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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-02-09 22:27:00

Your announcers are Blake Howard and Byron Saxton.

Match Number One:  Kelani Jordan versus Stevie Turner

They lock up and Turner with a take down.  They lock up and Turner hits the ropes to rebound off Jordan.  Turner with a side head lock and Jordan with a waist lock and snap mare.  Jordan with a cross body splash.  Turner pushes Jordan and Jordan pushes back.  Jordan works on the wrist.  Turner with a reversal.  Jordan with a Tiger Feint arm drag but Turner sends Jordan into the turnbuckles.  Turner with a forearm to the back and Turner with forearms.  Turner chokes Jordan in the ropes.  Turner with a boot ot the head.  Turner with a neck breaker for a near fall.  Turner with forearms to the back and she gets a near fall.  Jordan with a back slide for a near fall.  Turner with a kick but she misses a clothesline.  Jordan with forearms and a cartwheel into a back elbow.  Jordan blocks a kick and she hits a step over spinning heel kick.

Jordan with a flatliner for a near fall.  Turner pushes Jordan and connects with a knee.  Jordan with a kick to send Turner to the mat and she hits a split legged moonsault for the three count.

Winner:  Kelani Jordan

Sarah is with Javier Bernal and she asks him about Keanu Carver. 

Bernal says that clip of Carver POUNCING Riley Osborne went viral.  He says if you want your next viral moment, you come to Big Body Javy.

Match Number Two:  Keanu Carver versus Javier Bernal

They lock up and Carver sends Bernal to the mat.  They lock up and Bernal with a side head lock.  Carver pushes Bernal away.  Carver pushes Bernal and Bernal goes for a few shoulder tackles and they don't work.  Bernal hits Carver and Carver with a shoulder tackle followed by a splash and clothesline.  Bernal avoids a kick in the ropes and Bernal with punches.  Bernal sends Carver into the turnbuckles and Bernal follows with a drop kick.  Bernal gets a near fall.  Bernal kicks Caver and he hits a leg drop.  Bernal with punches but Carver blocks a suplex.  Bernal lands on his feet on a suplex attempt and Bernal with a flatliner for a near fall.  Bernal with a knee to the back and he applies a rear chin lock.  Carver blocks another Flatliner attempt and Carver with forearms to Bernal.  Carver with a fallaway slam. 

Carver with a POUNCE and Carver with an Irish whip but he runs into boots from Bernal and Bernal gets the three count with his feet on the ropes.

Winner:  Javier Bernal

The No Quarter Catch Crew make their way to the ring for the next match.

They stand across from Tavion Heights and Myles Borne does not take a step back so he is Tavion's opponent.

Match Number Three:  Tavion Heights versus Myles Borne (with Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey, and Damon Kemp)

Borne refuses a handshake from Tavion before the match starts.

They lock up and go around the ring.  Borne pushes Tavion away.  Tavion with a waist lock take down and Borne gets to the ropes to force a break.  Borne with a punch but Heights with a high angle waist lock take down.  Borne with a wrist lock and Tavion floats over for a cover.  Tavion with a side head lock.  Borne grabs the hair and gives Tavion a fireman's carry.  Tavion returns the favor and Tavion gets Borne on his shoulders and sends Borne to the mat.  Tavion with a gutwrench suplex and Borne goes to the floor to discuss strategy.  Tavion with a double leg and he runs Borne into the corner for some shoulders.  Borne with a neck breaker and he kicks Tavion in the corner.  Borne with an Irish whip and a kick to the midsection.  Borne with a suplex for a near fall.   Borne with a reverse chin lock.  Tavion with a snap mare and he goes for a sunset flip for a near fall.  Borne with a drop kick.  Borne with kicks and a reverse chin lock. 

Borne with a forearm to the back of the head but Tavion catches Borne on a drop kick attempt and he hits an elbow drop for a near fall.  Borne and Tavion exchange punches.  Tavion with clotheslines and a back body drop.  Tavion with sling blade.  Tavion sees Drew's attempt to interfere and Borne with a power slam for the three count.

Winner:  Myles Borne

We go to credits.


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