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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-05-12 00:18:00

Welcome to’s coverage of MLW Azteca Lucha show from Cicero, Illinois.

Make sure to check out all of the coverage related to tonight’s show.

We see Salina trying to enter the building but she is stopped by the masked men.  

Cesar shows up and he says he loves this.  He welcomes her to Azteca Lucha.

Your announcers are Joe Dombrowski and Christian Cole.

Cesar Duran comes out.

He says they are live and he asks who wants lucha.  He asks again.  He says he brought the best luchadores from Mexico for the fans and himself.

He shows the Lucha Key.

Match Number One:  Atlantis, Jesus Rodriguez, and Guerrero Mayo Jr. versus Felino, Virus, and Villano III Jr.

Virus and Maya start things off.  They lock up and Maya with a waist lock.  Virus with a wrist lock into a hammer lock.  Maya with a side head lock.  Virus with punches and a wrist lock take down.  Maya with a single leg take down.  Virus with a waist lock and Maya with an ankle lock and waist lock.  Virus with a hammer lock and a rollup for a near fall.  They lock up and Maya with a wrist lock.  Virus with a front face lock and Maya with a reversal.  Virus with a wrist lock and Maya with a wrist lock take down.  Virus with a single leg crab.  Maya with a single leg crab but Virus escapes and he applies a side head lock.  Maya with punches and an arm drag.  Virus with a leg sweep and elbow drop.  Virus with a hammer lock and Maya with a flying mare.

Jesus and Villano tag in.  They lock up and Villano with a side head lock.  Jesus with an arm bar and a hammer lock.  Villano with a take down and Jesus with an arm bar.  Villano with a head scissors and wrist lock.  Jesus with an arm drag.  Villano with an arm drag and a drop toe hold that sends Jesus into the ropes.  Villano with a kick to the head and a slingshot into a head scissors take down.  Jesus goes to the floor and Villano poses on the turnbuckles.  Felino tags in and so does Atlantis.  Felino runs the ropes and dives to the mat and he offers his hand.  Atlantis with a take down and a near fall.  Felino with a leg sweep and cover.  Villano, Virus, and Felino work over Atlantis.  Felino punches Atlantis.  Virus punches Jesus and Maya on the apron.  Virus, Villano, and Felino with a triple kick to send Atlantis to the floor.

Maya enters the ring and they Irish whip him and Virus with a clothesline followed by one from Villano.  Maya is put on the turnbuckles and Felino with a rana.  Villano with a leg drop and he gets a near fall.  Jesus tags in and Villano kicks Jesus.  Felino, Villano, and Virus with chops and head butts to Jesus.  Jesus is held for a springboard double stomp by Villano.  Villano kicks Atlantis and Virus and Felino with punches.Virus with an Irish whip and clothesline to Atlantis.  Atlantis falls victim to a triple drop kick.  Felino with a drop toe hold and Virus holds Atlantis for Villano to kick Atlantis.  Maya tags in.

Villano chops Maya and then Virus chops him.  They Irish whip Maya and he avoids Felino and then drop kicks Virus.  Jesus and Atlatnsi take care of Felino and Villano.  Virus is sent into the ring post.  Jesus chops Villano and hits a suplex for a near fall.  Maya tags in and he poses for the crowd.  Virus offers his hands and Maya with an arm drag.  Maya with a wrist lock take down.  Villano misses a clothesline and Maya with a chop.  Maya with a shoulder tackle and a springboad back elbow.  Maya avoids a clothesline from Felino and Maya with a springboard arm drag.  Jesus tags in and Felino wants Jesus to stop so he can play to the crowd.  They collide in the center of the ring a few times.  Jesus with an arm drag and Jesus with enzuigiris.

Jesus with a discus clothesline to Villano.  Atlantis tags in and Felino meets him in the ring.  Felino with a chop and a second one.  Atlantis with a chop and arm drag.  Felino collide with Villano and he is sent into Felino.  Atlantis with a double arm drag and tilt-a-whirl back breakers to everyone.  Jesus sends Villano face first to the mat and follows with a kick for a near fall.  Jesus with a kick to Villano and he goes to the apron.  Villano with a knee to send Jesus to the floor followed by an Asai Moonsault.  Maya clotheslines Virus and he Irish whips him.  Maya misses a splash and Virus with a rollup into a crucifix for a near fall.

