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By Buck Woodward on 2009-03-26 10:00:00

I read once where in ECW the legend of throwing metal chairs in the middle of the ring took place. How did this happen? Who's idea was it? How often did it happen? Any idea when it took place the first time?

It all started on July 16, 1994, when the Funks were wrestling Public Enemy in a barbed wire match.  Terry Funk yelled for the fans to throw him chairs, and the fans responded with  a slew of chairs flying into the ring.  It happened a few more times, but it wasn't something many in ECW were fond of, since it obviously put fans in a pretty dangerous position.  

Any chance of Nora Greenwald, Trish Stratus and Ivory (Tina Morretti) being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame within 5 or so years?

I certainly feel the three of them would get a nod at some point, with Trish being the most likely to get in first.  However, WWE is still working on putting 80's stars in, so it will probably be more than five years before it happens.

In your opinion, is TNA treating/pushing Knockout champion Awesome Kong effectively? This is a woman who is big, strong and very imposing. She moves incredibly fast for a woman of her size and build. Is she slowly becoming a version of Samoa Joe? One who is extremely talented but someone you doesn't get enough recognition.

Lately, I think TNA has been focusing a lot more on the Beautiful People than Kong, and it isn't a move I necessarily agree with.  At the same time, between Kong's injury and WWE moving away from the "sex sells" mentality, I understand why TNA has focused more on the healthy and hot Beautiful People.  I do hope TNA puts more of a focus on Kong going forward.

Do you see the possibility of TNA's Knockout champion Awesome Kong facing ODB's man Cody Deener in a match? Quite possibly a mixed match?

Possibly, but I'd rather they didn't.   I don't see a real appeal in mixed matches, to be honest.

I read where Tomko was released from the WWE. Any chance of him returning to TNA? Have you ever heard of a wrestler, male or female, who at one time, went from one wrestling promotion to another only after sometime, was released with the prospect of going back to the same wrestling organization they had left some time ago? Sounds like a human yo-yo doesn't it?

There's always a chance he could return there, as it seems no bridge in wrestling is ever completely burned.  However, it wasn't like he left on great terms, and when he came back, it was essentially to get beat and be gone again.  Still, I'd like to see TNA give him the chance.  I still feel Tomko has a ton of untapped potential as a singles babyface.  As for jumping between promotions, Jeff Jarrett and Ray Traylor often bounced back and forth between companies.

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