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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-06-28 22:29:00

Your announcers are Blake Howard and Byron Saxton.

Match Number One:  Riley Osborne versus Jasper Troy

Riley avoids Troy using his speed advantage.  Riley flips away from Tory.  Riley with a waist lock and Troy powers out of it.  Riley escapes a few power bomb attempts.  Riley goes for a springboard move but Troy catches him and sends Riley over the top rope to the floor.  Troy wtih a forearm and he runs his forearm across Riley's nose and connects with a forearm.  Troy misses a leg drop and Riley with a drop kick through the ropes.  Riley comes off the apron and Troy catches Riley and he presses Riley and sends him over the top rope back into the ring.  Troy with a running body block for a near fall.  Troy gets a near fall.  Troy with an abdominal stretch.  RIley escapes and kicks Troy in the leg and hits a super kick.  Riley escapes a choke slam and he misses a running boot into the corner.  Riley with a springboard clothesline and then he goes up top for a shooting star press and the three count.

Winner:  Riley Osborne

Sarah was with Jazmyn Nyx and Jacy Jayne.  

Jazmyn says Kendal gets one win and she thinks she runs the place?  She has Jacy in her corner.  That amateur wrestler isn't beating her tonight.

Jacy says that is enough and they leave.

Match Number Two:  Jazmyn Nyx (with Jacy Jayne) versus Kendal Grey

They lock up and the alternate snap mares and Grey gets a near fall.  Grey with a side head lock.  Grey with an  arm bar and Nyx is sent off the turnbuckles by Grey .  Grey with a cross body off the turnbuckles and she gives Nyx an arm drag into an arm bar.  Grey with a shoulder on the apron but Nyx with a leg sweep and a stomp.  Nyx with kicks and a kick to the chest for a near fall.  Nyx with a figure four head scissors.  Grey with a back elbow and a running back elbow.  Grey with a Saito suplex.  Nyx with a Pele Kick for the three count.

Winner:  Jazmyn Nyx

Match Number Three:  Dante Chen versus Myles Borne

They lock up and Chen with an arm bar.  Myles with a side head lock and Chen with an arm drag into an arm bar.  Myles with punches and Chen with arm drags and punches.  Chen with an Irish whip and splash into the corner.  Chen goes to the turnbuckles and he punches Borne but Borne escapes and drops Chen on the turnbuckles.  Myles with a knee breaker and he works on the hamstring.  Borne puts the foot on the ropes and he kicks the ankle.  Myles with a suplex for a near fall.  Myles with a knee to the midsection and Chen's knee buckles when Borne Irish whips him.  Borne puts the leg in the ropes and he kicks it.  

Chen with punches and Borne with a power slam for a near fall.  Borne with a bow and arrow.  Borne with a heel hook.  Borne with a kick to the knee and Chen with a suplex but he cannot capitalize.  Borne with a punch and Chen punches back.  They continue the exchange.  Chen blocks a punch and connects with a palm thrust.  Chen with more palm thrusts followed by a clothesline and a reverse atomic drop.  Chen misses a running boot and Borne with a drop kick.  Chen with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Chen with a boot to Borne.  Chen with the Dragon Chop for the three count.

Winner:  Dante Chen

We go to credits.



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