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By Richard Trionfo on 2008-11-29 16:34:45
Show Airing November 22, 2008: “In Ring Psychology”

We begin this week’s show with a look back at last week when Rob Van Dam showed up and Danny Bonaduce got hurt. Danny got sent down Jabroni Lane for not being able to make it to the show.

We start off in the lounge and Dustin talks about issues between Dennis and Trishelle. We see the footage from the match. Trishelle talks about how Dennis got on her for not taking his abuse and she didn’t know that she was supposed to take it. Trishelle said that she was giving Dennis a receipt and she will do it again. Dennis says that Butterbean can’t hurt him either. Butterbean talks about how everyone was saying that Dennis was rough in the ring, but he says that if Dennis gets rough with him, he will give it back to Dennis.

Knobs and Brutus enter the lounge and Brutus is now a Blonde Barber. He says that he was doing it for team unity. Knobs says that they did a good job in the battle royale. Knobs says that Danny was not as hurt as he thought and he should have been in the match. Knobs says that it is time to move on. Knobs says that the judges have a surprise for them and it there is going to be a road trip.

They put on their new outfits and they look like they are going to be working in a construction site or a junkyard. While they get dressed Butterbean comments on the trash talking between Dustin and Todd. Todd says that it has been building and he finally had enough with Dustin and he gets in Dustin’s face and threatens him. Dustin walks away for a minute.

They get into the CCW Van and they are off on their road trip. They arrive at a junkyard and everyone wonders what is going to happen. Eric welcomes them and he says that they were so impressed with their performances in the battle royale, that they wanted to jack it up a notch. That is going to be with a hardcore match. Eric says that anything goes in those matches. He says that if you can find it, you can use it because foreign objects are allowed and encouraged. Eric says that they are going on a CCW Easter Egg hunt, and the eggs in this case are weapons. Eric lets them go weapon crazy.

Todd talks about the items they found and he is a little worried that someone might really get hurt. Knobs runs into a stop sign that is being held by Brutus. Knobs and Beefcake suggest they get some tension out by using the weapons on a car. They all talk about how it helped get out some aggression.

We are back at the lounge and as everyone is relaxing and talking about the junkyard with Todd suggesting that they should have had a junkyard brawl, Danny Bonaduce arrives from the Land of the Future Endeavors.

Danny talks about his injury and it was not as bad as he thought and he could still wrestle. Dustin wonders why Danny is still here and they tell him that he was eliminated. Danny says that the only way he can be eliminated is if ‘the Right Person’ tells him that he is a jabroni and to get out of his ring. They tell Danny that he was called a jabroni. Danny does not believe him. Danny puts a $20 bill on the couch and says that he will be back and dressed in a few to wrestle. Dustin is not too happy and he says that isn’t right. He is going to say something about this.

Danny enters the Trailer of Brother and wants to talk to Hogan. Danny wants to know what is happening and if he was told that he was a jabroni, he will leave right now. Hogan tells Danny that he saw him being taken out on a stretcher and he expected Danny to be back. Since Danny did not come back, he is a jabroni. Hogan says that he made a mistake interpreting the rules and he is ready to wrestle.

Dustin arrives and he wants to give his two cents. Danny was not happy that Dustin interrupted his conversation with Hogan. Hogan says that they have a sticky situation so he hopes it is important for Dustin to interrupt. Dustin says that he respects the business and he is busting his ass to earn Hogan’s respect. By not showing up, you are not showing respect for the business. Dustin says that he had a cracked rib and he was there. Danny says that he was there too and he calls Dustin a liar. Dustin and Danny argue in front of Hogan and Hogan stops it. He says that he had enough from the two of them and he suggests a Falls Count Anywhere Match between them. Dustin figures that Hogan was not happy with him, but he figures that Danny has convinced Hogan to let him back into the fold. Dustin does not mind the fact that he has to face Danny in a match. Dustin says that this match could escalate.

We are in the main arena and Hogan has everyone in there. Hogan welcomes everyone back and he says that it is time for Danny and Dustin to settle things on their own. Butterbean makes a ‘Saved by the Bell’ pun that went over as well as the College Years series. Eric talks about the hardcore match.

