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By Mike Johnson on 2024-06-25 08:00:00

June 25th

On this day in history in ....

1934 - Jim Londos defeats Jim Browning in New York City to unify the New York recognized World Heavyweight Title with the NWA (National Wrestling Association) World Heavyweight Wrestling Title. 

1937 - The very first 'Steel Cage Match' in wrestling was held.  Billed as a a 'Chicken Wire Match' in Atlanta, Georgia between Jack Bloomfield fought Count Petro Rossi.

1976 - Antonio Inoki and Muhammad Ali fought to a 15 round draw in Tokyo, Japan.  The rules of the match stated that Inoki could not use any suplexes, throws or submission moves.  Due to a misunderstanding about the finish of the bout, the entire match ended up consisting of Inoki lying on his back (so Ali could not knock him out) and kicking at Ali's legs, while Ali would back away from the kicks as neither man trusted the other.  The fight, which was seen in the U.S. on closed circuit television, has been criticized as being one of the most boring matches of all time.  However, to this day, a large part of Inoki's legend in Japan is based on the fact that he "went the distance" with Ali.

1977 - Layla El is born.

1980 - Princesa Sugehit is born.

1988 - Mark Haskins is born.

1995 - The King of the Ring Pay-per-view was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Spectrum.  Here are the results: 
- In a match shown on the Free-For-All, Savio Vega defeated Irwin R. Schyster to earn a spot in the King Of The Ring tournament (Razor Ramon, due to injury, had to vacate his spot).
- In a quarterfinal King Of The Ring match, Savio Vega defeated Yokozuna via countout.
- In a quarterfinal King Of The Ring match, The Roadie defeated Bob Holly.
- In a quarterfinal King Of The Ring match, Shawn Michaels vs. Kama went to a draw.
- In a quarterfinal King Of The Ring match, Mabel defeated The Undertaker.
- In a semifinal King Of The Ring match, Savio Vega defeated The Roadie
- Bret Hart defeated Jerry Lawler via submission in a Kiss My Foot match.
- Mabel defeated Savio Vega to win the King Of The Ring Tournament.
- Diesel & Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Tatanka & Sid Vicious. 

2000 - The King of the Ring Pay-per-view was held in Boston, Massachusetts at the Fleet Center.  Here is Buck Woodward's original report on the event. 

The show opened up live on PPV with Rikishi taking on Chris Benoit in quarterfinal one of the KOTR tourney. They went at it as soon as Benoit hit the ring.  Rikishi was on top early, but Benoit hit a big German suplex. JR said that the tourney matches were decided earlier today in random drawing and that they had 15 minute time limits.  He said only winners advanced.  I don't know if that means the brackets are out the window or not. Benoit was in control after the suplex.  He locked on the crossface three minutes in.  Rikishi didn't give up and Benoit nailed Rikishi with a chair, repeatedly, to be DQ'd.  Rikishi wins. Benoit tore Rikishi up after the match, laying him out and hitting the headbutt from the top. 

The showed the angle with Linda McMahon from Heat.  In the back, the Faction begged Vince to not do something stupid.  Vince said he wouldn't, and that he was Joe Cool.  Vince left and HHH, Steph and Shane said he wasn't cool and thought he would do something dumb.

Backstage, Chris Benoit played bad ass and didn't really care that he got himself DQ'd.

Then it was time for Eddie Guerrero, with a new short hair cut and Chyna, vs. Val Venis, with Trish. Val was working over Eddie for a second, but Eddie came back.  JR mentioned that Bret Hart won the first KOTR in Dayton, OH in 1993. Eddie hit a superplex two minutes in.  He then worked over Val.  Val came back and dumped Eddie face-first and then placed him back-first over his knee.  Eddie came back with a rana and a back suplex.  Eddie missed a senton from the top and Val hit a spinebuster.  Val went for the Money Shot but Eddie got his knees up.  Val came back and got a two with a side Russian legsweep.  Val got a two when his feet were on the ropes.  Val went to the top but Eddie crotched him.  Eddie hit a rana from the top.  Trish got on the apron but Chyna pulled her off.  Val grabbed Chyna but before he could duke her, she nailed him with a shot.  Eddie rolled up Val but got only a two.  Val then hit a Fisherman's suplex in eight minutes to get the win.  Good match.

Pat Patterson was shown in the back making fun of the evening gowns that were there for him to wear.  He said he had to look better than Brisco.  The wardrobe lady told him that she wasn't a miracle worker.

In the back, Rikishi was asked if he would be able to go forward against Val Venis.  He said he would.

Then it was time for Crash Holly vs. Bull Buchanan. Crash went after Bull, but Bull threw him around.  Bull laid out Crash with clotheslines and backbreakers. Ross said that there were 17,651 fans there.  He also said that the semifinal matches of the tourney would be 30 minutes.  And, the King's coronation would be on Raw tomorrow.  Lawler talked about, for the second time, how he pasted Bret Hart during the coronation in 1993. Bull beat up Crash for the first few minutes.  Crash got an "oops" two count in there.  Bull then went for the scissors kick in four minutes, missed, and Crash pinned him.

In the back, Vince confronted Linda.  She was incredulous to him.  Vince brought up all of the horrible things that Linda has done to him.  Vince then asked why she was here.  She asked if he would be a man, or do another 12 on 3 like he did on Smackdown last week.  Vince got pissy and said that he, Shane and HHH could do it on their own tonight.  He said because of the stip she brought in (title on the line) he didn't have to use all of the other people because the faces would screw themselves because they want the title.

Then it was time for the fourth match of the tourney, winner meets Crash: Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho. Kurt came out and crapped on all of the Boston sports franchises.  He said unlike them, he would bring home the big one.  And then, he mocked the Boston accent. CJ came out next, to a great pop.  He cut a promo and got a great pop.  CJ shot on Angle, culminating by calling him a "royal pain in the ass". Angle did a beat down on CJ early and the fans chanted "Y2J".   They went back and forth early.  CJ hit a Lionsault for a two.  CJ did a dropkick while Angle was on the apron and they fought on the floor and into the crowd.  Angle got the better of CJ, with Chris taking the first "steps bump" of the night/.  Angle had red marks on his chest from CJ chops.   CJ came back with a double arm throw for a two.  KA came back with a catapult and a suplex.  Angle nailed him with a nasty clothesline for a two five minutes in. CJ came back briefly with chops, but missed a run in the corner.  Angle went to the second rope and CJ dropkicked him in the gut.  CJ then hit a rana from the top.  CJ hit a big reverse elbow and a spinning heel kick for a two.  CJ was going for a bulldog when Angle hit him with a clothesline and got a two. Angle went for a suplex but CJ turned it into the Walls of Jericho.  Steph Mac ran to ringside so CJ let the move go.  Angle nailed CJ from behind and CJ went into the ref.  Steph went to nail CJ with the title belt but CJ ducked and she hit Angle.  CJ then kissed Steph, and Angle came in from behind and hit the Olympic Slam for the pin in about 10 minutes.  It's true.

In the back, Shane told his dad that the lost his cool and now they can't have interference.  Vince says they were fine.  Shane said he is worried about what HHH thinks.

They went to WWF NY where Mick Foley, with his crew cut, talked to JR.  Ivory was tending bar.  Foley put over being at WWF NY.  Foley said that Kurt Angle was his "personal favorite".  It put over the restaurant well.

Next up was the four team elimination match for the WWF Tag belts, with Edge and Christian vs. T and A (with Trish) vs. The Hardy Boyz (with Lita) vs. Too Cool, the champs.  The last team in the bout are the champs. Edge and Christian did their usual promo, talking about the Boston sports teams.  Then, they did Bill Buckner's 1986 error against the Mets.  Ouch! I won't go move by move, since there are four teams.  There are two guys in at a time.  You can tag the other guys. While Test and Matt were working, Trish tried to interfere and Lita took her out with a clothesline.  T and A tried to take out Lita but it failed.   Matt pinned Test after a Swanton Bomb by Jeff for the first elimination. Then it was Jeff Hardy vs. Scotty 2 Hotty.  Then it was Matt vs. Christian. Jeff got a two on Christian when Lita nailed him with a flying headscissors.  The fans popped for her.  Matt got a two with a Twist of Fate but Edge pulled him out.  Christian then hit Matt with the Impaler to pin Matt after they blocked the Twist of Fate. Too Cool vs. Edge and Christian is left. Too Cool worked over Edge early.  Christian came in and was worked over as well.  They did spots where Edge and Christian took each other out and the champs got two counts. Edge and Christian came back and put BC down.  They were about to do the work when Scotty came back and took them out.  He wormed Edge.  Christian tried to nail the champs with the belt, but it didn't work.  BC hit the Hip Hop Drop on Edge.  While the ref was putting Scotty out, Christian nailed BC in the head and Edge made the cover.  

Michael Cole interviewed Crash in the back and acted like Crash was lucky to get this far, which ticked Crash off.

Now, it's time for Rikishi vs. Val Venis, with Trish. Rikishi had a nasty bruise on his arm when he came out. The big guy dominated early, beating Val up around ringside.  Rik wasn't selling his earlier beating at all. Back in the ring, Val was on top.  Val went for the Money Shot three minutes in but Rik caught him and he hit the belly-to-belly for the pin.  After the match, Trish jumped in Rik's back.  He dumped her but before he could so anymore damage, Venis attacked him with a low blow and beat up Rik's "injured shoulder" with the ring steps. Val then chaired Rik's arm with a chair. Battered and bruised, Rikishi is in the final of the KOTR.

Coach interviewed Brisco.  Brisco said we would see he is all man, then his gown was delivered.

Now it's time for the other semi, Kurt Angle vs. Elroy. Crash was on the offense early, but Angle came back with a suplex and then went to town. Crash then came back and it went back and forth until Kurt hit a suplex for the pin in four minutes.

They showed clips from last night at MSG.  Donald Trump was there and cut promos with the King.

In the back, UT and Kane did promos. They are here to win the belt. 

Time for Patterson vs. Brisco in a Hardcore Evening gown match. Brisco came out first.  In addition to the gown, he was wearing make up, a wig and heels.  I don't know what to say.   Patterson came out with a wig and makeup, and sunglasses.  Pat had a bra on too.  Brisco did too I guess. Patterson got the mic, and kissed Finkel.  Pat said that Brisco looked like an old drag queen.  Pat said when Brisco was defending his title, Pat was always at his side and he was his friend.  Pat said that if he wants the belt, he will lay down and let Brisco pin him.  Brisco said OK.  They hugged and Pat kneed him and pulled his skirt up.  Pat shoved a banana in Brisco's mouth (no, not that banana!).  Patterson rammed a pad in Brisco's face and was about to do a stinky face (with women's undies on).  Brisco blocked it.  Fans chanted boring.  That was being kind.  They were booing too. A few minutes in, Crash ran in and stripped both men to bra and panties.  He nailed Pat with a trashcan and won the Hardcore Title.

The Duds did an interview in the back where they said they would take out Tori.  Buh Buh has her name written on a table. Time for the handicap dumpsters/table match with X Pac, Road Dog and Tori taking on the Dudley Boyz.  To win, The Duds have to put all three members of DX through a table while DX has to lock both Duds in a dumpster. Duds were over coming out. The Duds worked Dogg over early.  Dogg tagged out and they got some heat on X Pac.  Pac came back with a big kick.  Tori came in and laid kicks into D.  Dogg then came in.  Buh Bug came in and cleaned house.  Buh Buh told X Pac to suck it, and got a pop.  D hit a head butt to both DX men's genitals.  And then he did it Tori too.  Dogg and Pac tried to leave Tori to fight, so the Duds went and got them in the aisle.  DX then whipped the Duds into the dumpster.  The fans chanted, "We want tables". They threw the Duds in the Dumpster and shut the lid, but the ref was tending to Tori.  The Duds snuck out of the dumpster and crawled under the ring to the other side while DX got the ref.  They weren't there when the ref checked, and the Duds pasted them with chairshots to the head.   The Duds set up Double Tables on the floor after throwing the ring steps in the ring.  Buh Buh stood on the steps in the ring and threw Dogg through double tables! Pac came in and took out both Duds.  Pac set a table up and laid D-Von on it.  He went to the top.  Buh Buh crotched him.  D then suplexed him through it.  Buh Buh eyed up Tori.  She tried to run and finally jumped in the dumpster.  You can probably see where this one is going.  They opened the dumpster and DX hit them in the head with chairs.  They fell in and they got the pin.  The fans hated the finish, and I agree with them. After the match, they came out of the dumpster with Tori.  Pac came in and got 3D, as did Dogg.  Finally, Buh Buh did the Bubba bomb through the table.  Buh Buh did the look afterwards.  

Kurt Angle and Rikishi did interviews before the KOTR final.  Rik has his arm taped. Rik went after Angle early and went for the stink, but angle stopped him and took over.  Angle took him to the floor and whipped Rik into the steps.  he took him back in and worked over the big guy.  Rik sold the right arm. Rik came back with a clothesline and the Samoan drop.  He followed with a running neckbreaker for a one count.  Then he gave Kurt a stinky face.  Kurt then did an Olympic slam out of nowhere for a two. Kurt did a sunset flip but Rik sat on him for a two.  Fans were chanting for Angle. Rik went to the top but Kurt crotched him.  Kurt went for a belly to belly from the second rope and hit it for the pin in five minutes.

The Faction did an interview in the back.  They are ready. 

They showed the USA Today Weekend cover with the Rock and Mike Piazza.

The main event was next, with The Faction (Vince, Shane & HHH) vs. Kane, Undertaker & The Rock, with the WWE Title going to the winner of the fall. The heels came out first.  Then, the faces did their own entrances.  Kane and the UT got good reactions.  The Rock?  You know this one already.  The crowd was live but the WWF didn't mic them well.  The story of the babyfaces would be they all wanted to win the title. In the back, Kurt Angle was drinking milk. Shane started with Kane.  Shane was begging off a lot but doing moves as well. Rock tagged himself in.  HHH faced off with Rock but wanted to leave.  Rock demanded that he stay.  Shane nailed Rock from behind. Rock whipped Shane over the top to the floor.  Shane came back in and UT chokeslammed Shane.  Rock broke the count at two.  HHH came in. UT worked over HHH.  UT did a DDT (which some people said they aren't allowed to do anymore) on HHH but Kane broke the count. Rock came in and cleaned house briefly, but then was mugged on the floor by the faction until UT and Kane made the save. Rock cleared the announce table but HHH attacked him before he could do anything there. Those two went back in the ring. Rock should have tagged out but didn't because he knew he might not get tagged back in, and thus couldn't win the title.  So, the heels worked Rock over for the next few minutes.  Eventually, everyone got into it and Rock went for the People's Elbow on HHH but Kane ran in and chokeslammed Rock.  HHH played up to Kane for doing it, not realizing that he was doing it to win the title.  Then, Kane did a tombstone (which some people said they aren't allowed to do anymore) on HHH.  UT broke it up.  UT then did a chokeslam from the top turnbuckle through the air into JR's announce table in an awesome spot.  Vince then went to do the People's Elbow on Rock but Rock got up and hit the Rock Bottom on Vince to win the match and the WWF title. There wasn't the pop I thought we would see for Rock's win.  He got more of one after they announced he won the belt.

2001 - The "WCW Invasion" storyline went into full swing during Raw at Madison Square Garden.  Here is Tim Whitehead's original report on the show. 

The 6/25 edition of RAW is WCW aired live from Madison Square Garden in New York. It was the expected beginning of the WCW invasion in full. The focus was on skits rather than wrestling. I thought the show was entertaining and took some steps in the right direction but I still don't see this WCW angle being handled quite right. It's gonna be even tougher now with Chris Benoit on the sidelines, joining Rock and HHH.

Vince McMahon came out right at the start. He mentioned the rumor that, had either Chris Benoit or Chris Jericho won the WWF Title at King of the Ring, they would have defected to WCW right there on RAW. He said that thankfully that will not happen since Steve Austin beat both Benoit & Jericho, even after the blatant cowardly interference of Booker T. He wondered aloud what the "T" stands for, suggesting maybe "terrible", "trash", or "troglodyte". He said it could also mean "temporarily employed", noting that that term could apply to every WCW wrestler since he plans to run that company out of business. He called Madison Square Garden "hallowed ground" and said the WWF helped build that arena into what it is today and that no WCW wrestler has any business coming there. To show how important the WWF is to the Garden, Vince aired a video from a decade or so ago where his late father Vince McMahon Sr. was inducted into the MSG Hall of Fame, with comments from Freddie Blassie and the late Gorilla Monsoon, along with footage of Andre the Giant. Vince promised the fans to bring them more memorable moments tonight.

Rhyno beat Test to regain the Hardcore Title in 4:31. Footage aired of Rhyno losing the belt a couple of weeks ago to Test due to Stacie Kiebler's distraction. Paul Heyman predicted that the WCW invasion has now been stopped. So much for his psychic abilities. They started with garbage can shots and then fought through the crowd to the back. Test came off a platform and put Rhyno through a table. Looked like it hurt. Test put Rhyno in a cart and rammed him into a wall. He hit Rhyno with a ladder. But Rhyno suddenly squashed Test against a wall with the gore and got the pin. However....

.....Mike Awesome defeated Rhyno to capture the Hardcore Title. No sooner did Rhyno win than Awesome arrived and broke a board over his head. He then slammed Rhyno on the ladder (that looked really sicko) and pinned him under the 24/7 rule. Jim Ross & Heyman freaked out over a WCW guy taking a WWF belt.

X-Pac beat Jeff Hardy to capture the Light Heavyweight Title in 3:10. Pretty good match, except for one spot where Jeff took a bump off the top from a dropkick that barely grazed him. Jeff dropkicked X-Pac out of the air. X-Pac went for the bronco but got booted in the crotch. Jeff missed a swanton when X-Pac rolled clear, with X-Pac then winning by using the ropes for leverage behind the ref's back.

Austin & Debra arrived, and found Vince seething in anger over Mike Awesome. "He raped me and left with a WWF Title", said Vince. Didn't Austin once "violate" Vince in a hospital? Anyway, Austin wasn't very sympathetic, noting that Vince had been nowhere to be seen at King of the Ring, and that he had still retained the WWF Title over both Benoit & Jericho even with Booker T interfering. Vince acted apologetic and assured Austin that he cares about him. They ended up making up and hugging. Debra just looked disgusted. Austin's hand was bandaged from the injury he received at the PPV, and at the beginning of the show JR had acknowledged that Austin had been hospitalized briefly after that match (from hitting his head taking the desk bump during the Booker T run-in).

The first of several Madison Square Garden golden moment segments aired, this one showing footage of Bruno Sammartino in action. Heyman cited the dates of Bruno's WWF Title reigns.

Video aired from the PPV of Booker T's run-in against Austin.

Big Show encountered Trish Stratus backstage. He showed her his new T-shirt which said "Big Show" and had an arrow pointing down to his crotch area. Guess he watches Beevis & Butthead a lot. Trish didn't seem impressed. Show then said he would win the European Title from Matt Hardy and celebrate by visiting England, Sweden, China, and other European countries. That explains why the arrow on the shirt didn't point up to his head. He offered to take Trish with him and said she'd look cute dressed like a snow bunny. Trish liked the idea of visiting Europe but said they would need separate rooms, of course. Show said they could work something out. Show called himself a genius after she left. Bet no one else has ever called him a genius.

Vince and Austin were hanging out together like the good buddies they are when Kurt Angle walked in. Vince praised Angle for kicking Shane's ass in the PPV street fight. Angle enjoyed the praise but also noted that he suffered some injuries, citing a concussion and a broken tailbone. Austin laughed at him, saying his (Angle's) three matches at the PPV combined weren't as tough as his one match against Benoit & Jericho. He kept implying that Angle's a wimp, but Vince invited Angle to stay, to Austin's dismay. Angle took a seat slowly, acting like it hurt to sit down.

Another MSG golden moment featured video of Superstar Billy Graham. So this was the second such segment in a row to feature a guy who isn't fond of Vince.

Tazz beat Steven Richards in 0:13. Richards called New York a cesspool. New York native Tazz went in and put him out in seconds with the Tazzmission. The RTC angle appears on the verge of being thankfully censored.

