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By Mike Johnson on 2024-07-25 11:24:00

There have been a lot of online reports related to CM Punk over the last several days.  Since we have received so many emails about them, I reached out to a number of WWE sources last night and today.  I sincerely hate having to even address these, since we actually deal in facts here at and even acknowledging the rumors gives them more credence than they deserve, but here we go:

RUMOR: CM Punk was signed to a short-term WWE deal and is now negotiating a longer deal.


FACT: Numerous WWE sources, including one very high up internally, have confirmed to that Punk and WWE signed a three-year deal the night he returned in Chicago at Survivor Series 2023.  The deal would carry him through November 2026, not counting any time tacked on for when he was out rehabbing his Royal Rumble injury.  Any claims that the initial deal is coming up or that they signed a short-term deal and knew they would be discussing a new deal at this point, is 100% incorrect.


RUMOR: Punk is pushing to re-negotiate his current deal in order to get a "Bret Hart style 20 year deal."


FACT: can confirm the two sides are currently discussing a new contract, but we are told that WWE are the ones who approached Punk about working out a new deal.  Multiple WWE sources confirmed they are seeking to lock in what was described as a "bigger" deal (two sources used that terminology) and stated it was something the company initiated, not Punk. 

When asked why they would do that if they have Punk locked in already, we were told by one source, "New world.  Huge numbers.  Merch and socials."

It is not a case of Punk trying to get more out of the company.


So, for those who are acting as if Punk was causing issues to get a new deal, or that his initial WWE return deal was expiring soon, none of that is actually based in fact.

Again, I hate to even address these things but given the amount of email the last 48 hours, I felt it was best to address it once here vs. endless email responses.

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