Hogan is ready to unveil the MOVES OF DOOM. The moves are hitting someone in the back, hitting someone in the gut, and hitting someone in the head. Knobs is the test dummy for this week. Hogan uses the chair for the back, a trash can for the head, and uses a cookie sheet for the gut shot. Everyone comments on how dangerous those looked. Hogan tells them to listen to their coaches because it is more important to make it look good without putting your opponent in the hospital.

We go to the training ring and Knobs says that someone is going to get injured if they are not careful. We see everyone taking a chair to the midsection and Knobs says that Brutus is taking it easy on them. We see them take chair shots to the back and Trishelle talks about how she got the wind knocked out of her. Trishelle goes to the medic. Dustin says that he does not think Trishelle is a wrestler.

The training continues with Trishelle returning to the ring. Knobs says that she was still a bit hesitant. Dennis says that he has no problem hitting her. We see them take stop sign shots. Danny comments that he was hit harder when he was seven than in the ring.

Brutus takes Danny and Dustin away to work on their match. Dustin says that Danny has a lot of bark. Dustin says that he knows Danny is strong, fast, and smart; but he is also angry. Danny says that he was trying to maintain composure while going through the match. Danny says that he is going to make sure that Dustin is not in an ambulance because he respects Brutus.

Back to the other ring and we see the rest of the celebrities getting ready for their match. Knobs shows them a spot where someone uses a chair on a trash can while someone is in it. Trishelle says that she is not going to do it. Todd mentions that Trishelle is the weak link at this point. Knobs says that they are doing the safest thing possible. Todd says that they were not happy with her.

We return to the preparation for the hardcore match. Danny says that they have gone everywhere but the bathroom. In the main ring, Dustin hits Danny with a trash can and Danny goes off on Dustin. Brutus tries to separate them.

Hogan enters the training room and he tells everyone that they are still around for a reason. Hogan tells them that they need to turn the dial up a bit this week for the judges. It is time for the special guest and it is Bill Goldberg. Goldberg talks about how he fought for his life in the ring and he was not going to be disappointed with his performance. Hogan wants Knobs to show the three moves and Danny volunteers. Goldberg asks Danny how well he can wield a trash can. Danny thinks that he can wield a trash can pretty well and Goldberg gets into the ring. Danny hits Goldberg with the trash can and Bill tells him to hit him in the forehead and to hit him like a man. Danny does it again. Butterbean gives Danny a slap to motivate him. Danny takes Bill down with the final one. Bill asks Danny if he ever took a power slam and he gives one to Danny. Danny says that he thought he was going to throw up after the move.

It is time for the matches.

The first match is the Hardcore Match with Todd Bridges and Butterbean against Dennis Rodman and Trishelle.

Butterbean and Bridges attack Trishelle and Rodman as the bell rings. Rodman is isolated during the early moments. Bridges accidentally hits Butterbean with a chair when Rodman moves. More weapons are being used and a ladder is brought in and Butterbean is sent into it. Now Bridges is sent into the ladder. Rodman tries to send Trishelle into Bridges against the ladder but Bridges moves and Trishelle hits the ladder. Butterbean and Bridges work over Rodman in the ropes and use the ladder on Rodman. Rodman kicks Butterbean away but Bridges hits Rodman with a trash can lid. Trishelle helps Rodman from the ropes and Rodman and Trishelle hit Bridges and Butterbean. Rodman throws Bridges over the top to the floor. Rodman gets a table. Butterbean grabs Trishelle but Rodman hits Butterbean with a chair and then Rodman tosses Butterbean through the table. Rodman gets the three count on Butterbean after a cookie sheet from the second turnbuckle.

It is now time for the main event and it is a Falls Count Anywhere Match between Danny Bonaduce and Dustin Diamond.