Angle was enjoying the carrots, celery, and other healthy food items available in Vince's suite. Austin pulled Vince over to the side and wanted him to kick Angle out so they could hang out alone together like best buddies. But Vince said the King of the Ring ceremony was about to start and he wanted to keep an eye on Angle, fearing he might interrupt the ceremony in a jealous rage over losing the tournament final. Angle then told Austin the two of them are a lot alike since both are former OTR champs and both have held the WWF Title. He said they're so alike they could be related. Austin just looked disgusted. This was hilarious.

Yoshihiro Tajiri carried the King of the Ring trophy to the ring under William Regal's command. He acted like the trophy weighed a ton. Regal said America lacks a lot of things, such as civility and politeness, and also lacks royalty, but he then introduced King Edge. Edge came out accompanied by Christian. Regal told Edge that, even though his win was tainted by Shane's interference, his reign as king will "reck" of awesomeness. Edge then posed, and was joined by Christian and Tajiri. Tajiri was hilarious. Christian then said he was honored to be there with Edge, but reminded everyone that he got cheated out of victory in his semi-final bout due to interference. He said he won two earlier round matches over Big Show and Kane, whose combined weight is over 1000 pounds. That was really a great line! Edge seemed a little perturbed by Christian's remarks but tried to be cheerful and said the era of awesomeness is now upon us. Billy Gunn then came out. He said that he won the KOTR tourney in 1999 (which is so totally like about as memorable as Barry Horowitz's win in Global wrestling circa 1991). Gunn then said he missed the 2000 tourney due to injury and then wasn't even invited to join the 2001 tourney. Someone in the crowd shouted "good!". Gunn also complained about the indignity of being sent to WWF New York with all the moron fans there, and called Edge a no-talent punk. JR called Gunn "Bitter Billy". Edge said Gunn must be imitating a vacuum cleaner since he sucks and blows at the same time and hoped that if he turns out like Gunn two years from now that someone will just shoot him in the head. Edge said it's not his fault Gunn has accomplished nothing for two years and called him "Billy Bitchcakes". He vowed not to "Billy Gunn" the KOTR Title. Gunn threatened to kick Edge's ass, which is about as good of a comeback you could expect from him on the mic as he was like so totally outclassed by Edge. Edge agreed to fight, so Commissioner Regal booked the match for later in the show.

The next MSG moment was the legendary Sgt. Slaughter vs. Pat Patterson bootcamp match from about 20 years ago.

Hour two began with the Dudleys beating Undertaker & Kane to retain the WWF World Tag Titles in 4:49. The match itself wasn't much. JR kept dwelling on Dallas Page and how he had psychologically harmed Sara, who was at ringside. He kept mentioning the "private collection" of more intimate secret videos Page has of Sara. The match ended with Albert doing a run-in and plastering Kane with the Baldo Bomb, allowing D-Von to get the pin. Kane chased Albert afterward. This left UT & Sara conveniently alone, and as they left up the ramp, Page came out of nowhere and flattened UT with two chairshots. Sara tried to fight Page but he held her down and ripped out a chunk of her hair. It looked really fake because there's no way that much hair could be ripped out without taking half the scalp with it. Page fled with Sara's golden locks before UT revived. JR said Page is a "sick bastard" and is also as good as dead.

Regal told Tajiri that Benoit is injured (JR acknowledged this, noting he'll be out for several months with neck surgery for nerve problems). But since Jericho is still healthy, Regal thought he needs to be punished for teasing that he might jump to WCW. He asked Tajiri for advice on what type of match or opponent would punish Jericho the most. Tajiri recommended himself. Regal agreed to the match, and Tajiri did all the funny facials he does when celebrating.

Big Show beat Matt Hardy by DQ in a European Title match in 3:12. Show was wearing his new T-shirt, which also said "Big All Over" on the back. Show tossed Matt around, with Matt getting in a few shots on Show's arm. Trish kissed Matt in an effort to distract him. This angered Lita, who ripped Trish's top off. Show was about to chokeslam Matt when Lita kicked him in the testicles for the DQ. Maybe the arrow on the shirt was to show her where to kick in case she forgot. Anyway, Matt remained champion so Show's arrow won't be pointing to a title belt.

Perry Saturn & Terri were supposed to be the guests this week at WWF New York, but Shane appeared there instead. There was a big "Shane-O-Mac" chant. Shane claimed that Vince is using all his media clout to keep WCW from getting on TV. As if! Shane said WCW needs TV, so therefore he has no choice but to invade and take over WWF's TV. He said he'll drive Vince out of business just as Vince did to his own father. Shane then brought out Booker T as the man who will lead the invasion. Booker said it was too damn easy to take Austin down last night. That line would have been more effective if Austin hadn't gone on to win. He challenged Austin to fight.

Both Austin & Vince were furious over Shane & Booker. Austin said he doesn't deserve to be attacked and challenged like that. Vince said they're in his restaurant, and told Austin to go down there and kick their asses since it's only a couple of blocks away. Austin began sort of making excuses, but Debra encouraged him and he agreed to go, but wanted Vince to go with him. Vince recommended that Austin take Angle with him. Angle got one of those "who, me?" looks on his face. Austin said if Angle has so much in common with him, he should agree to go. Austin left with Angle reluctantly following.

Hardcore Holly & Al Snow were discussing the success of Tough Enough (which has gotten rave reviews). They encountered the Acolytes, who were rallying the lower card guys to defend the WWF. They said WCW wouldn't give any of them a chance or even return their calls over the years, but now that the promotion has folded and needs a way to re-start, the wrestlers there are trying to take over the WWF. They said Dallas Page and the other invaders can go to hell and encouraged everyone to stand up for the WWF. Among those there were Goodfather, Bull Buchanan, Dean Malenko, Raven, Steve Blackman, Crash Holly, Taka Michinoku, Sho Funaki, Haku, and Essa Rios.

Jimmy Snuka's cage dive onto Don Muraco, which ultimately made a star out of Mick Foley, was the next MSG moment.

Edge beat Billy Gunn in 6:17. No heat except for a mysterious "Hulk Hogan" chant. Since Hogan may try to start up his own company to oppose Vince, there was no way in hell he was gonna be on one of the MSG moments. Christian accidentally nailed Edge at one point, but he later redeemed himself by giving Gunn a backbreaker. Edge then won with the DDT, which JR accidentally called the DDP. Christian carried Edge's trophy as the two left, holding onto it as if it were his.

Vince received a phone call from Austin, who was stuck in traffic. Vince told Austin to sit tight, and also said, "I know Angle's a dork, but he's a dangerous dork, and he's our dork for tonight."

The final MSG moment was the Andre vs. John Studd bodyslam challenge from the first WrestleMania.

Chris Jericho beat Yoshihiro Tajiri in 5:10. A real good match while it lasted. Jericho said that since Steve Assclown is still WWF champion, he'll take his anger out on Tajunior. Lots of chops. Tajiri hit those hard kicks of his that make you cringe. Tajiri hooked the octopus and got an "ECW" chant in response. Jericho slugged Regal. Regal responded by pulling the ref out when Jericho went for a pin. He put Jericho in a full nelson and Tajiri went to spray the mist (for the first time since arriving in the WWF) but Jericho ducked and Regal took the spray. Jericho nailed the shocked Tajiri and lionsaulted him for the pin. Tajiri kept begging the blind Regal for forgiveness afterward.

Vince got another call from Austin, who had made it to WWF New York. Vince said he'd go to the ring and when he gives the signal, they are to attack. Vince told Debra, "This is gonna be good!" as he left for the ring.

Vince arrived in the ring and said the hallowed ground of MSG had been tainted by WCW invaders, but that all's well that ends well, and the WCW guys are about to pay. This was the signal for Austin & Angle to leave their car and go inside the restaurant. The fickle fans who had cheered Shane & Booker earlier, now cheered Austin & Angle. One of the employees told Austin that Shane & Booker were gone. Austin grabbed a mic and said Booker was a coward for not being there and imitated how Booker says "ask" (i.e., "akst") and said the next time he sees Booker in person he'll kick his "sucka ass". Back at the Garden, Vince said it wasn't surprising that Shane & Booker fled, and that it proves that WWF is the dominant brand name in sports entertainment. To Vince's chagrin, Shane arrived at ringside. Booker then came through the crowd and entered the ring. Vince slugged him. Booker just shook it off and nailed Vince with his kicks, including the scissor kick, leaving Vince laying. Booker & Shane escaped as the rallied lower card guys all came out for the belated save.

2002 - WWE held a Smackdown taping in Chicago.  John May filed the following results:

Smackdown taping in Chicago last night.  Here are the results.

Dark Match

Shelton Benjamin beat Rob Conway. Conway looked really good.


Tajiri beat Albert.

Kidman beat Funaki.

Christian beat The Hurricane.

Jamie Noble, with Nidia, beat Chavo Guerrero Jr.


The show opened with a Vince McMahon promo.  He brought out Kurt Angle and Angle laid down a challenge to any newcomer.  John "Prototype" Cena accepted.  Angle beat him.  Cena got a lot of offence in the beginning.  Angle came back, but Cena went on the offensive again and scored a lot of near falls before Angle barely won with a Small Package.

In the back after the match, a number of wrestlers (including Undertaker) congratulated Cena for the job he did in his match.

Billy and Chuck kept the tag titles by beating Big Valbowski and Hardcore Holly.  Not bad.

They showed us Torrie Wilson in the back oiling herself up.  When they came back from commercial, they showed her modeling one of the outfits from the Divas special.  All I can say is set your VCR to record that show if you aren't going to be home Saturday.

Lance Storm did an anti US promo and said he would beat an American tonight.

They showed a spot with Mark Henry at a Strongman contest.  Former strongman and wrestler Bill Kazmeier was shown saying what a tough lift Henry did.  That led to Storm beating Henry.  After the match, Christian came to ringside and celebrated with his Canadian brother.

Undertaker came out for a promo.  He said that the Rock would be back on July 11 (which was the original date he was supposed to return before Austin walked out and he came back early) and would get a title shot when he came back.  Angle then came down and challenged Taker for a title match next week.

Torrie Wilson came out in another outfit.  Watch the show Saturday!

Rikishi beat Test by DQ after Test hit the ref with his big boot.  Rikishi gave Test the Stinkface until Christian and Lance Storm ran in and made the save.

Hulk Hogan and Vince faced off in Vince's office.

Tajiri and Noble were shown in the back preparing for their match with Kidman and Hurricane.  Nidia kissed Tajiri and basically told him that if they won, it would be a fun night for him back at the hotel, or trailer park, if you know what I mean.  Tajiri was motivated.  He didn't get lucky though because Kidman and Hurricane beat he and Noble in their match. 

Torrie, Stacy and Dawn Marie all came out in hot outfits and had a catfight.  I think I will stay home Saturday and watch Divas live.

A video aired of a cruiserweight aired. They showed Rey Mysterio's mask and it said "He's Coming."

Deacon Bautista and the Reverend D-Von beat Faarooq and Randy Orton when Deacon pinned Orton. 

Hulk Hogan beat Chris Jericho by DQ when Jericho went nuts on Hogan with a chair.  Edge came out and made the save and he and Hogan laid a beating on Jericho to end the show.  They then did the Hogan pose routine.

Notes: Tazz and Michael Cole called both Velocity and Smackdown. They went to the back during the last Velocity match and Tazz put a suit on in the interim for Smackdown. ... The building wasn't even close to sold out. The upper sections were tarped off. I have been to every WWE show in Chicago for the last five years and this had to be the smallest crowd I have seen, which considering Chicago used to always sell out, says something. ... I had fun live.

2006 - WWE broadcast their Vengeance PPV, headlined by Sabu vs. John Cena in an Extreme Lumberjack match.  Buck Woodward filed the following PPV report:


Vengeance opened with a video highlighting John Cena vs. Sabu, Edge vs. Rob Van Dam and DX vs. Spirit Squad.

They went live to the arena, where there are a lot of signs in the crowd (I mean, more than normal) mostly for DX, Ric Flair and ECW. The announcers welcomed us to the show.

Randy Orton vs. Kurt Angle.

Orton tried to stall at the start, going to the ropes as Angle tried to grab a limb. Angle grabbed a double leg takedown, and rode Orton on the mat. Angle applied a hammerlock, then twisted Orton into a pinning position for a two count. Angle grabbed a foot and went for the ankle lock, but Orton got to the ropes and went to the ring apron. Angle gave Orton a forearm, then went for a German suplex off the apron, but Orton held onto the top rope. Angle put all his weight into it, but Orton wouldn't release the rope.

Orton elbowed Angle to the floor, then went after him, but Angle gave him a German suplex on the floor. There was an "ECW" chant from part of the crowd. Angle got back in the ring and grabbed Orton as he got on the apron. Angle suplexed Orton back in, then paintbrushed Orton across the back of the head. Orton poked Angle in the eyes as he got up, then hit a standing dropkick. Orton threw Angle to the floor, then rammed him headfirst into the apron. Orton threw Angle back first into the security wall. Orton tossed Angle back into the ring for a two count.

Orton mounted Angle and hit some right hands, then delivered a kneedrop for a two count. Orton applied a chinlock, but Angle lifted Orton into a fireman's carry and hit a Samoan Drop. Angle delivered a forearm uppercut, but Orton reversed a whip and hit an elbow for a two count. There was a "Let's Go Angle" chant. Orton applied the rear chinlock again, keeping Angle down on the mat. Orton used the bottom rope for leverage, pushing off with his feet. Angle got to his feet and elbowed out, but Orton hit a knee to the gut, then a kneedrop for another two count. Orton then returned to the chinlock.

Angle armdragged out of the chinlock, but Orton immediately hit a clothesline. Orton slowly went to the top rope, but Angle jumped up onto the second rope and hit a belly to belly superplex. Angle then hit two overhead belly to belly suplexes and prepared for an Angle Slam, but Orton floated over and hit a side neckbreaker for a two count. Orton measured Angle for an RKO, but Angle shoved him into the turnbuckles. Orton began to pull the pad off the top turnbuckles. Angle grabbed Orton and hit seven consecutive German suplexes, kept his hands locked, and slowly got Orton up to hit number eight. Orton rolled to the floor. There was an "Angle" chant. Angle went out after Orton, then rolled him into the ring and covered him for a two count.

Angle went for a anklelock, but Orton kicked him away. Orton removed the turnbuckle pad he was working on earlier. Angle grabbed Orton and hit an Angle Slam, then applied an ankle lock. Orton struggled, but made the ropes. Angle pulled him off the ropes, and Orton managed to turn his body and send Angle head first into the exposed turnbuckle. Orton then hit the RKO for the pin at the fourteen minute mark.

Winner: Randy Orton.

Orton was favoring his ankle after the match, selling the ankle lock and limping away from the ring.

Vince McMahon was on the phone in his office, when someone knocked on the door. Vince said "come in" and a kid in a wheelchair came in. The kid was wearing a DX T-shirt, and Vince assumed he was a setup for another DX prank. The kid tried to explain who he was, but Vince told him to shut up. Vince shoved the wheelchair out a door, and the kid screamed. You could hear a crash. Jonathan Coachman then entered from another door, holding a "male enhancement tool". Coach said DX had been hanging around, and left that by the door. Coach then told Vince that a family friend would be coming by later, a kid in a wheelchair who was Vince's biggest fan. Coach asked if Vince could take some time to talk to the kid. Vince said "sure" and didn't let on to Coach that he had just wheeled the kid out the other door.

Umaga, with Armando, vs. Eugene.

Armando came out with Umaga first, and said he heard Eugene had gotten backup. Armando joked that Eugene was going to be bringing "imaginary friends" like Superman and Wonder Woman, to try and help him. Eugene then made his entrance, alone. Eugene waved and danced out. The fans were chanting "Hoo!" before the music even hit for Hacksaw Jim Duggan, who then made his entrance and hugged Eugene. Eugene gestured that he had another surprise, and out came Doink The Clown. There was one more piece of backup, and out came Kamala The Ugandan Giant.

Duggan started a USA chant as the bell rang. Doesn't he know Kamala is from Uganda? Umaga hit Eugene with a clothesline, then stomped him in the mat. Umaga hit a chop to the throat. Eugene kicked away a backdrop and fired off some right hands, but Umaga chopped him down and kicked him in the chest. Umaga hit the charging thigh drive (yeah, I made up a name for it) in the corner, then hit the Samoan Spike for the win at the two minute mark.

Winner: Umaga.

Duggan ran in, and Umaga took him down with a Spike. Doink came in, and Umaga shoved him down, then gave him the Spike. Kamala got in, and slapped his belly. The crowd popped for this potential showdown. Armando stopped Umaga and got him out of the ring, saying Kamala was "crazy". Umaga wanted to go back in, but Armando got him to leave, while Kamala stomped in the ring and stared down Umaga.

Todd Grisham interviewed Mick Foley. Foley read the less than flattering things Ric Flair wrote about him, directly from Ric Flair's book. Foley said "this glorified stuntman" would outwrestle Ric Flair tonight. Foley gave a "Wooo!" before walking off.

Mick Foley vs. Ric Flair - Two Out Of Three Falls

No surprise, Flair got a huge pop in Charlotte. Flair's family was at ringside. There was a "Foley sucks" chant. They locked up, and Foley grabbed a side headlock, then went into a hammerlock. Flair reversed, and Foley went to the ropes for a break. They exchanged arm wringers, with Flair getting the better of it. Foley went to the ropes again for a break. Flair tripped Foley to the mat and applied an armbar. Foley went to the ropes, again. Foley decked Flair with a right hand, then hit some punches in a corner. Foley mocked Flair's strut, then hit a running knee in the corner. Foley hit a double arm DDT, then signaled for Mr. Socko. Foley pulled out a Mr. Socko that was dressed to look like Ric Flair, complete with ring robe. As Foley approached Flair, Flair applied a testicular claw. Flair then hit some chops and decked Foley with a punch. Flair went to the top rope and hit Foley with a forearm. Flair acted like his knee gave out as he hit the move. Foley chopblocked the knee, then went to work on it, wrapping it around the ropes and dropping an elbow on it. Foley went for a figure four, but Flair reversed it into a small package for the pin at the five minute mark.

First Fall: Ric Flair.

Foley ran right into a second Flair small package for a two count. Foley shoved Flair to the floor, then went after him on the outside. Flair reversed a whip and sent Foley into the ringsteps. Flair hit some punches and tossed Foley back into the ring. Flair punched Foley right back out of the ring. Foley went over the security wall and into the crowd, but Flair followed him. Foley raked Flair's eyes, then backdropped him over the security wall and back to ringside. Foley threw Flair into the ring. There was a "Foley Sucks" chant as Foley pulled out a trash can from under the ring. Flair grabbed a double leg takedown as Foley came at him with the trash can. Flair applied the figure four leglock. Foley grabbed the trash can and hit Flair in the head with it while they were in the hold. Foley was disqualified at the eight minute mark.

Second fall via disqualification and winner of the match: Ric Flair.

Foley went under the ring and pulled out a barbed wire baseball bat. Foley hit Flair with it, busting him open, then grinded it across Flair's head. Flair was cursing in pain (which was bleeped). Foley dropped the barbed wire bat on the now bloody Flair, then hit him with it again. Agents and referees came out, and Foley left. Flair was a bloody mess.

Maria interviewed Carlito. Maria explained the "cool paradox" of people who want to be cool, but aren't, and that people who are cool, don't want to be. Or something like that. Carlito said nothing would be cooler than winning the Intercontinental Title. A bikini clad Torrie came in and asked Maria to spread baby oil on her for a photo shoot. Torrie asked Carlito to "hold her puppies". Of course, she meant her dogs. Maria and Torrie began rubbing oil on each other (complete with cheesy porno music). Carlito's music hit, and Carlito, annoyed, had to leave to head to the ring. For those curious, the camera turned away whenever it looked like Torrie or Maria were going to touch a body part that would have raised the PPV to TV-MA.

Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. Carlito vs. Johnny Nitro, with Melina.

