on going through hell, you might as well keep going.

Money in the Bank is a brutal match but there is an unbelievable reward. No one cares about pinfalls or submissions. There is a common goal. A contract for the WWE Championship.

In six days, even the nicest guys can become brutal and ruthless with that destiny hanging over your head. Ever since Money in the Bank started, the person who has grabbed the contract has always cashed in to become champion.

Cena reminds us of the two things he will do on Sunday. First, he will keep Big Show from winning and he will stop Big Show by his hand. Second, he will do everything to be the next Mr. Money in the Bank.


Match Number Four: John Cena and Kane versus Big Show and Jericho


Jericho and Cena start things off and Jericho points to the briefcase. Jericho and Cena with a top wrist lock but Cena with a side head lock. Cena with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Cena with an Irish whip and bulldog. Show tags in and Jericho yells at Show.

Show takes his time entering the ring. They throw some punches that don’t connect. Show grabs Cena by the throat but Cena escapes and he tags in Kane. They lock up and Show sends Kane towards the corner. They lock up again and Show puts Kane in the corner but Show misses a punch and Kane with punches in the corner. Show with an Irish whip and splash into the corner.

Show with a forearm to the back and Kane goes to the floor. Jericho kicks Kane on the floor when the referee was not looking. Show punches Kane in the midsection but Kane with an uppercut. Show with a boot and shoulder tackle to Kane. Show has something to say to Cena on the apron.

Show with punches to the midsection. Jericho tags in and Kane with an uppercut. Cena tags in and hits a clothesline after an Irish whip. Cena with a suplex for a near fall. Show hits Cena from behind when Jericho distracts the referee. We go to commercial.

We are back and Show head butts Cena and then connects with the shhhh chop. Cena avoids a second shhhh chop and he tries to slam Show but he collapses under Show’s weight. Cena with a kick and punches but Show with a bear hug. Cena punches his way out of the hold and hits a belly-to-back suplex.

Kane tags in and hits a drop kick and then he throws an uppercut followed by a few running clotheslines into the corner. Kane with a DDT for a near fall. Kane goes up top but misses the flying clothesline. Show with a spear for a near fall. Show with a punch to the chest and Jericho is tagged in.

Jericho goes up top and hits a double sledge and he kicks Kane against the ropes. The referee pulls Jericho out of the corner but he is able to continue the attack on Kane with kicks. Jericho chokes Kane in the ropes and then he stands on Kane’s back. Jericho with a splash to the back.

Show punches Kane and we go to commercial.

We are back and Jericho with a reverse chin lock on Kane. Kane gets Jericho on his shoulders and he backs Jericho into the corner. Kane runs into a boot but Kane with a side slam and both men are down. Cena tags in and hits the two shoulder tackles followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb and it is time for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena drop kicks Show and that allows Jericho to try for the Walls of Jericho but Cena escapes and Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment.

Show pulls Cena out of the ring and the referee calls for the bell.


Winners: Kane and John Cena


After the match, Show attacks Cena on the floor and he clotheslines Kane on the floor. Show gets a few ladders from under the ring. Show hits Jericho and Kane with the ladder. Show puts Jericho inside the ladder and drops the other end on him. Show pushes the ladder onto Jericho. Cena hits Show with a ladder and after the third shot, he sends Show over the top rope to the floor.

In case you missed the marriage proposal heard round the world and the second marriage proposal heard round the world, we have a recap.

We go to commercial.

We are back and CM Punk is getting ready for his match and Eve walks by and wishes him luck. Punk says that he hopes Eve has fun getting the spray tan off.

Eve says that she wasn’t thinking about the match. She mentions that AJ might not help him out on Sunday if he doesn’t say I do to her proposal. Maybe Punk feels overshadowed by The Rock, John Cena, Triple H, and Brock Lesnar. She suggests that is a bit emasculating.

Santino continues his search for the Crystal Skull. Santino grabs a phone and it is Khali’s. Santino interrogates Khali and Khali confuses Santino.


Match Number Five: Sin Cara versus Heath Slater in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match


Cara with kicks. Cara tries for a handspring back elbow but Slater with a cutter for a near fall. Slater punches Cara and slams him. Slater with elbows to the chest. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Slater with a wrist lock but Cara with a double jump arm drag and then he goes to the floor and he kicks Slater. Cara with a springboard cross body and then he hits La Mistica for the three count.


