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By Mike Johnson on 2024-06-28 08:00:00

June 28th

On this day in history in ....

1982 - Chief Jay & Jules Strongbow defeat Mr. Fuji & Mr. Saito for the WWF Tag Team Title in New York City at Madison Square Garden.

1993 - The Bruise Brothers defeat the Rock n' Roll Express for the Smoky Mountain Wrestling Tag Team Title in Council, Virgina, ending the Express' fourth title reign.

1993 - Jeff Jarrett defeats Brian Christopher for the USWA Southern Heavyweight Title in Memphis, Tennessee.  This ended Christopher's eighth run with the belt, and began Jarrett's eighth reign as Southern Champion.

1997 - Chris Jericho defeats Syxx for the WCW Cruiserweight Title in Inglewood, California.

1998 - WWF holds their King of the Ring Pay-per-view in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Here are the results:
- The Headbangers & Taka Michinoku defeated Sho Funaki, Men's Teioh & Dick Togo.
- In a King Of The Ring semifinal match, Ken Shamrock defeated Jeff Jarrett.
- In a King Of The Ring semifinal match, Rocky Maivia defeated Dan Severn.
- Too Cool defeated Al Snow & Head when Brian Christopher pinned Head.  Jerry Lawler was the referee.
- X-Pac defeated Owen Hart.
- WWF World Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws defeated The New Midnight Express (Bob Holly & Bart Gunn)
- Ken Shamrock defeated Rocky Maivia to win the King Of The Ring tournament.
- The Undertaker defeated Mankind in a Hell In A Cell match, that saw Foley take incredible bumps off the top of the cage to the floor, as well as through the roof of the cage to the mat.  It is easily one of the most famous wrestling matches of all time.
- Kane defeated Steve Austin in a First Blood match to win the WWF World Heavyweight Title.

2002 - The exclusive community of Broad Beach in Malibu, California, led by "Frasier" actor Kelsey Grammer have successfully petitioned the Malibu City Council to enforce a local municipal code that restricts filming in the area to two weeks.  The ruling effectively shut down the production of WWE Tough Enough 3, according to an article in entertainment trade publication Variety. Tough Enough 3 had been intending to shoot for 60 days.

"After some very unconvincing assurances that our privacy would be respected, we took this action," Grammer told Variety.

WWE spokesman Jason Bernstein was quoted in the Variety piece as well, stating that pre-production for the show had already cost in the low six figures, and they had made changes in filming schedule to avoid filming on the July 4th holiday weekend. He noted that the promotion always respects areas where they film.

The article notes that Tough Enough 3 may have to push back production while it looks for a new home to film.

Previous seasons of Tough Enough had filmed in Connecticut and Nevada.

2002 - WWE broadcast Smackdown.  Dan White filed the following TV report:

The show opened with Vince McMahon bringing out Kurt Angle.  Angle talked about "ruthless aggression" and that he had displayed it when he made Hulk Hogan tap out at King Of The Ring.  He then ripped on the fans, and even took off his wig.  He made an open to challenge to anyone who had not wrestled before so he could show them "ruthless aggression" and make them tap. John Cena came out, and Angle asked him to identify himself.  The announcers put over that he was a developmental talent.  Angle asked Cena if he had a chance, and Cena attacked him.  Cena actually had some offense, even escaping an ankle lock, but Angle finally beat him.  Cena went for a handshake, but Angle just laughed at him.  

Several of the babyface wrestlers congratulated Cena backstage on his effort.  The Undertaker came up to him and asked him his name.  Cena told him, then Taker shook his hand and told him he did good. 

Tag Team Title match was next, with Billy & Chuck defending against Hardcore Holly & Big Valbowski.  Basic tag match, with Holly being cut off from Val at one point until making the hot tag.  Val cleaned house, and when Rico came in, Holly hit the Alabama Slammer on him.  In the end, Billy hit Val from behind and Chuck pinned him to retain the gold. 

Torrie Wilson was shown backstage in front of a mirror.  She came out and modeled her lingerie for the crowd, hyping the Divas special. 

Jamie Noble & Nidia were with Tajiri, and Nidia gave Tajiri a kiss, saying there will be more for him if they win tonight. 

They explained Triple H's elbow injury, then we saw Hulk Hogan arriving at the building. 

Lance Storm promises to beat an American on behalf of Canada tonight.  We see Mark Henry setting a weight lifting record before we get to the match.  Henry overpowered Lance early, using a bear hug.  Henry misses a dive off the ropes thought and Storm hits a missile dropkick and gets the pin.  Christian comes out to celebrate with Storm. 

We see Undertaker backstage getting ready to come out.  Undertaker hit the ring for an interview.  Taker talked about still being champion, butting HHH on the shelf, and about the Rock interfering in his business. Taker says he will get The Rock on July 11th when he returns, and that on Monday he will preview what Rock will get when he faces Jeff Hardy in a ladder match. Kurt Angle, no wig, comes out and gets in Taker's face, saying he's all talk.  Angle challenges Taker for a title match next week on Smackdown.  Taker offers to go now, but Angle says he just had a match. They jawjack for a bit, then Angle asks if he can touch the title.  Undertaker says that will be the closest he gets to it.  Angle then ambushes Taker and puts him in the ankle lock. Angle leaves the ring, smiling. 

Another Torrie Wilson moment.  Don't know why TNN has a problem with this stuff. 

Test vs. Rikishi was text.  Back and forth early, with Test being very aggressive. He missed the big boot and Rikishi went for the Bonzai Drop, but Test hit a low blow to block it, and ends up shoving the ref for a DQ.  Test beat on the ref, but Rikishi gets Test with a Stinkface.  Christian & Lance Storm come out to make the save for Test. 

Hulk Hogan enters Vince McMahon's office.  Vince sarcastically tells Hogan that he thought he was going to cry when Angle made him tap out at King Of The Ring.  Vince said he would hate to see Hogan have to tap out again tonight against Chris Jericho.  Hogan gets in Vince's face, but doesn't hit him. 

Backstage, Test has joined Lance Storm and Christian in feeling that Americans are against Canadians. 

Jaime Noble & Tajiri vs. Billy Kidman & Hurricane was up.  

* Jamie Noble and Tajiri vs. Billy Kidman and the Hurricane.  Nice, fast tag match.  Towards the end, Hurricane tossed Noble over the top rope.  Tajiri came in and kicked Hurricane, but Hurricane kicked out and got the chokeslam on Tajiri.  Kidman hit the shooting star press on Tajiri and got the clean pin. 

Backstage, rob-clad Torrie and Stacy agree to go out and show who is hotter. 

Torrie comes out in a little baby doll outfit, while Stacy comes out in a school girl uniform.  Dawn Marie comes out in a bikini/chaps outfit and promises to beat both of them.  She shoves Stacy into Torrie, and while they start to go at it, Dawn Marie walks off unscathed. 

Backstage, Chris Jericho says he will either make Hogan tap to the Walls of Jericho, pin him with the Lionsault, or he will put him out of action like he did Edge.

D-Von & Deacon Batista (who is huge in regular gear) vs. Faarooq & Randy Orton was next. D-Von and Orton start off and have a nice exchange. Faarooq and Orton make tags, with Batisita not seeing much action.  When he does tag in, he hits a lariat on Orton and knocks Faarooq to the floor.  Batista threw Orton into the buckles, then hit a sidewalk slam for the pin.  Looks like Batista is the new monster in town. 

Main event time, Chris Jericho vs. Hulk Hogan. Surprising amount of back and forth early on, and Jericho even tried the one foot cover for a pin at one point.  Towards the middle of the match, Hogan goes for the big boot, but Jericho catches it and applied the Walls.  Hogan gets out, sends Jericho to the ropes again, but Jericho again counters, kicking Hogan down and hitting the Lionsault for a two count.  Hogan hulks up, and Jericho just decides to get a chair and hit Hogan with it, getting disqualified.  Jericho keeps using the chair, and lays Hogan out on the ring steps.  Suddenly, Jericho's music plays, and Edge appears on the top stage in Y2J's pose.  Jericho is stunned.  Edge comes down and beats on Jericho, tossing him out of the ring.  Jericho comes back for more, then tries to leave, but Hogan tossed him back in the ring, and Edge hits the spear on Jericho. Hogan and Edge then celebrate to end the show.

2002 - WWE issued the following:

World Wrestling Entertainment sent out the following press release today, announcing their new stock ticker symbol for trading on the stock market:

World Wrestling Entertainment Announces New Stock Ticker Symbol

STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 28, 2002--World Wrestling Entertainment (NYSE:WWF) today announced that it has selected a new stock ticker symbol for its Class A common stock.

Effective Monday, July 1, 2002, the Company's common stock will trade under the ticker symbol, WWE. The new ticker symbol is better aligned with the Company's leadership position in the entertainment industry and its corporate re-branding strategy that emphasizes "E" for entertainment.

This announcement follows the Company's recent name change to World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. that was effective as of May 6, 2002.

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. is an integrated media and entertainment company headquartered in Stamford, Conn., with offices in New York City, Chicago, Toronto and London. Additional information on the company can be found at and Information on television ratings and community activities can be found at

Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include the conditions of the markets for live events, broadcast television, cable television, pay-per-view, Internet, food and beverage, entertainment, professional sports, and licensed merchandise; acceptance of the Company's brands, media and merchandise within those markets; uncertainties relating to litigation; risks associated with producing live events both domestically and internationally; uncertainties associated with international markets; and other risks and factors set forth from time to time in Company filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results could differ materially from those currently expected or anticipated.

2002 - WWE ran Washington, DC.  Lee Petry filed the following live report:

Steve Regal & Chris Nowinski defeated Bubba Ray & Spike Dudley.  Nowinski pinned Spike after hitting his Harvard Slam. Post match had Bubba Ray setting up Nowinski on a table so that Spike could put him through it.

Molly Holly defeated Trish Stratus to retain her Women's Title.  Molly had her feet on the ropes for leverage to get the pinfall.

Bradshaw retained his Hardcore Title (after 4 title changes).  With help from Steven Richards, Stasiak pinned Bradshaw. Then Spike Dudley joined in and pinned Stasiak. Next, Richards hit a Stevie kick on Spike to claim the Hardcore Championship. Finally, a recovered Bradshaw hit Richards with the Clothesline from Hell to recapture his belt.

D'Lo Brown defeated Justin Credible.  Brown's Sky high got the pinfall.

Matt Hardy defeated Raven.  Matt Hardy utilized his Twist of Fate to score the pinfall. Post match had Raven attack Hardy hurting his right leg. He was very slow to leave the ringside area.

Brock Lesnar defeated Ric Flair.  As Flair was introduced, he passed by the injured Matt Hardy on his way to the ring. When Lesnar was making his way to the ring, he attacked Hardy. Flair followed and chopped Lesnar back to the ring. Lesnar controlled much of the match working on Flair's back. However, one thumb to the eyes turned the tide for the Nature Boy and he went to work on Lesnar's left leg.  Finish saw Chris Benoit distract Ric Flair, allowing Lesnar to hit his Tornado Slam.

Steven Richards defeated Tommy Dreamer.  Richard's escaped Dreamer's DVD and hit the Stevie kick for the win.

Rob Van Dam defeated Eddie Guerrero to retain the Intercontinental Championship.  Finish saw Chris Benoit interrupt RVD's 5 Star Frog Splash. While Guerrero was trying to take advantage, Ric Flair evened the odds by taking out Benoit. Guerrero's superplex was blocked and RVD hit the 5 Star for the three count.

Booker T & Goldust defeated the nWo Team of X-Pac & the Big Show.  Booker T slammed the Big Show!!! Goldust then took the Big Show out over the top rope allowing Booker T to hit X-Pac with the Bookend for win.

The Undertaker defeated Hollywood Hulk Hogan to retain the Undisputed WWE Championship.  After an Earl Hebner bump, the Undertaker hit Hogan over the head with the title belt to get the victory. Post match saw the Undertaker attempt to give Hogan the Last Ride. It was, however, a short ride as Hogan came back to toss the Undertaker out of the ring and begin his posedown.

Notes: The MCI Center was only about 1/2 full, but still a hot crowd. ... RVD's 5 Star Frog Splash got the pop of the night. ... RVD & Guerrero were scheduled to have a Ladder Match for the IC Title. No reason given for the change. ... Lot's of "Whoo's" on the Metro during the trip home.

2002 - WWE broadcast Byte This on their website.  John Shepard filed the following report:

Byte This Report 6/28/02

The show opens to Paul Heyman's promo during Lesnar's Coronation as KOTR on Monday, including Van Dam's interference. ("Urinating all over the coronation"? That is funny).

We now go to studio to only Kevin Kelly, as Dr. Tom is on vacation. Droz checks in with his "two cents". Kelly says KOTR was great and Raw was tremendous (Is he serious?) Droz says he doesn't think KOTR was one of the greatest ever because it was a little slow, but he does think the RAW main event was great. Kelly comments on Vince's ruthless aggression comments and Droz says guys have responded and stepped up to the challenge. Droz puts over John Cena and his effort against Kurt Angle. Kelly agrees and says Cena showed no fear and put on a great show. Kelly says fans get excited about new and fresh characters. Kelly mentions Jamie Knoble and Nidia. Droz says Vince has always tried to advance new talent (Vince McMahon does this?) Kelly mentions how when Droz came in they were putting over new guys like Guerrero and Benoit. Kelly says that now we are going to see similar new guys going over today. They mention the hilarious Goldust skit on RAW and Droz says Goldust is extremely entertaining and is getting over with fans. Droz says one little thing can make you a superstar. Kelly says Booker T is growing in popularity and he looks forward to seeing how he will grow. Droz and Kelly discuss Taker fighting Jeff Hardy in a ladder match and Droz says he thinks Jeff can win (Yeah Right).  They then discuss Kurt Angle and mention how he made Hogan tap out for the first time in career. Droz says Hogan should have gotten a chance to break the hold when he got to the ropes, and says Hogan was amazing for not tapping out sooner. 

Kelly says it was great to see Edge back and Droz says Edge is amazing to return so soon, and he knows going out with the injury killed him. Droz now leaves. Kevin Kelly now goes into his "giving props out" segment. He says compliments John Cena and calls his debut the best in the company since Tazz's. Kelly says to expect great things from Cena. Kelly also says how great Deacon Batista looked as well, shedding the sleeveless shirt, and getting new attire. Kelly also says Angle deserves a lot of credit for taking out Hogan and making Cena look great. Lesnar is praised for winning the KOTR and for standing up to Paul Heyman. Kelly explains that people want to see Brock's human side. Kelly says Hogan has been so unselfish and he laughs at those that said that Hogan would keep down the younger guys.  Kelly finally says he applauds Jericho for his comments regarding the internet and says other wrestlers are scared to attack internet writers, but Y2J is not afraid to speak his mind.

We now go to Howard Finkel. Kelly and he exchange pleasantries, and Finkel mentions the death of John Entwistle of the Who. Kelly and Finkel then discuss the Mets and say that Bobby Valentine has to go. Finkel then ask the question, "Where was the first ever KOR tournament held and who won".  If you know the answer, you win fun Shopzone prizes.  Finkel equates Brock Lesnar's, John Cena's, and Bastita's pushes to Bob Dylan's song, "The Times They are a Changing". 

A caller mentions that the RAW in Edmonton was great and he says bravo to Chris Jericho for saying what he did. Kelly says wrestlers are intimated by the "smart" fans and doesn't want to step on their toes (A collective laugh echos throughout thousands of computers.).  The caller says he is a great wrestling fan and that he spent $2000 to go to Wrestlemania. It makes him mad that people who never took bumps critique matches.  The caller and Kelly decide to banter for a while and they discuss Bret Hart and his stroke. Kelly and the caller give their best wishes to Bret and his family. 

Tazz now joins the show. Tazz is incoherent for a while, babbling randomly. Tazz explains that he had surgery on his ribs to remove what he calls a "big fat lump". He says it had been bothering him for a while and yesterday he got it removed. Tazz then puts over Red Hook surgeons and how tough they are. He then gives wonderful details about the doctor pulling then lump out of his ribs with limited anesthesia. Tazz says he doesn't believe it is malignant and says Paul Heyman probably planted it inside him. Tazz says he can't work out for 2 weeks, but will still be announcing. Tazz and Kelly rank on Marc Loyd and Tazz tells a story about how Loyd lost his CD's. They make sure to tell us Michael Cole is not gay. Tazz leaves now, but attacks Kelsey Grammer for stopping the filming of Tough Enough III. Tazz then calls Grammer a hermaphrodite and Kelly days that Grammer also passed the ruling to outlaw the pledge of allegiance.

We now get a replay of the Undertaker injuring HHH's elbow with a chair. HHH joins the show. HHH says, a month ago, one of the Undertakers chair shots hit his elbow and drove a bone chip into his joint, making him unable to fully extend his arm. It also made him unable to throw punches and when his arm was grabbed it felt like his arm would snap. HHH says he knew when it happened that he needed surgery, but wanted to get through the PPV. HHH says this is minor compared to his quad injury, HHH says he is rehabbing and should be back in about 3 or 4 weeks, but might not be make the July PPV. HHH says he has to wear a cast because someone might come up and jerk his arm (I guess some idiots have death wishes) HHH then talks about his throwing out the first pitch at the Redsox game and how the game was rained out and he couldn't do it. Kelly says HHH's match with the Undertaker at KOTR was tremendous (Were we watching the same match?) HHH says it wasn't a "stinker" of a match but it wasn't what he would have liked. He says he didn't do justice to the Undertaker (Like removing him from our screens permanately). HHH says he is privileged to do what he does and wants to take advantage of it while he can. Kelly mentions HHH dealings with the New World Order. HHH says never say never and that "talking" with Shawn Michaels and the guys would be interesting, a Kliq reunion of sorts. HHH leaves now. Now Big Country and Kelly discuss the crotch of the Kurt Angle cut out the have in studio.

We now get a replay of the finish to the RVD/Lesnar match on RAW.  Brock Lesnar joins the show (man he speaks a lot and doesn't sound bad at all). Kelly congratulates Lesnar on his KOTR victory. Lesnar thanks God for his accomplishments.  Lesnar talks about his times in OVW and how he enjoyed it, but was on a tag team and was glad he could move on to dark matches and become a singles wrestler. Lesnar says that he is still humble and the KOTR victory hasn't overwhelmed him. However, it is only a stepping-stone, he says his main goal is to be WWE champion. Kelly mentions Austin's leaving and asks Lesnar about the Austin situation. Lesnar says he didn't find out until show time that Austin was gone and says Stone Cold was an icon and he probably is just tired (Tired of what is debatable).  An e-mailer asks if success is coming too fast for Lesnar and is he resented in the locker room. Lesnar says you can't succeed too quickly and he is determined to be the best, and says everyone has been very nice to him in the company. He says he gets along well with everyone. Lesnar has been wrestling since he was 4, and was influenced by Kurt Angle. Lesnar, who is from Minnesota, was pitched the idea of thinking about wrestling for the WWE by Jesse Ventura. Kelly then says Lesnar should run for governor of Minnesota, but Lesnar says he isn't politically inclined. Kelly then says that Shane took Lesnar down in a shoot match, Lesnar laughs and says that is Shane's story. Kelly talks to Lesnar about the birth of his daughter and Brock proceeds to go on about about God and his daughter as we see a clip of him putting Van Dam through the announcer's table.  Kelly asks about Paul Heyman and Lesnar says Paul has been great to him and helped him out a lot. Lesnar says Paul is annoying, but a great guy. 

A caller calls in and asks Brock about being compared to Goldberg. Lesnar says he doesn't know Goldberg, but he says it is a compliment to be compared to him. However, Brock says he would have no problem taking Goldberg in a match. Kelly mentions how Brock can do a shooting star press and will he use it on TV. Brock says we might see it at Summer Slam or Wrestlemania. Kelly asks Brock about the Olympics, but Lesnar says he is done with amateur wrestling. Lesnar says he thinks Kurt Angle would be making a big mistake to go back to the Olympics and he thinks it would be very difficult for him to win there again.

Lesnar is asked about the flight back from the UK. Lesnar says he and Mr. Perfect were and still are good friends, and that he and Curt were just "horse playing". Brock said he and Curt started messing around and people on the plane hadn't seen such horseplay before, and hey took it the wrong way (Like idiotically fearing for their lives when two 200 lb men roll around on an air plane. How stupid of everyone). Lesnar then says it was basically just a coincidence that Hennig was let go the next day (Yeah right). Brock admits the whole incident was a mistake however. We then get more Brock vs. Shane McMahon ramblings from Kevin Kelly. Lesnar talks about how he grew up on a dairy farm in South Dakota, and that he was always wrestling or working as a kid. He puts over farm work and then we get the oh so funny bestiality comments from Kevin Kelly. Brock says that in both their primes it would be a great match between him and Kurt Angle, but that he would win. Lesnar puts over John Cena and says he has a bright future. Lesnar now bids farewell to the show.  Brock was very impressive. 

Kelly now talks about Jericho's comments and about how right on they were. Kelly says he wants to get Jericho on Byte This in two weeks to discuss his comments.

There is no show next week because of the 4th of July weekend. The show ends with a replay of the KOTR 98, Undertaker v. Mankind.

2007 - The Atlanta-Journal Constitution reported  that Chris Benoit would receive a private burial in his native Canada while his wife Nancy and son Daniel will be likely be cremated in Florida, where Nancy was originally from. Services for Nancy and Daniel are likely to be held in Dayton Beach, Florida, where her family resides.

"It's a horrible, horrible event that's happened," Chris Benoit's father Michael Benoit told the A J-C, "We have no understanding why it happened. It's going to take us a long time to come to terms with this, and we may never come to terms with it."

"Our thoughts and prayers are with Nancy's family," Michael Benoit said. "We're very concerned about the long-term affects on her family."

2007 - Drug Enforcement Agency raided the office of Chris Benoit's physician Dr. Phil Astin, stemming from prescription medication found in the Benoit family home after the former WWE World champion murdered his wife and son before committing suicide.  Computers were confiscated from Astin's office.   The day before, Astin commented to the media that he had seen Benoit the day of the killings where he showed no sign of rage or distress. He noted he had been treating Benoit for a lack of testosterone, which can be a side effect of steroid use.  Benoit passed his most recent WWE Wellness policy test this past April.  Steroids were found in his home, but were prescribed by Astin.  Under the guidelines of the WWE's policy at the time, steroids are allowable by WWE as long as there is legitimate medical reason for a performer to be using them.  The raid would end up being the beginning of a case against Astin for illegally prescribing medication to a number of patients, resulting in Astin being sent to prison.