Carlito ambushed Nitro at the bell, shoving him to the floor. Benjamin rolled up Carlito for a two count twice, then Carlito rolled up Benjamin with a flying cradle for a two count. Carlito rolled up Benjamin again for a two count, then applied a side headlock. Nitro ran in, but Carlito backdropped him, while maintaining the headlock. Nitro rolled to the floor. Nitro springboarded back in as Benjamin got out of the headlock and took over on Benjamin after Benjamin kicked Carlito out of the ring (with a kick intended for Nitro). Nitro went for a backdrop, but Shelton kicked it away. Carlito clotheslined Shelton out of the ring, then catapulted Nitro to the floor. Carlito went for a pescado, but Melina pulled Nitro out of the way. Carlito landed on the apron and kicked Benjamin, but Nitro sweeped Carlito's leg, and he crashed to the apron. Nitro threw Carlito into the ringpost, but Benjamin slammed Nitro on the floor. Benjamin was distracted by Melina, and Nitro hit some elbows on the floor. Carlito got on the apron, then the top rope, and then hit a springboard senton onto both opponents on the floor as the punched it out.

Carlito tossed Nitro into the ring and covered him for a two count. Nitro reversed a whip into a tilt-a-whirl Russian legsweep. Nitro used a baseball slide to keep Benjamin on the floor, then covered Carlito twice for two count. Carlito dodged a clothesline with a springboard flip over the head of Nitro, then hit a rana. Carlito ran the ropes to get at Nitro again, but Benjamin slid in and gave him a flapjack for a two count. Benjamin whipped Carlito into a corner, then gave Nitro an Exploder, throwing him over the top rope and to the floor. Shelton gave Carlito a vertical suplex for a two count. Shelton hit a Samoan Drop on Carlito, but Nitro broke up the cover and pounded Shelton with right hands. Nitro charged Shelton, who lifted Nitro into a powerbomb position, but dropped him face first on the top turnbuckle instead. Shelton covered Nitro, but Melina put his foot on the ropes. Nitro rolled to the floor.

Carlito jumped onto Shelton with a victory roll for a two count. Nitro came in, and Carlito whipped him towards Shelton. Nitro monkey flipped Benjamin into a Carlito dropkick. Carlito covered Shelton, but Nitro broke it up. Nitro put Carlito on the top rope and was getting set for a superplex, but Shelton crotched Nitro on the ropes. Nitro got tied to the tree of woe. Carlito was still on the top rope. Shelton jumped to the top rope, and set up for a superplex on Carlito. Nitro sat up from the Tree of Woe, and grabbed Shelton in a waistlock. Nitro German suplexed Benjamin at the same time Shelton superplexed Carlito. The fans chanted "Holy S***". Nitro went for covers but didn't get a pin. Carlito started to rally, punching both opponents. Carlito grabbed a small package on Shelton, but Nitro broke it up. Nitro and Shelton went for a double clothesline on Carlito, but Carlito ducked it and hit a springboard elbow on both men. Carlito went for covers, but got no pin. Carlito dodged a charging Nitro, and pulled down the top rope so Nitro would fall to the floor.

Shelton kicked Carlito in the back of the head for a two count. Carlito came back with a vertical suplex attempt, but let Shelton land on his feet so he could turn it around into a backcracker. Carlito went for the cover, put Nitro pulled Carlito from the ring, then slid in and covered Benjamin for the three count at the thirteen minute mark.

Winner and new Intercontinental Champion: Johnny Nitro.

Backstage, The Spirit Squad were getting themselves psyched up. Vince McMahon came in and gave them a motivational speech. The Spirit Squad left, and Vince went to use the restroom. Vince picked up the penis pump box, checked his watch, and took in into the restroom with him. We heard an explosion, and Vince walked out, covered in green paint, holding the exploded box.

The events leading to Edge vs. Rob Van Dam were shown.

WWE & ECW Champion Rob Van Dam vs. Edge, with Lita.

Edge did some pre-match mic work, ripping on the fans and promising to win the title. RVD came out with both the ECW and WWE belts. Jim Ross talked about all the World Title changes that have taken place in Charlotte. Interesting to note, the referee only held the WWE belt in the air before ringing the bell. Jim Ross noted the match was for the WWE Title, so it would appear the ECW belt isn't on the line.

Edge took RVD down with a waistlock, then mocked RVD's gesture. Edge hit some punches, and RVD went for a monkeyflip. Edge landed on his feet, ducked two RVD kicks, but Van Dam took him down with a leg cradle. Edge rolled to the apron and regrouped. RVD hit some shots in a corner, but Edge leapfrogged him. RVD flipped over Edge, then Edge went for a bodypress, missed, and RVD hit a standing moonsault. RVD hit a back heel kick, and went for Rolling Thunder, but Edge rolled to the floor. RVD hit a baseball slide kick as Edge regrouped on the floor. RVD hit a moonsault on a standing Edge from off the security wall. There was an "RVD" chant. Van Dam rolled Edge in, then Lita grabbed Van Dam's leg and Van Dam kicked Lita away. Edge gave RVD a sunset flip off the ring apron, powerbombing Van Dam on the floor.

Edge tossed Van Dam into the ring and covered him for a two count. Edge hit some shots in the corner, then whipped RVD hard across the ring. Edge choked RVD against the middle ropes. Van Dam fired back with some punches, then Edge raked his eyes and gave him a forearm, sending him to the mat. Edge applied a surfboard, but RVD kicked Edge in the head to escape. RVD backdropped Edge to the ring apron, then gave him a cross bodyblock, ending Edge crashing to the floor with RVD on top of him. RVD put Edge on the security wall, and went for the corkscrew legdrop off the apron, but Edge moved and RVD landed on the wall. Edge rolled Van Dam into the ring for a two count. Edge tossed RVD to the floor. Van Dam was favoring his leg from crashing on the wall from the missed legdrop. Edge powerbombed Van Dam, throwing him back first into the security wall.

Edge tossed RVD back into the ring for a two count. Edge stomped RVD's back, then hit a backbreaker, pushing down on RVD's chin and stretching him across his leg. RVD kneed Edge in the head twice to escape. They traded forearms, then Edge decked Van Dam with a boot to the face. Edge rammed RVD into the top turnbuckle, then whipped him across the ring. Edge ran into a boot, and RVD went for a tornado DDT, but Edge blocked it. Van Dam kicked Edge in the gut, then in the head. Van Dam hit a springboard kick off the middle rope on Edge. Van Dam hit a pair of clotheslines, then backdropped Edge. Van Dam hit a German suplex with a bridge for a two count. Van Dam hit a spin kick. Van Dam went for Rolling Thunder, but Edge jumped up and grabbed RVD in a powerslam for a two count.

Edge whipped Van Dam across the ring, but ran into an elbow. Van Dam hit a top rope thrust kick. Van Dam went to the top rope, but Edge rolled away. Van Dam went into a somersault off the middle rope and gave Edge Rolling Thunder across his back. Van Dam hit a split leg moonsault for a two count. Van Dam went for a spin kick, but Edge ducked and RVD kicked the referee. Edge had Lita get him the WWE Title belt. Van Dam jumped up and kicked the WWE Title belt into Edge's face. RVD went to the top rope, but Lita crotched him. Edge was bleeding from his eyebrow. Edge pulled RVD off the ropes and spiked him with a DDT. Edge covered RVD, and the referee slowly crawled over and counted two.

Edge set up for a spear, and Lita held a steel chair in the ring behind RVD, with the idea that Edge would spear RVD into it. Edge charged, and RVD ducked. Edge speared the chair, knocking Lita off the apron. RVD hit the five star frog splash for the pin at the 18-minute mark.

Winner: Rob Van Dam.

Backstage, the ECW wrestlers were chanting "RVD-ECW". Paul Heyman entered and said "one down, one to go". Heyman reminded the wrestlers that they are lumberjacks for John Cena vs. Sabu tonight. Heyman said Vince McMahon ordered that there would be an equal number of Raw and ECW wrestlers at ringside as lumberjacks tonight. Heyman finished his pep talk, and the wrestlers went back to chanting.

Kane vs. Imposter Kane.

Imposter Kane used Kane's old theme music. They had a stare down in the ring, and Kane started throwing punches before the bell. Imposter went down, but then sat up. Kane punched Imposter over the top rope, and Imposter landed on his feet. Imposter dragged Kane out of the ring and hit some right hands. Imposter sent Kane back into the ring, and choked him in a corner.

Kane and Imposter slugged it out, and Kane hit a shoulderblock. Kane went after the mask, but the Imposter made it to the ropes and held onto his mask. Imposter took Kane down and punched him in the shoulder repeatedly. Imposter stood on Kane's throat. Imposter gave Kane a vertical suplex, then dropped a chop to the throat. There were loud "Boring" chants. Kane booted the Imposter in the face, but the Imposter came back with a powerslam for a two count. Imposter hit some punches on the mat, then ripped at Kane's face before applying a chinlock.

Kane broke free by ramming the Imposter in the corner. Kane ran into an elbow, then Imposter grabbed a choke. Kane got out by sticking his finger in the Imposter's eye. Kane hit a DDT, then hit a powerslam. Kane punched Imposter in the corner, then hit an uppercut. Kane hit some charging clotheslines in the corner, then waited in the ring for a while until the Imposter walked into Kane's sidewalk slam. Kane went for a chokeslam, but Imposter broke free and hit a boot to the face. Imposter went to the top rope, but Kane stopped him. Kane backdropped Imposter from the second rope. Kane called for the chokeslam, but Imposter broke out of it. Kane hit a boot to the face. Kane went to the top rope, but as he jumped off, Imposter caught him by the throat. Imposter hit a chokeslam for the clean win at the seven minute mark.

Winner: Imposter Kane.

The events leading to John Cena vs. Sabu were shown.

John Cena vs. Sabu - Extreme Lumberjack Match.

Stevie Richards, Balls Mahoney, Roadkill, Al Snow, Sandman, Little Guido, Justin Credible, and Tommy Dreamer were the ECW lumberjacks, and they came out first, then Sabu came to the ring. The Raw lumberjacks were out next, and included Val Venis, Matt Striker, Charlie Haas, Rob Conway, Viscera, Gene Snitsky, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. John Cena then made his entrance, to a mixed reaction.

The lumberjacks argued at ringside as Cena came down. Sabu went right at Cena as he looked away, and began stomping him. Cena went out of the ring, but got back in quickly and hit some right hands, then gave Sabu a Fisherman's buster. Cena threw Sabu out, and the Raw guys tossed him back in. Cena hit a right hand and delivered an elbow. Sabu came back and tossed Cena out. The ECW guys pounded him, then tossed him back in. Sabu tossed him out, and Sandman caned him in the head. The ECW guys tossed Cena back in. Sabu hit a Triple Jump Moonsault for two, then applied a camel clutch. Cena broke out, and Sabu hit Cena low. Sabu hit a Triple Jump elbowsmash for another two count.

Sabu hit an Arabian facebuster off the second rope for another two count. Sabu went for Air Sabu, but Cena moved and Sabu crashed into the corner. There was a "Cena" chant. Cena hit a kick to the face and a powerslam. Cena did the "You Can't See Me" and a brawl broke out at ringside. Justin Credible came in and Cena tossed him to the floor, on top of some of the brawlers. Cena went to the floor and threw Stevie Richards into the crowd. Sabu went to ringside and threw a chair at Cena. Al Snow held Cena and Sabu collared him with the chair. The ECW guys put Cena on a table on the floor, but Viscera broke it up, and as Sabu prepared to dive out, Cena hit Sabu with Sandman's cane. Cena blasted Sabu with a chair in the ring. Cena lifted Sabu for an FU. Cena walked to the ropes, then dumped Sabu over the ropes and Sabu crashed through the edge of the table. It looked nasty. Viscera and Snitsky tossed Sabu back into the ring. Cena applied the STFU, and the Raw guys kept the ECW ones from entering the ring. Sabu tapped out at the seven minute mark.

Winner: John Cena.

The Raw guys entered the ring, and the ECW guys backed down the aisle. Cena then left the ring, with the Raw guys applauding him.

A Summerslam commercial was shown, which included appearances by Goldust and Boogeyman.

Backstage, RVD confronted John Cena. Van Dam gave Cena credit for having the "testicular fortitude" to walk into the ECW locker room last week. Van Dam offered to wrestle John Cena tomorrow on Raw for the WWE Title. Cena said the title was his life, and accepted the challenge. They shook hands, and Cena stared at the belt on RVD's shoulder.

The events leading to DX vs. Spirit Squad were shown.

DX vs. Spirit Squad.

DX came out first, and Triple H did old DX introduction with "Let's Get Ready To Suck It". Shawn Michaels did the "We've got two words for you..." bit. The Spirit Squad then entered. I don't believe the World Tag Team Championship is on the line in this five-on-two match. DX did "rock, paper scissors" to determine who would start. Michaels won.

Michaels started out with Mitch, while the rest of the Squad cheered him on. Michaels traded holds with Mitch and applied a headlock. Michaels tripped Mitch and walked across his back, then chopped him. Mitch came back with a knee to the gut and stomped and punched Michaels down in a corner. Mitch then danced in celebration, and Michaels lit him up with chops. Michaels got back into the Squad corner, but Michaels fought them all off with elbows and punches. Michaels took Mitch to his corner, and he and Triple H pounded him down. The Squad ran in, but DX cleaned house. Johnny was bleeding from the nose on the floor. The Squad regrouped on the floor.

Johnny, bloody nose and all, tagged in. Johnny pulled out a headband with martial arts insignia on it. Johnny did some karate poses, so Michaels, acting scared, tagged in Triple H. Johnny did some kicks to the air, while Triple H watched. Johnny went for the crane, and Triple H punched him to the mat. Triple H hit some more punches, then delivered a suplex. Triple H did a crotch chop, then hit a kneedrop. Johnny came back with a thumb to the eye, then hit some right hands in the corner. Triple H reversed a whip, and Johnny hit the corner hard. Triple H distracted the referee while Michaels pulled Johnny crotch first into the ringpost, then rammed his legs into the post. Johnny got up on wobbly legs, and Triple H pulled Johnny's pants down. Johnny managed to kick a charging Triple H and tagged Mikey.

Mikey charged Triple H, who flung him to the floor. Michaels crotched Mikey on the security wall, then he and Triple H double teamed him while the Squad argued with the referee. Back in the ring, Mikey looked for a time out, and Triple H stomped him. Kenny took a shot at Triple H from the apron, and the Squad pulled Triple H to the floor and threw him into the ringsteps. Triple H was now stomped down in the Squad corner. Kenny tagged in, and elbowed Triple H, but got caught with a neckbreaker. Mikey and Michaels tagged in. Michaels hit a flying forearm, kipped up, then hit reverse atomic drops on Mikey and Mitch. Michaels cleaned house, and hit the top rope elbow on Mikey.

Michaels warmed up for the Superkick, but the Squad ran in. DX were clearing the ring, when Johnny hit Michaels with a spinkick. Mikey tagged in Nckey, who covered Michaels for a two count. Michaels kicked away a Nicky backdrop and tagged in Johnny, who Michaels decked. Michaels was dragged to the floor by the Squad, and Kenny decked him with a chair. Michaels was rolled back in, and NMitch hit a trampoline bulldog on Michaels. Johnny covered him for a two count. Triple H threw the trampoline across ringside, but didn't hit anyone. The Spirit Squad kept Michaels in their half of the ring, tagging in and out and working over HBK. Michaels was given a flapjack and Kenny covered Michaels for a two count, then applied a chinlock.

Michaels punched free, and he and Kenny clotheslined each other. Nicky clotheslined Michaels from the apron. Mickey tagged in and worked over Michaels, then tagged in Mikey and threw him at Michaels, but Michaels moved and Mikey went flying from the ring. Michaels hit a double DDT on Johnny and Mitch. Triple H got the hot tag and began cleaning house, hitting clotheslines, jumping knees and spinebusters. Kenny was given a facebuster on the knee and set up for a Pedigree, but Mickey broke it up. The fight went to the floor, and Mikey went for a somersault dive off the trampoline, but Micheals moved and Mikey took out most of the Spirit Squad. Kenny was in the ring with Triple H, and backed up into Michaels. Michaels spooked Kenny back into Triple H, who set up for the Pedigree. Triple H hit it, while Michaels superkicked Mitch. They got the double pin at the 18-minute mark.

Winners: DX.

Michaels and Triple H gave the rest of the Spirit Squad pedigrees and superkicks. DX cleared the ring of everyone but Mitch, and Michaels rubbed Mitch's face into Triple H's bare rear end. Jim Ross speculated that DX was starting a new club.

DX celebrated, and Vince McMahon walked out onto the stage, grinning. Vince said (not on a mic, but audible), "Congratulations, I'll see you tomorrow night."

DX posed in the ring to end the show.

2007 - The bodies of WWE star Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy (known for her run as "Woman" in professional wrestling) and their son Daniel, are discovered in the Benoit home in Atlanta, Georgia.  WWE released the following statement that afternoon:

"WWE is sad to report that Chris Benoit and his family have been found dead in their home. Police are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the deaths. Tonight's Raw will be a tribute to Chris and his family."

While an investigation took place, WWE made the decision to drop the "Mr. McMahon Presumed Dead" storyline, which was going to be the focus of a three-hour Raw thayt was to feature a "funeral" for McMahon. 

The live event was cancelled, and replaced with a tribute to Benoit including many of Benoit's best matches.

As Raw was broadcasting, the company issued the following press release:

WWE(R) Superstar Chris Benoit Found Dead

STAMFORD, CT, June 25 /CNW/ - World Wrestling Entertainment was informed today by authorities in Fayetteville County, Ga., that WWE Superstar Chris Benoit, his wife, Nancy, and his son were found dead in their home. Authorities are investigating, but no other details are available at this time.

Instead of its announced programming for tonight on USA Network, WWE will air a three-hour tribute to Chris Benoit.

Chris was beloved among his fellow Superstars, and was a favorite among WWE fans for his unbelievable athleticism and wrestling ability. He always took great pride in his performance, and always showed respect for the business he loved, for his peers and towards his fans. This is a terrible tragedy and an unbearable loss.

WWE extends its sincere condolences and prayers to the Benoit family and loved ones in this time of tragedy.

Carl DeMarco, President of WWE Canada, added, "I am deeply saddened over the loss of Chris Benoit. My heartfelt thoughts and sympathy go out to his parents and family. My relationship with Chris has extended many years and I consider him a great friend. Chris was always first-class - warm, friendly, caring and professional... one of the best in our business."

Later that night, while the Raw tribute was still airing, Lt. Tommy Pope of the Fayette County Sheriff's Department in Georgia told ABC News that their deaths are being investigated as a "possible murder, suicide."

The ABC website, quoting Pope, noted, "the instruments of death were located on the scene." Pope did not specify what those may have been, but said there was no signs of shootings or stabbings. Pope stated the department is "not actively searching for any suspects outside of the house."

Shortly after that announcement, WWE posted the following on their website:


It has been ruled that the deaths of Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their son Daniel earlier today were the result of a double murder-suicide from within the home. will have more as soon as it becomes available.

It was later revealed by authorities that the deaths were the result of a double murder-suicide, with Chris Benoit strangling his wife and son to death over the course of the weekend, before taking his own life by hanging himself.  Benoit is believed to have murdered his wife Nancy on 6/22, his son Daniel on 6/23 and finally took his own life on 6/24 after sending erratic text messages to several friends in WWE.

WWE would pull Chris Benoit tributes, photos and mentions form their website, and Vince McMahon would issue a public apology the next day for the Raw tribute, noting that "the facts of this "horrific tragedy are now apparent" and stating that Benoit would never be mentioned on WWE programming again. 

To date, Benoit has never been mentioned by WWE on its original, new programming and his name and image are never, ever used to promote anything. 

To this day, his matches are only used in archived events available via VOD on Demand on the WWE Network and the company has never commercialized the use of his name, removing it from the packaging of any event DVDs released that Benoit appeared on.

In the wake of the tragedy, the family of Nancy Benoit founded the Nancy and Daniel Benoit Foundation.  For more details, visit


Prior to the revelation that police were investigating a murder-suicide, WWE broadcast a three hour Benoit tribute show.   Richard Trionfo filed the following report on what would turn out to be the final time Benoit's matches would be seen without the knowledge of what had happened to his family:

We begin tonight's show with a graphic that reads "Memory of Chris Benoit 1967-2007."