Virus with an arm drag into a rollup for a near fall.  Virus with a chop and Maya with an Irish whip and a clothelsine.  Maya with an abdominal stretch and rollup for a near fall.  Virus with an Irish whip and he runs into boots.  Maya with a sunset flip and we get two more rollups but they only get near falls.  We have side head locks but Virus, Villano, and Felino are sent into each other.  Maya with a rana for a near fall.  Maya with a flying forearm to Felino and a head scissors to Virus.  Maya with a suicide dive to Villano.  Rivus goes through the ropes when Jesus moves.  Jesus with a flip dive onto Virus.  Villano with a headstand into an Arabian press.  Atlantis with a torture rack and Villano taps out.

Winners:  Atlantis, Jesus Rodriguez, and Guerrero Maya Jr.

We go to Salina and Cesar. 

She says she expected more from Cesar.  Cesar says Salina has never seen the office of a mastermind at work and she will never see it again.  Cesar says he was hoping that Salina's mom would have been her tonight.

Match Number Two:  MLW National Openweight Championship Match: Rickey Shane Page versus Bad Dude Tito

Page attacks Tito before the bell rings with a forearm.  Page with forearms and Tito clotheslines Page over the top rope to the floor.  Tito with a suicide dive.  Tito Irish whips Page into the guardrails.  Tito with a suplex on the floor.  Tito runs Page into the apron and chops Page.  Page misses a clothesline and Tito with a thrust kick.  Tito with a forearm and punch.  Page gets Tito up for an Accordion slam and an elbow drop.  Page punches Tito.  Page sends Tito into the turnbuckles and hits a splash into the corner.  Page with a suplex throw.  Page gets a near fall.  Page runs into a boot in the corner and he hits a tornado DDT.  Tito with an Irish whip and a running uppercut.  Tito with chops and an exploder.  Tito gets a near fall when Page gets his foot on the rope.

Tito gets Page on his shoulders but Page gets to his feet.  Tito with Sky High for a near fall.  Page gets Tito to flinch and he hits an enzuigiri and a neck breaker.  Page goes to the turnbuckles and misses a swanton.  Tito gets Page up but Page gets back to his feet and Page with elbows to the back.  Tito escapes a choke slam and Tito with punches and a Death Valley Driver for a near fall.  Page with a choke slam with a kick to the back for a near fall.  Tito and Page exchange forearms until Tito gains the advantage.  Page with a forearm but Tito with a clothesline.  Tito with a sit out driver for the three count.

Winner:  Bad Dude TIto (new champion)

Bill Alfonso is in the back and Mads Krugger grabs him and he slams Bill's head against a wall.

Match Number Three:  Atlantis Jr. versus Ultimo Guerrero

Ultimo whips Atlantis with his ring jacket and then Atlantis returns the favor before the match starts.  

Atlantis with a super kick and he misses a baseball slide.  Ultimo with a chop.  Ultimo sends Atlantis back into the ring.  Ultimo with a back elbow and he pulls at the mask but the referee advises him against it.  Ultimo sends Atlantis into the turnbuckles and he gives him a drop toe hold and elbow drop to the back.  Atlantis with an Irish whip and Ultimo sends Atlantis to the apron and Ultimo with a drop kick to send Atlantis to the floor.  Ultimo goes after Atlantis on the floor and he connects with a chop.  Ultimo with more chops and he sends Altantis into the ring post.  Atlantis is sent back into the ring and Ultimo tries to rip the mask but he doesn't do it.  Atlantis with an Irish whip and Ultimo sends him to the apron.  Atlantis with a springboard cross body and a head scissors to send Ultimo to the floor.

Atlantis with a suicide dive.  Atlantis with a suicide dive.  Atlantis with another suicide dive.  They return to the ring and Atlantis gets a near fall.  Ultimo blocks a kick and he connects with a clothesline for a near fall.  Atlantis with kicks to Ultimo followed by a rana for a near fall.  Atlantis with an Irish whip and Ultimo floats over and gets a near fall with a sunset flip.  Atlantis with a head scissors that sends Ultimo to the floor and Atlantis with a flip dive onto Ultimo.  They return to the ring and Atlantis with an Irish whip but Ultimo goes to the turnbuckles.  Atlantis goes to the turnbuckles and Ultimo stops him and hits a super gourdbuster for a near fall.  

Ultimo goes to the turnbuckles but Atlantis with a kick to put him in the tree of woe followed by a drop kick for a near fall.  Atlantis with a chop on the turnbuckles and Atlantis goes for a rana but Ultimo blocks it and hits a power bomb off the turnbuckles for a near fall.  Ultimo goes up top and misses a swanton.  Atlantis goes up top and misses a frog splash.  Ultimo gets a near fall.  Ultimo with an Irish whip and Atlantis floats over and hits a power slam.  Atlantis with a frog splash for the three count.

Winner:  Atlantis Jr.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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