2007 -  World Wrestling Entertainment's CEO Linda McMahon appeared on GMA to discuss the Benoit family tragedy this morning.  Robin Roberts said that at first steroids were being focused on as the possible cause, but that Daniel Benoit suffered from Fragile X syndrome may  be a factor [That was later ruled out, as Benoit did not actually suffer from the syndrome].  She then said, "We've also learned that Benoit was about to be demoted by the WWE" (I guess the movement to ECW, since it's a third-tier brand, could be seen as a demotion) and went to Linda.

Linda was asked if Benoit was about to be "demoted from a main wrestler to a lower role as a coach."  Linda said no and she wasn't sure where that came from.  She noted that Chris was a big part of one of their three brands.  She said that we have to go by the facts as they get them.  She said the actions of Benoit were out of character for those that knew him or worked with him.  Linda described Benoit as a "mild manner guy, no one had ever seen him get angry.  He was private but he was a good friend, he was a locker room leader,  he was supportive of the young men who came in the organization."

Linda said that over the last 48 hours the company has become aware of Daniel Benoit suffering from Fragile X syndrome.  When asked if they were previously aware of it, Linda said they weren't, nor were they aware of any tension in the home.  Linda said they weren't even aware that Nancy had filed for divorce in 2003, saying they were never aware of any strife between Nancy and Chris because it didn't manifest itself in WWE's presence.  .

When asked if they knew Chris had been served with a 2003 restraining order, Linda said, "Absolutely not.  The only time we've ever seen Chris with Daniel or with Nancy, and I had personally, I sat next to a breakfast table at one of our events, Wrestlemania and he was a loving and kind father.  He was with another wrestler and his wife and family.  The boys were playing.  This was absolutely, we don't know what snapped inside of Chris..." and said they are just learning now that the investigators are starting to focus on the management and school and rearing of Daniel Benoit.  "We've learned that Nancy wanted Chris home more but his job was on the road.  We have found that Chris would fly home for 4-5 hours just to be with Daniel.  All of this is so totally incongruous to what we knew."  

Linda was asked if, when looking back now, if there was any emotional turbulence of mood swings.  Linda said in 2006, Chris asked for time off and was given four months.  Linda said they were happy to do that that anytime their talent say they need time off, they are "welcome to do that."

The comments by Steve Austin's ex-wife Debra Marshall were brought up.  Linda was asked what the company was doing about steroid abuse in wrestling.  Linda said that within their profession, she can only speak of WWE, commenting, "We have always had a drug policy since the late 80s.  We've morphed from street drug testing to steroid testing to more comprehensive testing which we have now.  Our Wellness Policy, as we call, was put into policy in February 2006 and we test for steroids, we test for drugs of abuse, we test for misuse of prescription drugs, it's very comprehensive.  In addition to that, we utilize the services of New York Cardiologists to make sure that we are checking and helping our talent who live this very rigorous lifestyle so they can be as healthy as they can be."

Linda was asked, is there a problem with steroid use and responded, "I can tell you, we've had some positive tests and our goal is to eliminate that.  Steroids used improperly without a prescription are illegal.  75%?  No.  We've had some positives that would range in the 4-6% and it's a three tier approach.  First time, you are suspended without pay for 30 days.  Second time, 60 days.  Third time, you're out."  She didn't mention that in many cases of late, wrestlers are working without being paid while under suspension.

Roberts thanked Linda for her time and she thanked them for the opportunity.

2007 - Vince McMahon appeared in the first segment after the news on The Today Show.  He was interviewed by Meredith Vierra after a recap of the Chris Benoit tragedy, where they mentioned that anabolic steroids were one of the focal points of the investigation.  They showed a short clip with Lex Luger, who told them that mixing alcohol and steroid use is a bad combination.  They mentioned the death of Eddie Guerrero in 2005 and linked it to steroids.  They showed Curt Hennig and said his father blamed his son's death on drug and steroid use.

Vince was then interviewed and was very somber.  He was asked about WWE's role in alerting authorities to a potential problem at the Benoit home.  Vince said that Chris missed a house show on Saturday in Beamont, TX, which is very unlike him.  He said that the office then contacted Chris to rearrange his travel to get him to the PPV.  When he didn't show up on Sunday, they knew something was drastically wrong.  Vince said that Benoit was a consummate professional from a business perspective so they knew there had to be a problem.  Vince said that he heard that Benoit contacted his friends early Sunday morning with strange text messages.  He said that they decided to contact the authorities.

He was asked if he contacted police.  He said he didn't.  He oversaw how WWE handled it.

He was asked about the steroids found in the home.  Vierra mentioned that the police said they didn't know if steroids played a part in the tragedy and then mentioned that WWE almost immediately released a statement after the press conference saying that steroids were not related to the death.  She asked Vince how they could possibly know that since the toxicology reports hadn't come in yet.  Vince said they didn't say that.  Vierra countered by saying she had just read the exact quote, which made Vince look bad.  

He said, "I understand" and then went on to say that their reaction was to the hysteria of the media.  Vierra again asked how they could say that steroids "were not and could not be related to the cause of death" when they have no way of proving that.  Vince said that they were referring to steroid rage when they wrote that.  He said that the crime happened over three days so it wasn't steroid rage.  He added that it's all speculation until the toxicology reports come back.  

Since Vince was ignoring her question, she flat out asked why they were so defensive about steroid involvement being linked to the crime.  She mentioned steroids were found in the home and pointed to the 2003 protection order that Nancy Benoit filed to show that Benoit had a history of violence.  She mentioned that steroid use also causes depression and paranoia.  Vince agreed and pointed to the other medications found in the house and mentioned that there could have been other factors.  

He said he hoped they could find out why it happened and was basically saying he wasn't jumping to any conclusion.  He said that the whole thing goes against what WWE does.  They are entertainers who bring smiles to people's faces.  He didn't want this to "taint and smear" his company.  He compared what Benoit did to a postal worker who commits a crime, saying it wasn't the Post Office's fault and that you still use them for your mail.  He said that Benoit does not represent what WWE is about and he doesn't know why Benoit turned into a "monster".  He said WWE wants to know what happened as well and whether steroids played a part in it in any way.  He said it could have been the pressures of his son's illness that caused the tragedy.

Vierra said that steroid use has always been suspected among wrestlers.  She asked Vince how he deals with it.  He said that now they have implemented the Wellness Program.  He talked about it and said it was a blood and urine test, plus cardiovascular tests to check their hearts.  He said Benoit was tested in April and it came back negative.  He added, "That doesn't mean he wasn't taking prescription medication and perhaps even steroids when this happened, we don't know."  He added that it will be determined by the authorities.

Vierra then came back to how Vince said his business was tainted by this.  She used that as a segue to talk about early deaths in wrestling, saying it was "almost an occupational hazard".  She read the early death stats that always make their way out to the media (and you all probably know how I feel about those stats by now).  She asked Vince what his responsibility was to the people who he makes so much money from.  He said that they have had five people who were under contract to them pass away.  He said he can't comment on the others and didn't even know if the stats were accurate.  He told Vierra, "nor do you".  Vince appeared to be getting agitated at this point.

She rolled her eyes and said, "It's disingenuous to say that you don't believe there is suspected steroid use within the wrestling community."  Vince said he never said that.  He said that he can only speak about the five people under contract to WWE that died on his watch.  He mentioned that Benoit's death was a suicide, Owen Hart was an accident and said that the other three died of heart failure.

Vierra asked if steroids are found to have been in Benoit's system, what impact will it have on wrestling and him in particular.  Vince again mentioned the Wellness Program and said how effective it is.  He said that if you ask his performers, they would tell you the same thing.  He said all WWE can do is establish the program and do what they can to help the wrestlers.  He was asked if Benoit had steroids in his body, will it do anything to make him change his approach.  Vince said he thinks people are rushing to judgment here and they won't know what is what until the toxicology reports come back.

He said that WWE is not trying to hide from the fact that Benoit was a part of their organization.  "Unfortunately, he was," Vince said.  He said, "There was no way of telling this man was a monster."  He mentioned Benoit never gave off any signs of this kind of behavior.  Vierra asked if the business creates monsters and Vince said no.  He said they are well adjusted people and performers.  He said that he and his company need to move on as best as they can for themselves and their fans.

They shook hands and that ended a very fair interview where Vince came off pretty well.

2007 - The Fox News Network reported a chilling twist to the Benoit tragedy this afternoon, noting that an Chris Benoit profile entry on the wikipedia website was changed to note that he missed the WWE Vengeance PPV, "due to personal issues, stemming from the death of his wife Nancy" 14 hours before the Benoit family was found dead.

The IP was traced to a (so far) anonymous user originating in Stamford, CT, which of course is the headquarters of World Wrestling Entertainment.

wikipedia volunteer coordinator Cary Bass contacted the Fayetteville police department in regard to the posting. "I chat with other editors on IRC -- Internet relay chat -- and somebody pointed it out to me on a relay chat and that it came from a Stamford connection, and that it took place at midnight Eastern Standard Time on Monday morning",  said Bass.   “I called and left a message with the police department."
It should be noted that with wikipedia, anyone can edit entries on the online encylopedia, which often leads to misinformation on topics and personalities. However, wikipedia tracks IPs, time and exactly what was written on the website, so this wouldn't have been a case of a hoax created afer the fact.
It was later discovered that the wikipedia edit was made by a fan in Stamford who had no idea of the Benoit tragedy at the time.

2007 - TNA Impact was broadcast on SpikeTV.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV Report:

Last week we found out that the main event for Victory Road would feature all four title holders in a tag match where all three titles will be on the line. We saw Samoa Joe join this match when he defeated Jay Lethal and Chris Sabin in a Triple Threat Match. Tonight we will see Kurt Angle defend the TNA Heavyweight Title against two other wrestlers who epitomize the five year struggle that TNA just celebrated in former NWA World Heavyweight Champions Christian Cage and Rhino. Will Kurt Angle be able to advance to the main event of Victory Road or will we see a new man tag with Samoa Joe against the TNA Tag Team Champions?

We begin with the announcement of the "Match of Champions" main event at Victory Road. We then see Samoa Joe win the X Division Title from Jay Lethal last week. What will happen this week when the Heavyweight Title is on the line?

We are live on tape from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida and your announcers are Don West and Mike Tenay

Don and Mike are at the announce table and Mike talks about the three men in the match. Mike mentions that they got comments from all three men earlier in the day. We see a video that shows comments from all three men as they are called machines.

We see a Tale of the Tape for the match.

Match Number One: Rhino versus Christian Cage versus Kurt Angle for the TNA Heavyweight Title
Jeremy Borash does the ring introductions for the three men in the match. Then he introduces the man who will be the tag team partner of the man who will walk out of this week's episode of Impact with the TNA Heavyweight Title and that man is the current X Division champion, Samoa Joe.

Joe enters the ring and he shakes hands with Rhino. Christian goes to the apron before Joe offers his hand. Joe approaches Angle in the corner and Angle offers his hand but Joe slaps Angle.

Joe sends Angle out of the ring and Joe punches Angle as Joe batters Angle around the ringside area. They fight into the crowd and then towards to concession and merchandise area. Joe kicks Angle before the locker room separates them. Jim Cornette sends Joe out of the building as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kurt Angle is back in the ring as the match begins. Christian and Rhino back Angle into the corner but it was a trap as Christian goes after Rhino. Rhino takes Christian and Angle down. Rhino sends Christian into the turnbuckle but Angle with a European uppercut to Rhino. Christian and Angle work on Rhino in the corner. Christian talks to Angle about working together against Rhino. Christian with back elbow to Rhino and then he kicks Rhino. Angle stops Christian as he starts to work over Rhino. Angle with a belly-to-back suplex but Christian kicks Rhino. Christian chokes Rhino in the ropes and then Angle does the same thing. Christian and Angle alternate chops on Rhino but Rhino fights back for a second before Angle and Christian double team Rhino. Angle kicks Rhino in the corner. Christian and Angle with a double Irish whip. Angle misses a clothesline on Rhino but Rhino with clotheslines to Christian and Angle. Rhino with a back body drop to Christian. Rhino with a running power slam on Christian but Angle breaks up the cover. Rhino punches Angle and Rhino with a belly-to-belly suplex on Christian. Angle attacks Rhino and connects with a back breaker. Angle chokes Rhino in the center of the ring. Rhino gets Angle up and hits an electric chair drop. Angle with a rake of the eyes and then he tries to suplex Rhino but Rhino blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Rhino sets for the GORE but Christian trips Rhino and pulls him groin first into the ring post. Christian returns to the ring and he sends a charging Angle into the ring post. Christian with an inverted DDT for a two count on Angle. Christian with a neck breaker to Angle for a two count. Angle punches Christian but Christian with a back elbow and Angle is sent outside the ring. Christian tries to Irish whip Rhino into the corner but Rhino collapses. Christian with a reverse atomic drop followed by a drop kick for a two count on Rhino. Christian with a reverse chin lock and then he turns it into an abdominal stretch. Rhino punches Christian but Christian with a kick. Rhino sends Christian to the apron but he goes up top. Rhino punches Christian on the turnbuckles and sets for a superplex. Angle tries to get involved in the move but Christian sends Angle to the mat. Christian with a gourdbuster that puts Rhino on top of Angle. Christian breaks up the cover with a frog splash that gives Christian a two count on Angle. We go to commercial.

We are back and Rhino with a flying shoulder. Rhino with an Irish whip to Christian followed by a shoulder. Angle with a European uppercut to Rhino followed by a drop toe hold to Christian that also results in a headbutt by Christian on Rhino. Kurt Angle with a German suplex to Christian and he hits five without releasing the hold. Angle takes the straps down and he puts Christian in the ankle lock. Rhino with a rollup on Angle for a two count. Rhino with kicks to Angle and then he gets Angle up for a running power slam but Angle gets out of the hold and he puts Rhino in the ankle lock. Rhino gets too close to Angle and Angle puts both men in the ankle lock. Rhino and Christian roll through to get Angle to release the hold. Rhino and Christian continue to work together with clotheslines to Angle. Rhino and Christian clothesline each other and all three men are down in the ring. Rhino puts Christian on the top turnbuckle. Rhino is knocked off and Angle hits a German suplex. Angle climbs the turnbuckle and hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Christian for a two count. Angle tries to sends Christian into Rhino on the apron but Christian reverses it and Angle is sent into Rhino. Christian hits the Unprettier but he can only get a two count. Christian slaps Angle but Angle pulls Christian out of the ring. Rhino comes off the top turnbuckle with a flying clothesline but he can only get a two count. Rhino sets for a Boston Crab and he locks it in. Angle looks like he is about to tap but Rhino releases the hold and he hits a shoulder tackle that sends Christian off the apron. Rhino charges at Angle for the GORE but Angle with a kick and Olympic Slam for a two count. Christian brings a table from under the ring and he sets it up in the ring. Christian slams Angle's face into the table. Rhino does the same to Christian. Rhino sets the table in the corner as he prepares for the GORE through the table. Christian sends Rhino's head into the mat. Christian chokes Angle and from out of nowhere, Abyss comes to the ring. Christian falls to the mat and then he leaves the ring as Abyss chases him to the back. We go to commercial while Christian and Abyss are about to leave the Impact Zone.

We are back and Abyss and Christian are fighting by the production truck. Abyss slams Christian into a cooler and then he shoves Christian's head in the ice.

Back in the ring Rhino punches Angle but Angle hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex for a two count.

We return outside the Impact Zone where Abyss sends Christian into a dumpster. Abyss punches Christian outside. Inside the Impact Zone, Angle has Rhino in a reverse chin lock. Abyss tries to send a dumpster into Christian but Christian moves out of the way. Abyss is about to choke slam Christian outside the Impact Zone but from out of nowhere, A.J. Styles and Tomko attack Abyss. Abyss tries to fight off Styles and Tomko. Tomko grabs a guardrail and hits Abyss repeatedly with it.

We return to the Impact Zone where Rhino fights out of the reverse chin lock. Rhino with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Angle hits a German suplex for a two count.

We go back outside the Impact Zone as Tomko and Styles battle with Abyss while Christian gets ready to return to the ring. We go to commercial.

We are back and Angle is punching Rhino in the corner and he follows that with kicks and then he chokes Rhino with his boot. Angle continues to punch Rhino but Rhino with a belly-to-belly suplex and then he sets for the GORE and hits it through the table. Christian is back in the Impact Zone and he tries to cover Angle but he is pulled out of the ring at the two count by Chris Harris. Harris punches Christian and then he Irish whips Christian into the ring steps. Harris Irish whips Christian into another ring step. Harris hot shots Christian into the guardrail.

Tomko and Styles return from outside and they attack Harris. While the attack continues on the floor Rhino gets a two count on Angle. We return to Styles and Tomko beating up Chris Harris on the floor. Tomko chokes Harris while Angle and Rhino are down on the floor.

Abyss returns to the Impact Zone and he goes after Styles and Tomko. Christian joins in the attack on Abyss and then he goes after Harris. While everyone except for Rhino and Angle fight on the floor, we see Sting enter the Impact Zone. Sting chokes Tomko and hits the bloody Tomko with the baseball bat in the ribs. Sting then hits Christian with the bat. Tomko comes into the ring and bleeds. He is joined in the ring by Chris Harris, Sting, and Abyss. The three participants in this match are also the ring while the referee is looking for help from someone and we go to commercial.

We are back and everyone is still in the ring as Abyss attacks Tomko and Sting goes after Styles who has joined in the fray. Christian leaves the ring and he goes into the crowd with Chris Harris following close behind. Abyss and Tomko fight over by the announce table and Abyss slams Tomko's head into the ring bell. Abyss hits Tomko with a chair. Sting hits Styles in the leg with the baseball bat as they fight up the Ramp of Heelish Impact. Tomko hits Abyss with the steel chair before they fight into the bleachers behind the announce table.

We return to the ring where Angle chokes Rhino. We return to the bleachers where Abyss and Tomko battle. Abyss punches Tomko in the head. Tomko and Abyss battle to the back as we return to the ring where Angle continues to have Rhino in a choke. The referee checks on Rhino's arm but his arm does not go down the third time. Rhino gets back to his feet and he punches Angle. Rhino with a TKO to Angle and both men are down. Rhino covers Angle but Angle kicks out at two. Angle kicks and punches Rhino. Rhino with an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow. Angle punches Rhino in the corner. Angle puts Rhino on the top turnbuckle and Angle hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex for a two count. Rhino hits a spinebuster on Angle but he can only get a two count. Rhino hesitates and that allows Angle to put Rhino in the ankle lock but Rhino escapes the hold. Rhino with his belly-to-belly suplex and he sets for the GORE again. From out of nowhere, James Storm comes to the ring and he pours some beer on Rhino's head before he spits some in Rhino's face. Angle hits the Olympic Slam for the three count.
Winner: Kurt Angle

We go to credits and after the Adrenaline Rush, we are told that Team 3D will face LAX as well as the team of A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels.

2008 - WWE ran Abilene, Texas with the following results:

Kofi Kingston beat Shelton Benjamin.

Ted DiBiase beat Super Crazy.

Lance Cade beat Trevor Murdoch.

Matt Hardy and Big Show beat Mark Henry and MVP.

Kane beat Chavo Guerrero to retain the ECW Title.

During intermission, Maria gave away two tickets to WrestleMania XXV.

Mickie James beat Katie Lea to retain the WWE Women's Title.

Chris Jericho beat Jeff Hardy in a NO DQ match when Lance Cade interfered.  Great match!

HHH and Batista beat JBL and Edge in the main event.

2008 - Ring of Honor ran Chicago Ridge, IL.  Keith Lipinski filed the following report:

Ring Of Honor – Chicago Ridge, IL –  Vendetta II - 900 fans

Pre Show: Josh Raymond Abercrombie (sans mustache but now with braids) & CJ Otis defeated Kyle Durden & Mitch Franklin in pre show match when Otis pinned Durden with a German suplex with a bridge.

Pre Show: Trik Davis defeated Shane Hollister with a kick to the head

Pre Show Main Event: Dirty Ernie Osirus defeated Egotistico Fantastico with a code red (sunset flip powerbomb). Ego, a Chicago product and former WE developmental worker, was super duper over and got a "please come back chant."

1. A 4 corner survival turned into a tag team match when "Addicted To Love" Rhett Titus (great gimmick) & Delirious with great wrestling mind JJ Dillon I mean Daizee Haze defeated Sugarfoot Alex Payne & Silas Young in 7:11 when Rhett pinned Sugarfoot. Very good opener with the storyline being Delirious infatuation with young Daizee. When he was in the corner he wasn't paying attention the match, he was just looking down with stars in his eyes saying "Daizee" and when she looked up he would wave hello. Other times during the match, he would sulk when Rhett did something impressive or took Daizee's attention away from him. Delirious' sulking during the match was FIVE HUNDRED STARS awesome. The double team of Delirious & Rhett Titus tried to do a double team but Rhett was hitting on Daizee, which of course make Delirious mad. Finish was a Rhett doing a blind tag as Delirious hit a sunset flip on Sugarfoot, Rhett dived over Delirious and while Delirious held him down stole the pin for the win. The fans chanted "that was gay"

2. Erick Stevens defeated Jay Briscoe in 8:49 with the doctor bomb. A brief yet fun stiff match with lots of chops and elbows. It was a strong style match to the fullest, complete with 2-3 chop battels. Early on, Stevens (who is growing his hair out) tried his cho cho clothesline into the corner but Jay ducked and hit a guillotine leg drop. Stevens hit a high German suplex with release and a choke slam for a near fall. He went for the doctor bomb but Jay worked his way out of it and came back with a Death Valley Driver and a Yakuza kick for a near fall. After two more Briscoe near falls and a j-driller attempt, Jay attempted another Yakuza kick only to have Stevens duck it and hit the doctor bomb for the win.