Vince McMahon is in the arena in Corpus Christi, Texas and he says that the arena was going to be full of fans with the storyline being the alleged demise of his character. In reality Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy, and son Daniel are dead. Their bodies were found in their home in Atlanta. Vince says that they extend their condolences to the extended family of Chris Benoit. Tonight, they will pay tribute to Chris Benoit with some of the most memorable moments in Chris' life. You will hear from Chris' peers, the people who loved Chris. Tonight will be a three hour tribute to one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time. It will be a tribute to Chris Benoit.

We see a video package for Chris Benoit that features his early days as well as his time in ECW and WCW. We then see Benoit eliminating Big Show to win the Royal Rumble. Then we see Benoit making Triple H tap out at Wrestlemania XX to win the World Title. We then see Chris celebrating in the ring with his family and Eddie Guerrero. We end the segment with the graphic that opened the show.

We are back with a video package of Chris Benoit talking about his career and how it started. We hear comments from friends and family who knew that he would be a pro wrestler. We see Benoit back in Canada after he won the World Title at Wrestlemania XX.

We are back with Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross and Jim says that it is a situation that you hoped never to deal with. Jim talked about how he was one of the greatest wrestlers and a friend. Jerry talks about how it might be one of the toughest shows. Jerry talks about the knowledge that Chris, Nancy, and Daniel are gone after seeing the footage from Wrestlemania XX. Jim talks about Wrestlemania XX. We start off with footage from the Royal Rumble in 2004.

Royal Rumble Match 2004
We join the match in progress and Bill Goldberg takes care of everyone in the ring. Goldberg eliminates Charlie Haas while Nunzio is on Goldberg's back. Van Dam with a kick to Goldberg and then Goldberg with a spear to Nunzio. Billy Gunn is eliminated by Goldberg. Nunzio is the next man to be eliminated by Goldberg. Goldberg sets for a Jackhammer on Big Show but Lesnar comes in and gives Goldberg an F-5. Goldberg wants a piece of Lesnar and that distraction allows Kurt Angle to eliminate Goldberg. Jericho tries to eliminate Angle, but Angle fights back and he punches Jericho in the corner. Big Show and Cena battle by the ropes and Angle and Jericho join in while Van Dam and Benoit battle in the corner. Van Dam and Benoit join in and try to eliminate Show but Show pushes them all off. Show takes everyone down and then he headbutts Jericho. Angle clips Show and then Van Dam with a snap leg drop. Jericho with a Lionsault. Van Dam with a Five Star Frog Splash. Cena with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Benoit with the diving headbutt. Angle tells everyone to pick up Show to eliminate him but they cannot get Show up. Show eliminates Cena and then he tries to take care of Van Dam. Van Dam tries for a monkey flip but Van Dam is tossed to the floor. Show tries to eliminate Jericho but Jericho skins the cat and Jericho with a drop kick to Show. Show sends Jericho to the apron and then he Irish whips Jericho. Jericho goes up for a bulldog from the turnbuckles. Jericho tries to get Show over for the LionTamer and Show taps. Angle hits Jericho from behind and then Angle punches Jericho. Jericho tries to eliminate Angle but Show punches Jericho and Angle falls to the apron. Show gets Jericho up for a choke slam and he eliminates Jericho with the choke slam. Show and Angle exchange punches but Show with a side slam. Show grabs Benoit and gives him a choke slam. Angle tries for a German suplex but Show with a butt bump to take Angle down. Angle hits the Angle Slam on Show and Benoit with punches to Angle. Angle with an Angle Slam to Benoit. The straps are down and Angle asks the crowd which one he should go after. Show tries for a choke slam but Angle rolls through and puts Show in the ankle lock. Show taps but it is irrelevant in this match. Show eliminates Angle as he goes for the ropes. Benoit with a diving head butt to Show on the apron and Show returns to the ring. Show grabs Benoit by the throat for a choke slam but Benoit counters with a Crippler Crossface and Show taps one more time. Show gets up and hits a side slam to get out of the hold. Show tells Benoit that it is all over and he presses Benoit over his head. Benoit turns it into a choke and Show drops Benoit on the apron but Benoit holds on and he takes Show over the top rope to the floor to eliminate Show to win the Royal Rumble.

Steve Austin says that Chris Benoit is one of the most talented wrestlers he knew. Benoit gave everything in the ring regardless of the size of the crowd. Austin talks about wrestling Chris Benoit in Edmonton. He says that Benoit was one of the most honest people he ever met. He says that Benoit held everything together and he was always polite and generous. Austin says that he will miss Benoit a lot and he has total respect and wishes that Chris was still with them. We go to commercial.

We are back with a video clip where Benoit talked about how he got into the business by going to the shows and helping out. He talks about when he met Dynamite Kid and that started his desire to become a wrestler.

Michael Cole and John Layfield talk about Chris' passion and his family. Cole talks about what defines you is your children and that was the case with Chris. He says that Chris' children were very respectful and they would talk and laugh with everyone. Bradshaw talks about how his children were always dressed in suits and would show respect to the wrestlers. Bradshaw talks about when he was talking to Benoit about starting off as the Pegasus Kid and Justin Hawk. Bradshaw says that he wishes he would have been able to call a Benoit match tonight instead of talking about his life.

John Cena says that he thinks this is the most difficult thing he had to do. He says that this has been very sudden and he does not know how to react to this because it is so sudden. He says that they should celebrate the life of Chris Benoit. He says that Chris is the type of guy you want to go to war with because he was so tough. If he knew you meant business, he looked out for you. He formed a lot of bonds with people and they were treated like he was their brother. He lived for the business and he did everything for it. He respected everything about the business. His set of ideals were something that he looked up to. He says that Benoit didn't take any s*** from anybody. He appreciates everything that Chris did for him. Cena says that he hopes that everyone watching appreciates what Benoit did in his life. He did it for the fans. It is fitting because he is a man who lived for the business and Cena says that he respects Chris for that. Cena says that Benoit was like John Wayne because he was a tough man, but you could tell when he cared about you. He was not the type of guy you would say "I love you" to and he never had the chance to say it to him. Cena tells Benoit that he loves him.

We are back with the portion of the Chris Benoit DVD about his time in ECW. He talks about the opportunity. Benoit talks about his matches with Too Cold Scorpio.

Joey Styles and Tazz talk about the footage from ECW when Benoit started there in 1994. Joey talked about the excitement in the ECW locker room that Benoit signed with the company. Tazz says that Chris Benoit brought credibility to the locker room. Tazz says that Benoit was not just a great pro but he helped the younger guys. When you got in the ring with Chris Benoit despite how he was in the back, you had to up your game. He says that Benoit was like a machine in the ring. Joey says that he enjoyed calling Benoit's matches. Joey talks about how happy they were when Benoit was drafted to ECW. Joey talks about the car ride when they were happy that they would get the chance to call Chris Benoit matches.

We go to last week's episode of ECW when Chris Benoit wrestled Elijah Burke.

Chris Benoit versus Elijah Burke ECW June 19, 2007
Benoit with a waist lock take down on Burke into a front face lock. Burke with a reversal but Benoit counters with a hammer lock. Burke gets to his feet and he gets Benoit in a side head lock. Burke with an elbow and Benoit tries for the Crippler Crossface but Burke avoids it and gets a near fall. Burke and Benoit stare each other down and Benoit with a number of chops but Burke with a rollup for a two count. Burke is able to get to the ropes when Benoit tries for the Crippler Crossface. Burke with forearms but Benoit with a chop. Burke works on Benoit in the corner and he follows it with a hard Irish whip for a near fall. Burke with a kick to Benoit's back and chest. Burke punches Benoit and gets a near fall. Burke with a kick to the ribs and then he tries for a seated abdominal stretch but Benoit tries to block it. Burke with a front face lock but Benoit with a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. Burke gets Benoit up and drops him on the top rope and then he connects with a running elbow and Benoit is knocked to the floor. Burke goes out after Benoit and rolls him back into the ring. Burke chokes Benoit in the ropes but he misses a splash into the ropes when Benoit moves. Benoit with forearms to Burke's head followed by elbows to the head and a snap suplex for a near fall. Benoit with a knee to Burke followed by a Northern Lights suplex for another two count. Benoit with the Hat Trick German suplex combination. Benoit goes up top for the diving head butt but Burke gets his knees up and both men are down. Burke with an STO for a two count. Burke with forearms to the ribs and Burke gets Benoit up for a suplex but Benoit with knees to get out of the hold. Benoit tries to get Burke into the Sharpshooter but Burke gets out of the hold. Burke misses the Elijah Express and Benoit puts Burke in the Sharpshooter and Burke taps.

CM Punk talks about how he was disappointed last night that he could not wrestle Chris Benoit, but now he feels really guilty. Chris Benoit was a hero of his and he was honored to work with him. He considered Benoit to be a friend. Though he never wrestled him, he learned a lot from Benoit. He hopes to honor Benoit's memory. Punk says that he wants to help the next generation of wrestlers the way that Benoit would. He says that he misses Benoit.

We are back and we see the statement that Vince McMahon made at the start of the show.

Jim Ross tells Benoit's two surviving children that their dad was a great man. It did not matter if it was a rival or a friend in the ring. We go to a match from WCW when he faced Dean Malenko. Jerry says that he would rather wrestle people who were his friends because of the camaraderie he had with the guys. Jim Ross talked about Benoit's integrity.

Chris Benoit versus Dean Malenko from Hog Wild in 1996.
Malenko takes Benoit down and punches him. Benoit chops Malenko and kicks him but Malenko responds with knees. Benoit with a knee to Malenko and then he slams Malenko's head into the turnbuckle. Benoit with a forearm to Malenko but Malenko with a forearm and he sends Benoit into the turnbuckles. Malenko with a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. Malenko with a neck breaker followed by an elbow drop for a two count. Malenko with a reverse chin lock as he tries to wear down Benoit. We see Elizabeth and Woman at ringside. Benoit returns to his feet but Malenko with an elbow. Benoit with a head butt to Malenko followed by a kick. Benoit slams Malenko's head into the turnbuckle and he chokes Malenko in the ropes. Benoit gets a near fall and then he chops Malenko against the ropes. Benoit with a back elbow for a series of near falls. Benoit with a rollup but Malenko with a counter and we see a series of two counts from both men. Malenko with a hip toss and he puts Benoit in a short arm scissors. Benoit rolls through and he gets a two count. Benoit lifts Malenko up and hits a modified electric chair drop for a two count. We go to commercial.

We are back with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler and Jim talks about how Chris Benoit's wife was at ringside with Benoit for that match.

We return to the match and Benoit puts Malenko in the Texas Cloverleaf. Malenko tries to press out of the hold but Benoit pulls Malenko back into the center of the ring. Malenko tries to press out of the hold again but he falls to the mat again. Benoit lets go of the hold. Benoit kicks Malenko in the leg but Malenko with an enzuigiri. Malenko gets up in the corner and Benoit sends Malenko into the corner but both men bump heads and they go down. Malenko gets up first but Benoit is able to work over Malenko by working on the leg. Benoit grapevines the leg as he works on Malenko's leg with a focus on the knee. Benoit returns to the leg as there is less than 30 seconds left in the match. Malenko with an inside cradle as time expires in the match. The referee says that there will be another five minutes in the match.

The match continues as Malenko limps from the damage to his knee. Benoit with a back body drop. Malenko with a dragon screw leg whip and Benoit favors his knee. Malenko with an elbow drop to the knee. Malenko misses a short arm clothesline but Benoit hits a Dragon suplex for a two count. Benoit tries for another Dragon suplex but Malenko drops down but Benoit gets a two count. Benoit misses a drop kick when Malenko holds on to the ropes. Malenko puts Benoit in the Texas Cloverleaf. Woman gets into the ring to pull Benoit to the ropes. Malenko turns it into an STF> Malenko grabs Woman and that allows Benoit to get the rollup for the three count.

Dean Malenko says that when he looks at his career and the battles that he had and the rooms that he has shared on the road. Chris Benoit is one of the people who enriched his life. He met Chris in the early 1990s in Japan along with Eddie Guerrero. That was the start of a fifteen year friendship. They were there for each other during ups and down in and out of the ring. They talked about everything. Dean says that there are very few people who got to really know Chris because he was a very private person. He talks about how him, Chris, Eddie, and Scott Norton would call Chris "Houdini" because he would get lost during conversations. Some people might have thought that Chris was arrogant because of the way he acted, but he was not like that. He says that as an opponent there is nothing better than having someone who will push you and take you to the next level. He says that Chris was unselfish dealing with young talent to help them hone their skills. He says that it is ironic that in a two year time span he lost two of his closest friends, Eddie Guerrero and Chris. The original "Three Amigos" were not the suplexes but him, Eddie, and Chris. He sends his condolences to Chris' fans as well. He says that Chris was a machine in the ring who gave 120 percent every night. Chris was a consummate pro and will be missed. Chris left a legacy in the business and a model for the young wrestlers to follow. Dean talks about how he gave Chris the idea for the Crippler Crossface. Dean says that Chris will be missed by all wrestling fans. Dean talks about all of the companies that Chris worked for and some of the opponents that he wrestled over the years. Dean says that he will miss Chris' friendship. The one thing that he can hold on to is that his two closest friends for the last fifteen years are together arguing. He says that he will miss Chris as a brother and a friend. He says that he will never forget Chris.

We are back with another Chris Benoit video package.

We see the empty arena and Michael Cole talks about how Benoit will be remembered as one of the greatest. Cole talks about how Chris Benoit garnered respect wherever he went. He talks about how it was a privilege to call a Chris Benoit match. Whether Chris would win or lose a match, he would look at the audience and the fans would be on their feet. The fans appreciated what Chris gave in the ring. Bradshaw points out that Chris was not the greatest talker but he was a great wrestler. Bradshaw talks about his match with Chris Benoit for the United States Title last year.

Chris Benoit versus Bradshaw for the United States Title from Smackdown
We join the match in progress and Benoit climbs the cage but Bradshaw pulls Benoit back to the mat with an electric chair drop. Bradshaw gets a two count. Bradshaw puts Benoit in a sleeper. The referee checks on Benoit's arm and he is not out. Benoit returns to his feet and escapes the hold with a belly-to-back suplex. Bradshaw with boots to taunt Benoit. Bradshaw misses a short arm clothesline and he hits two German suplexes. Benoit tries for the third suplex but Bradshaw with elbows followed by a big boot. Bradshaw starts to climb the cage and Benoit goes after Bradshaw and he pulls the champion back into the cage. Benoit tries for a German suplex from the top turnbuckle but Bradshaw holds on to the cage. Benoit is able to hit the German suplex from the top turnbuckle and both men are down. Benoit has the referee open the door but Jillian distracts the referee. While Jillian is not looking Bradshaw pulls Benoit back into the ring and Jillian hits Bradshaw with the door. Benoit puts Bradshaw in the Crippler Crossface but the referee does not see it. Bradshaw with a two count on Benoit. Benoit tries for a German suplex but Bradshaw holds on to the referee. Bradshaw with a low kick and Bradshaw gets out of the cage to win the match and retain the title.

Stephanie McMahon says that Chris Benoit was an amazing wrestler. He was passionate in the ring but he was also passionate about his family. Chris thought it was cool that she married Triple H. She talks about how happy Chris was when she was pregnant. Chris always thought that family was the best. Chris loved his family and when his children were in the arena, they worshipped their dad. She considered Chris to be a friend.

We are back with Chavo Guerrero. He says that Chris Benoit was his friend and may have been his best friend. Chris was a part of the Guerrero family. The day that he found Eddie Guerrero, the first person that he called was Chris Benoit. After telling Chris, it almost broke his heart as much as finding Eddie. For someone who rarely showed emotion, Chris cried uncontrollably because Eddie was Chris' best friend. He was able to be with Eddie on his last day and was the last person to see Eddie. Chavo says that he spent the night at Chris Benoit's house last week. Chris was a very private person who does not let too many people in. He spent time with Chris' family and he felt at home. Then they went to the house shows and went to dinner. They each missed their flights last weekend. They called to check on each other. To go through this again with someone he respected so much as a person and friend. There was no one else like Chris Benoit in the ring. It was an honor to be in the ring with Chris. Some of his best matches were with Chris Benoit. He learned so much from Chris and he would thank Chris after their matches. They always left with a hug and told each other that they loved each other. The last time that he talked to Chris, on the day before Chris passed away, Chris ended the call with "love you Chavo."  Chavo says that that Chris was his friend and he loves him and that Chris was a part of his family. Chavo thanks Chris for the time that they spent together with their families at Wrestlemania. He talks about how he appreciated Chris for trusting him with his children. Chavo thanks Chris for being his friend.

We are back and the camera pans to the ring. Joey Styles lets people who just tuned in what happened with Chris Benoit, his wife, and young child. Joey talks about how Chris Benoit was known as the Pegasus Kid in Japan. Tazz says that he wrestled Chris Benoit as the Pegasus Kid in Japan. Tazz talks about Benoit's matches against Jushin Liger while Benoit was the Pegasus Kid.

Pegasus Kid versus Jushin Liger from 1990.
Pegasus Kid puts Liger on the top turnbuckle and hits a superplex. Pegasus Kid goes up top but misses a diving headbutt. Liger with a rolling kick for a two count. Liger with a power bomb for a two count. Liger with a slam and then Liger goes up top and hits a senton splash for a two count. Pegasus Kid with a rana as a counter to a power bomb for a two count. Pegasus Kid with a running clothesline to Liger and then he sets for a Tombstone piledriver and he hits it. Pegasus goes up top and he hits a leg drop for the three count.

William Regal says that he would love to talk about everything he did with Chris Benoit but he only says that he wants to talk about how Chris Benoit was the most dedicated man in wrestling. Regal says that Benoit was the absolute best.

We are back with Vince McMahon's statement that opened the show and the second hour.

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about one of his greatest matches against Chris Jericho. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about Chris' heroes in the ring and they talk about the Dynamite Kid. We go to a video package where Chris talks about one of his first matches. A friend talks about how Benoit was going to be the next Dynamite Kid.

Chris Benoit versus Chris Jericho from the 2001 Royal Rumble
Benoit with a drop kick to Jericho and the ladder hits Jericho in the face. Benoit with a belly-to-back suplex and then Benoit puts the ladder on the ring post. Benoit with a kick to Jericho and then Jericho Irish whips Benoit into the ladder. Jericho perches the ladder on the rope and then he drives it into Benoit's face. Jericho puts the ladder up in the corner and he pushes it onto Benoit and hits a missile drop kick into the ladder. Jericho puts the ladder up in the center of the ring and he climbs the ladder. Benoit with a belly-to-back suplex to Jericho over the top rope to the floor. Benoit climbs the ladder and he gets to the top of the ladder but Jericho grabs Benoit's leg. Benoit kicks Jericho off but Jericho climbs the ladder and he puts Benoit in a Boston Crab on the top of the ladder Jericho pushes Benoit off the ladder but Benoit kicks the ladder and Jericho falls off the ladder. We go to commercial.

We are back and the match continues. Jericho runs the ladder into Benoit's face and then he resets the ladder in the center of the ring. Jericho climbs the ladder and he kicks Benoit away. Jericho comes off the ladder but Benoit catches him and puts Jericho in the Crippler Crossface. Jericho taps but the referee will not ask Jericho to release the hold because there are no pinfalls or submissions. Benoit sends Jericho into the ring post. Jericho hot shots Benoit into the ladder. Jericho runs the ladder into Benoit and he sends Benoit into the corner. Jericho climbs the ladder and so does Benoit as they fight in the corner. Jericho tries for a superplex from the top of the ladder but Benoit with a head butt that sends Jericho off the ladder. Benoit climbs the ladder and he tries for a diving head butt but Jericho moves out of the way. Jericho puts the ladder on top of Benoit as he climbs the ladder but Benoit pushes the ladder over and Jericho hits the top rope and goes to the floor. Benoit sets up the ladder and he climbs it but Jericho hits Benoit in the back with the chair. Jericho pushes the ladder over and Benoit hits the top rope before going to the floor. Jericho climbs the ladder and gets the Intercontinental Title belt to win the match.

