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By Mike Johnson on 2024-05-16 09:27:00

TMZ is reporting that WWE Hall of Famer Tammy 'Sunny" Sytch is suffering frm blood clots in her leg in prison and is concerned about how she will be treated medically.

The article noted:

"She said she began to experience severe swelling from the top of her knee all the way down to her toes, and immediately sought out medical attention.  But, she said for weeks, officials at the prison gave her the run-around ... this despite her leg looking "like somebody put a bicycle tire pump on it and just inflated it twice the size."  Sytch -- who is diabetic -- said things got so bad with the extremity, it turned "funky colors" -- and at one point, it even developed a "huge red lump right under" the calf."

Sytch is stating that she can barely walk and is being treated with blood thinners but that getting the medication has "been a chore", thus she is worried about how her health will be treated while she is behind bars.

Sytch told that she was worried she would die the same way her "ex-husband" died, of a bloot clot.  Sytch would be referring the late Chris Candido, who she was never married to - and who, according to the biography co-authored by Candido's brother Johnny and interviews Johnny has given, Chris actually passed away from acute pneumonia.

"We did an autopsy, and it turns out that someone, against the doctor’s orders, had given him a sleep aid. They said, "Here, you need to sleep. Take this." So he took it, and it slowed down his breathing, his lung filled with fluid, and he died of acute pneumonia. It’s a f***ed up story. It would take me forever even to start getting into it."

Sytch told TMZ that everyone knows why she's behind bars, referring to it as a "terrible accident."  Sytch was sentenced to prison in November 2023 to driving under the influence manslaughter and other charges. She plead no contest and asked for forgiveness before the court at her sentencing.  Sytch had an unsealed bottle of vodka in her vehicle and cannabis in her system when she was arrested following the March 2022 fatal DUI crash, which resulted in the death of Julian Lasseter.    Sytch did not possess a legal driver's license at the time of the crash and had been arrested multiple times in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey in order auto-related incidents.

Sytch is currently slated to be released from The Florida Department of Corrections on 12/02/2039.  She was transferred from Volusia County Corrections to a prison facility in Ocala, Florida  after being sentenced to 17 years plus another 8 years of probation on 11/28/23.    

Despite her conviction, Sytch remains a member of the WWE Hall of Fame.  While Hulk Hogan and the late Jimmy Snuka had been suspended from the WWE Hall of Fame in the past, to date, no one has ever been removed.  Sytch was the first WWE Hall of Famer to be convicted of a felony after being inducted into the Hall. 

Sytch's public defender in Florida has moved forward with the appeal of the DUI sentencing against her, but no ruling has been made as of this writing.   The court can rule directly on any motion, son there would not likely be any court hearings in that regard.

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