3. Lights out (no pinfalls, man has a ten count to get up) match: Chris Hero defeated Pelle Primeau in 8:26. Great fun. Hero (who along with Sara Del Ray were wearing their innergender tag team championship belts) jumped Pelle pre bell. Hero beat the holy piss out of young Pelle for most of it and goddamn was it great. 28 seconds into the match Hero threw Pelle into the ropes and followed him with a super harsh roaring elbow and an eight count. That got a "Chris is Awesome" chant. Hero put Pelle up for an atomic drop and just dropped him down without the knee for a nine count. Pelle did some ranas for a comeback including an awesome one on the outside which launched Hero into the guardrail for eight count. Back in the ring Hero hit a massive kick to the back of Pelle's head for a seven count. Damn that ruled. I could watch that again and again. Pelle was down and slowly getting up and Hero was arguing with Todd "needs a haircut" Sinclair, Hero tripped Pelle up at seven. Sinclair saw this and restarted the count. As Sweeney was arguing with Sinclair and had his attention not focused on the ring, Brent Albright ran in and hit a half nelson German on Hero. Both men down. Todd Sinclair (who resembles a middle aged Dennis the Meanice) counted both guys down and Larry Sweeney distraction allowed Del Ray to guillotine kick Pelle in the back of the head as he tried to get up he dropped down as Chris was revived and got up on his feet at nine for the win. Very good story in this match.

4. The Age Of The Fall (Necro Butcher & Tyler Black with the lovely Allison Wonderland) defeated Kevin Steen & El Generico in 11:30 when Necro schoolboyed (no, that’s not a typo) Kevin Steen after Tyler Black hit Steen with a chair for the pinfall. Kevin Steen was super over here, which was good news for fans of Mr. Wrestling, with chants of "Next World Champ." Steen actually did a flip to the outside onto Tyler & Necro pre match and then it was on. As Steen was paired with Necro for brawling and Generico and Black went at it. Generico and Steen took turns choking and facewashing Tyler Black with his own t-shirt. Generico hit a split legged moonsault on Black for a two. He attempted his Yakuza kick to the corner, but missed and that brought in the Necro Butcher who proceeded to beat the hell out of Generico. He hit a number of punches and chops to Generico. It must have been something like this: punch, chop, punch, chop (repeat 10 times)-it was brutal. Lots of heat on Generico, Steen finally made the hot tag and went wild and were totally into him and Brent Albright tonight. Generico finally hit a harsh yakuza into the corner with Necro and Steen went up top for a Senton, but Necro got his knees up, as Steen landed on them. It appeared that Necro hurt his knee while doing this as one seemed sorta puffy – and bleeding. Necro then held Steen and put his head outside the ropes where Tyler Black hit it and then Necro schoolboyed him for the pin. After the match Austin Aries got on the microphone and asked Necro why he does Jimmy Jacobs dirty work. "Do they care about you, or are they out to manipulate you." Good segment.

5. Claudio Castagnoli defeated Bryan Danielson in 2406 with a launching elevated European uppercut. Second best match of the night. An outstanding match that started with great mat wrestling, fantastic comedy then finally high impact pro wrestling. It started slow with a lot of mat based wrestling and reversals. Claudio attempted the airplane spin, only to have Danielson do the Hogan "no" finger (where he waves his finger at his opponent). A minute later, Danielson got Claudio down and attempted Claudio's variation of the Giant Swing "The big Swing" and Claudio again wouldn't let him and now Claudio did the "no" gimmick with the finger. Bryan eventually got Claudio in a 19 count airplane spin, as Claudio got down to the mat, he got up and hit a 7 count big swing on Danielson. As both man were dizzy on the mat – they both attempted kip ups and failed miserably. It was in fact quite outstanding to see two dizzy men attempting to kip up. They both eventually got up and asked the ref for a time out. Ref Sinclair said no and Danielson (being quite jolly pre show with his USA leather vest and unusual requests in the parking lot) went to pick Sinclair up for an airplane spin. Crowd exploded. Bryan then got him up and did an eight count airplane spin on hatred ref Sinclair for an enormous ovation. Claudio attempted for the big swing on Sinclair but Danielson stopped him by saying "its too much". They put Sinclair in the corner and bowed to him. Both competitors shook hands and Dragon kicked Claudio while shaking his hand and suddenly he comedy was done. Tons of back and forth offence suplexes, euro uppercuts, and various submissions. Danielson hit his cornerstones: the cattle mutilation. Mma elbows to the head. Triangle choke submission. He went for his legendary small package for a two. Claudio whipped him into the ropes threw him up and hit an euro uppercut for the upset victory. By the way, Danielson comment to the WWE rumors "I am under contract with Ring of Honor" and also "I'm going to the Chicago's Gay pride parade tomorrow!"

Intermission time. ROH returns to the Frontier Park Field house on Saturday August 16th. According to some ROH die hard fans in front of me, the big news so far this weekend was "It was so great to hear the Dayton Crowd chant 'Dusty Finish' last night during the title vs. title match." And "can you believe the ROH toolbar only works for IE?"

6. Bonus Shimmer three way: Former Shimmer Champion Sara Del Ray (sporting a shorter haircut and a new makeup style) defeated Daizee Haze and current Shimmer champion MsChif in 4:26 with a royal butterfly on daizee. Highlight was Sara's German suplex on MsChif into the corner turnbuckle. Good, quick women's match with a lot of moves crammed into a short amount of time.

Afterward they shot the ROH Bideowire open with MsChif and Sara still in the ring with Dave Prazak. Sara screamed about how she wanted a shot "AT MY TITLE" when her manager Super Agent Larry Sweeney came out and told Sara how the re-match won't happen until their terms were met and told Sara to eat sushi and caviar in the S & S limo. He then introduced NWA World Champion Adam Pearce along with Reality Show Star Johnny Fairplay. Fairplay then jumped and hugged both men like they were Danny Bonaduce at a reality show awards. Sweeney then introduced the newest member of S&S Inc, Pro Wrestling NOAH's own Go Shiozaki. Shiozaki came out with a USA black leather vest and Adam Pearce (who just turned 30 and was ON FIRE tonight) had a matching vest. Forget about the mustache 2008 is the year of the USA leather vest! Then Sweeney introduced the greatest intercontinental champion of all time. The Honky Tonk Man. He came out while there was 7 people in the ring (Go, Pearce, Sweeney, Fairplay, Tank Tolland, Shane Hagadorn and the extremely over Bobby Dempsey). After hearing Sweeney berate the fans, it was good to hear Honkey tell us how beautiful of an audience we were and how he wanted to sing and dance for us. However Larry Sweeney would not let him sing or dance and sent him to hang with Sara in the limo. People were not happy about this at all.

7. Brent Albright & Roderick Strong defeated “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce & Go Shiozaki in 14:53 when the ref stopped it after repeated Albright knee strikes to Pearce's head. Good match with a lot of stuff going on including lots of heat on Roderick and Albright being very over with the crowd. Go and Roderick got to chop each other several times and overall it was a good grudge tag team match with an interesting finish. After the match Pearce lit a hooooooge (it was quite large) fireball in Albrights face. This brought out all the referees who were beaten down in a very good post match angle.

8. Non-Title: Nigel Mcguinness defeated Jerry Lynn 19:44 with a roll up after a lariet. My expectations for this match were not too high, but this match delivered. Jerry Lynn, 45 years old, looked awesome tonight in this match against the ROH World Champion. The match starfted slow. Nigel got the mic to start the match and told Jerry he could leave the ring if he wanted or else he would "rip his ass." OH~! Jerry noted Nigel had a horsesh** attitude and it was on. Started slow got very good towards the end, especially the last 5 minutes where were quite dandy. Jerry wrestled most of the match with a boot untied which gave Nigel a slight advantage, Nigel worked on the left shoulder of Lynn. They went back and forth and faught to the outside where Lynn hit a beautiful tornado DDT on the ROH guardrail. Back in the ring, Nigel went for a clothesline, but Jerry (having well scouted Nigel) ducked the clothesline and hit a German with a bridge for a two count. Nigel would come back and hit several lariats and a tower of London for some near falls. The crowd was into Lynn, and because of it being a non-title match, believed he had a chance to upset the ROH Champion. Last few minutes were epic with plenty of nearfalls and lariets and the crowd became alive after Nigel went for the Jawbreaker lariat but Jerry ducked it, hit a clothesline of his own and a beautiful TKO for a 2.9 count. The crowd went nuts with "that was three" chants. Nigel went for another Jawbreaker, but Jerry schoolboyed him for another 2.9. Nigel was livid, he finally hit the Jawbreaker Lariet and then rolled up Jerry to make sure he didn’t get back up for the end. Afterward handshake and Jerry presented nigel with the belt and very loud "please come back" and "thank you Jerry" chants. Good times.

9. In the match of the night-which delivered on several levels: Austin Aries defeated Jimmy Jacobs in 26:38 after six dropkicks into the corner and a 450 splash. Outstanding "relaxed rules" match, these guys worked their asses off tonight. Match started with Jimmy Jacobs announcing to the world how he wanted to outwrestle Austin this evening, and how the winner of the match tonight would get to pick "any match they wanted for the Chicago Return on 8/16." Aries agreed and noted "Lacey told me your little secret and what you are afraid of" and threatened to use it against Jacobs if he won. They started wrestling, then about five minutes in Jacobs kissed Aries on the lips. Aries, then slapped Jacobs and took the fight to the floor. They battled into the stands of the Frontier Park Field House. Aries attempted a suplex on the bleachers, but Jacobs countered into the End Game submission only for Aries to use a fan man and a wall to break the submission. Aries went to work on Jacobs hitting a high knee to Jacobs head while it rested on the apron and a double axehandle to the back while jumping over the top rope. On the outside Jacobs dived off the apron and hit a elbow on Aries on the floor, he then did a "bang bang" to let us know his favorite Mick Foley character. Jacobs set a chair on the outside, sat Aries in it and dived from the ring to the outside. Aries back caught the ROH guardrail and was bloody. Jacobs then proceeded to claw, bite, rip his back. Jacobs face was bloody from all of the biting of Aries back. It was sick. Jacobs after more back attack, hit the end game, only to have Aries flip him out of the ring and hit his super fast tope on Jacobs. Later, as Aries tried to get back in the ring Jacobs speared him to the outside. As Aries came back in, Jacobs hit the end game again and Aries reversed it into the Horns of Aries submission. Jacobs went for the Contra Code, but Aries blocked it, trapped Jacobs on the top rope and hit a sweet and painful Death Valley Driver on the ring apron. They got back into the ring, Aries missed his huge dropkick into the corner, as Jacobs hit the end game again, but Aries reversed it again into the Horns of Aries. The age of the fall attempted to come out and stop the submission but were met by the Briscoes. Then MsChif went into the ring, and did a double stomp on Aries chest – breaking up the submission. Aries went after Chif, but she used the green mist on his face. Jacobs hit a spear, and tried the end game again, but Aries hit a bridge for the near fall. As Jacobs was getting up Aries hit a harsh kick to Jacobs head and hit 6 dropkicks into the corner and then the 450 for the win. Wow. It was indeed something you must see as I wasn't sure about these two men headlining a show, but it delivered BIG TIME. Jacobs and Aries were both perfect for their roles here and balanced each other quite nicely. It was in fact quite awesome. After the match Aries got on the mic and announced a "No-DQ" match next month for young Jacobs, against THE NECRO BUTCHER (who if you read earlier was I guess the person that Jimmy fears the most and is manipulating). People started throwing stuff into the ring at Jimmy and the beautiful Allison Wonderland, Jacobs left only to return with a TRASHBAG. As he started putting garbage in the bag he noted "I do this because people like me clean up garbage for people like you" and talked about his revolution. Awesome ending to a pretty good show. Highlights being the main, Claudio-Danielson, and Lynn-Nigel.

2009 - WWE presented The Bash PPV.  Buck Woodward filed the following PPV report:

Welcome to's coverage of WWE's The Bash.  We will be updating this page throughout the evening with results from the show, so check back often.

The Bash opened with a video package that focused on the main events, but mostly the "Three Stages Of Hell" storyline from this past Monday.

ECW Champion Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian vs. Fit Finlay vs. Jack Swagger vs. Mark Henry in a Championship Scramble match.

The time between entrants for the Scramble has been changed from five minutes to three, so it will be a 12-minute match.  Christian and Jack Swagger are the first two participants.  They locked up at the bell, with Swagger hitting a knee to the gut and working over Christian in a corner.  Swagger lifted Christian for a backdrop and Christian tried to go into a sunset flip, but Swagger yanked Christian off the mat.  Christian hit some right hands, but Swagger lifted Christian into a powerslam for a two count.  Swagger applied an abdominal stretch, then hit a gutbuster.  Swagger put Christian on the top turnbuckle, but Christian kicked him and went for a tornado DDT.  Swagger blocked it, and Christian applied a sleeper, but Swagger spun Christian off and applied a front facelock.  Swagger hit some punches, then put Christian on the top rope again.  Christian kicked Swagger away, then hit a top rope dropkick for a two count.  Christian hit Swagger with a pendulum kick.

Finlay was the next entrant.

Finlay hit Christian and Swagger with clotheslines, then threw Christian on top of Swagger.  Finlay hit a rolling Samoan Drop on Swagger and kicked him tot he floor.  Christian grabbed Finlay with a small package, but Finlay kicked out, hit a forearm and a sitdown splash for a two count.  Finlay hit a clothesline, but Christian kicked him and delivered a second rope back elbow for a two count.  Swagger pulled Christian from the ring and threw him into the security wall.  Finlay kicked Swagger between the ropes.  They got back in the ring, and Swagger poked Finlay in the eye.  Swagger then rolled up Finlay for a pin.

Swagger has the advantage.

Christian shoulderblocked Swagger from the apron and hit a slingshot sunset flip for a two count.  A doctor was checking Finlay's eye at ringside.  Christian and Swagger traded counters on their finishers, then Christian gave Swagger a reverse DDT for a two count. Swagger came back with a uranage on Christian.

Tommy Dreamer was the next entrant.

Dreamer clotheslined Swagger and hit Christian as he came off the top rope.  Dreamer bulldogged Swagger, then gave Christian a spinebuster for a two count.  Dreamer gave Swagger a neckbreaker, then put Christian in a Tree Of Woe.  Dreamer dropkicked Christian in the Tree.  Swagger threw Dreamer into Christian, but Christian was falling out of the Tree, and the crowd groaned.  Swagger threw Dreamer to the floor and tossed him into the announce table.  Finlay threw Swagger into the ringpost, then the ring.  Swagger charged Finlay, who side stepped it and Swagger went into the ringpost.  Finlay gave Swagger the Celtic Cross for the pin.

Finlay has the advantage.

Christian kicked Finlay for a cover, but he kicked out.  Dreamer gave Finlay a back elbow.  Christian tripped Dreamer to the mat.  Christian went to the top rope, but Dreamer met him there and went for a superplex.  Christian blocked it, and Swagger decked Dreamer, then went to the top and tried to superplex Christian.  Christian blocked it as well.

Mark Henry was the final entrant. The final period is five minutes long.

Henry clotheslined Dreamer, then powerbombed Swagger, who was superplexing Christian, and they crashed into Dreamer.  Henry knocked Swagger out of the ring and press slammed Christian to the floor.  Henry hit Finlay, then caught Dreamer off the ropes and powerslammed him for the win.

Henry has the advantage.  

Everyone started ganging up on Henry, except Dreamer, who was down.  Henry got knocked out of the ring, then Christian knocked Swagger out and rolled up Finlay for a two count.  Finlay threw Christian out of the ring, then dove onto Swagger with a tope.  Dreamer jumped off the ring apron with a senton into Swagger.  Christian hit a springboard from inside the ring out, hitting Dreamer.  Mark Henry teased climbing the ropes.  Swagger got in the ring behind Henry and clipped his knee.  Swagger gave Henry a reverse splash off the middle rope for a three count.

Swagger has the advantage.  

Swagger tried to keep Dreamer, Finlay and Christian from getting in the ring.  Henry hit Swagger form behind and gave him a guillotine slide on the ropes.  Dreamer and Finlay knocked down Henry.  Christian gave Swagger a Killswitch, but Dreamer broke it up and DDT'd Christian for a pin.

Dreamer has the advantage.

Finlay, Swagger, and Christian all attempted quick covers, with Dreamer breaking them up (or kicking out).  Finlay DDT'd Swagger, but Henry broke it up and covered, but Dreamer pulled him off.  Dreamer DDT'd Henry, then Christian dropkicked Dreamer.  Christian went for a second rope sunset flip on Dreamer, who kicked out.  There was a mad rush for one more cover by everyone, but no one got it as the clock ran out.

Winner: Tommy Dreamer.

They aired the Gillette Fusion commercial with John Cena and Vince McMahon.  I guess that makes up for not seeing it on Raw last week.

Backstage, Edge approached Theodore R. Long, saying that since Vince McMahon put him on "probation", Long should think "outside the box" and make the Punk vs. Hardy match a Triple Threat match with him added.  Edge said it was a "crime" he wasn't on the PPV.  Long refused, and Edge said he should reconsider, or Long would end up like Vickie Guerrero (out of a job).

Title vs. Mask: Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio.

They reviewed the history between Jericho and Mysterio as Rey made his entrance.  They noted in the introductions that if Rey lost, he would have to unmask "forever."

Jericho tried to grab the mask at the bell, but Mysterio hit some punches.  Jericho applied a headlock and trash talked, but Rey broke out of it, only to be shoulderblocked down.  Rey leapfrogged a charging Jericho, then hit a boot in a corner, and a rana that sent Jericho to the floor.  Mysterio went for a baseball slide, but Jericho caught it and swung Rey into the security wall.  Jericho rammed Rey into the ring apron. Mysterio crawled back into the ring and Jericho catapulted him into the bottom rope.  Jericho stomped Rey, then delivered a vertical suplex for a two count.  Jericho applied a crossface chickenwing, but Rey elbowed out of it.  Jericho put Rey on the top rope for a back superplex, but then went for the mask instead.  Rey elbowed Jericho to the mat, then hit a top rope senton.  Rey ran the ropes, but Jericho grabbed him in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.  

Jericho kicked Rey in the head, then put him in the corner and choked him with his boot.  Jericho rammed Rey face first into a turnbuckle, then dropkicked him to the floor. Rey got on the apron and Jericho went to suplex him back in, but Rey floated over and hit some punches.  He went for a backdrop and Jericho drove a knee into his head, then dropkicked him on the mat.  Jericho applied a double chickenwing, but Rey kicked out of it, then dropkicked the knee of a charging Jericho, sending him through the ropes and to the floor.  Mysterio dove off the top rope and hit Jericho with a senton on the floor.

Mysterio rolled Jericho back in the ring and hit a springboard bodypress for a two count.  Mysterio leapfrogged Jericho, then used a headscissors to send him into a turnbuckle.  Rey then springboarded off one rope, dropping into an Arabian Press off another, for a two count.  Rey went for a Quebrada moonsault, but Jericho caught it and powerslammed Mysterio for a two count.  Jericho missed a charge in the corner, and Rey hit a top rope moonsault on a standing Jericho for a two count.  Rey went for a rana, but Jericho dropped him to the mat and hooked his legs, applying the Walls Of Jericho in the center of the ring.  Mysterio struggled and made the ropes for a break.

Jericho charged Rey, who sidestepped him and sent him over the top rope.  Jericho landed on the apron, and Rey kicked him so he would fall over the middle rope.  Rey went for a 619, but Jericho dropped to the floor to dodge it, then clotheslined Rey from the apron.  Jericho went to the top rope, but Rey crotched him.  Rey went for a top rope rana, but Jericho blocked it and superbombed him to the mat, then put his feet on the ropes, but only got a two count.  Jericho went for a Lionsault, but Mysterio moved out of the way.  Rey hit a rana for a two count.  Rey dropkicked Jericho into 619 position.  Jericho blocked the move and went for the Torture Rack, but Rey spun out of it and hit a tornado DDT for a two count.

Rey began kicking Jericho's legs.  Rey went for a springboard, but Jericho caught him with a Codebreaker as he came off the ropes.  Jericho crawled onto Rey, but Mysterio kicked out at two.  Jericho argued the count, then kicked Rey in the back.  Jericho threw Mysterio in a corner, then put him on the top rope.  Jericho headbutted Mysterio twice, then stood on the top rope, but Mysterio pulled away and Jericho fell to the mat.  Mysterio dropkicked Jericho into 619 position, and hit the move.  Rey then went for a springboard rana, but Jericho caught it and put him in the Walls of Jericho.  Mysterio rolled under Jericho, then went up and over him for a sunset flip.  They traded reversals on a sunset flip for two counts, and Jericho pulled out of it with Rey's mask in his hands.  However, Rey had a second mask on.  Rey gave an enzugiri to a stunned Jericho, sending him into the ropes, hit a 619, then dropped a springboard splash on him for the pin at the 16 minute mark.

Winner and new Intercontinental Champion: Rey Mysterio.

They recapped the McMahon-Trump confrontation from last week's Raw.
Backstage, they showed Triple H having his knee taped up.

Jericho was in Theodore R. Long's office, demanding his contractually guaranteed title rematch tonight.  Long said he has been a General Manager for almost five years, and he didn't get that way by doing what every star asks him for.  Long sent Jericho away, and Jericho said when, not if,  Long changes his mind, he knows where to find him.

A video package on the Dolph Ziggler-Great Khali feud was shown.

Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler in a No DQ, No Countout match.

Ziggler ran around Khali at the start and threw kicks and punches, but Khali shoved him to the mat, then whipped him hard into a corner and chopped his chest.  Khali whipped him hard into another corner, but Ziggler dropkicked his leg. Ziggler tried to punch him in a corner, but Khali tossed him over the top rope and to the floor.  Khali went outside and hit Ziggler, then chopped his chest.  Khali went for another chop, but Ziggler ducked and Khali hit his hand on the post.  Ziggler hit a dropkick off the apron, got back on it, and Khali hit an openhand chop that sent Ziggler back into the ring.  Khali rammed Ziggler in a corner, but missed a kick and caught his leg over the top rope.  Ziggler got on the apron and yanked Khali's leg across the top rope.  Ziggler got a chair and hit Khali in the leg with it.  Khali swatted the chair away, but Ziggler hit a chopblock on the leg, then a Rocker Dropper for a one count.

Ziggler punched the downed Khali and put him in a front facelock.  Khali stood up in it and tossed off Ziggler, then hit a clothesline and a boot to the face.  Khali got ready for a chop, when Kane, to a pop, came out.  Khali was distracted, and Ziggler grabbed a chair and hit Khali repeatedly in the leg.  Kane got in the ring, and Ziggler bailed out.  Kane picked up the chair and hit Khali in the back and head with it.  Kane hit Khali repeatedly with the chair across the back, then walked off.  Ziggler rolled into the ring and pinned Khali at the five minute mark.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler.