Jim Ross talks about Chris Jericho's reaction to Benoit's death. Lawler talks about Benoit's passion and desire. He says that Benoit was not in it for the money. He wrestled because he loved it and loved performing in front of the people. He says that there was nobody more intense in the ring than Chris Benoit. Jim Ross mentions that we will see Benoit's match from Wrestlemania XX.

We are back with Joey Styles and Tazz. Joey says that Benoit was one of the greatest champions.

Edge says that there are three people in the industry that he feels that he can go to and talk to. Two of them are gone now. He remembers watching Stampede Wrestling as a teenager in Toronto. He saw an eighteen year old guy named Chris Benoit start his career and he thought that Benoit was awesome. Benoit became one of the greatest to put on his boots. Edge says that he had the pleasure and privilege to step in the ring with him. It was two Canadians fighting for the last beer when they were in the ring. He had some personal issues in his life and Benoit was the first person that he talked to because he trusted Benoit and Benoit cared. Everyone in the locker room loved Chris. Chris carried himself with pride and dignity everywhere he went. Two weeks ago in Orlando, he wrestled Chris and he had fun being kicked in the head and chopped so hard. He says that Chris was smiling when they went through the Gorilla Position. Edge says that Benoit's smile was the biggest compliment. Edge talks about when he had his neck surgery, Benoit was the guy who he called for advice and Chris was always there. He talks about a show in Dothan, Alabama and he came with his son Daniel. Edge talks about how Daniel was doing the warm up exercises with his dad. Edge talks about how lucky Chris was. Edge says that Chris would probably be hot at him for crying, but he loves Chris and he misses him.

We are back with Bradshaw and Michael Cole. Cole asks Bradshaw about how emotional Chris was despite being a quiet man. Bradshaw says that he brought it every night. There were some superstars who were thrown out of the locker room because they did not show the proper respect. Cole says that Benoit gave 100 percent and made sure the fans went home happy.

We go to a video package.

We are back with Triple H and he says that it is hard to sum up a friend's life in a few minutes. Chris Benoit was about respect. He demanded it and he received it. Respect for the wrestlers, the fans, and his family. There was a young wrestler who showed disrespect to Shawn Michaels and Chris taught that wrestler a lesson. Chris made the wrestler do one thousand squats and Chris did them next to him. The next day when that wrestler could not bend his legs, Chris made him do five hundred more. One thing that he will remember is the image at Wrestlemania XX and looking back at the ring with Chris holding the World Title. That was it to Chris. He just received respect. He had his family with him and it was everything for him. He cannot speak for everyone but he is pretty sure that everyone that Chris ever met respected him. Hunter says that there was no one in this world that he respected more than Benoit. He is not saying it because Chris is not there, but because he earned it.

Lawler and Ross talk about respect and how it is earned. Jerry talks about how everyone on the roster respected him. Jim Ross talks about the main event at Wrestlemania XX when Chris Benoit faced Triple H and Shawn Michaels.

Chris Benoit versus Shawn Michaels versus Triple H for the World Title at Wrestlemania XX
Benoit has some words for Michaels but Michaels goes after Hunter. Benoit and Michaels alternate going after Hunter. Benoit tries for the Crippler Crossface but Michaels rolls through. Benoit with chops and then Benoit sends Michaels into Hunter and Hunter goes out of the ring. Michaels with a side head lock but Benoit with a head scissors. Benoit bridges and tries for a backslide but Michaels blocks it. Benoit tries for a German suplex and Michaels blocks it. Benoit with a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. Michaels with a clothesline to Benoit but Hunter with a clothesline to Michaels. Hunter is in charge now and he takes care of Benoit and Michaels. Hunter tries to send Michaels over the top rope but Michaels skins the cat. Michaels sends Benoit over the top rope and then he hits a back body drop on Hunter. Michaels punches Hunter in the corner. Hunter hits a high knee on Michaels for a two count. Benoit with a shoulder on the apron to Hunter but when he tries for a third one, Hunter with a knee to Benoit. Hunter runs Benoit's back into the apron. Michaels with a baseball slide that takes Benoit and Hunter down. Michaels goes up top and hits a moonsault onto Hunter and Benoit. We go to commercial.

We are back and all three men are down in the ring. Michaels picks up Benoit and Michaels with a German suplex on Benoit. Benoit shows Michaels how to do it when he hits the Hat Trick German suplex combination. Benoit with the throat slash and then he goes up top. Benoit hits the diving head butt but he can only get a two count. Benoit with forearms to Michaels but Michaels with a flying forearm that sends Benoit out of the ring. Michaels kips up and he hits a reverse atomic drop and clotheslines on Hunter. Michaels with a slam to Hunter and then he goes up top and hits the elbow drop. Michaels gets ready for Sweet Chin Music and he hits it. Benoit pulls Hunter out of the ring to make the save. Michaels punches Benoit on the floor and then he sends Benoit back into the ring. Michaels chops Benoit in the corner. Benoit with an Irish whip and Michaels does the Michaels flip. Benoit tries for the Sharpshooter but Michaels fights out of it. Benoit with a catapult that sends Michaels into the ring post. Benoit with forearms to Michaels and then he tries to lock in the Crippler Crossface on Michaels and he finally gets it locked in. Michaels is about to tap but Hunter prevents Michaels from tapping. Hunter punches Benoit to get Benoit to release the hold. Hunter and Benoit battle outside and Benoit sends Hunter head first into the ring steps. Benoit chops Hunter on the floor but Hunter Irish whips Benoit into the ring steps. We go to commercial.

We are back and we return to the arena where Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about the way they will remember Chris. Jerry says that Chris was a great competitor. Jerry also talks about the deaths of Nancy and Daniel. It makes Jerry want to tell his family that he loves them. Jerry says that you should take the chance to tell your loved ones that you love them. Jim Ross says that he is going to miss Chris' uncontrollable passion. He is going to miss seeing Chris compete. First and foremost, Chris Benoit was a great wrestler. Jim says that one of the most poignant moments happens at the end of this match.

We return for the conclusion of the match and all three men are down again. Hunter is the first to his knees but he wears a crimson mask like Shawn Michaels. Michaels rolls out of the ring. Benoit chops Hunter but Hunter with a knee and he sets for the Pedigree but Benoit counters with the Sharpshooter and he locks it in. Hunter tries to fight for the ropes as he claws to the ropes and he gets near the ropes but Benoit pulls Hunter into the center of the ring. Hunter is about to tap but from out of nowhere, a bloody Shawn Michaels with Sweet Chin Music on Benoit. Michaels covers Benoit but he only gets a two count. Michaels staggers to his feet and he sets for Sweet Chin Music one more time. Benoit ducks the attempt and Benoit sends Michaels over the top rope to the floor. Hunter sets for the Pedigree but Benoit counters and he gets Hunter in the Crippler Crossface. Hunter struggles for the ropes and then the referee checks Hunter's arm to see if he is still conscious. Hunter tries to roll out of the hold but Benoit keeps the Crossface locked in and they are in the center of the ring. Hunter taps and Benoit wins the World Title.

After the match, Chris Benoit celebrates in the ring with the World Title belt. Benoit turns around and he sees Eddie Guerrero in the ring with his title belt. Eddie gives Benoit an ovation and then he hugs his fellow World champion.

We go to credits.

2008 - Former WWF champion The Ultimate Warrior returned to wrestling for NWE, defeating Orlando Jordan in Spain in what sadly turned out to be his final professional wrestling match.  LT filed the following live report from the NWE event in Barcelona, Spain:

It can only be described as the NWE show of the year, another magnificent success in front of an audience of over 14 000, for the main part children, at the PAVELLO OLIMPICO of BADALONA .


The show opened with a dark match between the tiny Mini Dragon and the athletic Spade O, with the overwhelming victory of Dragon, in front of a cheering crowd.


It’s time for the television cameras to start filming the first match of the evening between Supernova and Jungle Pac.  A classic “extra-terrestrial” entrance for the first and a “jungle style” for the second, a truly enjoyable match for fans of high flyers. Incredible acrobatic moves both in and outside the ring for the two newcomers already tagged for international stardom by wrestling experts. It’s the Mexican Supernova who won acclaim and triumphs despite the frustration of the young audience who openly supported Jungle Pac for his entertaining actions. 


Next it’s time for another flying and technical match as Dark Dragon takes on Ultimo Dragon. The match is a real “mask vs. mask” bout: whoever loses will have to reveal his true identity to the world by removing his mask. It’s a well balanced match, but in the end Ultimo’s experience won and the adversary is obliged to take away the mask. Much to the surprise of Ultimo Dragon, he discovered that his worst enemy is his brother. Big astonishment among the public, with the beginning of an history that for sure will impassion a lots the fans.


The third TV match was a tag bout between John Heidenreich and Chris Mordesky and Black Pearl and Kishi. The challenge among the four heavyweight wrestlers was once again repeated on the NWE ring and once again the faces win. The fans loved Kishi and gave him a huge pop as he made his entrance amid a lot of pyro.  There were also a lot of posters drawn by kids for him.


After the tag team match there was another very funny match between the heel Sarah Jones and the face Vito, always dressed like a woman and was jeered by the public. Vito scored the victory with help from Lizzy Valentine, Vito’s friend.


The next match of the evening between Vampire Warrior and Raven. This latter debuts in NWE with his hardcore style in a Fire Tables Match.  The rule is that  the person who can put the shoulders of his adversary through the fired table wins. Raven was going to do that when he was stopped by the arrival of the giant E-Clipse and Brett Idol, who put out the flames on the table in order to save their vampire friend from the defeat. After that, the match contiunes and the win goes to Vampire Warrior, who parties always in a very disturbing way with his new friends.


After the intermission, the flying show returned with the challenge for the NWE cruiserweight title.  In the ring were Spartan 3.000 B.C. and the champion Juventud Guerrera.  The entrance to the ring of the Spartan, accompanied by his epic music and flames, was thrilling.  Very funny was the arrival of Juventud, who entered dancing and singing and saying hi to the public.  The fans were delirious for the acrobatics of the two protagonists of the ring, with fans who are divided to support one or the other wrestler.  Juventud retained the title.


And now we are arrived at the main event of the evening, as to say the event that Ultimate Warrior’s fans have waited for the last ten years: the return of their champion on the ring.  On the arena screen the Madrid show footage was played, with the challenge by Warrior to Orlando Jordan and the consequent preparations that the two wrestlers have done for the match.  Warrior, as family man, is dedicated to very hard training, surrounded by his family.  Orlando, as man without values and dedicated to vices, trained surrounded by many women and champagne.  The first to enter in the arena is Jordan , accompanied by his main lady Regina , under a stream of gold confetti that covers the venue.  Then the entrance music played and here we had the mythical Warrior’s run to the ring. With short and grayish hair, he returned to the ring with a long and colored jacket and the unmistakable mask on his face, colored this time of red and white.  He shook the ropes and behind him was an incredible display of pyro.  They had strong and technical match, with big moves from Warrior, who even jumped on the ring post and launched himself on Jordan from the third rope with a big splash.  After more than fifteen minutes, Warrior pinned Jordan to win the NWE heavyweight title. But then he took the microphone and declared that he wants to make the title vacant. The belt will be put up for grabs in a big tournament.

2009 - WWE's Randy Savage DVD "Macho Madness" debuted at number one on the Billboard Recreational Sports DVD listing.

2009 - TNA broadcast Impact.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We start off tonight’s show with a look back at last Sunday’s Slammiversary when Kurt Angle got the TNA Heavyweight Title with an assist from Samoa Joe. In the immortal words of Joe Schmo, ‘what is going on?’ Daffney landed in thumbtacks as well.

We are live on tape from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida and your announcers are Mike ‘Not in the Main Event Mafia’ Tenay and Don ‘Not with the Women’s Champ and her minions’ West.

Match Number One: Brutus Magnus versus Brother Ray in a New York City Street Fight

Brother Ray attacks Magnus from behind as he comes to the ring. Ray sends Magnus into the apron and then he chops him before they finally make it to the ring. Ray with a running clothesline into the corner and then he throws Magnus over the top rope to the floor. Ray goes out after Magnus and he chops him against the rail followed by a punch. Ray sends Magnus into the crowd and then Ray follows. Magnus with a rake of the eyes followed by a kick and a European uppercut. Magnus goes to the steps and he hits a double sledge to Ray’s head. Ray sends Magnus into the wall and then he chops Magnus. Ray sends Magnus back into the ringside area and he punches Magnus followed by another chop. They are back in the ring, but Ray brings a table into the equation. Magnus tries to rest while Rob Terry comes into the ring and he hits a spinebuster. Kiyoshi, Doug Williams, and Sheik Abdul Bashir come in and join in the attack. Devon comes in and clotheslines Kiyoshi followed by a chair shot to Terry. They hit a 3D on Kiyoshi and the referee has thrown the match out.

Lauren is in the back with Kurt Angle and she wants to know how long he has been talking to Joe. Joe arrives and Lauren wants to know if Sting is aware. We go to commercial after Joe and Angle hug.

We are back and it is time for the Main Event Mafia to come to the ring. They are led by Kurt Angle with his magical beard and hair as well as the TNA Title belt. He is joined by Scott Steiner, Booker T, Sharmell, Jenna, and Kevin Nash. We see footage from what happened during the main event.

Kurt introduces himself to the fans as the new TNA champion. Kurt says that before the celebration continues, he wants to bring out the newest member of the Main Event Mafia, Samoa Joe. Angle and Joe hug again. Joe then hugs his mentor Kevin Nash, the man he bloodied in a cage, Booker T. Kurt says that it all started with him when Joe came back after his attack by the Main Event Mafia. Kurt says that the Mafia saw what Joe was doing and he had to be signed. Kurt says that Joe’s price was too high and that is where Jenna came into the equation. Kurt says that they made horse’s asses out of everyone, especially A.J. Styles. Angle says that he had Joe take out Nash, Steiner, and Booker. Everyone took a bullet for the family because that is what families do. Kurt says that he told the world what was going to happen. Angle says that he told everyone that he would win the title at Slammiversary and they would all celebrate. That included Samoa Joe. Joe said that same thing.

Angle says that he forgot to tell Sting and he apologizes for not telling him, but what Sting didn’t know didn’t hurt him.

Mick Foley comes out and he is joined by his security on the ramp. Mick comes to the ring and walks into the Lion’s Den. Mick says that Angle must be the man with the plan and he does not owe him an explanation. He says that Angle might owe Sting an explanation and Joe might owe A.J. an explanation. Mick says that the only thing that Angle owes him is a rematch at Victory Road. Foley says that he is cashing in the rematch clause in a one-on-one match for the title.

Angle tells Mick that he saw Foley after the pay per view and he comments on Mick crying after the match. He wants Mick to cry for him. He calls Mick a disgrace and he tells Mick that he does not have any power. Angle says that Mick can sign all of the contracts he wants, but Angle has the power. Angle says that he has the power to choose his opponent for Victory Road. Mick says that he wants the title back and he wants that shot as soon as possible. Mick says that he is still the TNA champion. Angle asks Foley if he thinks he can beat him and Foley says that he can beat Angle.

Angle says that this is his night of celebration and Foley is not going to get him riled up. Kurt tells Foley that when he wants something from the Main Event Mafia, he has to give something back. Angle makes a proposal to go to Mick’s office to work out a little agreement. Angle leaves the ring.

Lauren stops A.J. Styles as he enters the building and Styles tells her to be quiet. He asks Kip James where Joe is and he thinks that Joe is with the Mafia. Styles walks away as we go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for a video package about Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett and their problems.

It is time to run through the show as we wait for Jeff Jarrett to call in.

It is time to go to the JJ Phone and Jarrett says that there has been a lot of pressure and he needs to rise above the problems. They will solve their problems next week.

We find out that Sarita debuts in three weeks.

Match Number Two: Abyss versus Kevin Nash

The match is joined in progress and Nash with a knee in the corner. Nash misses a punch but Abyss does not miss. Nash with a clothesline. Nash with a series of elbows in the corner. Nash with an Irish whip and a running clothesline in the corner. Abyss with an Irish whip followed by a splash in the corner. Abyss sets for the charge across the ring but Nash with an elbow and then he clotheslines Abyss over the top rope to the floor. Abyss pulls Nash out of the ring and they exchange punches. Nash goes for a chair and he tries to hit Abyss but he hits the ring post. Abyss with punches to Nash and then he sends Nash into the guardrails and ring steps. Abyss tosses the chair into the ring and he wedges it into the turnbuckles. Nash with a knee and then he hits a big boot. Nash takes the chair out of the turnbuckles and Dr. Stevie comes into the ring and he hits Abyss with a taser and Abyss is smoking. Nash drops the chair because the referee did not hear any of the noises from the taser. Nash gets the three count.
Winner: Kevin Nash

After the match, Lauren comes to the ring to check on Abyss.

James Storm and Robert Roode are in the back and they are on their way to the ring. We go to commercial.

We are back and Storm and Roode are in the ring. Storm says that it is great to be the champs again. Roode says that they are the greatest tag team in TNA and the greatest tag team in the world. Roode says that they have to give credit where credit is due. When it comes to legends, Ray and Devon are legends. Roode says that on Sunday, Ray took his eye off the ball and made a mistake. They capitalized on the mistake and became three time tag team champions. They are here to grant Team 3D their rematch. They can have it anytime, anywhere, any place.

They are interrupted by Booker T and Scott Steiner. Booker has a strange smile on his face. Booker says that he has a history lesson for them. He asks if they heard of the Steiner Brothers or Harlem Heat. They are the greatest tag teams of all time. Steiner tells them that if they cannot recognize, Kurt Angle is calling all of the shots and making all the rules. That means Mafia rules. Steiner says that the deal is sealed and etched in stone and there is nothing they can do about it. Booker says that Mick made the deal. Mick will get a title match against Kurt Angle. Nash will have a Legends Title match. Booker says that him and Steiner will get a shot at the tag titles.

Storm says that they are two of the greatest tag team wrestlers in history, but in TNA with the title belts, they are just another Neal and Bob. He tells them to get in line.

Booker must have some hearing problems because he did not think he heard what Storm just said. Booker says that they made the deal. They are in singles matches tonight against each other.

Team 3D come out and he wants to know what Booker and Steiner were saying. Ray says that they are frustrated because Storm and Roode already gave them the rematch at Victory Road. They plan on taking that rematch.

Steiner says that Team 3D are a bunch of fatasses but there is nothing that they can do about the title match. Ray says that they are going to Mick and make an offer he can’t refuse.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a thumbtack match video package.

Match Number Three: Daffney versus Taylor Wilde in a Match of 10,000 Thumbtacks

Daffney attacks Taylor before the bell rings and she punches Taylor. Daffney chops Taylor and then hits a snap mare and a neck breaker. Daffney goes for the thumbtacks, but Taylor pulls her off. Taylor tries to do the same but Daffney pulls her off. Daffney with punches and kicks to Taylor. Daffney gets the back of tacks. Daffney comes off the turnbuckles and Taylor with a kick to the midsection. Taylor gets the bag and she tries to open it. Daffney with a rake of the eyes. Daffney hits Taylor with the bag of tacks and then Daffney pours them on the mat. Daffney grabs Taylor and she tries for the Crudenza but Taylor tries to hit a German suplex with a counter. Taylor with forearms and then she tosses Daffney onto the tacks to win.
Winner: Taylor Wilde

We go to the back where Lauren is with Velvet and Madison. Velvet says that nobody comes in from another promotion to take over their turf. Madison has a tarantula on her shoulder and Velvet and Madison scream. We go to commercial.

We are back and we go to the back to Mick Foley’s office. Team 3D want to know why Booker and Steiner have the title match at Victory Road. Mick says that they know each other and Mick says that Team 3D doesn’t care about Foley’s title loss. Mick says that he does not care about Team 3D losing their titles. Foley says that Team 3D say they are the best. Why not have a match next week to see who gets the title match at Victory Road. Ray has a barbed wire bat and he says that they like him and respect him. Ray says that it isn’t working for them. He tells them to do the right thing. Mick begs Ray to take the match next week. Devon says that they will take the match but tells Mick not to play mind games with him.

