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By Billy Krotchsen on 2024-06-19 22:33:00

AEW taped the following Rampage bouts after Dynamite in Fairfax, VA:

*Private Party defeated Metallik & Komander with Alex Abrahantes.  Big Bill and Chris Jericho came out.  Private Party charged up the ramp and brawled with them.  Security pulled them apart.

*Shingo Takagi defeated AR Fox.  Bryan Danielson came to the ring.   They faced off and Shingo walked out, pushing past Danielson in an attempt to intimidate him.

*Rey Fenix defeated Turbo Floyd of The Outrunners.

*Lio Rush pinned Action Andretti to qualify for TNT Championship Ladder Match at Forbidden Door.

*Willow Nightingale defeated Serena Deeb to advance in the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament.


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