A happy Vince McMahon entered Teddy Long's office.  Vince apologized and said he was hard on Long last week after the Trump fiasco.  Vince said he heard Long telling Chris Jericho that he was the longest reigning General Manager in history ... and that he accomplished nothing.  Vince said Eric Bischoff, Heyman, William Regal and even Mike Adamle accomplished something during their time.  Vince said if he was in a foxhole with Long, he would shoot himself out of boredom.  Vince said all Long has is a dance, but he had no rhythm.  Vince said he was still on probation, and left.

Unified Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo Colon vs. Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes.

Before the bell could ring, Teddy Long came out.  He said it was now a Triple Threat tag team match, and out came Edge & Chris Jericho.

Unified Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo Colon vs. Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes vs. Edge & Chris Jericho.

The announcers said that since the tag belts can be defended on all three brands, Long was able to make this decision.  Cole & Lawler speculated that Long "succumbed to the pressure" to do something.

Priceless knocked Jericho & Edge out of the ring, but the referee restored order and rang the bell.  Carlito started off with DiBiase.  Carlito flipped over DiBiase off the top rope and hit a clothesline.  Primo tagged in and hit DiBiase with a headbutt to the back as Carlito gave him a drop toe hold.  Jericho tagged himself in off of DiBiase.  Primo backdropped him and Rhodes tagged in off of Jericho.  Cody worked over Primo, then tagged in DiBiase.  Primo hit DiBiase with kicks and a legdrop.  Primo tagged in Carlito, who dropkicked DiBiase for a two count, then applied a sleeper.  Primo tagged in and continued to work over DiBiase, who armdragged out of a hiptoss attempt, then tagged in Rhodes, who stomped Primo.  Cody hit a back elbow on Primo, then avoided being tagged by Jericho and Edge.  Cody tagged in DiBiase, who choked Primo against the rope.  Cody tagged in and Priceless whipped Primo into the corner.

Cody gave Primo a snap mare and put him in a surfboard.  The announcers noted that if no one tags Jericho and Edge, they won't be able to get legally involved in the match.  Primo gave Cody a jawbuster and Edge tagged himself in off of Cody. Edge went for a spear, Primo ducked, and DiBiase tagged himself in off of Edge, frustrating him.  DiBiase dropped some elbows on Primo for a two count.  Primo cradled DiBiase for a two count, but DiBiase hit a clothesline.  Cody tagged in and dropkicked Primo for a two count.  Cody then drove an elbow into Primo's arm, then applied a neck vice.  Primo punched out, then rolled up Cody for two.  There was an "Edge" chant.  Cody hit Primo with a clothesline for a two count.

Cody lifted Primo for a Gory Special variation, but Edge ran in and broke it up.  DiBiase tagged in, but Primo backdropped him over the top rope. Primo made the tag to Carlito, hit hit Cody, who also tagged in, with a springboard Blockbuster.  Carlito hit a springboard elbow, but DiBiase broke up the cover.  Primo dropkicked DiBiase from the ring,.  Jericho gave Primo a Codebreaker and sent him from the ring.  Carlito threw Jericho from the ring.  Carltio was working with Rhodes, but Edge tagged himself in off of Rhodes and Carlito didn't realize it.  Carlito gave Rhodes a Backstabber, but the referee didn't count.  Carlito asked "Who tagged?" then turned and was hit with a spear by Edge (to a pop).  Edge pinned Carlito at the eleven minute mark.

Winners and new Unified WWE Tag Team Champions: Edge & Chris Jericho.

Backstage, Randy Orton told Priceless not to worry about what just happened, saying the important thing was protecting his WWE Title.  DiBiase said they were close to winning the tag titles.  Orton said he didn't care about the tag titles.  DiBiase got in Orton's face, saying he didn't care about him.  Cody tried to calm him, but DiBiase said he "let it go" that Orton kicked him in the head in order to further his career, and that he made a mistake in doing so.  They argued, and DiBiase said "good luck with Triple H" and walked off.  Orton yelled that he can't talk to him like that.  Cody tried to clam Orton, then said he would go talk to DiBiase.

Women's Champion Melina vs. Michelle McCool.

Melina showed no ill effects from the jaw injury on Smackdown, but the announcers played it up as possibly being a factor.  They went right at it, with Michelle kicking Melina in the gut, then punching her in the jaw, which she sold huge.  Melina hit an elbow, then Michelle lifted Melina in a choke, but Melina rolled out of it, delivered some stiff shots and then a backdrop.  Michelle dropkicked Melina's leg, then drove knees and elbows into it.  Michelle applied a spinning toe hold, but Melina kicked her in the gut.  Michelle kept up her attack on the leg, then twisted it around the bottom rope.  Michelle dragged Melina's leg outside and rammed it on the apron, then put the leg between the ring steps and the apron and kicked the steps into it.  Michelle pulled Melina into the center of the ring for a two count.  Michelle hit a gutbuster, then bent Melina's leg until Melina's foot was touching her head.

Michelle kicked the leg repeatedly, but missed a running kick.  Melina hit some elbows, then stretched McCool across the middle rope.  Melina dropped a knee on Michelle, but hurt herself in doing so.  Michelle hit a chopblock.  Melina came back with a headscissors, but then hurt her leg kicking Michelle.  Michelle went for the Styles Clash, but Melina turned it into a rana for a two count.  They traded kicks, with Melina hurting herself on hers.  Michelle went for a superplex, but Melina blocked it, then came off the ropes with a facebuster.  Melina covered, but Alicia Fox put Michelle's foot on the bottom rope.  Melina kicked  Fox between the ropes.  Melina went for a Code Red, but Michelle blocked it, rather awkwardly and hit a kick to the head for a two count.  Michelle hit the Styles Clash, which she calls the Fatebreaker, for the pin at the seven minute mark.

Winner and new Women's Champion: Michelle McCool.
They showed the events leading to CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy.  Todd Grisham called it the "Smackdown main event", while Jim Ross pointed out it was "THE main event" of the show.

World Champion CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy.

No facepaint for Jeff Hardy tonight.  They did the "big match" introductions for the bout, with Punk and Hardy staring each other down in the center of the ring.  Cheers for Hardy, mixed reaction for Punk.  A "Hardy" chant broke out before the bell.  Some started a "CM Punk" chant, but the Hardy chant won out.  

They locked up, with Punk backing Hardy in a corner, but Punk broke clean.  They locked up again, with Hardy grabbing a side headlock, which Punk reversed.  Punk hit a shoulderblock, but Hardy quickly got back to his feet.  Punk and Hardy exchanged waistlocks, with Punk grabbing a hammerlock, which Hardy escaped and grabbed a side mare.  Punk tried to push off the headlock, but Hardy maintained the hold, then started a chant for himself.  Punk broke out and grabbed his own headlock.  Hardy shoved off the move, and Punk hit another shoulderblock.  Hardy leapdrogged Punk and went for a hiptoss, but Punk blocked it and went for a GTS, but Hardy turned it into a crucifix for a two count.  Hardy went for a Twist Of Fate, Punk blocked it, and Hardy backdropped Punk to the floor, then hit a pescado.

Hardy moved the ring steps, then launched off them for a leg lariat.  Punk moved and Hardy crashed into the security wall.  Hardy got in at the nine count, and Punk covered him for a two count.  Punk hit a series of kicks to the back, then applied a figure four headlock with his legs.  Punk drove some elbows into Hardy's head while maintaining the hold, then got a two count.  Punk hit a side backbreaker for another two.  Punk applied the figure four headlock again, but Hardy made the ropes.  Punk slammed Hardy and went to the middle rope, but missed a legdrop attempt.  Punk missed a splash in the corner, and Hardy hit him with Whisper In The Wind for a two count.

Hardy hit a series of clotheslines, then a reverse atomic drop and a double legdrop between Punk's legs.  Hardy dropkicked Punk in the face and got a two count, then hit a gourdbuster.  Hardy went to the top rope, but Punk rolled to the floor.  Hardy jumped off the apron and hit Punk with a clothesline on the floor.  Back in the ring, Hardy dropkicked Punk into a corner and then went for an elevated kick, but Punk sprung up and grabbed Hardy for a GTS.  Hardy grabbed the ropes to block it.  Punk let go of the fireman's carry, kicked Hardy in the face, then delivered a jumping knee and a bulldog for a two count.  

Punk hit a series of kicks and open hand shots.  Punk missed a backfist, and Hardy hit a Twist Of Fate.  Hardy went to the top rope, but missed on a Swanton as Punk sat up.  Punk called for the GTS.  Hardy grabbed a small package as Punk picked him up off the mat for a two count.  Punk hit a kick to the head.  Punk went for the GTS, but Hardy reversed it and hit a Twist Of Fate.  Hardy hit the Swanton, but Punk put his foot under the bottom rope.  The referee counted three, and Hardy's music played, by the referee waved it off.  The referee told Hardy the match was still on, and they argued.  Hardy kept arguing with referee Scott Armstrong.  Punk got up and Hardy went for a Twist Of Fate, but Punk blocked it and went for a GTS, which Hardy elbowed out of.  Punk fell to the mat, grabbing at his eye.  The referee held back Hardy so he could check on Punk, then Punk kicked the referee in the back.  Punk was disqualified at the 15 minute mark.

Winner via disqualification: Jeff Hardy.

Fans chanted "bulls***" over the finish.  Punk kept holding his eye, playing up that his kick may have been accidental.   As Punk was leaving, Hardy confronted him in the aisle.  Hardy said he did it on purpose, and Punk said "I thought it was you".  Hardy then went nuts, attacking Punk, throwing him back into the ring and stomping and punching Punk until referees pulled him off.  Hardy broke free and attacked him again.  Hardy was pulled off again, and Punk rolled out of the ring, still holding his eye.

Backstage, The Colons burst into Teddy Long's office, complaining.  Long said he wasn't going to stand around and be fired.  He told the Colons he stands by his decision, and sent them out of his office.  The Colons walked off, muttering in Spanish.

Randy Orton was shown backstage on his cell phone.  He left a message for Cody Rhodes, asking where he and DiBiase were at, and asking Cody to call him back.

They showed footage from the "Block Party" in the parking lot earlier today.  

The events leading to John Cena vs. The Miz were shown.

John Cena vs. The Miz.

Big "Cena" chant at the bell, but there are boos as well.  Cena took Miz down twice and hit his leg.  Cena took Miz down again, and this time stepped on his arm.  Miz looked frustrated.  Cena ducked a punch and took Miz down with a headlock.  Miz went for a shoulderblock, but Cena knocked him down.  Miz tried a leapfrog, but Cena avoided it and took Miz down with a headlock.  Miz grabbed a headlock on a break, but Cena shoved it off, dropped under him, leapfrogged him and hit a hiptoss.  Miz tried some shots, like kicking away a backdrop attempt, but Cena just shook his head at him.  Miz finally got something by pulling Cena neck first across the top rope as Cena chased him around and into the ring, then hit some shots in the corner.  Miz hit his corner clothesline, then a top rope double axhandle for a two count.

Miz kicked Cena in the head, then hit a suplex.  Miz whipped Cena into the corner and hit a clothesline for a two count.  Miz hit a knee to the back, then used a baseball slide dropkick to send Cena to the floor.  Miz rolled Cena back in for a two count.  Miz measured Cena for a punch, but Cena came back with lefts and rights, then some shoulderblocks and the back suplex into a powerbomb.  Cena said "I've been waiting to do this a long time" and did the "You can't see me" and dropped the Five Knuckle Shuffle fistdrop.  Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment.  Miz struggled, but Cena had a look on his face like "Are you kidding me?" and delivered the move.  Cena applied the STFU and Miz tapped out at the six minute mark.

Winner: John Cena.

As Cena walked out, he gestured like he was kicking dirt on the downed Miz.
A video package on the events leading to the Three Stages Of Hell match was shown.

WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. Triple H in a Three Stages Of Hell match with a regular first fall, a Falls Count Anywhere second fall and, if needed, a Stretcher Match third fall.

They did the "big match introductions again.  

First Fall: Standard Match.

They started slugging it out, and Orton hit a shoulderblock, but Triple H came back with a jumping knee.  Orton reversed a whip, but Triple H hit a clothesline and delivered a series of punches in a corner.  Triple H whipped Orton across the ring, but ran into a boot.  Orton tripped Triple H from the floor and tried to pull his leg near the ringpost, but Triple H pulled his leg back and Orton went into the ringpost head first.  Triple H suplexed Orton back into the ring for a two count.  Triple H punched Orton, then went for a backdrop, but Orton kicked it away.  Triple H kicked Orton in the gut and went for a Pedigree, but Orton clipped his leg, then hit a chopblock.  Orton went to the floor and drove Triple H's leg into the ring apron, then successfully into the ringpost.  

Back in the ring, Orton put Triple H's leg over the middle rope and kicked it.  Orton kept kicking at Triple H's leg, then drove it into the mat with his knee.  Orton went for an RKO, but Triple H shoved it off.  Triple H hit a spinebuster.  Triple H was limping on his bad leg.  Orton hit a side neckbreaker, and Triple H fell to the floor.  Orton told the referee to count.  As Triple H went to get back in the ring, Orton kicked him to the floor.  Triple H reached under the ring for a chair, and as Orton approached him, Triple H hit him with it and was disqualified.

Orton wins the first fall at the six minute mark via disqualification.

Second Fall: Falls Count Anywhere.

Triple H drove the chair into Orton's body repeatedly, punctuating it by driving the chair into the back of Orton's neck.  Orton rolled out of the ring to the floor.  Triple H picked up Orton and gave him a Pedigree on the floor.  Triple H pinned Orton on the outside.

Triple H wins the second fall at the seven minute mark.

Third Fall: Stretcher Match.

Triple H loaded Randy Orton on the stretcher and began pushing it up the ramp. As they got near the finish line, Orton rolled off and kicked the stretcher into the legs of Triple H.  Orton then clipped Triple H's knee on the ramp with a chopblock.  Back at ringside, Randy Orton crotched Triple H on the security wall and knocked him into the crowd.  Orton went out after him and pummeled him in the crowd.  They made their way towards a production area, and Triple H mounted a comeback with punches.  Triple H clotheslined Orton over the security wall and back to ringside. Orton ripped the protective covering off the security wall, and when Triple H came at him, Orton yanked him into the exposed railing.  Orton hit Triple H with the wall covering, then slammed him back first, then head first, on the exposed rail.  

Orton put Triple H on the stretcher, but Triple H got right off and hit a right hand.  Orton threw Triple H into the ringsteps.  Triple H rolled back into the ring, while Orton tossed a segment of the ring steps into the ring. Orton went to hit him with the steps, but Triple H tripped Orton with a drop toe hold and Orton hit his head on the steps.  Triple H picked up the steps and blasted Orton with them.  Triple H put Orton on the stretcher and wheeled him up the ramp.  Orton kicked Triple H in the head.  They started brawling on the stretcher, and it slid down the ramp and into the guard rail.  Orton began grabbing his back, and apparently said a dirty word, as the audio dropped out.  Orton and Triple H fought over the stretcher, with Orton hitting Triple H, putting him on the stretcher (which Orton raised so it was higher off the ground) and then using the stretcher for an assist on a DDT on the floor.  

Randy Orton lined up for a punt, but Triple H moved and Orton kicked the bottom of the stretcher.  Triple H went for a Pedigree, but Orton backdropped him on the stretcher.  Orton wheeled the stretcher up the ramp, but Triple H got off as they reached the stage.  Orton attacked, hitting punches and stomps, then measured Triple H for an RKO.  Triple H blocked it, shoving Orton into the video wall.  Triple H then hit a Pedigree on the stage.  Triple H pulled the stretcher over, and put Orton on it.  Triple H went to wheel it over the finish line, but Cody Rhodes ran out and blocked the stretcher.  Triple H and Cody went at it, and Triple H threw Cody into the set.  Triple H went back to the stretcher, but Ted DiBiase ran out and attacked Triple H.  Rhodes joined in, and Priceless tried to put Triple H on the stretcher.  Triple H fought back, but they pounded him down again.  

Priceless went to check on Orton.  Triple H reached into a compartment on the stage and pulled put a sledgehammer.  Triple H hit Rhodes and DiBiase with it.  Orton kicked Triple H low, picked up the metal cover from Triple H's secret compartment and hit him in the head with it.  Triple H fell on the stretcher, and Orton wheeled it over the finish line at the twenty two-minute mark of the match.

Randy Orton wins the third fall, at the twenty-two minute mark.

Winner: Randy Orton.

Randy Orton stood on the stage with the championship belt, oblivious that Triple H was getting up behind him.  Randy Orton turned, and Triple H drove the sledgehammer into the side of Orton's head.  Triple H stood over Orton, then walked to the back, returning for a crotch chop before leaving again.  

After a lot of replays, they showed Randy Orton slowly getting up, with the help of officials.

2009 - TNA aired Epics in Great Britain.  Garrett Kidney filed the following TV report:

We have the Best of the World title matches featured this week as we start off with Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven from the Asylum for the NWA World Heavyweight title on April 30th 2003. Raven got the better of Jarrett in the opening exchanges which featured some chain wrestling. Raven rolled to the outside but Jarrett hit a Dropkick through the ropes and followed Raven to the outside slam him off the guardrail a few times. Julio Dinero (who was at ringside as a member of Raven's Gathering stable) tried to hit Jarrett with a chair but Jarrett ducked and Dinero nailed Raven instead (Alexis Laree (who would go to be known as Mickie James in the WWE) distracted the referee). Jarrett knocked Dinero over the top with a clothesline then did a Slingshot splash onto both Dinero and Laree but as Jarrett turned around, Raven came over the top hitting him with a dive.

Raven Drop Toe Hold'ed Jarrett into the ring steps as The Gathering set up a table on the other side of the ring. Raven set Jarrett up on the table went up top but Jarrett got off the table and rolled back in the ring. Raven came off the top with a Double Ax Handle on Jarrett and Raven followed up by hitting a Drop Toe Hold on Jarrett into a chair. There was a noticeable edit here as we skipped to Jarrett hitting Raven with a Stroke for a near fall. Raven then hit a Raven Effect for another near fall. Jarrett hit a clothesline on Raven which sent them both over the top Foley style. Jarrett put Raven on the table and came off the top with an elbow putting Raven through the table. Back in the ring Jarrett hit the Raven Effect on Raven but The Gathering pulled referee Rudy Charles out, as Rudy was sending The Gathering to the back Raven knocked Jarrett into him and Rudy fell off the apron.

Raven hit a low blow and then the Extreme Revolution (New Jack, Sandman, Perry Saturn and Justin Credible) ran in, beat down Jarrett and put handcuffs on him. Sandman and New Jack then held steel chairs either side of Jarrett's head and Credible and Saturn superkicked each chair into Jarrett's head. The lights went out and as they came back on Sabu was getting in the ring and he cleared house on the Extreme Revolution. As Sabu jumped into the crowd to escape he seemed to trample some person in the crowd and he spent a few seconds checking was she okay. Raven swung a chair at the still handcuffed Jarrett but Jarrett moved and the chair rebounded off the ropes hitting Raven in the head for a near fall.

Bill Behrens brought a key out but Rudy couldn't unlock the handcuff so Raven did, he hit a Raven Effect for a near fall. Raven picked Jarrett up, went for another Raven Effect but Jarrett countered into a Stroke for the win. It was a pretty good match up until all of the interference brought it down. The amount of interference bordered on ridiculous at times.

After the break we went onto the next match which was from Unbreakable 2005 as Raven defended his NWA World Heavyweight title against Rhino in a Raven's Rules match. Raven started off strong as quite early he busted Rhino open using a pizza cutter and hit Rhino with a few trays. They brawled on the outside for a while before Rhino got a beer keg and hit Raven with it a couple of times. Raven came back with a Kendo Stick and locked on a Ankle Lock on Rhino in the ring, Rhino got to the ropes and there was another noticeable edit. Rhino kicked a trash can into Raven's face before Raven locked on the Ankle Lock again and Rhino hit Raven with a trash can to escape followed by another edit.

Rhino missed a top rope splash and Raven made a big comeback including a Discus Clothesline and a Clothesline in the corner followed by a bulldog. Rhino slammed Raven's head into a chair. Cassidy Riley interfered and distracted Rudy Charles. Raven hit the Raven Effect but Riley still had the ref distracted. Raven did a pretty cool powerbomb on Rhino onto a ladder and the ladder broke which led to a near fall. Rhino catapulted the ladder into Raven's face and then brought a shopping cart into the ring. Raven drove the cart into Rhino. Rhino went for a Gore but missed and went hard into the cart. Jarrett ran down, tried to hit Raven with the belt but Jeff Hardy ran down to stop that. Raven hit the Raven Effect on Jarrett and then on Rhino for the win. This was a good enough hardcore match but not much more.

After the break, was the last match this week - AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett for the NWA title from Hard Justice 2005 with MMA fighter Tito Ortiz as guest referee. The first five or so minutes was just simple lockups, headlocks and arm bars. After Styles got the better of Jarrett, Jarrett jumped to the outside and milked the most out of the ten count that he could. Styles hit his awesome dropkick, hit a scoop slam and followed it up with a knee drop. Jarrett threw Styles up high and Styles came down across as we go to an ad break.

We come back from the break with AJ on the outside, Jarrett follows him to the outside, Styles went for a clothesline, Jarrett ducked and Styles hit the ringpost. Ortiz stops both Jarrett and Styles from using the guitar, Styles then destroyed the guitar off the ringpost. Back in the ring, Styles hit a Flying Forearm Smash followed by a spin and a Springboard Inverted DDT for a near fall. Jarrett countered the Styles Clash and hit AJ with a powerbomb for a near fall. AJ countered the Stroke but got hit with a big Powerslam. AJ got Jarrett in a series of pinning combinations for near falls and hit the Pele. Jarrett then hit AJ with the Styles Clash for a good near fall and AJ hit Jarrett with the Stroke for another good near fall.