Jeremy asks Mick how Kurt will feel about this and Mick says that he does not care.

Match Number Four: Scott Steiner versus Robert Roode

They lock up and Steiner with a rake of the eyes. Steiner sends Roode into the turnbuckles and then he chops Roode followed by a forearm. Steiner with a chop but Roode with chops of his own. Roode floats over Steiner and he chops Steiner and follows it with a snap mare and leap frog neck breaker. Roode with a suplex to Steiner and Roode goes a one man group name announcement. Steiner throws Roode out of the ring and Steiner follows after him. Steiner sends Roode into the guardrails and ring steps. Steiner with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Steiner chokes Roode in the ropes and kicks him followed by a chop. Steiner with a clothesline and the flex elbow drop followed by push ups. Steiner chokes Roode in the ropes. Steiner with a rake of the eyes and forearms and chops. Steiner with a bear hug but Roode escapes and he punches Steiner. Roode with clotheslines and a flying forearm. Roode with a chop but Steiner with an Irish whip but Steiner charges into an elbow. Roode with a blockbuster for a two count. Roode tries for the fisherman suplex but Steiner with the flatline but he can only get a two count. Steiner says that it is over and he sets for the Steiner Recliner but Roode avoids it and he sends Steiner into the turnbuckles. Steiner tries for a belly-to-belly suplex but Roode blocks it. Steiner gets the three count with a back slide.
Winner: Scott Steiner

Jeremy Borash is with Kurt Angle and Jeremy asks Kurt about what happened earlier tonight. Jeremy reminds Kurt about the deal for the tag title match and then Jeremy points out that Foley tweaked it. Kurt asks Jeremy if he means the qualifying match. Angle says that he will take care of that next week. He says that you don’t cross the boss. Jeremy asks Angle if he really didn’t tell Sting. Angle says that he is the Godfather. Jeremy says that Sting is the Godfather. Kurt tells Jeremy that he is the Godfather. Jeremy informs Godfather I that Godfather II is on his way. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jeremy Borash is with Mick Foley to talk about the phone call from Jeff Jarrett. Mick wants to know what Jeff meant by burying the hatchet. Mick says that he thought he was going to be on the same page as Jarrett at Slammiversary. He is willing to work things out if Jeff apologizes next week. Jeremy tells Mick that Kurt is not happy with the tweaking of the agreement. Mick says that they will deal with it at Victory Road.

We go to an Eric Young video package.

Lauren is with Eric Young and she says that his friends wonder what is going on. Eric says that those people are not his friends. He says that he is one of the originals. When everything is over, he is there to be the court jester. He says that he is done with that. Eric says that he does not care about them.

Rhino comes out and he says that Eric is talking about him. He says that because Eric did not have his back, he has a problem with him. Eric suggests settling this next week. Rhino says that they don’t have to settle it next week. Young with a head butt and he leaves. Jesse Neal comes out and he says the wrong thing since Rhino tosses Jesse against the wall and he almost takes Lauren out as well. We go to commercial.

We are back and Lauren is with Booker T about his match against James Storm. Booker says that he is fourteen time tag team champion. Booker says that he is going to beat him down. Sharmell says that she got it done. Sharmell says that now that the check has cleared, he wants Jenna in the ring. Sharmell says that she has a match with Jenna at Victory Road.

Match Number Five: Booker T with Sharmell versus James Storm with Boozer Cruiser

They lock up and Booker with a knee and forearm followed by chops and punches. Booker misses the back heel kick and Storm with chops and punches. Storm with punches but Booker with an eye poke. Booker tries to throw Storm out of the ring but Storm skins the cat and he punches Booker. Booker hot shots Storm on the top rope and then Storm goes to the floor. Booker with knees to Storm followed by a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Booker with a kick and he misses the scissors kick. Storm with forearms and a face buster and neck breaker. Storm gets a near fall. Booker and Storm with punches but Storm with a suplex and then it is time for the one man group name salute. Storm punches Booker and then he gets Booker in the corner and he punches him. Sharmell gives Booker the beer bottle and he hits Storm with it and he also takes out the referee.
Winner: James Storm by disqualification

Sting is just outside the Impact Zone. He walks into commercial.

We are back and A.J. Styles is now in the ring and he has something to say. A.J. says that after what happened on Sunday, he wants Mister Nation of Violence to come to the ring.

Joe comes out and he gets face to face with A.J. A.J. asks Joe if he did it for the money. A.J. says that they had a plan. One of them was going to win the title. The crowd says that Joe ‘sold out’. A.J. says that Joe did not want to win and he did not want A.J. to win either. A.J. tells Joe that he screwed him, the company, and the fans. A.J. says that Joe screwed himself when he gave Kurt Angle the title. A.J. says that he should take off Joe’s head right now. A.J. says that he will not do it. A.J. says that he wants to know who got into his head and told him that it would be a good idea.

Joe tells A.J. that he can ask him at Victory Road. Joe walks away and A.J. says that he is not done. Joe says that he is done. A.J. punches Joe and Joe fights back. Matt Morgan comes to the ring and he attacks A.J. Joe joins in the attack and then Morgan with choke push ups. Daniels comes to the ring and he goes after Morgan and Joe. Daniels with a forearm. The members of the Main Event Mafia make their way to the ring at their own individual speeds. They attack Daniels and Styles.

Sting comes out and he has his music to accompany him. The Main Event Mafia already leave the ring for Sting. We go to commercial before Sting comments on the situation.

We are back and Sting says that he expected this from Kurt Angle, but not everyone else in the group. Sting tells everyone to look at themselves. It was because of punks like Joe that they started the Mafia. Sting asks Kurt what else he did without telling him. Angle says that he had nothing to do with Matt Morgan. Sting tells Kurt that Kurt is beyond pathetic and does not believe that Kurt didn’t have a little to do with it. Matt says that he didn’t have a little to do with it. Kurt had a lot to do with it. Sting asks Kevin where he stands with all of this. He expected more from Kevin, but did not expect this much from Booker. He tells Booker to zip it. Sting says that he is not surprised about Steiner because he follows everyone. Sting says that Booker only cares about himself. Sting says that the same goes for Sharmell. Sting says that he expected more from Nash. He asks Kevin if he remembers the Wolfpack. Nash says that when Kurt didn’t want Sting in the Mafia, he said that Sting was alright. Nash was with Sting when he talked about respect and dignity. When they wanted to cut Sting off at the knees, he told them not to do it. Nash says that when Kurt said that maybe Morgan should take him out, he said it was a good idea. Sting wants to know why. Nash tells Sting to look around because the plan wasn’t working while Angle’s plan was working. The honor and dignity thing is bull****. Nash says that he believes in ‘In God We Trust’ and it is about money. They bought Joe because they could not beat him. He says that you can make friends or you can make money but you cannot make both. Nash says that he would love to be at Sting’s side, but he won’t fight them. Nash says that this is a fairy tale we tell your kids at night. Sting asks Kevin if it is about Kevin’s son Tristan. Sting asks Kevin if Tristan was to learn from Kevin’s example and Sting tells Kevin that he does not believe Kevin. Kevin is not being the Kevin that he knows. That Kevin is not Oz, Big D, or Big Sexy. That Kevin is Kevin Nash. Sting tells Kevin that he proved him wrong. Sting gives Kevin his bat so Kevin can finish him off. Sting tells Kevin to let the fairy tale continue. Kevin holds the bat but Sting has a second bat. Sting hits Nash with the bat and then Sting hits everyone else with the bat. Joe has the Kevin bat and Joe hits Sting twice with the bat. Morgan holds Sting while everyone attacks Sting.

2010 - WWE broadcast Smackdown.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We start off tonight’s show with General Manager Teddy Long and Consultant to Smackdown Vickie Guerrero in Teddy’s office. Teddy mentions that it has been a whirlwind week in the WWE. Three new champions were crowned at the Fatal Four Way pay per view, including Rey Mysterio. In four weeks, Rey will be defending his title at the brand new Money in the Bank pay per view. Vickie says that over the next two weeks, they will be evaluating all of the Smackdown superstars to decide which eight men will be in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Teddy says that they will all try to climb the ladder to get the briefcase above the ring. The briefcase will have a contract that allows the winner to have a title match against the Smackdown champion at any point in the next year. Vickie mentions the vicious attack that Vince McMahon suffered and he was rendered incapacitated.

Drew McIntyre comes in and interrupts Tedddddddddddddddddy. He wants to know why Teddy is so happy and he wants him to wipe the smile off his face. Drew says that he humiliated Teddy last week and humbled him. Drew says that he will tell Vince about Teddy’s officiating at the pay per view as well as his lack of concern for the chairman.

Teddy says that he met with the Board of Directors that based on the absence of Vince McMahon, he can run the show however he feels appropriate. Teddy says that he is reinstating Matt Hardy. Drew says that Teddy can’t do it. Teddy says that he can do it and Matt will be facing Drew tonight. Teddy tells Drew to take his Scottish accent and the sour look on his face and get out of his office. Vickie tells Drew to leave and Drew finally exits.

We are live on tape from Manchester, New Hampshire and your announcers are Matt ‘What did I ever do to deserve getting my butt kicked the last two weeks’ Striker and Todd ‘How much time do you have’ Grisham.

Before our opening match, Jack Swagger has something to say on his way to the ring. Jack tells everyone to know that he is filing a formal protest against the WWE. He says that he is protesting that he has to fight a 500 pound giant right now. He is also protesting that he had to defend his title in a Fatal Four Way match. It is a match that is so lawless and so unpredictable that it is impossible for a natural athlete like himself to come out victorious. There were no rules in place to protect him or the World Title. When Kane came out and cost him the World Title, he was cheated out of the World Title. Jack says that he is invoking his rematch clause at Money in the Bank and he says that he is confident that he will come out victorious because his daddy taught him that cheaters never win and winners never cheat. Until then, he is going to make everyone suffer. Suffer the way that he suffered on Sunday. Suffer the way that his daddy suffered on Father’s Day.

Match Number One: Big Show versus Jack Swagger

Show with a kick and punches to Swagger followed by a chop in the corner. Show with more punches as Swagger goes down and then Show sits on Swagger while he is in the ropes. Show with another punch to the midsection followed by a head butt and Swagger rolls to the floor. Show pulls Swagger back onto the apron but Swagger drops Show on the top rope. Swagger goes up top but Show crotches Swagger and then he hits a superplex and both men are down and Swagger rolls to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Show works on the arm and he uses his elbow as well as his entire body weight on the arm. Show pulls Swagger up by the arm and then he wraps the arm in the ropes. Show picks Swagger up by the arm and drops him to the mat followed by a leg drop to the arm. Show walks all over Swagger and then picks him back up. Swagger with punches that have no effect. Show with a punch and forearm and then he stands on Swagger’s wrist. Swagger with a kick and punches followed by a front face lock but Show picks up Swagger and tosses him away. Show with an Irish whip and then he hits a splash into the corner. Show misses a clothesline and Swagger with a flying shoulder to the knee for a near fall. Swagger kicks Show in the leg and then he tries to hyper-extend the leg. Swagger with a step over toe hold on Show but Show kicks Swagger away. Show gets back to his feet but he is clearly limping. Swagger with a kick to the leg and a flying shoulder tackle from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Swagger with a leaping leg drop to Show and then he hits the double jump Vader Bomb. Swagger tries for a second one but Show gets his arm up and he has Swagger by the throat. Swagger counters the choke slam and he rolls through into an ankle lock and Show fights to get out of the hole. Show crawls to the ropes and he gets to the ropes but Swagger refuses to release the hold and then he grapevines the leg. The referee calls for the bell since Swagger does not release the hold before the five count.

Winner: Big Show by disqualification

After the match, Big Show tries to get back to his feet but he cannot put any weight on his left leg as a result of the ankle lock and work that Swagger did on the leg. Show collapses under his own weight one more time.

We see Swagger smiling on the stage as he looks at what he did to Big Show.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Christian and MVP versus Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer from last week.

Match Number Two: Montel Vontavious Porter, Christian, and Kofi Kingston versus Vance Archer, Curt Hawkins, and Dolph Ziggler

Hawkins and Porter start things off and Hawkins has a punch blocked but Porter with punches of his own. Porter with a head and arm overhead suplex for a near fall. Christian tags in and he punches Hawkins followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Porter tags in and he punches Hawkins. Hawkins sends Porter into the corenr and then he tags in Ziggler. Ziggler sends Hawkins into the corner but Porter with a boot to Hawkins. Porter then knocks Archer off the apron and then he back body drops Ziggler to the floor. Kingston and Christian also join in and Porter with a pescado onto Archer while Kofi hits a suicide dive onto Ziggler and Christian with a baseball slide to Hawkins as we go to commercial.

We are back and Porter with an Irish whip and flying forearm into the corner for a near fall. Kofi tags in and gets a rollup for a near fall. Kofi with an arm bar on Ziggler but Ziggler reverses and he puts Kofi in a side head lock. Kofi with a leaping back elbow for a near fall. Ziggler with a knee and then he works on the arm but Kofi with an arm drag and drop kick. Kofi with a side Russian leg sweep and then he runs a few laps around Ziggler but instead of doing the boom drop Kofi goes after Hawkins who tries to interfere. Ziggler hits Kofi from behind and then Ziggler with a leap frog neck snap for a near fall. Archer tags in and punches Kofi followed by a swinging neck breaker. Archer with a rear chin lock. Kofi with punches but Archer with a running back elbow and he gets a near fall. Hawkins tags back in and he kicks Kofi followed by a gutbuster from Archer as Hawkins gets a near fall. Hawkins with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Hawkins with a rear chin lock and he tries to isolate the arm.

Kofi with a jawbreaker and Ziggler tags in and hits Kofi with a double sledge to the back. Ziggler hits a leaping elbow drop for a near fall. Ziggler with an elbow followed by a slam. Kofi with a head scissors and then he tries to make the tag but Ziggler stops him. Kofi with a sunset flip and then he tags in Christian. Christian punches Ziggler a few times followed by a flapjack. Ziggler goes to the ropes and Christian stands on Ziggler’s back. Christian slingshots to the floor and Hawkins knows what is coming next but Christian sees him coming and Christian punches Hawkins. This allows Ziggler to avoid the punch. Ziggler with a kick to Christian and then Ziggler with a drop kick to Porter that knocks him off the apron. Christian with the inverted DDT but he can only get a near fall. Christian knocks Archer off the apron.

Christian with a back kick and then Christian with a sunset flip off the turnbuckles but Ziggler rolls through. Ziggler with a leaping leg lariat and he gets a near fall. Christian with a punch to Ziggler and then Christian goes up top but Ziggler follows but Christian knocks him off. Christian with a missile drop kick and then all six men get into the ring. Porter with a facebuster to Archer while Hawkins goes after Kofi. Porter with a cross body to Archer that sends both men over the top rope to the floor. Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise on Hawkins and they all go to the floor. Ziggler sends Christian into the turnbuckles and then he tries for the Zig Zag but Christian holds on to the ropes. Christian hits the Killswitch for the three count.

Winners: Christian, Kofi Kingston, and Montel Vontavious Porter

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that Rey Mysterio will address the fans next week.

It is time to take a look back at Monday Night Raw and what happened after the main event.

Kane is in the back with his empty casket. He says that tonight they will get vengeance. Tonight they will bring hell down on the guilty culprit. They will get their revenge. Tonight he will eviscerate CM Punk. Tonight, he will break Punk’s body in two. He will decapitate the head of the Straight Edge Society. Kane closes the casket.

Matt Hardy is walking in the back and he shakes hands with everyone in back, including JTG.

We are back and Did You Know that 100 million video clips have already been watched on WWE’s page on YouTube.

Match Number Three: Drew McIntyre versus Matt Hardy

Matt and Drew have some words as the bell rings and then Drew misses a punch but Matt does not miss. Matt with a discus punch and Drew goes to the floor. Drew tries to pull Hardy to the floor but Hardy kicks Drew into the announce table and then into the apron. They return to the ring and Hardy with a tackle that sends both men to the floor. Hardy sends Drew over the ring steps and then Hardy with a forearm to the back. Drew runs Hardy into the ring post and then Drew goes to the floor. Drew puts Hardy on the top step and then he hits a belly-to-back suplex on the floor. Drew wants the referee to start his count but Matt gets back into the ring and the match continues. Drew with kicks to the head and then Drew with punches to Hardy. Drew with European uppercuts to Hardy and then he gets a near fall. McIntyre with an arm bar and cross face to Hardy. Hardy with punches but Drew with a kick and Irish whip but Hardy with a boot to a charging McIntyre. Hardy goes to the turnbuckles but Drew with a forearm and then he climbs the turnbuckles and hits a few head butts. Drew with a hip toss from the turnbuckles that he turns into a sit out driver and Drew can only get a two count.

Drew tries to figure out how to finish off Hardy and he punches Matt in the corner and the referee warns him. Hardy with a kick and punches. Drew with a running back elbow for a near fall. Drew with an arm bar and cross face. Hardy with kicks to the head but McIntyre with a double leg take down and he punches Hardy. Drew puts Hardy on the turnbuckles and connects with forearms to the back. McIntyre hits a super belly-to-back suplex but he rolls Hardy towards the ropes and Hardy grabs the ropes at two. Hardy rolls to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and McIntyre returns to the arm bar. Hardy gets to his feet and he punches Drew but Drew runs Hardy into the turnbuckles. McIntyre with short arm clotheslines in the corner followed by another short arm clothesline. McIntyre with a leaping boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Hardy punches Drew and then connects with a back elbow and a modified neck breaker for a near fall. Hardy with a Side Effect for a near fall. Hardy with a running clothesline into the corner but Drew is able to escape the bulldog attempt and Drew hits a big boot for a near fall. Drew with a neck breaker that connects with Drew’s knee and Matt can only get a two count. Drew tries for the double underhook DDT but Matt with a back body drop that sends Drew over the top rope to the floor. Hardy with an elbow from the turnbuckles. Drew sends Hardy into the ring steps and then Drew tries to stomp on Matt’s head on the ring steps but Hardy trips Drew and Drew hits the steps but Matt can only get a two count. Hardy goes to the turnbuckles but he takes too long and Drew pulls Matt off and gets a near fall of his own. Drew argues with the referee before he returns his attention to Hardy. Hardy with a kick and Twist of Fate for the three count.

Winner: Matt Hardy

After the match, Teddy Long appears on the TitanTron and he wants Drew to pay attention. Teddy tells Drew that he is sorry that he lost his match. Teddy has some bad news for Drew. Teddy says that it looks like somebody’s Visa has expired. That means that someone is in this country illegally. Teddy tells security to send Drew back to Scotland.

Matt waves goodbye to Drew as two men come to the ring to escort Drew out of the country.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cody Rhodes comes to the ring with Husky Harris. Cody says that everyone is trying to look at his naturally sculpted facial features. He says that you can uncover your eyes to look at WWE’s most attractive superstar. Cody mentions the Diva Poll where they picked the most handsome superstar and Cody was the winner. Cody mentions that John Cena is a movie star, but he isn’t the most handsome guy in the WWE. Cody wants Husky Harris to show everyone his physique. Cody says that unfortunately Husky represents the average male. He mentions his horrible tattoos and dirty hair. Cody thanks Husky for his time. Cody says that he cannot help that he was born this good looking. He says that it is not genetics because look at his father and brother. Cody says that sometimes a blessing can be a curse. Cody asks a fan at ringside if he knows how hard it is to maintain his baby smooth skin. Cody says that he can hear the fans getting fatter. Cody goes to Todd Grisham and he asks Todd how many hours he spends in the gym while he reads comics and goes on the internet. Cody then turns his attention to Tony Chimmel. Cody says that he says that he hasn’t had a carb since Bill Clinton has been President. Cody says that Tony hasn’t had a donut since the first match. Cody returns to the ring and he thanks the WWE Divas for their exquisite taste. Cody lays across the top turnbuckle and says that it is not fair to have so much God given ability, to be so handsome, suave, debonair and handsome. He tells Vickie and Teddy to consider the man with the money face for Money in the Bank. Cody tells everyone to call him ‘Dashing’ Cody Rhodes. Cody repeats his new nickname a few dozen times.