Winner: Sin Cara


After the match, Slater gets on the mic and he says that this is not fair. He says that he is a future champion. He says that he will prove it. Slater demands any former champion in the back and he will beat him. He doesn’t care who it is.

Bob Backlund comes to the ring.

Backlund offers his hand and Slater kicks him and then he punches Backlund. Backlund with the crossface chicken wing and Slater taps but who cares because there is no referee.

Michael Cole interrupts Backlund’s celebration and he shows us the results for the poll on Looks like we have a match.

Cole says that the people are hypocrites for not wanting to see him wrestle and then he is put into a match. Cole complains as we go to commercial.

We are back and Josh Mathews and Booker T take the place of the men who are in the ring.


Match Number Six: Michael Cole versus Jerry Lawler


Cole goes to the floor but Booker returns Cole into the ring. Lawler with an airplane spin and he gets the three count.


Winner: Jerry Lawler


It is ding dong time and Josh says that due to interference by Booker T, the decision is reversed and Michael Cole is the winner.

Santino Marella makes his way to the ring because he is having his Columbo moment. He says that he has searched every square inch of the arena. If the Raw General Manager is here tonight, there is only one place that he or she could be. . . under the ring.

There is a ding dong and Josh says that the General Manager is not under the ring and no one is under the ring. Santino is pulled under the ring by something and Jerry pulls Santino out to reveal that Hornswoggle was the Raw GM.

Hornswoggle attacks Lawler and Santino and then he goes after Cole before leaving the ring.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: The Battle Royal to determine Smackdown’s General Manager.


Match Number Seven: Eve Torres and Daniel Bryan versus AJ Lee and CM Punk


The men start things off and they exchange punches and forearms until Punk gets the advantage. Punk with knees but Bryan with a European uppercut. Punk with a back body drop and Bryan gets a boot up when Punk charges into the corner. Bryan with a knee into the corner and Kicks of Yes. Punk with a drop kick and AJ tags in.

Eve with a kick to AJ and a forearm to the back. AJ with a spear and punches. Eve with forearms and a kick. AJ with a knee and punch. Eve with a back heel kick but Eve with a kick and a spear. Eve wit ha knee to the midsection and she sends AJ to the mat. Eve sets for the flip leg drop but AJ gets her knees up.

AJ with forearms and a kick to the leg followed by a drop kick. AJ with a clothesline into the corner followed by a back heel kick for a near fall. AJ keeps Eve from making the tag. Eve kicks AJ away and then Bryan refuses to make the tag and he goes to the floor.

AJ with a rollup for the three count while Eve is confused by Bryan’s actions.


Winners: AJ Lee and CM Punk


After the match, Bryan says that he proved that she is more important than any match. Bryan suggests that they leave and go get married. Bryan does the chivalrous thing and holds the ropes open for AJ.

Punk tells AJ that he is not going to blatantly use her and lie to her to keep the title. Bryan says that he wants to marry her, but not for her. It is to help him become the WWE Champion. Punk says that he doesn’t care if what he says is going to cost him the match at Money in the Bank or his WWE Championship. Punk says that he will not marry her.

If that hurts AJ, Punk says that he is sorry. He is honest enough to tell her the truth.

AJ walks to Punk and she looks like she is going to cry but instead she slaps Punk in the face.

Bryan smiles and he tells AJ to come home. AJ goes to Bryan and she slaps him as well. Bryan can’t believe that AJ did that.

AJ starts Yesing as we go to credits.

2012 - Former WCW star Marcus Bagwell was arrested in Cherokee County, Georgia for reckless driving. He was later released on bond.

2013 - Matt Morgan is released from TNA, at his request.

2013 - asked WWE for a comment about recent claims from former WWE developmental talents into claims of sexual harassment in their training program.  WWE gave them the following quote:

"There have been no sexual harassment complaints filed against any employee at the WWE's training facility in Orlando. Instead there have been baseless allegations made by disgruntled talent recently released by WWE. Regardless, WWE takes these issues seriously and investigated this matter, concluding that there was no wrongdoing."


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