Dustin starts things off as Danny enters the ring. Dustin hits a bulldog but he can’t finish off Danny. Danny fights back and they make their way out of the ring. Dustin slams Danny’s head into the ring steps. They fight into the hallway. They make their way into the locker room and Dustin sends Danny onto the training table. Todd joins in and goes after Dustin but Todd is pulled back. Danny hits Dustin with a trash can and then they go into the training ring area. Danny goes through the wall and everyone else is shocked. Danny comes back through the wall for no apparent reason. Danny is sent into the lockers. They return to the arena. Danny goes up top but Dustin moves out of the way. Dustin brings in a chair and he hits a DDT on the chair for the three count.

Everyone is in the ring as we find out who goes on a one way trip to Jabroni Island. Eric tells Butterbean that his attitude is great, but he needs to be careful with his selling. Hogan tells Bridges that he has a great attitude. Jimmy Hart tells Dennis that he was great selling during the match. Hogan tells Butterbean, Todd, and Dennis that they are safe tonight and to get out of the ring. Hogan tells Trishelle that he was worried when she was on the floor. He asks her if she was really hurt or playing it up for the match. She says it was a little bit of both. Hogan asks Danny and Dustin how they thought they did tonight. Dustin says that Danny did not have the proper respect so he gladly got into the ring to whoop his a**. Hogan asks Danny the same question. Danny says that he thought he did his best tonight. Hogan asks Trishelle if she gave 100%. She says that she deserves to be here. Hogan says that Trishelle did not answer the question and then he asks it again. She says that she did not. Hogan tells Trishelle that she is a jabroni and it is time to two step her way out.

Episode Airing November 29, 2008: “Recap All Skills”

We start off with a look back at last week when we got the set up for the Dustin Diamond/Danny Bonaduce match; and Trishelle was sent on her way to the Land of Pink Slips.

We are in the lounge and Butterbean points out that they are down to five men and it is time for the nitty gritty. They talk about Dennis and Todd suggests that Dennis slow things down. Todd talks about how he talked to Dennis about not using the cane and Dennis said that he wouldn’t, but we see footage of him using it. Butterbean says that if they were hit with the chair the way that he was hit by Dennis, they probably wouldn’t have gotten up. Butterbean talks about being treated with respect.

Brutus and Brian enter and Dennis Rodman comes in after them. Todd does not appreciate Dennis being late. Brutus congratulates everyone for exceeding their expectations. They ask how everyone is doing and Butterbean says that it was a bit harder than normal. Dennis says that it is all part of the game. Knobs talks about Dennis’s attitude in the ring and he might hit harder and people are whining. Brutus talks about how if someone hits you too hard, you hit back.

Time to go into the arena and Eric congratulates the coaches for getting them ready. Eric says that this is normally the time for the MOVES OF DOOM . . . BROTHER, but we are only going to get two. The first is an arm drag. The second move is a chop. Hogan will teach them the third move and it is the body slam. Hogan talks about slamming Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania III when Andre weighed almost 700 pounds. It changed the face of wrestling because Andre passed the torch to Hulkamania. Hogan says that the slam is a basic move but it is also dangerous if you don’t slam them properly. Dustin says that they are trying not to be sloppy but with Hogan in the ring, they are probably going to look sloppy.

Hogan wants Rodman to slam everyone and he is up for it. He gives Bonaduce more of a power slam and Bonaduce says that it was a bit harder than he expected. Butterbean points out that he has not slammed Rodman yet. Rodman says that it was weak and Butterbean wants to do it again. Rodman tries to slam Butterbean but he cannot get him up. Danny says that he can slam Butterbean and bets money that he can do it. Danny can’t do it and Butterbean says that he won’t be slammed. Beefcake tries to slam Butterbean and he can’t do it.

Knobs says that there will be a Triple Threat Match with Danny, Todd, and Dustin wrestling. The second match will be between Rodman and Butterbean. Butterbean says that he is excited for his match. Knobs says that Butterbean has some receipts in store for Rodman and he says that it is going to get good.

We go to the training ring where the three moves are practiced. Dustin says that he is worried about the chop because you are going to get hurt with it. They all talk about how it felt to get chopped.

