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By Mike Johnson on 2024-05-31 09:40:00

The WWE deal with TNA to use Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace came together three weeks ago.

The Grace deal was kept extremely confidential within TNA, to the point that is told that 99% of the staff were not aware of the deal.  I am of the belief that TNA's Creative Team was kept completely in the dark and that it's likely that only TNA President Anthony Cicione and TNA Executive Producer Ariel Shnerer were involved, with Shnerer being the point person on the TNA end for making the deal.

This week's TNA TV had to be adjusted late in the editing process to include a recap of Grace on NXT.

During NXT rehearsals, the run-sheet for the segment with Roxanne Perez listed Alexa Bliss as coming out internally.  Lita's theme music was played during the rehersal as well as a way to throw off potential spoilers from leaking.  We have had some in WWE claim that Roxanne Perez legitimately did not know who would be walking out until Grace appeared live on television, but one would have to think they saw each other backstage before the segment.

The belief in WWE is that there will be some sort of NXT involvement at TNA Against All Odds in Chicago, which will see Grace have an open challenge for the TNA Knockouts title and possibly Slammiversary in Montreal as well.  Whether TNA can advertise that ahead of time remains to be seen.  The hope within TNA was that the NXT connection would see a lift in ticket sales for upcoming events. is told Grace is currently under a TNA deal that expires in the first quarter of 2025.

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