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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-03-01 22:30:00

Your announcers are Byron Saxton and Blake Howard.

Match Number One:  Kale Dixon versus Channing Lorenzo (with Adrianna Rizzo)

They lock up and go into the corner.  The referee pulls Channing out of the corner.  Kale with a rollup for a near fall.  Channing with a rollup of his own.  Channing with a waist lock take down into a front face lock.  Channing with a suplex and he holds on to the front face lock.  Channing goes for a suplex but Kale lands on his feet.  Channing with an arm drag and Kale with an arm drag into an arm bar.  Kale and Channing criss cross and Kale with an arm drag.  Channing goes ot the floor and Kale goes for a baseball slide but Channing pulls up the ring skirt to stop Kale and he punches Kale.

They get back into the ring and Channing with a punch and he gets a near fall. Channing kicks Kale in the corner.  Kale pushes Channing away.  Kale with a punch but Channing with an Irish whip and splash into the corner.  Channing gets a near fall after a short arm clothesline.  Channing with a cravate.  Kale with punches and Channing runs Kale into the turnbuckles.  Channing gets a near fall with a rollup.  Channing returns to the cravate.  Kale with punches.  Kale sends Channing into the turnbuckles and he punches Channing.  Kale with more punches followed by a shoulder tackle.  Kale with a running clothesline into the corner followed by a leaping flatliner for a near fall.  Kale goes for another flatliner but Channing blocks it.  Channing with a tornado DDT followed by Cement Shoes for the three count.

Winner:  Channing Lorenzo

Sarah was with Je'Von Evans and she asks him about his match against Javier Bernal and a little about himself.

Evans says he is the young OG.  He says he is only 19 and this is all he has ever wanted.  He is ready to be on top.  He says he needs to deal with challenges and tonight, he faces Big Body Javi.  Evans says he has bills to pay and Javi is in his way.  He will show everyone why he can do it.

Match Number Two:  Wren Sinclair versus Lola Vice

Lola with a wrist lock and Wren with a reversal.  Lola pulls Wren to the mat by the hair but Wren with a top wrist lock.  Lola with a waist lock and Wren with a standing switch.  Wren with a single leg take down and a rollup for a near fall.  Wren with a knee bar but Lola with a leg lace take down.  Lola with a waist lock and Wren with a wrist lock and take down for a near fall.  Wren with an arm bar.  Lola with a European uppercut.  Wren with an Irish whip and she runs into a back elbow.  Lola with another elbow and she sends Wren to the mat by the hair.  Lola stomps on the hand and she Irish whips Wren.  Lola with punches and she sends Wren into the turnbuckles.  Lola does the hip shake before hitting a running hip into the corner.

Lola with a kick to the back and she applies an arm bar.  Wren with forearms and she blocks a kick.  Wren with a dragon screw and clotheslines.  Wren with a drop kick and a rollup for a near fall.  Lola with a spinning back fist for the three count.

Winner:  Lola Vice

Match Number Three:  Je'Von Evans versus Javier Bernal

They lock up and Bernal with a side head lock.  Evans powers out of the hold but Bernal with a wrist lock take down into an arm bar.  Evans with a reversal but Bernal with a reversal and arm wringer.  Bernal blocks an Irish whip attempt but Evans with an arm drag and a head scissors followed by a slingshot head scissors.  Evans with a drop kick into the corner but Bernal with a boot and clothesline.  Bernal with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall.  Bernal with a reverse chin lock.  Evans with punches but Bernal wit a knee and he tries for a slam but Evans escapes.  Bernal sends Evans into the ropes and he hits a super kick from the apron for a near fall.  Bernal with a boot to the back.  Bernal slaps Evans and he chops Evans.  Evans chops back.  Bernal with a forearm and Evans with punches.  Evans with running punches.  Evans with a matrix and round kick.  Evans slides into the corner but Bernal moves.  Evans goes to the apron and he kicks Bernal.

Evans with a springboard clothesline for a near fall.  Bernal with a head butt and DDT for a near fall.  Bernal punches Evans and sets for a power bomb but Evans counters into a rollup for a near fall.  Evans with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Evans with a rollup for a near fall.  Bernal blocks a kick but Evans with a super kick and he goes up top for twisting Best Moonsault Ever for the three count.

Winner:  Je'Von Evans

We go to credits.

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