Welcome to PWInsider.com's live, ongoing coverage of Major League Wrestling's return to Philadelphia's 2300 Arena, including their live broadcast on BeIn Sport!
MLW Tag Team Champions Rey Fenix & Pentagon Jr. vs. The Hart Foundation: Harry Smith & MLW Middleweight Champion Teddy Hart (with Brian Pillman Jr.)
Fenix and Smith started out. Smith used his power to try and bully Fenix, but the luchador fired back with chops. The Lucha Brothers double teamed Smith. Hart entered the ring and they double teamed him as well. The fans loved it live. The Lucha Brothers nailed a double superkick on Smith. Hart tried to get back in the ring, but the referee stopped him. Fenix attacked him and knocked him out of the ring. The Champions worked over Smith with hard chops. Smith fired back but Pentagon went after him. Smith broke free and tagged in Hart.
The battle went to the floor where Smith gave the champs a double noggin knocker. He held them for Teddy Hart to do an insane springboard moonsault to the floor. The place went nuts for it. Hart tossed Fenix into the ring and nailed a powerbomb across his own knees.
Hart elevated Fenix to Smith, who was sitting on the turnbuckles. Smith nailed a powerslam off the ropes. Hart nailed a moonsault and covered Fenix, but Pentagon broke it up. Pentagon and Hart went nose to nose and began chopping each other. They battled back and forth. Pentagon nailed a slingblade. He went for a superplex, but Hart fought him off and him a Canadian Destroyer off the ropes.
The Champions regained control and worked over Teddy. Fenix hit a dive to the outside on Smith. Pentagon nailed an enziguiri on the apron on Hart. Hart came back with a Canadian Destroyer on the apron. Pentagon nailed a sitdown piledriver and covered him, but Brian Pillman pulled the referee out of the ring before he could count three.
Pentagon and Fenix worked over Hart and placed him on the top rope. Smith jumped up and pulled Pentagon’s mask off. He covered his face and rolled to the floor. Hart nailed a Destroyer variation off the ropes on Fenix and scored the pin.
Your winners and new MLW Tag Team Champions, The Hart Foundation!
After the match Bocchini and Striker talked about Low Ki vs. Tom Lawlor.
They went to Low Ki in the back. He talked about how the time is here and mentioned the history of 2300 Arena. Ku said he would continue his legacy at Lawlor's expense. He talked about his conquests in MLW and vowed to take the Lion's mane as well as retain the title. Ki called himself the Trophy Hunter.
Kotto Brazil vs. Ricky Martinez (with Salina de la Renta).
Salina del la Renta got on the apron and argued with the referee. Brazil charged and dove over the referee and her but got caught up on the ref and crashed down on Martinez. That looked SCARY. They brawled around ringside. Brazil tossed Martinez into the ring and nailed a missile dropick.
Brazil worked over Martinez with chops in the corner. Martinez made a comeback and nailed a big boot that sent Brazil off the apron into the guard rails. Martinez charged around the ring and nailed a big dropkick. Brazil made a comeback and dropkicked Martinez to the floor. Martinez caught him on a dive and slammed him into the apron, then the guard rail.
Martinez worked over Brazil, driving his face into the mat over and over. Martinez went to the top, but Brazil leapt up and superplexed him back into the ring. They battled back and forth. Brazil went to the top and nailed a great frog splash for a two count.
Martinez avoided a charge in the corner and nailed a kick to the back. He picked up Brazil on his shoulders and drove him to the mat, then nailed a back suplex for a two count. Martinez tried to come off the ropes but was caught and turned over into a Texas Cloverleaf. Brazil nailed a nice back suplex. Martinez rolled to the floor. Brazil followed and tossed him back in.
Martinez raked Brazil’s face and elevated him into a knee strike for a two count. Brazil came back with a Cide Red and locked in a submission. La Renta got on the apron. Brazil went after her. Martinez went after Brazil, but he moved. Martinez almost nailed La Renta. He argued with the referee, allowing la Renta to spray something in Brazil’s good eye. Martinez pinned him.
Your winner, Ricky Martinez!
They aired a video package for Jimmy Havoc who will be returning to MLW.
They announced their next live show will be 3/2 from Cicero IL at 8 PM EST.
They showed a celebration with the Hart Foundation. MJF appeared and said that Teddy stole his Middleweight title. Teddy said that MJF can find him at any time in the ring and he mentioned that MJF can go back to the Elite.
MLW Champion Low Ki (with Salina de la Renta) vs. Tom Lawlor.
They went back and forth grappling. Low Ki was caught charging at Lawlor and suplexed over. He covered Ki for a two count. Ki nailed several strikes. Lawlor locked in a sleeper. Ki charged into the corner and drove Lawlor’s shoulder into the ring post.
Ki went under the ring and brought out a wooden plank. He worked over Lawlor with several kicks. He placed Lawlor against it and charged with a big punch, but Lawlor moved, and Ki’s fist exploded through the wood. Ki went to the top, but Lawlor attacked him. Ki overpowered him and nailed a double stomp off the ropes on him for a two count.
Ki locked in a Dragon Sleeper. Lawlor escaped and locked in a choke and Ki either tapped or blacked out. I couldn’t tell from my vantage point.
Your winner and new MLW Champion Tom Lawlor!
This would be Ki’s first actual loss in a MLW ring. Salina de la Renta was crying as she left.
Lawlor slowly went up the aisle, letting all the fans touch the belt as he left.
Thanks to Richard Trionfo for sending details on the backstage segments.
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