We go to Vickie Guerrero in the back and she is admiring her photo of her and Dolph. Dolph enters and says that they need to talk. Dolph says that the relationship was supposed to be a two way street but he says that all he does is give and give. Dolph says that he wants gold. Vickie says that she gave him a gold chain. Dolph says that he wants an Intercontinental Title match or he doesn’t know about their future.

We go to commercial.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rosa Mendes is jumping rope in the ring.

Match Number Four: Rosa Mendes versus Kelly Kelly with Tiffany

Before the match starts, Michelle McCool and Layla come to the ring, but first they do their synchronized entrance routine before giving their title belts to their rookie Kaval.

Rosa continues to jump rope and Kelly wants to know what is going on. Kelly with a kick and K2 for the three count.

Winner: Kelly Kelly

After the match, Kelly jumps some rope and then she throws the jump rope at Michelle and Layla. They get on the apron but Tiffany joins Kelly in the ring and we have a stand off.

We take a look back at the opening match between Big Show and Jack Swagger when Swagger puts Show in a prolonged ankle lock but refused to release the hold.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video package for Alberto del Rio. He says that a lot of people talk about his attributes. Among them are honesty. He says that many lose it as they get older. He talks about how people lie as they get older. He says that a liar is a despicable person. He says that some lie more than the others. He says that everyone is a liar. He says that there is only one person who does not lie and refuses to lie. He says that he is the one honest man.

Next week, Rey Mysterio will be on Smackdown to address the WWE Universe.

Before our main event starts, CM Punk gets on the mic and he says that he only has one thing to say. He says that this is the face of an innocent man.

Match Number Five: CM Punk versus Kane in a No Disqualification Match

Punk punches Kane as he enters the ring but Kane sends Punk over the top rope to the floor. Kane sends Punk into the ringside barrier and Kane punches him. Kane biels Punk into the ringside barrier a few times and he follows that with an uppercut. Kane runs Punk into the ring apron and then he hot shots Punk on the ringside barrier. Luke Gallows tries to interfere but it fails. Kane punches Gallows and sends him into the ringside steps. Kane Irish whips Gallows into the ringside barrier. Kane with a clothesline to Punk and then he stops an attack from the other masked member of the group. Punk and Gallows attack Kane from behind and then Gallows with a series of punches Kane. New masked man with a boot to the stomach. Punk sends Kane into the ringside barrier as the three on one attack continues. Kane is Irish whipped into the ringside barrier by Gallows and the other masked man. Gallows with a clothesline to Kane. Gallows and the masked man send Punk at Kane but Kane with a back body drop. Kane sends Gallows into the ring post and then the other masked man gets sent into the ring post. Kane grabs Punk and slams his hand into the announce table and ring steps. Kane punches Punk and then he sends the arm into the ring post. Kane sends Punk into the ring steps twice. Kane rearranges the announce table and he choke slams the masked man on the ground. Kane grabs Punk but Gallows hits Kane from behind. Kane sends Gallows into the apron and then he choke slams Luke through the announce table.

Punk runs through the crowd and Kane follows. They make their way into the concourse and Kane continues his pursuit. Kane sends Punk into the merchandise table and then Kane slams Punk through one of the tables. Kane then sends Punk into the concessions table. Punk is able to get out of the building after an uppercut and Punk runs across the street to escape from Kane as we go to credits.

2011 - WWE announced that Chavo Guerrero had been released from the company.  Guerrero had requested the release, writing via Twitter, ""Yes, it's true. My release is the big news I was talking about. But let's get something straight. I asked for my release. I was just tired of not being used correctly. Just cuz u can make other ppl look good, doesn't mean they should just have u lose to them. The same thing happened to Eddie. After being champ, they still had him working mid card status. Being a Guerrero, we've been taught since diapers to get the most out of ppl & matches. It's our gift, but also our curse. WWE has always used us to make other ppl look good. It all comes down to being happy. I was not happy in WWE anymore. I had a smile on my face last night though when I got my release though! :) now it's time for me to start being a Guerrero again, and start kicking ass again, be able to tell stories in the ring like u know we can. :) win or lose I will never go back to the place WWE put me in. I will never go back to being under utilized and watching ppl who suck get bigger "pushes" than me! Thank u to all of u who stuck by me & kept reminding me, I was better than that! :) stay tuned.. Big things coming!! Now I will really be able to entertain u! :) like me or hate me, 1 thing I have always tried to do is entertain u and give u fans your $ worth. Even if my hands were tied most of the time. I love u all and can't wait for the future!! So happy. :)"

2011 - CZW held their tenth annual Tournament of Death in Townsend, DE.  Mike Johnson filed the following live report:

Combat Zone Wrestling held their tenth annual Tournament of Death on Saturday 6/25/11 in Townsend, Delaware, holding the event once again in the Markland Acres Farm owned by the family of CZW owner DJ Hyde.

As it the norm for these shows, there was a lot of violence and insane spectacle. The show drew in the area of 550-650 fans with some traveling from as far as San Diego, Chicago, Toronto, South Carolina and New York City.

The show opened with a moment of silence for JT Roberts, a Northeast-based independent wrestler who had made appearances for CZW in the past. Roberts passed away last week in an auto accident


*Masada pinned Dysfunction in a Fans Bring the Weapons Match. Dysfunction threw a chair wrapped in barbed wire at Masada as Masada posed for the crowd before the bell and then ripped up Masada's forehead with a round pizza cutter. Masada fought back, including blasting Dysfunction over the head with a large snare drum. Masada nailed him with a guitar, then suplexed him onto the remnants of it. Not to be stopped, he then grabbed the shattered neck of the guitar and dug it into the forehead of Dysfunction. Dysfuction came back with a sideslam on a barbed wire chair. They battled to the outside, where Masada was nailed with a chair and a stop sign. Back in the ring, Dysfuntion nailed a rolling Samoan Drop off the ropes onto the barbed wire chair. Masada lowblowed him and pulled out acupuncture needles, digging them into Dysfunction's hands. Dysfunction fought back and stuck them in Masada's head. They went back and forth untl Masada nailed a Death Valley Driver off the the ring apron through a table for the pin.

*Matt Tremont scored the biggest win of his career, defeating Necro Butcher in a "Get Hit" match featuring a variety of weapons. They battled back and forth with Necro ending up on the outside. He tossed a few chairs from ringside into the ring. Tremont challenged him to sit down and exchange punches. Necro drilled him with some insanely stiff shots. Tremont clotheslined Necro over the top to the floor. They batttled outside and Tremont was slammed onto a row of ringside chairs. They brawled in the crowd, including grabbing a huge cooler that a fan brought to the show. Necro slammed Tremont with it, sending beers and sodas flying. Tremont took control and drilled Necro with a boot to the back of the neck, smashing a light tube into Necro. Necro grabbed a beer bottle from a fan and smashed it over Tremont's head twice, the second time shattering it. Tremont went after Necro's bare foot, beating it with a thumbtack bat. He attempted to spike Necro's testicles with a huge steak fork but Necro smashed light tubes across his back. Necro drilled Tremont across the head with a thumbtack bat and the tacks embedded across Tremont's skull. Tremont kicked up out of a pinfall attempt. Necro beat Tremont across the ring and bulldogged him for a two. Tremont powerbombed Necro on an open chair for a two count. Tremont beat him with water jugs attached to sticks. Tremont came off the top with a diving headbutt through light tubes for the pin. Strong, stiff brawl that saw Tremont get some rub from beating Necro. You had a "star was born" feeling here.

*Big Japan Wrestling's Jaki Numazawa pinned Danny Havoc in a "Festival of Light Tubes" match. Havoc came out with a light tube taped to his arm and foreammed Numazawa Havoc slammed him through light tubes then hit an elbow off the second rope throught the tubes. Havoc went for a moonsault but Numazawa nailed him in chest with light tubes as Havoc was upside down mid-moonsault. That shot shredded Havoc's mid-section. It looked brutal. Numazawa missed a chairshot. Havoc nailed him with an Ace Cutter on the chair. Havoc went to the ropes but Numazawa used light tubes like a pole and flipped Havoc off of the turnbuckles and into the ring. He charged Havoc with huge collection of light tubes and nailed a reverse piledriver for a two count. Havoc nailed a light tube shot and an enziguiri. Havoc hit the stroke onto light tubes for a two count. Numazawa nailed a death valley driver through light tubes for a two count. Havoc battled back and nailed a DVDR of his own. They battled on top. An unknown worker (seriously, no idea who that was) came out and nailed Havok with light tube on the outside and chokeslammed him from the apron through tubes on the ground. Numazawa powerbombed Havoc through a light tube structure. Havoc kicked out, which the crowd popped for. Numazawa nailed him over the head with light tubes and piledrove him onto the remnants for a three count. Crazy match.

*In a Thumbtack Kick Pads Match, Big Japan Wrestling's Masashi Takeda defeated 2010 TOD winner Scotty Vortekz. Vortekz was wearing kickpads embedded with thumbtacks as weapons, hence the stipulation title. Vortekz was nailed and tossed to the outside. Back in the ring, Takeda was sent headfirst through a barbed wire board. Vortekz nailed a leaping knee across the face, leaving thumbtacks in Takeda's face. Vortekz kicked liight tubes into Takeda's chest. Vortekz drilled a thumbtack kick across Takeda's back for a two count. Vortekz was caught with an exploder through the barbed wire board. That was crazy. Vortekx was trapped behind the remnants of a broken barbed wire board. Takeda charged into it, nearly impaling himself as the barbed wire side was facing him. That was nuts. They went back and forth. Vortekz came off the top with a thumbtacks Ivan Koloff style "Bombs Away" knee drop for a two count. Vortekz was nailed with a German suplex through a barbed wire board. There was a miscue so Takeda tossed him to the mat. Vortex was finally pinned.


*Masada defeated Matt Tremont in a Tenzans, Whips and Anything Else We Can F***ing Find In the Back Match. Tremont lost some of the momentum he got in the first match here, partially because the crowd was so behind Masada and partially because Tremont looked hesitant at times. They battled back and forth with punches and forearms and chops. They shoulderblocked each other but tp no effect. Tremont nailed a low dropkick in the corner. Tremont stomped away at Masada. Masada slammed a shopping cart onto Tremont then used a Tenzan on Tremont's head and arm. Tremont came back to lay Masada across the cart and nailed him with a stop sign. He went to nail Masada with a bat that had light bulbs glued to it, but was cut off and drilled in the head with it by Masada. Masada positioned Tremont's arm inside the shopping cart and kicked the metal grate that would fold up when you stacked the carts into Tremont's arm. Tremont collapsed in the corner. Masada drilled the cart into his chest, the Tremont's face. Masada's ankle seemed to be bothering him at this point. Tremont came back to powerbomb Masada on the Tenzans and and then ripped at his face with a cheese grater. Masada beat three Tenzans into Tremont's head and they stuck. That was insane! Masada hit two running boots and then beat the Tenzans deeper into Tremont's head with a chair. He suplexed Tremont for a two count. He then did ten punches in a corner on the Tenzans. Masada then pulled them out with his teeth. SICK. Tremont caught him from underneath with a sitdown powerbib for a two count. He placed Masada on the cart and went for a splash but Masada moved and Tremont belly flopped onto it, which looked painful as hell. Masada used a chair to choke out Tremont in a crossface like move. When Tremont didn't answer, the referee called it. A hell of a war.

*In a Barbed Wire Boards, Light Tubes and Thumbtacks match, Masashi Takeda defeated Jaki Numazawa in a battle of Big Japan stars. They each screamed they were going to do this Big Japan Style. Numazawa headbutts a light tube into Takeda then dug it into his head. Numazawa drilled him with a DDT for a two count. Takeda nailed Numazawa with a chair, then grabbed a magical bag of thumbtacks. He spread them and backdropped Numazawa on them. with. Takeda charged him with with a light tube shattering it in the corner. Numazawa came back to nail a running DVDR through a barbed wire board. He placed Takeda on a table and went to the top but was caught with a back suplex through a table. Nuts They went back and forth with more craziness. Numazawa was building a series of hot offensive maneuvers when he was KILLED with a stiff forearm smash and a German suplex for the pin.

*Sami Callihan pinned Greg Excellent to earn a future match against DJ Hyde. More of an angle than anything else. This was billed as a three-way match but DJ Hyde did a heel bit where he claimed to be a huge international star, coming out wearing a Ribera's Steakhouse jacket and claimed they would have to wrestle each other. Callihan and Excellent turned it into a comedy routine making shoot comments to rip on Hyde. It was cute at times but not what the crowd wanted to see and it went way too long. Excellent and Callihan were both dressed as Hyde to mock him. It ended up with a pissed off Hyde announcing Necro Butcher vs. Callihan at the 7/9 ECW Arena return. Callihan ended up smashing a watermelon in Hyde's face. This wasn't what the crowd came to see and while they laughed at some of the lines and obviously love Callihan, this came off as the weakest segment on the show.

*CZW Tag Team champions Joker & Black Jeez defeated CZW champion Devon Moore & mystery partner Little Mondo. Mondo is a student at the CZW school who was well known as a fan dressing up as Nick Mondo nine years ago when he was a top CZW star. A fan used the "n" word on Jeez before the match and it almost became an ugly scene. This was an all over brawl. Moore was bleeding heavily. Mondo crawled atop one of the ring trucks and did a dive. Lots of brawling in the crowd. Jeez is a hell of a heel.

*Masada pinned Masashi Takeda to capture the 2011 CZW Tournament of Death in a barbed wire ropes, light tubes, panes of glass and whatever was left match. They actually did, shock of shocks, some MAT WRESTLING early on. Masada was nailed with an exploder. Takeda began working him over with light tube shots to the head. They went to the outside where they continued with the light tube chicanery. Back in the ring, Takeda was slammed on light tubes for a two count. Takeda placed a light tube over Takeda's back and elbowed it into oblivion. Takeda was whipped into the barbed wire and light tube ropes. They battled on outside with Takeda being whipped into the railing. Masada drilled Takeda in the head with light tubes. Takeda, enraged, nailed himself with two others. Masada drilled him with uppercut. Takeda started working on Masada's bad ankle. He nailed a release German suplex and then another with a bridge for a two count. Takeda drilled Masada with a shining wizard for two. Takeda nailed a nasty belly to belly suplex on Masada through a pane of glass in the corner. Takeda does the light tube charge in corner for a two count. They battled back and forth. Masada powerbombed Takeda through a glass plane in the corner. They battled over a flaming pane of glass that was bridged over several cinderblocks. Finally, Takeda was suplexed through the fire and glass. He kicked up. The glass that remained on the blocks were still burning, so Takeda was powerbombed atop of them. INSANE. Equally insane was Masada pressing his foot down on Takeda, holding him down on the flames before pinning him.

Overall, an insane afternoon of crazed pro wrestling. It's not for everyone but its a hell of an entertaining sight to see and atmosphere to take in.

2012 -  WWE broadcast Raw.  Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We begin with Daniel Bryan’s comments about AJ would be the problem for CM Punk and Kane going into No Way Out. We see footage of AJ’s questionable behavior. What was with AJ’s look back at CM Punk at No Way Out? What about AJ’s Kane costume from last week.

AJ is in the back and she has something to say. She tells Daniel that even if he doesn’t want to show it, he still has feelings for her. They have to drift apart. She tells Kane that she loses all of her inhibitions when she sees him and she wants to get wild. We know that he is not a man, but a monster. She tells CM Punk that she thinks of them as soulmates, but she doesn’t think that he thinks what she thinks he is thinking. She tells Punk that it is best if they all go their separate ways.

The camera moves and we see that AJ is talking to a mirror.

We are live from Fort Wayne, Indiana and your announcers are Michael ‘Who can I suck up to this week who won’t be back next week’ Cole and Jerry ‘Do you think they remember there is a pay per view coming up’ Lawler.

Since John Laurinaitis cannot ban Brodus Clay any more, we will see Brodus face Big Show tonight.

John Cena has a huge announcement for later tonight.

Vickie Guerrero comes out and she throws out a flurry of Excuse Mes. She reminds everyone that the Board of Directors has named her interim General Manager of Raw and Smackdown this week. Based on her track record, in no time, she will become the permanent General Manager of Raw and Smackdown in four weeks on the 1000th episode of Raw.

Vickie says that she will bring us a great show.


Match Number One: Daniel Bryan versus Kane versus CM Punk in a Three Way Dance


Punk goes after Kane and then Bryan does the same but Kane sends them to the mat. Kane with a slam to Bryan followed by an uppercut to Punk and a back elbow. Bryan clips Kane but Kane stays on his feet. Bryan with yes kicks to the leg and Punk with kicks of his own.

Bryan with a rollup on Punk while Kane rolls to the floor. They lock up again and Punk with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Punk catches Bryan on a leap frog attempt and hits a reverse atomic drop. Punk tries for a surfboard while AJ watches from the back, but Punk decides to give Bryan a curb stomp. Punk tries for a suicide dive but Kane with an uppercut.

Bryan with a baseball slide but Kane catches Bryan off the apron and sends him into the ringside barrier as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kane punches Punk and then he Irish whips Punk into Bryan and then Kane splashes both of them in the corner. Kane goes up top but Bryan with a forearm to stop him. Punk stops the superplex attempt and he gets Bryan on his shoulders and Kane misses a clothesline when Bryan gets a victory roll for a near fall.

Kane grabs both men by the throat but Bryan and Punk stop Kane and hit a double suplex and all three men are down. Bryan and Punk exchange forearms with Bryan getting the advantage. Punk with a back heel kick and leg lariat. Punk with a clothesline and then Punk sends Bryan into forearms from Kane. Punk avoids Kane and Kane goes over the top rope to the floor. Punk back body drops Bryan onto Kane.

Punk with a suicide dive onto Kane and Bryan on the floor. Punk sends Bryan back into the ring and then Punk waits for the springboard clothesline but Bryan catches him and tries for the Yes Lock. Punk catapults Bryan into Kane on the apron and then Punk with a round kick to Bryan but Bryan gets his foot on the rope to stop the count.

Punk says that it is time for someone to go to sleep and he goes for Bryan but Kane with a boot to Punk’s head and Kane gets a near fall on Punk. Kane with an Irish whip to Punk followed by a side slam for a near fall. Kane goes up top and hits the clothesline. Kane sets for the choke slam but it is time for AJ to skip to the ring while her music plays.

Kane grabs Punk but Punk avoids the choke slam and Punk gets Kane on his shoulders for the Go To Sleep and he hits it and gets the three count on Kane.

Kane Eliminated

Bryan kicks Punk in the head and gets the three count.


Winner: Daniel Bryan

Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez are in Vickie’s office and Ricardo has some flowers from Alberto. Alberto says that Vickie knows that he is the rightful number one contender.

Dolph enters and he tells Alberto that was the way that it was before he got injured, now he has to wait in line. Dolph asks for one more chance.

Vickie says that there will be a number one contender match and the winner will be the person who grabs the contract and they will face Sheamus on Friday.

Ricardo returns with the flowers in a vase and Dolph takes them and throws them against the wall.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Big Show destroying the Funk last month on Raw.


Match Number Two: Big Show versus Brodus Clay with the Funkettes


They lock up and Show punches Clay. Show tries for the shhhh chop but Clay blocks it. Clay with a head butt but Show with a kick to the leg. Show with an elbow to the leg and then he steps on the leg. Show sends the leg into the ring post. Show kicks Clay in the head and he goes for the Vader Bomb and hits it. Show sets for the punch but Clay is able to head butt Show. Clay gets Show up but his knee gives out and Show gets the three count.


Winner: Big Show


Lawler and Cole wonder what the ‘huge announcement’ will be this week. We see footage of John Cena’s 300th Wish through the Make A Wish Foundation.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a WWE Raw 1000 Memorable Moment. Bob Barker talks about his appearance as the guest host on Raw and his fun with Chris Jericho.

We see footage from the commercial break when Brodus Clay was being helped to the back and Big Show nails Big Show in the face with a punch.