AJ goes up top but misses a 450 splash, rolls through and gets Jarrett in position for a Styles Clash, Monty Brown ran in, went for a Pounce, Styles moved and Monty hit Jarrett by mistake. Ortiz was busy getting rid of Brown as AJ had a pin on Jarrett. Rudy Charles ran down, made a two count but Ortiz pulled him out as he was ref not Rudy. Jarrett hit a low blow on Styles and placed him on the top rope. Jarrett then got in an argument with Ortiz and pushed him twice. Ortiz then layed Jarrett out with a punch, Styles hit the Spiral Top off the top and ended Jeff Jarrett's eleven month reign as NWA champ to a big pop and celebration from the crowd. Really good match even with the interference.
2010 - Bret Hart commented on Martha Hart's lawsuit against WWE on his official website, writing, "As far as the recent lawsuit filed by Martha, I'm working on a detailed response that I will post soon, but I think my fans might be a little surprised at my take on things. Aside from that, I know that the WWE Universe is more than curious to know what my status is anymore and the truth is nobody knows, including me. There are a lot rumors out there about me and all I can say is that they're rarely true. I will have some major announcements forthcoming, but right now I'm going to keep the lid on things because I'm not looking for any distractions."

2010 - WWE broadcast Monday Night Raw.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV Report:

We begin tonight’s show with a look back at the NXThugs attacking the Chairman of the Board on last week’s Raw. Who is next?

We are live from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and your announcers are Michael ‘I need an unlimited data plan if I am going to keep getting GM E-mails’ Cole and Jerry ‘Dragula’ Lawler.

Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler talk about the attack by Nexus and Cole says that the McMahon’s are keeping Vince’s condition private. Lawler says that Wade Barrett is at WWE Headquarters to answer their actions. Cole reads the e-mail from the General Manager from last week about the Nexus’ actions.

Sheamus comes to the ring and he has something to say. Sheamus says that he watched the footage of the beating of the Chairman a few times and Sheamus says that he is disgusted. As the WWE Champion, he felt that it was his responsibility to make a statement on behalf of the company. Sheamus says ‘The Champ is Here’. Sheamus says that the Nexus lads got involved in their match, but Sheamus says that we know he would have won the match. Sheamus says that one important factor came out of this. John Cena is no longer the number one contender for his WWE Title. Sheamus mentions that Cena used his rematch. Sheamus says that he doesn’t have to look at the tacky orange t-shirt. He does not have to listen to Cena’s slogans. Now he doesn’t have to hear the fans chant ‘Cena’ like a bunch of parrots. Sheamus says that he does not have to hear Cena make fun of his beautiful Irish skin by being called a Human Jar of Mayonnaise. Sheamus says that he hates John Cena. Sheamus tells the fella that he can get to the back of the queue because he will never get another shot at the gold again.

John Cena’s music plays and he is wearing his tacky orange t-shirt.

Sheamus wants to know what Cena is doing in the ring because he is not getting another shot at the WWE Title again. Cena says that he knows. Cena says that he did not come out for that. Cena wants Sheamus’ help. Cena says that everyone saw how Sheamus won the WWE Title and they saw how Sheamus retained the title. Cena mentions the Jimbrones called the Nexus. Cena says that they almost ended his career. Cena asks Sheamus who he thinks they are coming after next. The human jar of mayonnaise, the giant block of cream cheese, Sheamus. Cena admits that Sheamus doesn’t like him but he knows that Sheamus can fight. Cena wants Sheamus to help him right now. He wants everyone to fight side by side. Cena wants the Nexus to come out . . .

Michael Cole’s Got Mail and he interrupts things. Michael goes to the General Manager Lectern and he says that next week, he will deal with the Nexus. He is going to wait for Wade Barrett to present his argument. If any member of Nexus makes contact with a member of the WWE roster, they will be terminated. If a WWE Superstar initiates contact, they will be suspended.

Cena thanks the General Manager for ruining his plan. Cena says that we have learned something tonight. He says that Sheamus is more than pale skin and the worst hair since Kid ‘N Play. Cena says that we found out that Sheamus is a good dude. Cena says that we should start things off with a WWE Title match.

We’ve got mail.

E-Mail Reader Cole says that Sheamus will be in action tonight. Sheamus will be facing Mark Henry tonight.

Cena throws out PG curses and blames the internet for his problems and then he blames it for his mom cancelling his Warcraft account. Cena wants the General Manager to e-mail Cena personally.

The next e-mail comes and Cole reads about Money in the Bank and how there will be two at the pay per view. The Raw participants in Money in the Bank will be announced later tonight. There will be a demonstration.

Sheamus says that he has wasted enough time and he is leaving.

There is more mail as Sheamus leaves and we have Cage Lowering Music, which makes sense since there was a cage above the ring.

Because of an inconclusive finish to their match last week, Sheamus will defend the WWE Title against John Cena in a match to ensure no outside interference. They will meet inside a steel cage.

Cena climbs to the top of the cage as we go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that they have still had more than 100 million video clips viewed on YouTube.

Match Number One: The Hart Dynasty versus Three Other People we will never know

The Samoans attack the Hart Dynasty on the apron and they send Smith into the ring steps while Kidd is sent into the ringside barrier.

Tamina rolls Natalya into the ring and then she goes up top for the Daughter of Superfly Splash and leaves the ring.

Josh Mathews is smiling in the interview area and he is joined by R Truth. Josh asks Truth what actions should be taken against the Nexus. Truth says that they are acting like a bunch of wild, untamed animals. It is too easy to fire them so leave them at the WWE Zoo because he is the zookeeper. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: The Kozlov/Marella Dance Off from three weeks ago.

Match Number One: Vladimir Kozlov versus Santino Marella in an If Santino wins Vladimir will be Santino’s tag team partner Match

Santino with a waist lock but he cannot take Kozlov down. Santino punches Kozlov’s hand and then Santino taps Kozlov on the head and takes Kozlov down. Kozlov tries for an arm submission but Santino escapes. Kozlov with head butts followed by a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Kozlov with a waist lock but Santino gets out of the hold and takes Kozlov down. Kozlov blocks a kick and then hits a spinebuster for the three count.

Winner: Vladimir Kozlov

After the match, Kozlov smiles as he leaves the ring. William Regal comes out and he shakes Kozlov’s hand. Regal attacks Santino and punches him. Kozlov comes to the ring and he kicks Regal in the chest and Regal walks away. Santino begs for mercy and Kozlov picks Santino up and helps him to the back.

Josh Mathews is with the Great Khali and he is joined by Runjin Singh. Josh asks Khali what actions should be taken against the Nexus. Runjin says that Khali is a big stupid giant and his manager is sick of carrying him. If the Nexus came after him tonight, Khali would run away.

We go to commercial.

We are back and remember that you can vote tomorrow in the first Poll for the NXT rookies.

It is time for the Guest Host to make his way to the ring and it is Rob Zombie. Rob says hello to Philadelphia and he wants the people to scream. He welcomes everyone. He says that he is here because he loves sick and twisted things. He announces the eight participants in the Money in the Bank Match. They are Randy Orton, The Miz, R Truth, Chris Jericho, Evan Bourne, Ted DiBiase, John Morrison, and Edge.

Edge is in the back on the TitanTron and he calls Rob a Supercreep and Astrobeast. Edge says that he hasn’t talked to Rob since he dumped Rob’s music as his entrance music. Rob says that he took his song back because he could not stand Edge ruining his song. Rob tells everyone goodbye.

Edge wants to know if he scared away the horror director. Edge says that it only matters that he won the first Money in the Bank match and he cashed it in on John Cena. We have the video tape from Wrestlemania 21 and New Year’s Revolution when he cashed it in against John Cena after the Elimination Chamber match.

Edge reminds us that he did that. He says he had so much fun he did it years later against the Undertaker. Edge said last week that ‘now the fun begins’ to Randy Orton because he owns the Money in the Bank Match. Edge will show how twisted he can be. Edge says that the viper gets its head crushed before it can strike when the viper runs into a twenty foot ladder. At the end of the night, they will all be staring up at him.

We’ve Got Mail. Cole says that the main event tonight will have all eight participants in the Money in the Bank Match. Edge, the Miz, Ted DiBiase, and Chris Jericho will face Evan Bourne, John Morrison, R Truth, and Randy Orton.

Mark Henry is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Sheamus versus Mark Henry with Lucky Cannon

Sheamus with forearms to the back and punches to the head but Henry pushes Sheamus to the mat. Sheamus with a DDT for a near fall. Sheamus with knees to the head and then he connects with forearms across the chest before getting a near fall. Sheamus with a reverse chin lock but Henry backs Sheamus into the corner. Sheamus clips Henry and then tries for a clothesline but Henry with a body block and head butt. Sheamus with a forearm to the back but Henry with another body block. Henry with a big splash but Sheamus gets his foot on the ropes. Sheamus rolls to the floor and Henry follows him out and then he throws Sheamus back in. Sheamus with the pump kick as Henry returns to the ring and Sheamus gets the three count.

Winner: Sheamus

The members of Nexus are in the back with Josh Mathews. Josh asks the other six guys what they think. Tarver points out that it goes both ways because if a WWE superstar puts their hands on them, they are suspended. Skip Sheffield yells at a production worker and pushes and punches him. Tarver says that is what they mean. Then they laugh as Darren adjusts Josh’s tie.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jerry Lawler is in the ring. Jerry talks about the new DVD for Ricky Steamboat. We have a clip.

Jerry introduces Ricky Steamboat and Ricky comes to the ring. Jerry says the DVD does a great job of chronicling Ricky’s career. Jerry says that there are a few people who wanted to come out to honor Ricky. We see Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Mike Rotundo, and Michael Hayes.

Dean says that it is an honor to be out here with Ricky to talk about his DVD. Dean says that he is looking forward to seeing Ricky’s greatest matches of his career. Dean says that he wasn’t born for most of those matches. Mike says that he never faced Ricky in a match, but he wanted to tell Ricky to make sure he pays the taxes on his DVD. Michael Hayes tells Ricky that they all respect him and he says that they didn’t interact a lot or compete a lot. He says he hasn’t gotten too much camera time in the last three or four years so he just wanted to strut and moonwalk. Arn says that this is pretty impressive to see the Hall of Famers and legends. He says that there is a billion dollars worth of talent. Arn says that he wrestled Ricky at least 100 times, but he never beat him. Every time they stepped in the ring, something magical happened because of Ricky. Arn talks about the top five like Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and the Undertaker, but he never saw anyone better than Ricky Steamboat. It will take more than three DVDs to hold his career.

Ricky thanks everyone for coming out and he thanks the WWE Universe.

Ricky is interrupted by the Nexus (and they have new music) who make their way down the ramp to the ring. They circle the ring and the legends are ready for a fight. They hold off the Nexus for a bit. Lawler and Steamboat get a few shots in on Slater. Anderson and Steamboat go after Tarver. They pull Anderson out of the ring and send him into the ring post. Now it is six on five. They go after Malenko next and send him into the ringside barrier. Tarver attacks Rotundo from behind and they work him over.

We are halfway through the beat down. They get on the apron and the legends are waiting for the next move. Steamboat fights off Slater but Gabriel joins in on him. The other four sends Lawler to the floor as Otunga and Sheffield attack Jerry on the floor. Tarver sends Hayes into the apron and he punches Hayes while Young holds him. They all go after Steamboat in the ring after surrounding him. Steamboat gets the first shot in on Sheffield but then it turns into a six on one beat down. They take Steamboat down to the mat. Without Barrett there, they appear to be lacking a leader. Otunga with a spinebuster. They pick Ricky up for Sheffield and Skip with a clothesline. They pull Ricky to the corner so Gabriel can finish off the Moves of Doom (sponsored by the Nexus) with a 450 Splash.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of the attack on the Ricky Steamboat Appreciation Society.

We see the Legends being cared for and Steamboat is being stretchered out. Cole mentions that nothing will happen to the Nexus tonight because of the General Manager’s edict earlier.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that John Cena is very popular for Make A Wish requests.

Josh Mathews has been promoted from backstage interviewer to announcer because of what happened to Jerry Lawler.

Match Number Three: Maryse and Alicia Fox versus Eve Torres and Gail Kim

Alicia with a kick and punches to Eve but Eve with forearms. Eve with a kick and sunset flip attempt but Alicia blocks it and Alicia with a knee to the head. Alicia with a forearm followed by an Irish whip and running knee into the corner. Alicia with a jumping mare for a near fall. Maryse tags in and she kicks Eve and pulls Eve’s hair to keep her from making the tag. Maryse with a near fall. Maryse sends Eve into the turnbuckles. Alicia tags in and kicks Eve. Alicia with an Irish whip but Eve moves on a charge into the corner and Gail is tagged in. Gail with clotheslines and a rana. Gail with forearms but she counters a tilt-a-whirl back breaker with a lateral press. Gail with a drop kick and Alicia goes to the floor. Alicia sends Eve into the apron. Gail with a forearm to Maryse but Alicia attacks Gail from behind. Alicia with a scissors kick for the three count.

Winners: Alicia Fox and Maryse

We go to commercial.

We are back with the opening video package of the Vince McMahon beatdown.

We have an Earlier Tonight Moment of the Nexus attack on the Friends of Ricky Steamboat and their systematic destruction of the six legends.

After Michael Cole spells out everything again, Josh reminds us that next week we will find out the General Manager’s punishment (if there is one).

Before the match, Edge has a ladder in the ring before everyone else comes out, but John Morrison gets another one from under the ring to put in the aisle.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four (MEGAMATCH NUMBER ONE): Edge, The Miz, Chris Jericho, and Ted DiBiase versus John Morrison, Randy Orton, R Truth, and Evan Bourne

DiBiase and Morrison start things off and Ted with a kick and punch before sending Morrison into the turnbuckles. Ted with kicks to Morrison before the referee pulls him away. Morrison with an Irish whip and back body drop. Truth tags in and he punches Ted. Ted with a punch but Truth sends Ted over the top rope to the floor. Bourne tags in and waits for Ted to get up and he hits a running kick off the apron. Bourne rolls Ted back in and he kicks Ted in the leg a few times and Ted goes down. Bourne with a near fall. Miz tags in and Bourne with a hip toss and near fall. Miz punches Bourne but Bourne with a drop toe hold and kick to the head followed by a running drop kick into the corner for a near fall. Bourne with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Ted punches Bourne from the apron and Miz kicks him before he tags in Jericho. Jericho with a kick to the ribs and then he catapults Bourne into the bottom rope. Jericho with a baseball slide that sends Bourne to the floor. Jericho mocks Orton while Edge kicks Bourne on the floor. Jericho goes to the floor and he sends Bourne back in. Jericho slaps Bourne in the head as he mocks Bourne about not being able to make the tag. Miz tags in and Jericho with a punch before he leaves. Miz with a knee to the back followed by elbows to the head. Miz with a kick to the back and a rear chin lock with his knee in Bourne’s back. Bourne with a punch but Miz with a knee. Miz tries for a suplex but Bourne with a knee to the head and Morrison tags in. Morrison with clotheslines followed by a leg lariat. Morrison with an Irish whip and springboard spin kick. Morrison gets ready for the moonsault but Ted pulls Miz out of the ring. Morrison with a corkscrew plancha onto Ted and Miz. Edge attacks Morrison before he can return to the ring and we go to commercial.

We are back and Jericho is choking Morrison in the ropes. Ted punches Morrison while Jericho spent time with the referee. We see footage of Jericho hitting Morrison with a ladder during the commercial break.

We are back to live action and Jericho tries to suplex Morrison back in but Morrison floats over and gets a near fall with a rollup. Jericho with a near fall before tagging Edge back in and he kicks Morrison. Edge with a knee to the ribs. Morrison with punches but Edge with a drop toe hold to keep Morrison from making the tag. Ted tags in and he kicks and punches Morrison. Ted with a kick to Morrison and an Irish whip that sends Morrison face first into the turnbuckles. Ted with knees but Morrison with punches. Morrison tries to run to his corner but DiBiase with a power slam for a near fall. Ted with a reverse chin lock on Morrison. Edge tags in and he kicks Morrison. Edge with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Edge with a big boot of his own. Edge waits for Morrison to get up for the spear but Morrison moves out of the way and Edge hits the turnbuckles. Morrison crawls to his corner but Edge grabs the leg and pulls him from the corner. Morrison with an enzuigiri and both men are down.

Who will get the MEGA change in momentum. Jericho and Bourne tag in and Bourne with a rana and drop kick. Bourne with a jumping spin kick and a jumping back heel kick for a near fall. Bourne goes to the turnbuckles but Jericho stops him and Jericho tries for a superplex but Bourne knees Jericho off. Bourne tries for the shooting star press but Jericho moves and Bourne lands on his feet. Jericho with a Codebreaker and both men are down. Ted and Orton tag in and Orton with an RKO for the three count.

Winners: Randy Orton, Evan Bourne, R Truth, and John Morrison

After the match, Edge attacks Randy Orton from behind and then he brings the ladder into the ring. Edge hits Truth with the ladder and but Morrison with a drop kick to the ladder and Edge goes down. Bourne with a kick to Jericho and then Morrison helps Bourne with a springboard cross body onto Jericho as Jericho goes into the announce table. Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale to Morrison and then Miz sets up the ladder in the center of the ring as he climbs the ladder but Orton pushes Miz off and Miz hits the top rope. Orton stares at the ladder and then he sets it up and climbs the ladder to take the briefcase off the hook.
2010 - ROH broadcast Ring of Honor on HDNet.  Stuart Carapola filed the following TV Report:
Welcom to the ROH On HDNet Report here on!

This week's show opens with a "not PG" look back at Death Before Dishonor VIII, complete with a shot of El Generico choking out Kevin Steen with a tie. Speaking of Generico, he's in tonight's main event against ROH World Champion Tyler Black! Let's head to the ring for our first match.

Kevin Steen vs Bobby Shields

Steen has a microphone with him on his way to the ring and cuts off Bobby Cruise, saying that he'll handle it from here. He then goes on to say that since Mike Hogewood and Dave Prazak don't have many nice things to say about him, so they can take a break and he'll handle commentary during his match, along with his broadcast partner, Steve Corino. Corino tells Shields that he gave him the beating of his life a few weeks ago, and...BOOM, Steen nails him from behind to start the match. Steen proceeds to do Jerry Lawler's old gimmick of doing commentary on his own match, as he lays Shields out with a short clothesline and a somersault legdrop for 2. Steen takes his shirt off to the delight of the crowd, but Shields uses the opportunity to roll Steen up from behind for 2. Shields tries a Frankensteiner but gets powerbombed as Corino says to slap the porcupine. Steen makes Shields hold the microphone for him as he puts him in a Crippler Crossface for the submission win.

Winner: Kevin Steen

Steen and Corino thank us for watching the most highly rated segment in the history of HDNet, then send us to commercial.

Instead, we go to Kyle Durden with an update on the Necro Butcher, who the doctors were reluctant to clear to wrestle, but he'll be in action tonight and he promises we'll see a side of him that nobody has ever seen before. Speaking of which, let's go back to the ring for our next match...

Erick Stevens vs Necro Butcher

Wait a minute, Necro comes out with a duffel bag and grabs a mic. The fans chant "Necro" and he says that this isn't easy for him to say, but here goes: he spent a lot of time in the hospital in Dayton and he has no insurance. These Butcher's Rules matches with the Embassy have gotten more and mroe brutal and he just won't be able to wrestle tonight. He has someone to fight the Embassy tonight, but he can't do it and he doesn't know when he'll see everyone again. He heads to the back as Grizzly Redwood's music hits, so I guess our match is...

Erick Stevens vs Grizzly Redwood

Redwood goes right after Stevens, sending him out to the floor and trying a dive, but Stevens catches Redwood and press slams him into the ringpost. Stevens tosses him back in the ring and chokes him with his own suspenders. Redwood tries fighting back but Stevens rams a series of knees to Redwood's midsection and then runs him into the top turnbuckle. Stevens with a hard back suplex, then tosses Redwood to the floor where Nana and Osiris put the boots to him. Grizzly makes it back in the ring where Stevens locks in a bearhug, Grizzly escapes with a chinbreaker but Stevens with another knee puts Grizzly back down. Stevens chokes Redwood on the bottom rope, and then Nana gets more cheapshots from the outside. Stevens with another bearhug and then rams Redwood into the corner. Stevens whips Redwood into the opposite corner and goes for the Choo Choo, but Redwood moves and starts firing back on Stevens and hits a springboard flying headscissors and a bulldog for 2. Redwood with a tornado DDT for 2, then goes up top and tries something, but Stevens catches him and kills him with a German Suplex, then hits the Choo Choo and lariat and goes for the cover...but pulls Redwood up at 2. Stevens with a second lariat and again pulls Redwood up at 2. Now Nana comes up on the apron to confer with Stevens, but Redwood rolls Stevens up from behind for 3. Well, that was a bit contrived.

Winner: Grizzly Redwood

Stevens and company triple team Redwood after the match, but Rasche Brown comes in and cleans house on the Embassy. Nana tries to cheapshot Rasche, but Rasche no-sells and chokes him, but Stevens lowblows Rasche and starts putting a beating on Rasche. Nana grabs a mic and announces that there's a new member of the Embassy, and he's in fact the new crown jewel of the Embassy, Jimmy Rave's music hits, and out comes...Necro Butcher in Jimmy Rave's old robe. Osiris opens Necro's duffel bag and pulls out a piece of plywood with Rasche's name written on it, which Necro takes and breaks over Rasche's head. Nana and Osiris roll Redwood back in the ring, and Necro goes to give him the side suplex on the chair, but the referees drag him out to the floor before Necro can do any more damage.

We go to Mike and Dave, and Mike is confused by the whole situation, but Dave points out that Necro needed the money to feed his family, so he sold out to the Embassy. But right now, let's go to a video recap of Death Before Dishonor VIII which, by the way, was an awesome show that I did a live report of, which you can find on, as well as a postgame audio show in the Elite section.

Back to the ring for our next match...