Butterbean and Dennis go through their match. They talk about using chops in the match and Dennis doesn’t want to do anything. Butterbean thinks it is because Dennis is afraid of getting a receipt for what he has done before. Hogan shows Dennis what to do in the corner with Butterbean.

Hogan wants a minute with Rodman and he gives him a pep talk.

Now it is time to see the run through for the Triple Threat Match. Danny talks about how he wants to try to bleed in the match. They talk about Dustin’s strut and they put over the fact that Dustin has a ‘signature move’ but Dustin thinks they are making fun of him because they know that he is a threat.

Hogan comes in to watch the run through for the match and Hogan gives some advice.

It is time for some more training for their matches. Knobs loves that they were practicing without them. Dustin and Todd have a bit of a discussion in the ring. Knobs thinks that Dustin is letting the positive feedback get to his head.

We are in the training room and Hogan says that he is going to have a doctor check them out. Dustin runs through all of the aches he has and Todd comments on it. Danny says that Dustin is very weak and frail. The doctor tells Dustin that he has a lot of injuries and he needs to make a decision.

It is time for the matches. The first match is going to be a Triple Threat Match between Dustin Diamond, Danny Bonaduce, and Todd Bridges. Danny and Dustin try to get Todd to help but Danny turns on Todd. They continue to work over Todd with chops that make Hogan cringe. Bridges goes over the top rope to the floor. Danny goes up top but Dustin hits the ropes and Danny is crotched. All three men make their way to the floor. Dustin takes control on the floor as he works over both men. Todd takes over on the floor and then they return to the ring. Todd with a slam to Danny and then he sends Danny into the turnbuckles, but he hits almost hits the post. Todd hits the handspring into a flying clothesline in the corner on Danny. Now Todd works on Dustin and sends him to the floor. Todd hits a plancha onto Danny and Dustin. Todd is brought back in by Danny and Dustin. Todd with a school body but Danny breaks up the cover. Danny and Todd go down with a double clothesline and they both go down. Dustin puts something in his elbow pad and he uses it on Danny and Todd and Dustin gets the three count.

We are back with the match between Dennis Rodman and Butterbean. They stand face to neck in the center of the ring before they start with the punches. Rodman bites Butterbean in the forehead and then he hits a shoulder into the corner. Butterbean is bleeding from the nose and he sends Rodman to the floor. Butterbean sends Rodman into the guardrails. Rodman tries to slam Butterbean on the floor but he fails. Butterbean is able to slam Rodman on the floor. Butterbean slams Rodman through a table and then he hits Rodman in the back with a chair. Butterbean sets up for the Earthquake splash but Rodman kicks out. Butterbean sets fro the splash in the corner and he hits it followed by a second for luck. Butterbean with an elbow drop for a two count. Rodman fights back and he Rods Up. Rodman with a series of clotheslines and a flying forearm to Butterbean. Rodman tries for the clothesline from the turnbuckles, but Butterbean catches him and hits a uranage on Rodman for the three count.

After the match, Rodman hits Butterbean with a trash can three times as Butterbean goes to the floor.

It is time for the chopping block and all five men are in the ring. Hogan says they did better than last week. Someone still has to go home. Eric tells Dennis that it has to look real without hurting anyone. Eric tells Dennis that he is working too stiff. Dennis says that nobody is going to keep him from the final match. Hogan tells Todd that he impressed a lot of people this week. Hogan says that he loves the character, but he needs more control. Eric tells Butterbean that he stays in character and is believable, but some of his covers were weak. Hogan has Rodman, Butterbean, and Bridges step forward. Hogan tells them that they are going to the final.

Hogan tells Dustin that he does not understand how his chops and kicks can be so bad. He asks Danny how he can’t hit someone as hard as it looks on his face. Danny says that he did an adequate job. Hogan doesn’t know how everyone else feels but if they felt more than adequate, Danny would be in trouble. Hogan says that he loved Danny’s intensity in the ring. Hogan wishes he could keep them both but one looked a bit better. The judge has made his ruling and Danny Bonaduce gets his second elimination.

Next week is the Finals where we find out who wins the CCW Belt, and the return of the six who have visited the Jabroni Hotel.

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