Michael Cole reminds us of Triple H’s comments from No Way Out and in case you forgot, we see them again. We then see Paul Heyman’s rebuttal to the SummerSlam challenge on Raw and Triple H’s unwarranted attack on Paul Heyman.

Next week, Brock Lesnar will respond to Triple H’s challenge for SummerSlam.

AJ is in the back and she says that maybe she has been acting crazy lately and she is glad that Kane is here to talk.

Kane says that he is not one with his feelings, but AJ has made him feel things he never thought possible. Kane says that is not a good thing. He says that he is not boyfriend material.

AJ says that their relationship is unconventional.

Kane says that he is a monster and he wears a mask. His only source of pleasure is eviscerating people. Kane says that he finds AJ mentally unstable. Kane tells AJ that it would be best if they stay away from each other.

Kane walks away and AJ looks like someone kicked her in the gut. AJ starts to cry . . . or is she laughing.

We go to commercial.


Match Number Three: Jack Swagger versus Santino Marella in a United States Title Match


Swagger tells Santino to wait and then he punches Santino. Swagger punches Santino in the corner. Swagger with more punches until the referee pulls Swagger out of the corner. Santino sends Swagger into the corner and he chops Swagger. Swagger catches Santino on a float over and he goes for the Cobra, but without his sock puppet. Swagger kicks Santino and hits a belly-to-belly take down.

Swagger with an elbow drop and then he stretches Santino. Santino punches Swagger and hits a Saito suplex. Swagger with a punch and Santino kips up and punches Swagger. Santino with a split and hip toss followed by a diving head butt.

Santino pulls out his sock puppet and puts on the Cobra but Swagger grabs Santino. Santino with a DDT to counter and then Santino sets for the Cobra and connects for the three count.


Winner: Santino Marella


John Cena is walking in the back and we see Cena looking at some People Power shirts. He picks it up and Zack Ryder takes it and throws it away.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for John Cena to make an Earth shattering announcement.

John says that he sent a tweet out earlier that he had an historical announcement. For the past month, the WWE has been turned upside down. John says that a short time ago in a WWE Universe far away, John Laurinaitis convinced Big Show to join the dark side. Cena gives a lot of wrestlers Star Wars related names.

John’s announcement is interrupted by the return of the man with the shiniest and sparkliest jacket in sports entertainment history, Chris Jericho.

Chris wants to know what Cena is talking about. He tells John to make his historic announcement and get the hell out of his ring because tonight is his night.

John says that he might have gotten carried away. He tells Jericho about how Big Show is on a tear and that Big Show is in the Money in the Bank match. Cena says that he is going to stop Big Show and he is going to be in the Money in the Bank ladder match.

Cena reminds Jericho that no one has lost when cashing in the briefcase. Cena wants to be on the other side this time because he has been beaten more than once for the title.

Jericho asks Cena if he is nine after saying that he would win the whole fudging thing.

Jericho says that Cena is taking things for granted claiming he can win in his first Money in the Bank match.

Jericho mentions that he invented the match and has been in three of them.

Cena points out that Jericho has never won the match.

Jericho says that this is not what you do for fun. He says that Money in the Bank is a serious match. No one has been in more ladder matches than him. It is no ordinary match. It is a career ender. He tells Cena to stop worrying about stopping Big Show and he should worry about stopping him. Jericho says that he is entering himself in Money in the Bank.

Vickie Guerrero comes out and she throws out some more excuse mes. Vickie says that Money in the Week is in three weeks. There will be two Money in the Bank matches. One for the World Title Match and one for the WWE Title Match. No one can put themselves in the match.

Vickie reminds Chris that she is in charge tonight.

Chris apologizes and asks if she is going to suspend him. Vickie says that the Board has an idea. Only former WWE Champions can be in the WWE Money in the Bank Match.

Kane, Big Show, Chris Jericho, John Cena are announced for the WWE Title Money in the Bank Match.

Cena tells Vickie that she is doing a good job as GM. He says that she will do fine as long as she listens to the Board of Directors.

Vickie reminds John that this is her show tonight and she will make the main event. For the first time ever, John Cena will face Chris Jericho (even though it has been two years).

Who will be the Legend who is returning on the Road to 1000 Raws (to destroy Heath Slater).


We are back and it is time for the Legend segment for the 1000th Episode of Raw. That means that Heath Slater has to come to the ring to get ready for his beat down.

We see footage from last week when Roddy Piper and Cyndi Lauper attacked Slater.

Heath reminds us that he is the One Man Band. He doesn’t care what Vader, Cyndi Lauper, Wendi Richter, or Roddy Piper think of him because he is one of the biggest stars on Raw. He says that he rules the world.

Match Number Four: Heath Slater versus Sycho Sid


They lock up and Slater pushes Sid in the corner and he has something to say to Sid. Sid slaps Slater to the mat and then he kicks Slater in the chest and then puts him on the turnbuckles and slaps Slater. Heath falls to the mat and Sid with a spinebuster but misses a punch. Slater with kicks to the leg and forearms to the back of the head. Sid with a clothesline followed by the leg drop. Sid calls for the power bomb and for the first time, someone calls out a hold and hits it and gets the three count.


Winner: Sycho Sid


We go to commercial.

We are back and Cole mentions that we are four weeks away from the 1000th Episode of Raw. Jerry Lawler says that we will have a Celebrity Social Media Ambassador but Jerry won’t tell us who it will be, even though it is online.


Match Number Five: Dolph Ziggler versus Alberto Del Rio in a Contract on a Pole Match to face Sheamus on Friday


They lock up and Ziggler pushes Del Rio away and goes for the turnbuckles where the pole is located. Del Rio kicks Ziggler and climbs the turnbuckles but is stopped. Ziggler with uppercut but Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Del Rio climbs the turnbuckles again and Ziggler grabs the leg and pulls Del Rio back to the mat.

Ziggler with a side Russian leg sweep and Ziggler climbs the turnbuckles but Del Rio pulls Ziggler off. Ziggler punches Del Rio and Ziggler avoids a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and hits a drop kick and both men are down. Ziggler tries for a sleeper but Del Rio holds on to the ropes. Del Rio catapults Ziggler but Ziggler lands on the apron and goes for the turnbuckle but Del Rio stops him.

Del Rio has his hand on the contract but Ziggler climbs over Del Rio. Del Rio with a Samoan drop from the second turnbuckle and both men are down. Ziggler grabs the contract but he does not have possession. They fight over the contract and it moves around the ring. They punch each other to see who gains solo control of the contract.

Ricardo grabs the contract but Ziggler kicks it out of Ricardo’s hands and goes to the floor. Dolph and Alberto look for the contract and they try to get out of the ring for the contract.

Del Rio pulls Ziggler back into the ring and they go through the ropes on the other side of the ring. Sheamus’ music plays and he comes out with the mic. He tells them that they can stop fighting. Sheamus says that we will have a Triple Threat match for the World Title. Sheamus says that the match will not be about showing off or destiny. It will be about him kicking both of their arses on Friday night.

We find out that the WWE Universe think that AJ should be with CM Punk.

We see footage from the Three Way Dance earlier in the night.

CM Punk will face Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title at Money in the Bank.

CM Punk is on the phone in the back and AJ stops by. She says that things didn’t go how he wanted earlier and she wants to make it up to him. When she competes in the battle royal tonight, she is going to dedicate the match to them.

Punk says that they can have a serious conversation about the two of them. AJ says that she is open to taking things to the next level.

We go to commercial.

We are back with another WWE 1000 Memorable Moment. Mick Foley talks about This Is Your Life with the Rock.

Before the next match, Vickie tells everyone that People Power is dead, but Vickie Power lives. She shows her bathing suit.

Match Number Six: Divas Battle Royal featuring AJ Lee, Layla, Beth Phoenix, Maxine, Natalya, Tamina, Kaitlyn, Aksana, Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox, and Vickie Guerrero


All of the women go after Vickie at the start. Maxine is eliminated by Alicia Fox while Aksana was eliminated on the other side. Alicia Fox leaves the ring on her own. Kaitlyn is eliminated and so was Rosa Mendes. Tamina is eliminated while AJ lays down in the corner.

Beth eliminates Natalya when she tried to eliminate Layla. Layla drop kicks Beth to the floor. AJ attacks Layla and sends her to the apron. Layla kicks Beth on the floor and AJ eliminates Layla. Vickie sends AJ to the apron but she does not go to the floor.

Vickie yells at AJ and bumps her. AJ with a Thesz Press and they fight around the ring. AJ kicks Vickie to the floor to win the match.


Winner: AJ Lee


After the match, AJ does the Yes gesture.

We go to commercial.


Match Number Seven: Chris Jericho versus John Cena


They lock up and Cena backs Jericho into the corner and takes Jericho down with a side head lock take down. Jericho pie faces Cena and Cena gets Jericho on his shoulders but Jericho gets to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Jericho with a reverse chin lock but Cena powers out of the hold and he punches Jericho. Cena with an Irish whip but Jericho with a boot and drop kick for a near fall. Jericho chokes Cena in the ropes until the referee warns him. Jericho with a belly-to-back suplex and then he kicks Cena in the back and the head. Jericho with a baseball slide that sends Cena to the floor.

Jericho with a forearm to the head and he tries for a suplex but Cena blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Jericho with a side head lock but Cena with a punch. Jericho with a kick and rear chin lock into a reverse chin lock.

Cena with a kick and punches but Jericho with a back elbow and he tries for the Lionsault but lands on his feet. Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb and the Five Knuckle Shuffle set up but Jericho with a double leg take down and he tries for the Walls of Jericho. Cena tries for the Attitude Adjustment but Jericho escapes. Cena with a Blue Thunder Bomb and Five Knuckle Shuffle.

Big Show’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. Cena gets Jericho on his shoulders but Jericho is able to put Cena in the Walls of Jericho. Show with a leg drop to Cena and the referee calls for the bell.


Winner: John Cena by disqualification


After the match, Jericho has something to say to Show but leaves the ring. Show with a choke slam to Cena. Show applies the Colossal Clutch on Cena and Cena’s face turns purple. Where are the people who banded together against Big Show at No Way Out?

2013 - WWE star Jack Swagger was found guilty of DUI and speeding in Gulfport, MS.

Swagger was sentenced to six months' probation, a $500 fine and had to pay for all court costs related to his case.

Swagger was also sentenced to two days in jail, but his attorney was able to get that suspended, so he will not have to spend any time behind bars.

The presiding Judge also dismissed a possession charge against Swagger. Swagger was believed to have been using marijuana before being arrested.

Swagger was arrested on 2/19/13 in Gulfsport, MS, just 90 minutes after a WWE Smackdown taping in Biloxi, MS. He was just beginning his big push for a Wrestlemania World title shot at Alberto Del Rio at the time.

City prosecutor Kirk Clark had been pushing for the maximum sentence against Swagger, two days in jail and completion of victim-impact classes, but obviously did not get that.

2014 - reported the following: " has heard from several sources that Josh Mathews was let go over the last 24 hours. His profile has already been removed from, although the company has not yet acknowledged his departure. His profile is now in the alumni section of the website.  Mathews has been with the company since the original Tough Enough reality series on MTV and had been doing announcing as well as hosting the WWE Network's Raw, Smackdown and PPV Pre and Post Show panels."

Matthews would soon sign on with Impact Wrestling and replace Mike Tenay as the lead announcer of the company.

2014 - TNA announced at their press conference in New York City that Bound For Glory would be held Sunday October 12 in Tokyo, Japan at Korakuen Hall, the first time the company's flagship event would take place in Japan.  The show would be aired via tape delay that night in the United States and elsewhere.

2014 - TNA filmed several episodes of Impact Wrestling in NYC.  Mike Johnson filed the following results:

July 17th Episode

Kurt Angle cut a promo in the balcony of the Manhattan Center with the six sided ring behind him in the distance.  Angle TNA has brought back the Six-Sided ring to come back to their roots.  He said It made them different as did talents like AJ Styles, The Motor City Machineguns, Jerry Lynn and Beer Money.  He said that TNA has make some mistakes but it's been 12 years and the company is still standing.  He said that tonight is the night they reboot TNA and it all begins tonight.  He introduced Taz.

Taz got a huge pop and an ECW chant, coming out in another part of the balcony.  He was dressed like NYC Brooklyn/FTW Taz, not Taz the announcer.  He cut a great promo about how NYC knows what he knows and that's how important wrestling is.  He said he was part of the most important revolution in wrestling history.  He said the locker room tonight has the same look as ECW talents did back in the day.  He promised we were gonna see some different stuff tonight.  He then did his old catchphrases and NYC lapped it up.

Tommy Dreamer and Bully Ray came out.  Bully put over NYC and said he made a guarantee that Dixie Carter was going through a table.  Dreamer cut a promo saying this was the new Madhouse of Extreme and that the fans were the biggest part of the changes TNA is going through.  The crowd was really into all this, as it was NYC guys paying tribute to NYC  EC3 and a Rhino came out.  Carter said they weren't going to put Dixie through anything.  Carter was good.  Dreamer said this isn't a PG show and he wants to see less talking and more action.  They started brawling.  They ring the bell.  They had a good match.  Carter got the pin on Dreamer while hooking the tights.

X-Division championship Gauntlet: Champion Austin Aries vs. Eddie Edwards.  The crowd chanted ROH at the bell.  Manik was third in.  Next out was Davey Richards.  Sixth was DJ Zema Ion.  Ion and Manik went over the ropes during a leaping Rama and we're eliminated.  Next out was Tigre Uno.  Crazzy Steve was next.   Steve was super over.  Sanada was next.  It came down to Senada vs. Aries at the end.  Aries get the pin with a brain buster in a really good match.  Final minutes were excellent.  Probably one of the best X-Division matches in some time.

MVP, on crutches, cut a promo saying he was wrestling tonight under protest. He crapped on NYC and said Kurt Angle is doing the same things fans complained about him for doing so they are hypocrites. MVP and Kenny King vs. Eric Young and Roode. MVP was DQ'd for using the crutch. He and King beat them with crutches.

In a No DQ, no Countout match, Madison Rayne pinned Brittany. They worked hard but crowd wasn't getting behind it and did dumb chants.

Bobby Lashley pinned Jeff Hardy after a spear. Lashley was put on the steps outside and Hardy came off the top but missed and crashed into the steps. Insane, brutal spot. Really good match that was probably one of the best of Lashley's career and if this comes off on TV as strong as it did live, it will really surprise people.


Dixie Carter, Rhino, Spud and EC3 came out for a promo. Carter ripped on NYC fans. She mocked Tommy Dreamer's promo a few weeks ago and ripped on Bully Ray. She said she should be called the Hardcore Star for putting Ray through tables. Ray and Dreamer came out with a table. They brawled with EC3 and Rhino. They were left with Dixie and went to put her through but her minions saved her. Devon hit the scene and attacked EC3. He and Ray did the wazzup Headbutt on him. They gave him 3D through the table.

Xplosion: TNA Knockouts champ Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky. Sky wins with sunset flip.

Low Ki returned and beat DJ Zema Ion with the Ki Krusher. NYC was happy to see him.  The Bromans did a lot of silly stuff in their entrance that got heat. 

The Great Muta defeated Robbie E. It was all about getting the trademark Muta spots in.  E did some mic work and got a response from the crowd knocking Muta before the match.  E ate the green mist.  James Storm came out and cut a promo on another old guy coming here at the expense of someone who broke his back to make this company. Storm attacked Muta. Sanada ran out and Storm backed off but Sanada attacked Muta with a chair and nailed him with a moonsault. This was Muta's NYC debut.  This came off more like it was stuff to set up angles in Japan than anything else.

Jeff Hardy came out for a promo. He was limping. He said The people and Kurt Angle wanted him back and Willow listened, he said it wasn't the last of Willow and he will do everything he can to entertain the people. He said he was here to talk about the future and brought out Matt Hardy. Matt cut a promo saying he had to go away to get himself healthy physically, mentally and emotionally and did that but feels that he let Jeff and the fans down.  The crowd was super behind him and disagreed that he let them down.  Based on the reaction Matt got, he was one of the most popular names on the show.  Matt said that he's said his apologies and now it's time to let actions speak and it's time to become the TNA tag team champions as they want to be the champions again.  He challenged The a Wolves to a match at Destination X. The Wolves came down to the ring and accepted after some back and forth talking.  It was Davey Richards' best talking in TNA to date and Eddie Edwards was good as well.

Kurt Angle brought out Austin Aries to see if he would relinquish the X-Division title for a title shot against Bobby Lashley. Before Aries could decide, out came Lashley and MVP. MVP cut a promo. Aries told him to get to the point. Aries cut a good promo on MVP and said he's got unfinished business with the TNA title. Aries handed the title over. Aries vs. Lashley at Destination X. MVP and Lashley told him he made the biggest mistake if his life.

Dixie Carter was in the balcony with King Mo. She cut a promo on Dreamer and said she was going to give everyone a reason to chant the three letters she hates so much.

NYC Streetfight: EC3. & Spud & Rhino vs. Team 3d & Tommy Dreamer. Lots of plunder. Devon was attacked by guy in sweatshirt who was Snitsky. Atlas Security tackled him and they treated it like it was a real fan trying to get over the rail to the point the crowd (not able to see Snitsky as he was wearing a sweatshirt over his head) reacted like it was real. Bubba went to tend to Devon. Dreamer killed Spud with piledriver and worked over EC3 but was attacked by Ezekiel Jackson from the crowd.  Dixie revealed the men were with her Dreamer was pinned. Dixie's forces beat down Dreamer and 3D.  Mo was with Dixie but didn't get involved.

Xplosion: Mr. Anderson and Gunner defeated The BroMans.  Pretty good actually, but most of the crowd was burnt out and tired from a long taping and many had left.  Anderson's entrance got a huge reaction from those left.

2020 - Impact Wrestling confirmed to that it terminated the contract of then-reigning Impact Wrestling Champion Tessa Blanchard and stripped her of the title.

Impact’s statement read as follows: 

“Impact Wrestling confirmed that it has terminated its relationship with Tessa Blanchard and stripped her of the Impact Wrestling World Championship.”

Blanchard had not competed for the promotion since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic.  She had been slated to return to the company at the 7/18 Slammiversary PPV in Nashville, defending against four challengers, Trey Miguel, Eddie Edwards, Ace Austin and a fourth competitor originally slated to be Michael Elgin, who will not compete unless the company clears him from the suspension that was announced earlier this week.

Relations between Blanchard and Impact had become increasingly icy in recent weeks, especially after Blanchard did not send promos from Mexico (where she has been residing) for the 6/1 episode of Impact on AXS.  That footage was slated to have been edited into a sit-down interview conducted by Josh Mathews “via satellite.”  When that material was not received, Impact had to re-edit the episode with other content and have host segments of the show changed and new voiceovers cut.   

Impact sources cite that there were attempts made to get Blanchard to return and drop the title but that the two sides were not able to come to terms.  Blanchard's deal was slated to expire before the PPV.  Impact was hoping that she would return for a final appearance, especially as they were of the belief that they could roll the time she was in Mexico not performing and tack it onto the end of her deal, extending her existing deal past its original expiration date.  One would think Blanchard's representatives might have had a differing opinion on that.   

When it became increasingly obvious that Blanchard returning for the PPV wasn't going to happen, Impact opted to cut bait, terminate the deal and move forward. 

Blanchard, 24 years old, is the daughter of Tully Blanchard and the step-daughter of Magnum TA.  She debuted for Impact in 2018 and ascended to the Impact Wrestling Championship, winning the belt from Sami Callihan at the Hard to Kill PPV.   During her time with the company, she also held the Knockouts Championship and last year won the promotion's 2019 Wrestler of the Year Award. reached out to Blanchard for comment on her departure from Impact but did not receive a response. 

2021 - WWE released the following talents:

*Ariya Daivari.

*Arturo Ruas.

*August Grey.

*The Bollywood Boyz, Gurvinder Sihra & Harvinder Sihra.

*Curt Stallion.

*Ever-Rise, Chase Parker & Matt Martel.


*Killian Dain.

*Marina Shafir.

*Tony Nese.

*Tyler Breeze.  

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