Josh Raymond & Christin Able vs Up In Smoke

Of course Raymond and Able are otherwise known as the House Of Truth, and if you've read my DVD reviews on, you'll know what a great team I think they are. Cheech & Cloudy, by the way, really impressed me over the Buffalo/Toronto weekend, they worked really hard and I think they deserve more regular dates with the company as well. Able takes Cloudy to the corner and tags in Raymond, who snapmares Cloudy for a 1 count and then goes to a half nelson for another 1. Cloudy tries to escape so Raymond with a drop toehold and a side headlock, which Cloudy reverses out of. Another wristlock exchange but Raymond makes the ropes, and Able comes in to distract Cloudy and allow Raymond to nail him from behind. Cloudy comes back with a flying headscissors and a dropkick for 2, then headscissors Raymond into the turnbuckle, following that up with a running pair of knees for 2. Tag out to Cheech, and Up In Smoke with a quick series of double team moves for 2. Tag back out to Cloudy and they drop toehold Able onto Raymond and then do the double team Boston Crab pose thingy they do. Raymond with a chinbreaker to Cloudy and tags out to Able, who comes right in and takes an armdrag. Raymond with a boot from the outside, but Able baseball slides to the floor and both of them grab an ankle and yank Cloudy out to the floor where he crashes hard. They roll Cloudy back in and cover for 2. Raymond tags back in and chokes Cloudy on the ropes, then they hit a double team dropkick for 2. More quick tags in and out on Cloudy, Raymond goes for a Super Bomb but Frankensteiners out and dropkicks Able, then makes the hot tag to Cheech, who cleans house on Raymond and then hits a dive to the floor on Raymond. Cheech goes back in, tosses Able to the floor, and then hits another dive that wipes out the two of them. Cheech puts Raymond on top but Able catches him with a bearhug and Raymond moonsaults him for 2. Cheech and Cloudy come back and hit their dropkick/619 combo for 2. Able grabs Cloudy and lawn darts him into the top turnbuckle, and Cheech rolls Raymond up, but the referee didn't see it and Able nails him and they hti a double team move for the win.

Winners: Josh Raymond & Christin Able

We go backstage to the Dark City Fight Club, who say that they know what they want to do, and when you put them together, they can't fail. Davis says that Chris Hero is one of the smartest wrestlers in the world and Claudio Castagnoli is one of the strongest. He says they're a great team, but they have what the DCFC wants. By the way, the DCFC will face the Kings Of Wrestling next week.

We go back to last week as Christopher Daniels interrupted the contract signing between Tyler Black and Davey Richards and challenged the both of them. Next week: the American Wolves take on Daniels and Roderick Strong!

Main event time...

El Generico vs ROH World Champion Tyler Black

Tyler with a wristlock to start, Generico tries to reverse out of it but Tyler holds on. Generico reverses to a hammerlock and then changes that up to a side headlock, but Tyler kicks his way out and they do a takedown/kickout/takedown/kickout sequence that finishes with the Indy Standoff (tm). Tyler with a go behind, and this leads to another reversal sequence, Generico fires Tyler off into the ropes and Tyler comes back and takes Generico down with a shoulderblock. Another fast paced sequence ends with Tyler elbowing Generico in the face, then hitting a snapmare and kick to the back, followed by the time wasting stomp to the face, and Generico bails to the corner. Generico comes out and catches Tyler with a series of armdrags and a leg lariat, followed by a bodyslam for 2. They exchange punches in the ring until Tyler headbutts Generico and Beels him across the ring for 2. Tyler with a forearm/elbow/short clothesline combo for 2. Nice. They exchange chops and Tyler does his "whoops I missed a dropkick, let me backflip instead" thing before connecting on the second attempt for 2. Another exchange of blows until Tyler tries a charge and Generico moves and Tyler goes crashing out to the floor. Generico hits a somersault dive over the top rope and takes out Tyler on the floor. Generico sends Tyler in and hits a flying bodypress for 2 and then tries a back suplex, but Tyler backflips out of it and rolls Generico up for 2, then connects with a kick to the face on the kickout. Tyler with the time wasting stompy running elbow in the corner, but Generico comes back with a Michinoku Driver for 2. Generico goes for the half and half suplex, Tyler fights out, and Generico hits a Yakuza Kick, but Tyler no-sells. A second Yakuza Kick and Tyler responds with a leaping enziguiri and both men are down. Reversal sequence leads to Tyler hitting Peroxism for 2, then puts Generico on the top rope and goes for a suplex apparently, but Generico fights him off, so Tyler with another leaping enziguiri and Generico is caught in the Tree Of Woe, so Tyler goes up top and hits a double stomp and goes for the cover, but Generico barely gets the foot on the rope at 2. Tyler pulls Generico to the center of the ring and goes up top, but misses the Phoenix Splash, and Generico suplexes Tyler into the corner and hits the coast to coast dropkick for a close 2. Generico goes for another Yakuza Kick but Kevin Steen runs down to ringside and pulls Generico's ankle and pulls him groin first into the ringpost for the DQ.

Winner: El Generico by DQ

Steen jumps in the ring and attacks Generico, but Black with a superkick sends Steen to the floor, and he stands in the aisle making faces at Tyler as we go off the air.

Really good episode this week, I thought Black and Generico had a great main event, I liked the gimmick with Steen doing commentary on his own match (which probably goes over the heads of a lot of younger fans), and I really enjoyed the Necro Butcher heel turn. It didn't quite surprise me because I knew about it weeks ago, but it surprised me when I found out about it, so if you only watch ROH on TV then it probably came as a nice surprise to you. Strong episode this week coming off of a great Death Before Dishonor VIII iPPV.

2012 - TNA broadcast Impact Wrestling. Stu Carapola filed the following TV report:

Welcome to this week's Impact Wrestling Report on, as we will have segment-by-segment updates throughout the evening!

We start off looking at last week when Austin Aries made the decision to trade in the X Division Title for a shot at the World Title, but only if Hulk Hogan agreed to allow the X Division Champion the option of turning in the title for a World Title shot every year. We also see the cliffhanger from last week's episode when AJ Styles and Dixie Carter revealed that their secret involved them helping out a pregnant junkie and they weren't having an affair after all. From there, we go backstage to Dixie Carter telling AJ Styles that she's glad this is over and they're moving on, and AJ says he's going to move on to taking out Daniels and Kazarian tonight, and it's not just for Dixie and himself, but for Claire as well. We then go backstage as Dixie Carter is walking around with Claire, and we'll hear her story throughout the evening. But for now, let's go to the ring!

Bound For Glory Series: Ken Anderson vs Rob Van Dam

Remember, BFG Series matches have a 15 minute time limit starting this year. They tie up and go to a top wristlock, RVD goes behind with a waistlock, Anderson slips out and thy trade pinfall attempts back and forth before winding up at a stalemate. RVD goes for a handshake, but Anderson suckerpunches him and lays him out with a clothesline. Anderson with a snap suplex for 2, RVD gets a bodyscissors cradle for 2, then he takes Anderson down and puts him in the Muta Lock. RVD gets an abdominal stretch and rolls Anderson backward into a guillotine cradle for 2, Anderson tries to break free but RVD holds the cradle and Anderson is forced to elbowstrike his way out. Anderson catches RVD with a running back elbow for 2, RVD gets under Anderson and gets a northern lights suplex for 2, but RVD hits a series of jabs that take Anderson down, then he comes off the ropes with a cartwheel into a moonsault for 2. RVD goes for the split legged moonsault, but Anderson gets the knees up and quickly covers for 2. Anderson goes for the Mic check, RVD fights his way out, but Anderson gets a rolling neckbreaker for 2. Anderson gets a sleeper, RVD hiptosses his way out, Anderson picks RVD up for a Finlay roll, but RVD reverses to a crucifix for the win.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

RVD gets onto the board for the first time with 7 points, and he's in 4th place behind James Storm in first, Samoa Joe in second, and Anderson in third.

Austin Aries is on his way to the ring, and we'll hear what he has to say...NEXT!

We're back, and Aries says that last week, he had a difficult decision to make, and it wasn't easy to give up the X Division Title, but he's beaten heavyweights like Bully Ray and Samoa Joe, and he thought he wanted something bigger. That's why he came up with his Option C, and when Hogan agreed, it made his decision easy, but now the question is what happens to the X Division Title. There's going to be a tournament for the title at Destination X, and when he was given a contract and told to run with it, he worked himself into a position where he's challenging for the World Title, and now every X Division Champion will have the same opportunity because of him. Bobby Roode's music hits, and he comes out to say that he couldn't help but hear how overconfident Aries sounds tonight, but he wants Aries to take a good look at him and the belt he holds. It's the real World Championship, and that's because Roode made it that way. He's the most dominant World Champion in the history of Impact Wrestling, and if Aries wants to talk about opportunities, there's 12 men in the Bound For Glory series fighting for a chance to challenge him for the title. The only reason Aries has a title shot is because of Hulk Hogan, and Option C is nothing but a failure because Aries is setting himself and the X Division up for failure, and he's going to make sure Aries fails at Destination X because he's not in Roode's league. Roode tells Aries to get out of his ring, but Aries asks what happens if Aries thinks it's his ring. He slaps the microphone out of Roode's hand and says that if Roode wants to get Aries out of his ring, to make him. Both men are ready to go, but Roode has second thoughts and heads to the back with his belt.

We take another look at last week when Claire Lynch revealed her situation, then Claire says that her mom was close with Dixie her whole life and that's how she knows AJ, then the Mystery Cameraman asked when things went bad. She says it was when Daniels and Kazarian found out about her, and she never met them before and can't believe that they would take something so nice and turn it into what it is. We then go backstage where Kazarian is yelling at Daniels because he turned on his best friend to follow Daniels' BS. Daniels tries to reason with Kazarian, but he still seems pretty upset.

X Division Tournament Qualifying Match: Rubix vs Sonjay Dutt

This is to determine who will go on to the X Division Title Tournament at Destination X. Fast paced sequence to start and Sonjay hit a flying headscissors that sent Rubix out to the floor. Sonjay got ready to hit a dive, but Rubix came back inside and dumped Dutt out to the floor, and he hit a dive before rolling Dutt back inside and heading up top. Dutt caught him with a dropkick on the way down and then hit the pendulum kick to the face, followed by a springboard splash for 2. Rubix hits a leaping enziguiri and a bridging German suplex for 2. Dutt hit a fancy spinning tornado DDT and then came off the top rope with a moonsault into a double stomp for the win.

Winner: Sonjay Dutt

Wow, that was a hell of a finishing move! Christy Hemme interviews Sonjay after the match and asks how it feels to be back in the Impact Zone, and Sonjay says that the one thing he never accomplished when he was in Impact Wrestling was winning the X Division title, and he's going to do that now because nobody has swagger like he does.

We look back at last week when Taeler Hendrix appeared in the Gut Check, then we go to Al Snow, Taz, and Bruce Prichard as they debate whether Taeler deserves the contract. They debate whether they're looking for someone with potential or someone who's game ready, and Taz says that she didn't have a sense of entitlement coming in, which is good because he can't stand people who have that kind of attitude during a tryout. Taz seems pretty high on her, Prichard and Snow aren't quite so sure because they have doubts, and we'll find out her fate later on tonight.

Bound For Glory Series: Bully Ray vs Samoa Joe

Bubba gets right in Joe's face and tries to get in his head by mouthing off to him, but Joe isn't intimidated and they tie up as the crowd chants that Joe is gonna kill Bubba. They do some quick chain wrestling before colliding with a pair of shoulderblocks that neither man sells. Bubba takes Joe down with a back elbow and then goes to work on Joe's arm and rakes his eyes. Bubba with a vertical suplex and a diving headbutt as we go to commercial.

We're back as Joe is running Bubba over with a series of shoulderblocks and hits a leaping enziguiri, but Bubba hits a clothesline and turns the tide just like that. They trade blows in the middle of the ring and wipe each other out with a double clothesline. Bubba drapes his arm over Joe for 2, but Joe is quickly up and jabbing Bubba in the face. A vertical suplex attempt fails because Bubba was working on Joe's arm, and Bubba capitalizes by going after Joe's arm with a high angle armbar while holding the ropes. Joe slips out to the floor to try and get some feeling back in his arm, but Bubba wanders too close to him and gets dragged out to the floor. Bubba slams Joe's arm onto the ring steps and rolls him back inside, but Joe moves out of the way of a big splash. Joe with an inverted atomic drop and running big boot followed by a back senton for 2. Bubba hits a uranage out of nowhere for 2, but misses a senton off the second rope and they go to the outside where Bubba lays Joe out with a big boot. Bubba rolls inside to let the referee count, but now Joseph Park comes out and goes face to face with Bubba, slapping him and allowing Joe to sneak in from behind and tap Bubba out to the Kokina Clutch.

Winner: Samoa Joe

That's a big 10 points for Joe, who now solidifies his second place standing. Joseph Park gets a microphone and says he knows who Bubba is, but asks if Bubba knows who he is. He's Joseph Park, and he's been bullied his entire life, and it ends right here tonight because it's not about Abyss anymore, it's about himself and Bubba. He's watched Bubba bully everyone around here for long enough and he's sick of it, so Park says they should settle this once and for all. He wants two weeks to get ready, and he'll get in the ring and fight Bubba again, and this time he'll bring the fight to Bubba.

Time for more from Claire and Dixie, and Dixie says that the photo Daniels had was from AJ telling her how bad she really was. That, and the hotel room photo were taken out of context, as was the phone call where it turns out they were indeed planning Serge's surprise party and Dixie was trying to get AJ and his kids to come down.

Kazarian is in Hulk Hogan's office saying that he made a big mistake and he wants to be a tag team champion in this company, but not at the expense of his integrity. Hogan doesn't quite believe him, but says that if that's the way Kazarian wants to do it, then he's going to make Kazarian accountable in tonight's main event.

Garett Bischoff is backstage and Madison Rayne comes over to hit on him, but Garett basically blows her off and Madison looks totally shot down. We then go to the Knockouts locker room where Brooke Hogan got Brooke Tessmacher a Direct Auto Insurance ad. Gail Kim comes in to lay down the law to Brooke and tell her where her bread is buttered, and Gail Kim wants another shot at Tessmacher. Hogan tells Gail not to come in here and get in her face, but she's getting her title shot next week so she'd better be ready.

X Division Tournament Qualifier: Rashad Cameron vs Mason Andrews

Okay, Andrews is Scorpio Sky from the California independents, one of the most supremely talented guys on the independents. Andrews gets a series of rollups for 2, then backdrops Cameron to the floor and hits a twisting dive. Cameron gets a bit of an advantage and picks Andrews up for a suplex before dumping him onto the top rope, but he misses a moonsault and Andrews connects with a series of clotheslines and a springboard crossbody for 2. Andrews misses another one and gets dropkicked out to the floor, and Cameron wipes Andrews out with a dive over the top rope. Cameron goes to the top rope, but Andrews leaps from the mat to hit a Frankensteiner. Cameron shoves Andrews at the referee and hits a leaping Flatliner for the win.

Winner: Rashad Cameron

Christy catches up with Cameron to ask his thoughts, and Cameron says he's going to be the next X Division Champion and we just saw the beginning of the Cameron Movement.

Hogan is backstage blowing someone off on the phone, and he asks how Jeff Hardy and James Storm are doing. Storm says he's feeling better after taking time off, and Hogan tells both of them that they're on fire and looking like they're ready to take on the world. Next week's main event is going to be Storm vs Hardy in the BFG Series, and they say that this is what they do this for.

Jeremy Borash is in the ring to introduce the judges for this month's Gut Check, and then introduces Taeler Hendrix to hear the decision on whether she will get a TNA contract. The judges all feel like they've seen enough to make their decision, Taeler says she showed her best, and we go to the judges for their decision. Taz says yes, Al Snow says that he's known her a long time and has seen her grow, and...wait a minute, Joey Ryan is in thecrowd making a ruckus and Taz goes out to the floor to go face to face with him. Joey Ryan is telling Taz to go ahead and hit him, but Al Snow comes out to get Taz back in the ring and summons security to eject Ryan. We get back to Taeler, and Snow says that he knows she has talent and potential, but he doesn't think she's ready just yet. It all comes down to Bruce Prichard now, and Taeler gets one last chance to try and impress the last judge, and she says that at some time and place, someone gave all the judges a chance, and she wants a chance to prove to them that she can shine because she wants this. We go to Prichard, and he says that she's green and rough around the edges, and he's not sure she's ready for prime time, but she has heart, desire, and class. His answer is yes, and with that, Borash welcomes her to Impact Wrestling. Taeler looks into the camera and thanks the fans at home for helping her to get here.

Kurt Angle is backstage telling Styles that he respects what he was doing with Dixie, and they're going to retain their title here tonight. Styles says the weight is off his shoulders, Daniels and Kazarian are divided, and they're going to give their best tonight and win.

Here's the latest standings in the Bound For Glory Series: James Storm is in first place with 36 points, Samoa Joe is in second with 27, Kurt Angle in third with 10, and Ken Anderson in fourth with 9 points. Next week, James Storm and Jeff Hardy go at it in another match between two favorites in the series.

It's main event time!

World Tag team Title Match: Kurt Angle & AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian

Styles and Kazarian start, and AJ grabs Kazarian by the throat and backs him to the corner before taking him down and hitting an indy kick to the back. Angle is in and Kazarian quickly tags out, and Daniels slams Angle and hits a springboard elbowdrop and tags in Kazarian to cover for 2. Daniels tags himself back in and he quickly gets backdropped and suplexed out to the floor where AJ comes off the apron with a flying headscissors before dumping Daniels chest first onto the ring apron. Styles rams Daniels into the barricade and then goes back inside to await Daniels as he argues with Kazarian on the floor and we go to commercial.

We're back as Daniels hits an STO for 2 on AJ, he tries the Arabian moonsault, but AJ gets the knees up and Daniels hits hard. AJ makes the hot tag to Angle and Daniels immediately tags out to Kazarian, who gets his clock cleaned by Angle. Angle with the rolling German suplexes on Kazarian and then the straps come down as Angle starts with rolling German suplexes on Daniels. Daniels tries to hold onto Kazarian and Kazarian elbows him in the face to allow Angle to hit one last German. Kazarian goes for Fade To Black on Angle, Angle reverses to the anklelock, Kazarian kicks him off, but AJ comes in with a springboard forearm. Daniels comes in and he and AJ wipe each other out with simultaneous crossbody blocks. The referee gets bumped to the floor and then Daniels dumps Angle to the outside. Daniels gets a steel chair and goes to hit AJ with it, but Kazarian grabs the chair out of his hand, allowing AJ to hit the Pelle kick. Kazarian tosses the chair away, tells Styles to finish Daniels, then slides out of the ring. AJ goes for the Styles Clash, but Kazarian quickly slides back into the ring and knocks AJ out with the chair, allowing Daniels to cover AJ and get the three count.

Winners and NEW World Tag Team Champions: Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian

Daniels says this is a great day because they're the new champions, and Claire told the truth tonight, but not the whole truth. She's obviously pregnant, and the truth is that the baby's father is AJ STYLES!

2012 - Maxine, who had been seen mostly on WWE NXT and a few Raw appearances, including Monday's Battle Royal, quit the company.

The word making the rounds is that she had been frustrated with a number of things, including not being offered a guaranteed deal and not having the chance to prove herself on TV beyond the WWE NXT level.

Maxine, real name Karlee Perez, signed a WWE developmental deal in 2009. After wrestling for Florida Championship Wrestling, she was brought up to NXT for the all Divas third season. She returned to NXT as part of the retribution season four and became involved in a triangle with Derek Bateman and Johnny Curtis.

2012 - EVOLVE held their EVOLVE 14 iPPV in Florida.  Richard Trionfo filed the following live report:

Welcome to the live coverage of Evolve 14 from the Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida. This show is available on iPPV by clicking the poster above.

In a dark match before the iPPV started, Steel Horse Vachon and Rafi Rex versus Threat and Kory Chavis: Chavis and Threat win when Chavis pinned Rex after a Yakuza Kick.

On the FUW portion of the iPPV:

Match Number One: FUW Flash Title Match. Rocky Santiago versus Lince Dorado for the Flash Title. Dorado defeated Santiago with a rana to retain the title.

Match Number Two: Maxwell Chicago versus Dakota Darsow. Darsow defeated Chicago with a neck breaker.

Match Number Three: Kennedy Kendrick and Johnny Armani versus The James Boys. The James Boys pinned Armani after the Demolition Decapitation.

Fidel Sierra comes to the ring. Sierra mentions the Legends of the Bayfront that will take place on Friday night in St. Petersburg. Sierra calls out Kevin Sullivan. Sullivan wonders why they have to wait until Saturday night in Jacksonville and he attacks Sierra. They fight to the back.

Match Number Four: Cuban Heavyweight Title Match. Sam Shaw versus Wes Brisco. Brisco retains with a rollup.

Match Number Five: Bruiserweight Title Match: Michael Tarver versus Deimos. Tarver retains with the 1.9 Punch.

Match Number Six: Championship versus Championship (FUW Heavyweight Title versus NWA National Title): Bruce Santee versus Kahagas (with Bill Alfonso). Kahagas pinned Santee with a choke slam after Ron Niemi and Navy Seal came to ringside.

After the match, Bruce Santee gets on the mic and says that Kahagas was the better man tonight, but he will have to think about Ron Niemi and Navy Seal. Bruce talks about their match on Friday night in St. Petersburg.

This concludes the FUW portion of the show.

There is a brief intermission to change the ring for Evolve.



Evolve 14


Match Number One: John Silver versus Jake Manning (with Chuck Taylor and The Swamp Monster)


They lock up and Manning with a waist lock but Silver with a key lock take down. Manning with a reversal and Silver with a hammer lock. Silver with a drop kick and arm drag into an arm bar. Silver with a rollup for a near fall. Manning pushes Silver and comments on Silver’s height. Manning pushes him again.

Silver with a European uppercut but Manning with a kick to the midsection. Silver counters a hip toss with an arm drag. Silver with a back elbow and Manning goes to the apron. Manning with a shoulder and then he tries to suplex Silver to the floor and he takes him to the apron. Silver and Manning with forearms on the apron.

Silver with a kick to the head when Manning charges at him. Manning with a snap mare on the apron and Silver goes to the floor. Silver returns to the ring before the ten count. Manning suplexes Silver back into the ring with a delayed vertical suplex as the crowd counts to twenty.

Manning gets a near fall. Silver with punches but Manning with a back elbow and elbow drop. Manning gets a near fall. Manning with a reverse chin lock. Taylor reviews Manning’s scout manual while Manning connects with forearms. Manning with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner. Silver with a kick to the head and then he hits an inverted DDT for a near fall. Manning runs Silver into the corner and connects with shoulders.

Manning runs into a knee and then Silver stomps on the shoulder and hits a swanton dive into the corner. Silver tries for a flying back elbow but Manning ducks and then hits a DDT but can only get a two count.

The straps come down for Manning and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Silver gets to his feet. Silver with a knee and then he hits back breaker for the three count.


Winner: John Silver


I thought this was a good opener. Manning and Silver had good chemistry in the ring.


After the match, Chuck Taylor takes the mic and he tells Silver to leave. Taylor says that he will beat Colt Cabana tonight and he will beat Johnny Gargano tomorrow to become the Open the Freedom Gate Champion. Then he will challenge the Swamp Monster and give him the first title match after winning.


