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By Buck Woodward on 2009-05-09 10:00:00

My question is how did the "Monday Night Wars" become the "Monday Night Wars"? If capturing the 18-35 demographic and thus television ratings and ultimately high PPV buyrates are so important, why not avoid "Monday Night Football" and have your top show on another weeknight?

WWE (then WWF) had a Monday night show on USA Network for years, first the two-hour "Prime Time Wrestling" then the one hour (and eventually two hour) Raw.  When Eric Bischoff decided to push for WCW to compete with WWE, he made the bold move to put Nitro on opposite WWE's top show.  Thus, the Monday Night Wars were born.  While Monday Night Football obviously grabs a lot of the key male demographic, it is only 17 Mondays out of the year, so there are 35 Mondays when it isn't a concern.

What do you think were the fans reasons for booing The Rock at Summerslam when he faced Brock Lesnar? Same question also referring to when he got booed at Wrestlemania 18 when he faced Hogan?

With Summerslam, I think it was a combination of Lesnar being on such a tear through the company that fans liked him despite being a heel, and the fact that some fans felt "betrayed" that the Rock was focusing his attention on Hollywood and not wrestling.  In regards to the Wrestlemania 18 match, I think it was more a case of Hogan just having a lot of fan support because he's Hulk Hogan, especially since he hadn't been around for a while at that point.  Absence does make the heart grow fonder. 

I've been having an argument with a friend of mine over the correct spelling of Jushin Liger's name. Is it Jushin Liger, Jushin Lyger, Jyushin Liger or Jyushin Lyger?

In checking the program for a New Japan Tokyo Dome show I attended, they had it spelled "Jyushin Thunder Liger".  However, an official New Japan action figure has it written as "Jushin Thunder Lyger".  I guess it all depends on how you want to translate the Japanese lettering.  For his WCW appearances, it was always "Jushin Thunder Liger".

I remember watching a Survivor Series where Undertaker beat Yokozuna in a casket match, with all kinds of crazy interference and Chuck Norris beating up someone.  Can you clear up this memory for me?

At the 1994 Survivor Series, where Undertaker defeated Yokozuna in a casket match, King Kong Bundy and Bam Bam Bigelow tried to interfere, but were kept at bay by TV star and karate champion Chuck Norris, who was the "Special Enforcer" for the match. Norris never went at it with Bundy or Bigelow, but this distraction allowed Irwin R. Schyster, who entered the ring through the crowd, to attack the Undertaker. Later in the match, Jeff Jarrett tried to interfere, and he was superkicked by Norris. That was it as far as Chuck fighting with the wrestlers.

Okay, I doubt anyone but me cares, but whatever happened to Kwang?

Kwang was Savio Vega, who is active in the IWA promotion in Puerto Rico.

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