Match Number Two: Special Attraction Match: Chuck Taylor (with Jake Manning and the Swamp Monster) versus Colt Cabana


Taylor mocks Cabana but Cabana gives it back. Cabana avoids a punch from Taylor and Taylor talks to the Manscout and Monster. Taylor tells Cabana to cut the malarkey. They lock up and Cabana with a side head lock. Cabana with a shoulder tackle and then he marches around the ring and poses in front of Chuck. They lock up again and Cabana with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.

Taylor shows some frustration with his performance so far. They lock up again and Cabana with another side head lock. Cabana goes off the ropes and avoids Taylor and then he takes down Taylor and gets a rollup. Taylor talks to his seconds and Cabana spanks Taylor.

Cabana works on the arm and then he slaps Chuck on the shoulder. Taylor with a wrist lock and Cabana tries to reverse and Cabana frustrates Chuck and gets a near fall. Cabana runs into an elbow from Taylor but Taylor misses a moonsault and lands on his feet. Cabana tells Chuck to stop and he flinches when Colt tries to punch him.

Taylor tries for a cross body but he falls short. Cabana chops Chuck in the corner and then he slaps him in the back. Taylor with an Irish whip and Cabana kicks Taylor. Chuck with a drop kick into the corner and Cabana’s leg gets caught in the ropes. Taylor pulls on the leg while the referee tries to get Cabana out of the ropes.

Taylor kicks Cabana and punches him. Taylor with a leg sweep and then he applies a spinning toe hold. Taylor gets a near fall and then he punches Cabana in the head. Taylor with a kick to the chest and a forearm to the back. Cabana with a chop but Taylor kicks Cabana in the hamstring.

Chuck with a figure four leg lock and Taylor gets a near fall. Cabana tries to roll over to reverse the hold and eventually he rolls to the apron and then they fall to the floor. Cabana rolls in right before the referee was about to make it to ten. Taylor kicks Cabana and then applies a spinning toe hold. Cabana kicks Taylor to the floor.


Taylor comes off the turnbuckles and Cabana with a chop. Cabana with chops followed by punches and then he goes for the Bionic Elbow and hits it. Taylor with a kick to the leg but Cabana with a leaping butt splash for a near fall. Taylor with a knee to the head.

Cabana with a near fall with an inside cradle when Taylor tries for another figure four leg lock. Cabana applies the figure four and Taylor reverses immediately. Cabana rolls back over and gets a few near falls.

Taylor with a boot to Cabana and then he goes to the turnbuckles for a moonsault but Cabana moves out of the way. Cabana with a back elbow and then he goes to the turnbuckles. Taylor pulls him off and then he applies a single leg crab. Cabana taps out.


Chuck Taylor


After the match, he hugs Swamp Monster.

This was a real fun match to watch. They mixed comedy with some good mat work. Taylor is becoming a star with performances like this.


Match Number Three: The Scene (Kaleb Conley and Scott Reed) versus Mike Cruz and Cheech


Cheech and Konley start things off and Konley with a side head lock. Cheech with a drop kick and head scissors from the turnbuckles. Reed hits Cheech and then Konley hits a discus forearm. Reed attacks Cheech on the floor and then he is rolled back into the ring and Konley gets a near fall. Cheech tags in Cruz.

Cruz with forearms to Reed and Konley. Cruz is sent into the air but Reed but Cruz with a drop kick to Konley and Caleb goes to the floor. Cheech kicks Reed and hits a senton from the apron and then Cruz hits a back senton off Reed’s back. Cruz hits a suicide dive onto Konley.

Cruz rolls Konley back in and Cruz goes up top but Reed slams Cruz off the turnbuckles. Konley with a knee drop and a leaping knee drop for a near fall. Konley sends Cruz’ head into Reed’s boot. Reed and Konley send Cruz to the mat and hit a double elbow drop and Reed gets a near fall.

Cruz with a double leg take down but Reed with a forearm to the back. Konley tags back in and he gets Cruz up for a delayed vertical suplex with Reed chopping Cruz in the chest and back before Konley returns Cruz to the mat. Cruz with chops to Konley followed by a rollup for a near fall.

Konley with a clothesline for a near fall. Reed tags back in and Konley traps the leg. Reed with a kick and back body drop for a near fall. Reed with a forearm to Cruz as Reed keeps Cruz from getting back to his corner. Cruz with a series of kicks ending with an enzuigiri and both men are down.

Cheech and Konley tag in and Cheech with a kick to Caleb and then to Reed. Cheech goes off Reed’s back to hit a rana on Konley. Cheech takes care of Reed in the ring before hitting a flip dive onto Konley. Cheech goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall.

Cheech with forearms but Konley pushes Reed out of the way. Konley with a spinebuster and then he slingshots Cheech into a power slam. Cruz breaks up the cover. Cruz with a back elbow into the corner followed by kicks. Cheech with a drop kick to the head. Cruz with splash but Reed breaks up the cover.

Reed with a forearm to Cruz’ head and then Reed sends Cheech to the floor. Cruz gets on Reed’s shoulders but Reed drives him to the mat and then they hit the gutbuster into a wheelbarrow suplex on Cruz for the three count.


Winners: The Scene


I really liked this match. All four men worked well in the match. Cruz and Cheech were a good team for what I think was their first time together. Reed and Konley have really turned into a strong team.


Match Number Four: Style Battle Tournametn Match: Tommy Taylor versus Jon Davis


Davis goes for Taylor’s leg but Taylor avoids him. They lock up and Davis backs him into the corner. Davis with a clean break. They lock up again and Taylor backs Davis into the corner. Taylor with a clean break. Taylor with a waist lock but Davis with a standing switch. Taylor with a front face lock and take down for a near fall.

Davis backs Taylor into the corner and Davis with another clean break. They lock up again and Davis goes for the leg and takes Taylor to the mat. Taylor works on the arm and rolls Davis over. Davis with a boot to Taylor and both men return to their feet.

They lock up and Taylor with a side head lock. Taylor with a head butt to the midsection and then he hits a leap frog neck breaker and then he gets to his feet for another neck breaker and gets a near fall. Taylor with an arm bar and he works on Davis’ injured hand. Taylor with an arm bar and he gets a near fall.

They go to a Greco Roman knuckle lock but Taylor with a monkey flip and he floats over and gets a few near falls. Davis bridges to avoid the pinfall. Davis monkey flips Taylor to escape the hold. Taylor with a side head lock but Davis with a shoulder tackle. Davis catches Taylor on a leap frog attempt and hits a power slam and gets a near fall. Davis with a surfboard on Taylor.

Davis with a knee to Taylor’s midsection followed by a forearm to the back. Davis with a kick to the back. Davis with another kick to the back. Davis with a forearm to Taylor’s head followed by a chop. Davis with a knee to the back of the leg followed by a shoulder in the corner.

Davis sends Taylor sternum first into the turnbuckles followed by a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Davis with a slap to the chest and then he head butts Taylor. Davis with an elbow to the back of the neck. Davis with a hard Irish whip to Taylor. Taylor with punches to the upper chest but they have no effect on Davis.

Taylor counters a power slam attempt with a sleeper. Davis is down to his knees but he gets back to his feet and he gets to the ropes. Taylor with a double thrust to the throat but Davis with forearms. Taylor returns fire with forearms of his own. Davis with a back elbow but Taylor with a flying clothesline. Taylor with an elbow drop after a double leg take down and Taylor gets a near fall.

Taylor with a forearm to the back and a kick to the midsection. Taylor with European uppercuts but Davis flips Taylor over his back and then hits a spinebuster. Davis with a Yakuza kick for a near fall. Davis calls for a lariat and Taylor ducks it and hits a tornado DDT and both men are down.

Taylor gets a two count. Taylor sets up for a suplex but Davis blocks it. Taylor avoids a suplex from Davis. Taylor with a drop kick that sends Davis into the turnbuckles but Davis with the POUNCE followed by a spinning sit out power bomb for the three count.


Winner: Jon Davis (2 Points)


After the match, Lenny Leonard goes into the ring to interview Jon Davis. Lenny mentions the pressure that Jon put on himself. Jon says that this was easy. He will win tomorrow and Saturday.


Match Number Five: Style Battle Tournament Match: AR Fox versus Bobby Fish


They lock up and Fish backs Fox into the corner and he gives a clean break. Fish with a waist lock but Fox with a standing switch. Fish with a single leg take down but Fox gets to the ropes. They lock up again and Fox works on the arm and wrist. Fish with a reversal. Fox with a snap mare into a rollup for a near fall. Fish retreats into the ropes.

Fox with a waist lock and a Japanese arm drag and kip up. Fish with a forearm from the apron and then he tries for a slingshot senton but Fox moves. Fish with a drop kick. Fox with a kick to the chest and a drop kick that sends Fish to the floor. Fish kicks Fox off the apron. Fish runs into a boot from Fox and then Fox hits the step up moonsault off the ring post onto Fish.

Fox rolls Fish back into the ring and hits a springboard leg drop for a near fall. Fox with a kick to the back. Fox with an Irish whip and forearm into the corner followed by a snap mare for a near fall. Fox with a slam and then Fish hits a corkscrew split legged moonsault for a near fall.

Fox with a kick and Fish with a punch. Fox with boots to the chest and then he puts Fish over the apron. Fox goes up top and hits a leg drop across Fish’s chest. Fox goes up top for a Frog Splash but he lands on Fish’s knees. Fish with a kick to Fox’s ribs. Fish with a knee to the midsection followed by a snap mare. Fish with a double jump slingshot senton for a near fall.

Fish with a kick to the chest and a second one that sends Fox over the top rope to the floor. Fish goes to the apron and he suplexes Fox back into the ring and gets a near fall. Fish with knees to the midsection followed by an Exploder suplex for a near fall. Fish with a forearm to the back and a kick to the chest. Fish with a knee. Fox avoids a kick and does a matrix followed by an enzuigiri.

Fox gets a near fall. Fish with a punch to the midsection followed by a kick to the back of the leg. Fish with a round kick to the chest and Fox goes down. Fox trips Fish and pulls him to the floor. Fish with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Fish hits a moonsault for a near fall.

Fish runs into boots from Fox but Fish with a round kick for a two count. Fox with a rollup for a enar fall. Fish with a gut buster from a fireman’s carry followed by a back heel kick for a near fall. Fish with a slam and then he goes up top but Fox crotches him.

Fox sets for Lo Mein Pain but Fox holds on to the ropes. Fox with an enzuigiri and then Fox with a drop kick to the head that knocks Fish off the turnbuckles. Fox with a springboard 450 splash onto Fish on the floor. Both men struggle to get back into the ring but they both beat the twenty count.

Fox with a running clothesline into the corner and then he skins the cat into a hesitation kick. Fox with a running shooting star press into the corner for a near fall. Fox goes up top and hits a swanton for a near fall because Fox took too long to make the cover. Fox goes to the apron for a springboard move but Fish blocks it and hits a neck breaker followed by a kick to the back of the legs. Fish with a forearm and then he kicks the leg and hits a dragon screw leg whip. Fish runs into an elbow from Fox and Fox hits a springboard cutter but Fox struggles to make the cover so Fish is able to kick out.

Fox tries for Sliced Bread #2 but Fish counters iwht a rollup for a near fall. Fish with a knee bar and Fox taps out.


Winner: Bobby Fish (2 Points)


After the match, Lenny Leonard interviews Bobby Fish and asks him about how Bobby has developed since losing the first match in Evolve history and how he is at .500. Bobby says that it means a lot to be at .500. He says that it has been a long journey. He says that some might not be so excited about being at .500. To be where he was to make it to this point, it is a big deal. He says that he has two more matches so it is his chance to get above .500.

Both of the Style Battle Match were very good matches.


Match Number Six:Shine Preview Match: Sara Del Rey versus Santana Garrett


Del Rey with kicks to Garrett followed by an Irish whip. Garrett with an elbow and rana. Garrett with a handspring back elbow but Del Rey with a boot. Del Rey with a hip toss and then she chokes Garrett in the ropes. Del Rey gets Garrett on her shoulders but Garrett gets to her feet and hits a side Russian leg sweep but Del Rey with a claw and she pushes Garrett to the mat.

Del Rey with a back breaker and gets a near fall. Del Rey with a head butt. Garrett with a rana for a near fall. Del Rey with a back kick and a kick to the back of the head. Del Rey with another kick to the back of the head and then she Irish whip Garrett into the corner and hits a running kick to Garrett.

Del Rey with the Royal Butterfly for the three count.


Winner: Sara Del Rey


After the match, Del Rey gets on the mic and wants to know if this is the best that Shine has to offer. On July 20th, they will be back in this building for the first Shine show. She demands the best. She says that she is the Queen of Wrestling. She wants a challenge that she has never faced before. She says that besides her, the best is Jazz.

This was a good match to get people interested in the Shine Promotion since Del Rey is probably the top female wrestler in the US right now.


Match Number Seven: Four Way Freestyle Match: Johnny Gargano versus Tony Nese versus Alex Reynolds versus Lince Dorado

Nese takes care of Dorado and Reynolds at first but Gargano and Reynolds battle and after criss crossing, Gargano with a drop kick. Gargano with a back slide to Dorado and he rolls up Reynolds for a near fall. Dorado with a springboard corkscrew splash for a near fall on Gargano. Dorado with a drop kick to Gargano.

Dorado gets tripped by Nese and then Nese with a double jump moonsault onto Dorado for a near fall. Reynolds and Nese try for kicks. Nese lands on his feet after a German suplex attempt and then both men with drop kicks. Dorado with a drop kick to Reynolds but Gargano catches Dorado off the ropes.

Nese punches Gargano in the ribs and sends Johnny to the apron but Johnny with a spear on Nese and a suicide dive onto Reynolds. Gargano with a splash onto Dorado followed by one off the apron onto Nese. Garagano with a DDT to Reynolds for a near fall.

Gargano with a chop to Reynolds and then he puts him on the turnbuckles. Reynolds pushes Gargano off. Then he does the same to Dorado. Gargano sends Dorado into Reynolds on the turnbuckles for a drop kick. Dorado tries for a superplex and then Gargano joins in. Nese finishes off the tower of doom move.

Nese gets a near fall on Reynolds. Nese with a forearm to Reynolds but Reynolds with a chop. Nese and Reynolds continue to exchange chops. Nese with a matrix into a back heel kick and a super kick. Dorado with an X Factor to Nese. Dorado with kicks to Gargano but Gargano with a super kick.

Reynolds with a kick to Gargano and Gargano avoids a suplex. Reynolds with a kick and a cutter from a back breaker position. Reynolds with a moonsault for a near fall when Nese German suplexes Reynolds. Dorado breaks up the cover with a double stomp.

Dorado goes to the turnbuckles for a corkscrew splash onto Gargano and Reynolds. Dorado goes up top again and hits a rana on Reynolds. Dorado with kicks to Gargano’s head and he tries for a rana but Gargano counters with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.

Nese with a running drop kick to Gargano’s back. Nese with a back breaker and then he kicks Gargano. Reynolds with a rollup on Nese for a near fall. Reynolds back body drops Nese over the top rope to the floor. Gargano with a kick to Reynolds and then he lawn darts him into the turnbuckles. Gargano hits Hurts Donut on Reynolds. Dorado with a shooting star press onto Gargano while Nese hits a splash on Reynolds for the three count.


Winner: Tony Nese


After the match, Lenny asks Tony about his first win in Evolve. He says that he showed why he is the premier athlete. He asks Johnny how his back is. At Evolve 16, there is an open contract for Jacksonville, so he tells Gargano that he will see him on Saturday.


Match Number Eight: Main Event: El Generico versus Samuray Del Sol


They shake hands before locking up. They lock up and Generico with a waist lock take down into a front face lock but Del Sol gets to the ropes. They lock up again and Generico works on the arm and wrist. Del Sol with a reversal. Generico reverses as well. Del Sol with another reversal into wrist lock. Generico with an arm drag.

They lock up and Generico with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Generico with a leg lariat and he gets a near fall. They lock up again and Generico with a side head lock and take down. Del Sol with a head scissors and Generico escapes. Del Sol with a leg sweep. Generico tries for a leg sweep but Del Sol counters with a rana.

They go for a Greco Roman knuckle lock but Del Sol with kicks and an arm bar. Generico with a chop and Irish whip. Del Sol lands on his feet on a monkey flip attempt and then he drop kicks Generico and Generico goes to the floor.

Generico gets back into the ring. They shake hands again, but not with the same cordiality that they had at the start of the match. Generico with a shoulder tackle and then he chops Del Sol. Del Sol with a single leg take down and then Del Sol walks on his hands and hits a rana. Del Sol bounces off the ropes and connects with a forearm to the back followed by kicks.

Del Sol with an arm drag with an assist from the ropes for a near fall. Del Sol tries for the cross arm breaker but Generico tries to block it. Del Sol applies it but Generico has his foot on the ropes and Del Sol has to release the hold. Del Sol with a snap mare and kick to the back. Del Sol with a slingshot flip dive onto Generico for a near fall.

Del Sol with a running forearm and kick into the corner. Generico with a punch but Del Sol with a forearm. Generico with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and he gets a near fall. Generico with a chop and kick to the back. Generico with a forearm and he gets a near fall.

Generico with chops to Del Sol and Del Sol with a chop of his own. Generico with a forearm and he gets a near fall. Generico points to the turnbuckles and he hits a split legged moonsault but can only get a two count. Generico with forearms to Del Sol. Del Sol goes to the apron and hits an enzuigiri. Del Sol comes off the turnbuckles with an arm drag that sends Generico to the floor. Del Sol with a dive onto Generico on the floor.

Del Sol sends Generico bac into the ring. Dl Sol with an Asai DDT for a near fall. Del Sol with a Code Red after standing on Generico’s back. Generico with spinning Blue Thunder Driver for a near fall. Generico sets for the Yakuza kick but Del Sol moves out of the way. Del Sol goes up top but Generico stops him and sets for the turnbuckle brainbuster but Del Sol pushes him off. Generico hits a Michinoku Driver but only gets a two count.

Generico sets for the Yakuza kick and this time he hits it and hits a Dragon suplex but can only get a two count. Generico points to the turnbuckles for the brainbuster but Del Sol with a rollup for a near fall. Del Sol with a jawbreaker. Generico with another Yakuza kick and he hits the top turnbuckle brainbuster for the three count.


Winner: El Generico


After the match, El Generico gets on the mic and he calls out Low Ki and mentions that Low Ki is not here. He says that Low Ki talks and talks. Low Ki says that he is a warrior. He tells Low Ki that he is a World Warrior too. Generico says that unlike Low Ki, he can recognize talent and Del Sol has talent.

Generico tells Del Sol lo siento. He says that he sees a lot of El Generico in Samuray Del Sol. He says that Del Sol is the future of Lucha Libre. He says that Del Sol is tough and has cajones. He thanks Del Sol and he says that if Del Sol wants a rematch, he will give it to him. . . not now.

Del Sol takes the mic and he wants it tomorrow.

Generico says that he has cajones. He thanks everyone.

Christina Von Eerie comes out to the ring and she says that Generico is impressive but she does not seem sincere. If Generico is an international superstar who is loved by everyone. The problem that she has with Generico is that he walks into Evolve and thinks that he can put his stamp on everything. She says that Generico probably thinks that he can walk into Dragon Gate USA and take over things. She says that is not going to happen. She says that Generico has not been paying attention to things because Dragon Gate USA belongs to Mad Blankey.

She has a message for Generico. She tells Generico to listen closely. She slaps Generico and says that is from Tozawa and the rest of Mad Blankey. She slaps him again. She says that Generico isn’t going to do anything to her. She slaps him again. She says that he doesn’t have the balls to do it. She spits in his face. Generico hits Christina with a Yakuza Kick.

2013 -  Matt Osbourne, better known as "Maniac" Matt Borne, Big Josh and the original Doink the Clown in the WWF, passed away.

Osbourne was found this morning in Texas, where he had been staying of late, by his girlfriend. Osbourne would have turned 56 the following month.

A second generation star, Osbourne was the son of "Tough" Tony Borne, a star who challenged for the NWA World title during his career and was most prominently known in the Texas and Pacific Northwest territories.

It was that same Northwest region that Osbourne debuted after being trained by his father, working for Don Owen's promotion. Billed as "Maniac" Matt Borne, he was a tough, bruiser of a wrestler and was a natural for the business.  It was his streak for wild behavior outside the ring that often prevented him from having big money runs in the business and causing the premature end of a number of pushes in different companies.

After making his name, Osbourne worked a number of different territories, including Mid-South Wrestling, where he teamed with Ted DiBiase and Hacksaw Duggan as babyfaces known as the "Ratpack", playing off the famous entertain trio of the era by the same name. He and Duggan actually ended up having heat with each other during that time period, which actually turned into a legitimate shoot decades later during a PWS independent event in New Jersey just a few years back.

Osbourne moved to Georgia Championship Wrestling, where he and Arn Anderson were tapped to become a top duo there.  Allegations against Osbourne and a potential legal case led to his quick exit.

Osbourne's travels took him to the WWF in the early 1980s and he worked the first Wrestlemania card, losing to Ricky Steamboat, who had just started with the promotion. 

He wasn't long for WWF and Osbourne moved around for most of the 1980s working for all the major territories as they dried up one by one. He had a big push in World Class Championship Wrestling, teaming with Buzz Sawyer to win the World Class Tag straps and also had a run as The Texas Heavyweight champion. But, the territories were fewer and fewer as the 80s went on, making it harder and harder to find work, so the journey never ended for the journeyman.

Osbourne returned to national TV was brought in by Dusty Rhodes to World Championship Wrestling in 1991.  Although he was an old school guy in how he protected the business and presented himself, this time, he was not Matt Borne.  Instead, he was given a makeover and became Big Josh. His past in the business was completely ignored as he morphed into a fan turned wrestler. The idea was he was a simple country outdoorsman, complete with an entrance accompanied by bears on major PPVs. If you think Hillbilly Jim in the 1980s WWF, it was similar in vein to Big Josh.

While in WCW, Osbourne had several title runs (United States tag belts with Ron Simmons and a WCW Six Man Tag run with Z-Man and Dustin Rhodes) but was never pushed as anything more than just an undercard babyface character.  That sort of character seemed out of place in WCW, even in 1991 where the company was floundering creatively after the loss of Ric Flair.  Osbourne left the company after a year. 

Osbourne was brought back to the WWF in 1993. With the advent of the Monday Night Raw era, a slew of new personalities were introduced. The knock on WWF had been that it had become a circus among old school wrestling fans. With Osbourne, WWF now had their clown - dressed as a clown with bright green wig, white, red and blue facepaint and a colorful polka-dotted outfit, he began appearing in the audience at shows.

Over time, it was revealed that Doink was an evil clown. He would pull cruel pranks on fans at ringside and eventually, on the late Bryan "Crush" Adams, attacking him with a fake arm he pulled out of a sling. Doink was off to the races, including a Wrestlemania 9 appearance where he defeated Crush after a second, identical Doink (Steve Keirn) came from under the ring. It was twin magic well before there was a Bella Twin in sight.

The multiple Doinks became the calling card of the character and also allowed Doink to appear on multiple events taking place at the same time on the road. Steve Lombardi (the Brooklyn Brawler) would often end up playing a Doink on the road as well.

For most of 1993, Osbourne was in the WWF mix, working Bret Hart at Summerslam that year and having an extended series of matches with Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig in a tournament for the vacant Intercontinental championship.

Having done his run as a heel, the decision was made to turn Osbourne babyface, although that turn would eventually see the end of his career on a national level. Following a number of personal issues, WWF opted to let Osbourne go, instead hiring Northeastern independent wrestler Ray Apollo to portray Doink from that point on. Apollo officially debuted in a vignette at the 1993 Survivor Series. Osbourne never played the character for WWF again, with the exception of the Raw 15th Anniversary show, where his old foe Steamboat, now an agent, suggested he be brought in for the role.

Osbourne hit the indy scene as Doink almost immediately, working all over the United States as well as overseas as the character. Doink on the indy scene was a hot draw. The character was all over WWF TV, allowed Osbourne (and others who had no business playing the role) to make decent money with bookings and merchandise money.

Osbourne also had a short run in the original ECW, debuting as Doink in a tournament for the NWA title. Doink was a mystery opponent for ECW mascot 911, who quickly destroyed him with a series of chokeslams. This allowed Paul Heyman to rip on the WWF by declaring that this, "Wasn't the circus, it was E-C-W!" That night, Shane Douglas won and rejected the NWA title, instead declaring the ECW belt the "ECW World Heavyweight championship" and that he was going to bring the sport back to pro wrestling.

As part of that plan, initially was Matt Borne. Christened "Borne Again", the idea was that Douglas had brought the wrestler back out of the clown. Borne was muscle for Douglas and worked alongside him for several months. When it came time for ECW's big November to Remember weekend, Osbourne had overseas dates that conflicted. He later claimed in an interview here on that he was told by Paul Heyman to take the overseas dates, but when he returned, there was no longer a spot for him.

Over the ensuing years, Osbourne continued to be an old school journeyman wrestler, working independents where he could find bookings, making the convention circuit appearances and working as a mentor and trainer to different wrestlers in areas where he was located at different times. He also tried his hand in promoting in the Garfield, NJ area.

2013 - WWE issued the following:

Reports indicate that Matt Osborne, aka Doink the Clown, has passed away. A rugged brawler in promotions like Mid-South Wrestling and World Championship Wrestling, Osborne made a major impact in WWE under the greasepaint of a prankster named Doink — one of the most enduring personas of the early ’90s.

WWE is saddened by the news of Osborne's passing. Our deepest condolences go out to Osborne’s family, friends and fans.

2013 -  Pennsylvania's Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin ordered a fresh look into the passing of Jimmy Snuka's girlfriend, Nancy Argentino, shortly after several newspapers and a newly released E-Book marked the 30th anniversary of her death. 

Interest was renewed in the case after Jimmy Snuka's autobiography "Superfly" discussed his side of her passing, which spawned all the new media attention.

According to Snuka's account, Argentino (described as his road girlfriend on the East Coast; Snuka was married at the time to his second wife) was driving him to a TV taping in Allentown when she stopped to relieve herself on the side of the road. Snuka has claimed she slipped while returning to the car and hit her head on the side of the road. They continued on to their hotel, where she complained of a headache and he left her sleeping when he left for the taping. He checked on her between the two tapings and she was still sleeping.  When he returned after the second taping, Snuka claims he realized she was having trouble breathing and called for an ambulance. Argentino passed away hours later from complications of a head injury. However, changes in Snuka's story have led to doubts over what actually happened to Argentino and forensics at the time did not show any trace of Argentino hitting her head outside on concrete.

Snuka was questioned (Vince McMahon was present for the questioning according to published reports) but never indicted for the crime. He attended Argentino's wake but did not return for her funeral.

The Argentino family believes then-District Attorney William H. Platt had a solid case against Snuka, but failed to pursue him criminally. Platt has previously said he doesn't think it's appropriate to discuss the case.

Argentino's family won a $500,000 wrongful death judgment against Snuka, but never collected a penny. Snuka claimed at the time he could not afford a legal defense and was in heavy financial trouble.

Snuka declined comment to the paper.

Argentino's family is in favor of the DA taking a fresh look into her passing.

To read more on the latest in the case, click here.

Argentino's sister co-authored an E-book about her passing and relationship with Snuka, with proceeds going to a Westchester, NY women's shelter. For more on the book, click here.

2013 - WWE announced that Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan were fined by the promotion for using chairshots to the head during their Streetfight on a Raw broadcast the previous Monday.  WWE did not disclose the amount of the fines. The company had outlawed planned shots to the head as a way to battle concussions

2013 - WWE broadcast Smackdown.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We are in Columbia, South Carolina and your announcers are John ‘Caka’ Layfield and Michael ‘Lackey’ Cole.

In order to get in the Dublin state of mind, there are a series of beer taps around the ring because when you think of Dublin, WWE can only think of beer.

Before we start our first match, Damien Sandow has something to say. He says in 1860, South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union. After one day, he suggests that they do so again. This is like a third world country. Y’all is not a word. It is pronounced ‘you all’ as in You all are a bunch of ignoramuses. He demands silence and then says after he defeats the ignoramus in the ring, this match will be recalled after the man who dominated, the Sandow Street Fight.

Damien tells everyone that they are welcome.

Match Number One: Sheamus versus Damien Sandow in a Sandow/Dublin Street Fight

Sandow with a kick and punches and then Sandow grabs a green kendo stick but Sheamus backs him into the corner. Sandow with a kendo stick shot to the ribs and he clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope to the floor. Sheamus with a clothesline to Sandow on the floor. Sheamus sends Sandow into the ringside barrier and then he sends Sandow into the bar by the announce table.

Sheamus with ten forearms across the chest. Sheamus tries to suplex Sandow on the floor but Damien blocks it and then Sandow with a drop kick and then he sends Sheamus into the ring post. Sandow sends Sheamus into the bar on the opposite side of the ring and it falls over. Sheamus with a punch and he slams Sandow’s head into the side of the bar. Sheamus grabs the keg and he tosses it to Sandow and Sandow is unable to catch it.

Sheamus looks under the ring and he has a sack of potatoes and he hits Sandow in the ribs and then the potatoes fall upon Sandow. Sheamus tries to stomp on Sandow’s head on the steps but Sandow pulls Sheamus off the steps and he punches Sheamus.

Sandow with kicks and he grabs a bar stool and he hits Sheamus with it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and they are in the ring. Sheamus with a punch but Sandow with a back elbow. Sandow stomps on the chest and then he goes to the floor and he looks under the ring and grabs a chair or two and a kendo stick. Sandow grabs the chair that was in the ring before he went under the ring and he wedges the chair in the corner. Sheamus is able to go to the floor and he grabs the bar stool and hits Sandow in the head. Sheamus with a uranage back breaker for a near fall.

Sheamus with the two running double sledges and then he runs Sandow into the turnbuckles and he hits a running knee lift but Sandow escapes the Finlay slam and goes to the floor. Sheamus grabs Sandow and hits the Finlay Slam. Sheamus goes up top and hits a flying shoulder tackle and gets a near fall.

Sandow grabs a chair and he hits Sheamus with it to counter the use of the kendo stick but Sandow can only get a two count. Sandow grabs the chair again and he sets it up with the legs up. Sandow sends Sheamus into the leg of the chair and Sandow hits Terminus but Sheamus kicks out.

Sandow tries to figure out what to use next and he picks up the kendo stick and he hits Sheamus with it in the head shoulders and back. Sandow gets a near fall. Sheamus grabs a chair and he throws it at Sandow and it connects. Sheamus throws the chair away and he picks up the kendo stick. Sheamus with shots to Sandow’s back and legs. Sheamus gets a near fall.

Sheamus grabs a chair and he sets it down in the center of the ring. Sheamus gets a chair from the floor and he brings it into the ring and sets it next to the chair. Sheamus hits Sandow in the back with the kendo stick and Sheamus tries for White Noise onto the chairs but Sandow escapes. Sheamus with a kick and kendo stick shot that forces Sandow into the chairs and then Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick for the three count.

Winner: Sheamus

In case you missed Raw, we see highlights from the Street Fight between Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton. Randy will face Kane later tonight.

Kane is in the locker room and Daniel Bryan whistles while he waits for Kane to say something. Kane tells Daniel if he is here to brag about what he did on Monday, he does not want to hear it. He congratulates Daniel on his win and he calls it an upset. Daniel says that it was an upset he didn’t get it done the first time.

Kane tells Daniel that he is stressing him out and he tells Daniel to leave. Daniel says that he will let it go. Daniel says that if Kane needs his help tonight, he will be on commentary and then Daniel hugs Kane but Kane does not hug back.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

It is time for MizTV with special guest Paul Heyman and they are already in the ring. Miz calls Heyman one of the, if not the most controversial people in Sports Entertainment. Miz says that he has known Paul for years and he has an answer for everything. Paul said that he wanted Punk and Brock to be a tag team.

Paul says that he is not here to talk about his personal life so he asks for the next question.

Miz asks Paul if Renee Young wanted to talk about her personal life last week. Miz asks Paul if he wants to try to bully him like he bullied her.

Paul tells Miz that he is an advocate while Miz is a former WWE Champion. How can he, as an advocate, bully an athlete, but he has someone in mind who can bully Miz. Paul brings out Curtis Axel.

Paul introduces Curtis to the Miz.

Miz says that he was fooled into thinking that this would be a one-on-one interview. It is just like when Paul said that he had nothing to do with Brock’s attack on Punk. He says that Curtis is uninvited.

Paul says that Curtis is his guest on the show and he wonders if Miz is too intimidated to ask any questions.

Miz calls Paul the walking version of Star Wars. He sounds like Yoda, he smells like Chewbacca, and looks like Jabba the Hutt. Miz says that means that Curtis is the WWE version of Luke Skywalker. Miz tells Curtis ‘You’re not your father’.

Paul asks where the question is.

Miz asks Curtis what happens when he falls out of the Paul Heyman picture, especially when he loses the Intercontinental Championship to him.

Curtis asks Miz if he thinks he can take this title from him. He says that he is very possessive of the Intercontinental Championship and he takes Miz’ threats very personally.

Miz says that they should get really personal. He asks Curtis to defend his title against Miz right now.

Paul gets in the middle and he says that his clients don’t fight for free and the Intercontinental Champion does not defend the title on an impromptu basis. If Miz wants to get personal, Curtis got to the top by not taking short cuts. He did not come to WWE from a reality show and he did not use schmucky catchphrases like the Miz.

Miz says that Curtis is going to lose the Intercontinental Title because he is . . .

Attacked by Curtis and Axel with a neck breaker driver. Axel leaves the ring along with Heyman.

We go to commercial with AJ Lee skipping in the back with Big E Langston following behind.

We are back and we see AJ mocking Kaitlyn during Kaitlyn’s match against Aksana.

Match Number Two: AJ Lee (with Big E Langston) versus Natalya in a Non Title Match

Before the match starts, AJ’s music plays and Kaitlyn comes out dressed like AJ and she skips onto the stage. She mentions Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Kane, John Cena, and Dolph Ziggler. She says that it has been brought to her attention that she dated Mark Yeaton, the timekeeper. She says that there are rumors that AJ has had some thorough examinations with Doctor Sampson. That isn’t the juiciest part. She says that she heard that she was involved with South Carolina’s own Lillian Garcia.

Natalya with a side head lock take down but AJ with a head scissors. Natalya escapes and she kicks AJ followed by a suplex. Natalya goes for a power slam but AJ escapes and she pulls Natalya to the mat by her hair.

Kaitlyn skips to and around the ring and that gets AJ to lose focus on the match and Natalya with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Natalya

After the match, AJ argues with the referee and then she turns around and Kaitlyn with a spear to AJ. Langston pulls AJ out of the ring and carries her to the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for another Wyatt Family video.

Money in the Bank is in two weeks and there will be two ladder matches. We know who is in the WWE Title ladder match, but is it time to find out who is in the World Title one?

Teddy Long is in Booker’s office and he is on the phone. He tells the person on the phone that he has a major announcement to make.

Vince McMahon enters the office and he says that we know who is in the WWE title ladder match and how it is being called the “All Stars”. Vince wants to know what Teddy has for the other ladder match.

Teddy says that he could have did what Vickie did and that was to select the top WWE Superstars in one fell swoop. He wants to do something different. Teddy says that he is thinking about the future. He wants to think outside the box, something Booker T has never done. The participants are Wade Barrett, Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro, Fandango, Dean Ambrose, Cody Rhodes, and Damien Sandow.

Vince says that he is feeling that and he agrees that Booker and Vickie never would have thought about it. Vince and Teddy go back and forth pronouncing Fandango’s name.

Daniel Bryan makes his way to ringside to join Michael and John for the next match.

Match Number Three: Kane versus Randy Orton

They lock up and Kane with a waist lock into a side head lock. Orton with a side head lock and Kane with a shoulder tackle. Kane pushes Orton and Orton punches Kane. Orton with a clothesline into the corner and then he charges into the corner and hits another clothesline. Kane with an uppercut and Orton goes down.

Kane with an uppercut followed by a snap mare and drop kick for a near fall. Kane with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Kane with another Irish whip and he charges into the corner but Orton with a drop kick to the knee and Kane goes into the turnbuckles. Kane with an Irish whip and then he connects with a power slam for a near fall.

Kane goes up top and Orton punches him in the midsection as he comes off the turnbuckles. Orton with the Garvin Stomp followed by a leaping knee drop to the chest and he gets a near fall. Kane with a DDT and both men are down. We go to commercial.

We are back and Kane with a knee to the midsection and Orton is down. Kane gets a near fall. Kane with a nerve hold on Orton and Bryan gets on the announce table to start a Yes Chant. Orton with punches but Kane with an uppercut. Orton with a back breaker and both men are down. Bryan starts a No Chant.

Kane tries for a slam but Orton escapes and he hits a Thesz Press and he punches Kane. Kane with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Orton with a clothesline followed by a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Kane with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Kane with a side slam and he gets a near fall. Kane goes up top for the clothesline but Orton punches Kane and it crotches him. Orton with a European uppercut and he goes for a superplex.

Kane punches Orton and knocks him to the mat with a head butt. Kane with the clothesline from the top and he connects. Kane signals for the choke slam but Orton with an elbow and he ducks a clothesline and Orton with a power slam for a near fall. Orton tries for the IEDDT but Kane gets back into the ring and he grabs Orton by the throat but Orton avoids the choke slam. Kane runs into boots from Orton and Orton with forearms.

Kane with an uppercut that knocks Orton off the turnbuckles and to the floor. Kane sends Orton back into the ring and then Orton with a kick to the head and he hits the IEDDT on Kane but Kane rolls to the floor.

Bryan gets up to help Kane and he sends Kane back into the ring. Orton with an RKO for the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

We go to commercial with Ryback walking in the back.

Match Number Four: Ryback versus Justin Gabriel

Gabriel misses a kick and Ryback pushes Gabriel against the ropes. Gabriel with kicks but Ryback with a kick to the midsection. Ryback with a forearm to the kidneys and then he tries for a power slam but Gabriel escapes and he kicks Ryback in the legs. Ryback tries for a boot to the head but he is too close to the ropes and Ryback gets his leg caught in the ropes and Gabriel kicks the left leg until the referee pulls him away.

Gabriel with another kick but Ryback sends Gabriel over the top rope and Gabriel lands on the apron. Gabriel with a shoulder and he tries for a sunset flip but Ryback does not go over. Gabriel with kicks to the leg and then he hits a drop kick to the head. Gabriel tries for a cross body into the corner but Ryback catches Gabriel and hits the marching muscle buster for the three count.

Winner: Ryback

After the match, Chris Jericho’s music plays and he wants to make sure that Ryback’s leg is okay. He shows false sympathy. Ever since the match was announced, all he has heard is how bad of a man Ryback is. He knows that Ryback is a whiner, bitcher, a moaner, and an excuse maker. With the amount of sobbing that he is doing, he should change his name to Cryback.

Jericho gets the crowd to chant ‘Cryback’. If he wants to cry, maybe Jericho will give him something to cry about.

They go into the ring and they exchange punches but Jericho with kicks to the leg and he tries for the Walls of Jericho but Ryback gets out of the ring.

We have a brand new Wyatt Family video and then we go to commercial.

We are back and we see how this match was set up on Main Event.

Match Number Five: Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns versus Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Christian

Roman and Jey start things off and it feels like a family reunion. They lock up and they go around the ring and to the floor. We have a six man stand off at ringside and we go to commercial.

We are back and Ambrose kicks Jey and then he punches him before tagging in Reigns. Roman kicks Jey and the referee warns him. Reigns with a slam for a near fall. Reigns with a front face lock and Jey tries to get to his corner but Reigns keeps him from making the tag. Reigns knocks Jimmy off the apron. Jey hot shots Reigns onto the turnbuckles.

Christian and Ambrose tag in and they exchange punches. Christian with a running forearm and then he goes to the turnbuckles for a back elbow. Ambrose avoids the Killswitch but he cannot avoid an inverted DDT. Christian waits for the spear but Rollins trips him. Christian with a drop toe hold that sends Ambrose into the ropes.

Christian with a slingshot to the floor and he prepares to punch Ambrose, but Rollins tries to attack him but Christian with a back body drop to Rollins on the floor. Ambrose avoids the punch but Christian with a shoulder and then he goes up top and hits a cross body but Ambrose rolls through and gets a near fall. Ambrose with a clothesline and then he taunts Christian.

Ambrose punches Christian and he sends Christian into the turnbuckles and he punches Christian again and runs his forearm across the nose. Christian with a tornado DDT but Reigns breaks up the cover. Reigns sends Christian to the floor. Jimmy with a savate kick to Reigns and then he hits a cross body and both men go over the top rope to the floor.

Jey with a forearm off the apron but Rollins with a flip dive onto the Usos. Ambrose looks at the carnage on the floor and he turns around and Christian with a spear for the three count.

Winners: Christian, Jimmy Uso, and Jey Uso

After the match, Rollins has a tantrum in the ring and Ambrose cannot believe what just happened.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Fiesta Del Rio and the piñata has been lowered.

Ricardo Rodriguez introduces Alberto Del Rio after the mariachi band finishes. Since the crowd reaction was not good for the Albertoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Ricardo speaks with a Southern accent before doing the proper introduction.

Alberto welcomes everyone and he says that we celebrate his victory over Dolph Ziggler at Payback and him regaining his World Title. We also celebrate that he is a four time World Champion. He says that not enough understand who Alberto Del Rio is, he wanted the closed captioning turned on so people can understand him because they are doing it his way.

Tonight, he is only going to speak Spanish.

The crowd chants USA.

Alberto says that he knew this was going to happen. It is good because this is not for the people, it is for himself. He is the champion. Alberto insults the fans as the USA chants get louder. He says that this is why Americans are ignorant.

Alberto says that it is enough pointing fingers because this is supposed to be fun. Alberto wants to start with the games and it is time to use the piñata. Alberto takes a swing at the piñata with Ziggler’s face on it and he breaks it.

Alberto says that he wants everyone to understand why he just did that. He busted the piñata like he bashed in Dolph Ziggler’s brains at Payback. He will do the same at Money in the Bank just to remain the World Champion.

Alberto says that Ziggler promised to ruin his party, but where is Dolph? If Ziggler has the cajones, why doesn’t he come out to face him. He wants to know what Ziggler is waiting for.

Ziggler’s music plays and the band leaves.

Ziggler stands on the stage and Del Rio draws a line in the ring for Ziggler to cross. Ziggler removes his watch and jacket and he makes his way to the ring at his own pace.

Ziggler takes Del Rio down and then Ricardo goes after Ziggler but Ziggler sends Ricardo over the top rope to the floor. Ziggler sees Ricardo on the turnbuckles and he press slams Ricardo through the table. Ziggler with a Zig Zag to Del Rio. Del Rio leaves the ring and then Ziggler sees Ricardo in the ring and Ziggler goes El Cabong to Ricardo.

Ziggler plays with the band and balloons fall from the rafters as we go to credits.

2019 - WWE ran Tokyo, Japan on Ryogoku Kokugikan (aka Sumo Hall).  At the event, Hisashi Shinma was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Legacy Wing. He was the figurehead WWF President from the late 1970s to early 1980s. He was involved in the controversial overturning of Bob Backlund winning the WWF Title back against Antonio Inoki in Tokyo, Japan on Dec. 6, 1979 after Tiger Jeet Singh attacked Inoki outside the ring before the finish. You can watch that match here: 

*WWE U.S. Champion Ricochet pinned Cesaro.

*Braun Strowman pinned Bobby Roode after a powerslam. Roode attacked Strowman after and set up a table in the ring but of course Strowman powerslammed him through it.

*Asuka and Kairi Sane beat WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Peyton Royce and Billie Kay when Sane pinned Royce after the insane elbow as Asuka knocked Kay off of the ring with a hip attack. This was the exact same finish as the show in Singapore yesterday. Asuka and Sane earned a future tag titles shot with this win.

*Triple H, AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, and Karl Anderson beat Baron Corbin, Samoa Joe, Drew McIntyre, and Bobby Lashley when Triple H pinned Corbin after a pedigree.

*WWE Raw Tag Champions The Revival beat Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins when Hawkins was pinned after the Shatter Machine. Gallows and Anderson came out and challenged The Revival for tomorrow’s show back in Tokyo.

*WWE Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch beat Alexa Bliss with the Disarm Her submission.

*WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins pinned Shinsuke Nakamura after the Curb Stomp.


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