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By Richard Trionfo on 2008-10-18 18:25:53
We start off with a voice over saying that one man is king, and that man is Hulk Hogan. We see Hogan posing in the ring and then we see the ten people who will be trying to become the CCW champion. We hear some comments from some of the participants. Then we see the two trainers, Brutus Beefcake and Brian Knobs. There will be two five person teams. We see them training and in front of the fans. The three judges are announced. Joining Hogan are Eric Bischoff and Jimmy Hart. There is going to be some tension and there will be some pros who are there to work with the celebrities. We see Rob Van Dam and Bill Goldberg making appearances. We see one of the celebrities taken out with a neck brace and Hogan says better them than him.

The ten participants are Danny Bonaduce, Butterbean, Dustin Diamond, Todd Bridges, Dennis Rodman, Erin Murphy, Trishelle Cannatella, Tiffany, Nikki Ziering, and Frank Stallone.

We get some comments from the participants as they enter the building. The first person to enter is Dennis Rodman and he reminds us that he is a bad boy basketball star. The next person you see is Trishelle Cannatella who reminds us that was on the Real World. Next is Dustin Diamond who says that he is not a wrestler, but he is going to bring it. Next is Danny Bonaduce and he says that he will do more than anyone else to win. Time for Nikki Ziering to come out and she tells us of times that she showed off her talents on television and in magazines. Nikki points out that she has never watched wrestling but is looking forward to the competition.

Butterbean comes out next and he lets us know about his record as a fighter. Tiffany comes out next and says that she did not expect to be on a wrestling show. Erin Murphy is the next one to arrive in the building and she reminds us that she was Tabitha on Bewitched and that she has six children. Todd Bridges comes out and talks about working on Diff’rent Strokes and that he had a bit of a bad side. The final person is Frank Stallone. He talks about how he still works out and does some boxing.

The two non Hogan judges come out next as Eric Bischoff and Jimmy Hart get into the ring. Eric welcomes them and he says that they will have to be physically and mentally prepared so they have two trainers who will do that for them. Brian Knobbs and Brutus Beefcake come out. Eric then introduces the man who made the industry. Hulk Hogan comes out.

Hogan says that he sees a great group of people and he expects a lot out of them. Hogan tells them that wrestling, performed at its best is an art form. Hogan says that they have the personality to make it, but he is going to give them the skills. Hogan asks Dustin if he can call him Screech and he says that Hogan can call him whatever he wants. Hogan asks him if he can outperform them all. Hogan asks Trishelle if she is nervous. Hogan tells Bonaduce that he should be in the business. Danny says that he wishes the canvas wasn’t red because he wants to see the blood.

Nikki says that it is an honor to learn from Hogan and some of the best trainers in the world. Hogan tells them that they better be ready because if they work hard, they will move on. If not, you will be tossed out.

Eric says that each trainer will pick a team and the coaches will teach their trainees three moves a week. The teams will have matches in front of a live crowd. They will be judged on showmanship and technical ability. The team that best exhibits these two features will be safe, but the other team will have one person who will face elimination.

Hogan says that the person who is left standing will be taking home the CCW Championship belt. Bonaduce says that he broke one of the ten commandments when he saw the belt. He says that he covets that belt and he will take it home.

Hogan says that they are getting an awesome opportunity to learn wrestling from the inside, and then he tells them to get out of his ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the teams are split up. On Team Nasty is Erin Murphy, Nikki Ziering, Dennis Rodman, Frank Stallone, and Dustin Diamond. Team Beefcake is Danny Bonaduce, Trishelle Cannatella, Todd Bridges, Butterbean, and Tiffany. Erin Murphy says that she has known Danny since he broke into acting and she is so glad that she is not on his team. She calls him a loose cannon. Rodman says that they will give it everything they need.

We return to the ring and Hogan asks the trainers if they are happy with their team because they are stuck with them. Bischoff tells the participants that the trainers will be trying to teach them three moves to use in the ring. Jimmy Hart says that both teams will be performing and they will need to impress the fans as well as the judges.

This week’s ‘Three Moves of Doom’ are the kick to the midsection, a forearm smash, and a clothesline. We see the moves demonstrated in the ring. Knobbs tell them that it is not as easy as it looks.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to see Team Beefcake in the ring to practice. Brutus has a few people to help with the training as they learn their three moves. We see the forearm smash. Then we go to the Team Nasty training ring. Knobs tells them to take it seriously because if they lose, someone is going home. Time for the kick to the midsection. Knobbs tells them not to try to kill them, but Nikki has trouble connecting. Erin suggests that Nikki is easily distracted. We see Team Beefcake practicing their kicks without any opponent, but then they get real people to kick. Todd kicks a little low.

Time for the clothesline and we see both teams giving and taking. We see them taking a back bump for the clothesline. Erin hits the mat a few times in her head. Frank says that wrestling is not fake after taking some bumps.

We see the matches get set up with each team being split into a tag team match with one team as a face and the other as the heel. We see the teams go through the match.

We hear Team Beefcake talking some trash. Meanwhile we see Team Nasty in their locker room and Nikki is putting on some makeup. Dustin says that Nikki is not too focused on things and he says that he needs to be the general in the ring.

It is time for the show and Nikki is still checking her makeup.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the judges are introduced and the crowd are not big Bischoff fans, but they like Jimmy Hart and they love Hogan. Hogan welcomes everyone to the first CCW main event, brothers.

The first match is from Team Beefcake. Tiffany and Danny Bonaduce with Todd Bridges versus Trishelle Cannatella and Butterbean.

Your commentary is from Bubba the Love Sponge.

In the match, Bonaduce and Tiffany are the heels while Butterbean and Trishelle are the faces. Butterbean has his way with the smaller Bonaduce. Bonaduce even gets manhandled by Trishelle. Bonaduce isn’t above hitting a woman and he takes it out on Trishelle. The ladies each hit clotheslines and then the men are tagged in. Butterbean misses a charge into the corner. Butterbean catches Bonaduce and hits a power slam for the three count.

After the match, Trishelle hits Bridges on the apron and then we see Butterbean and Trishelle do the Jarrett strut.

Bonaduce and Bridges go after Butterbean but it does not work.

Time for the match from Team Nasty. Frank Stallone and Dustin Diamond with Nikki Ziering versus Erin Murphy and Dennis Rodman.

The two men with in ring experience start things off and the fans hate Dustin while they love Dennis. Hogan comments on how Dennis looks good in the ring. Dustin is getting beaten up by Dennis and Erin. Dustin shows that he likes beating up women as he goes after Murphy. Stallone distracts the referee and Rodman as Ziering attacks Murphy. Dustin misses a charge into the corner and Rodman is tagged in and he is a clotheslining machine. Rodman hits a clothesline from the second turnbuckle for the win.

We go to commercial.

We are back and all ten wrestlers are in the ring. Hogan says that he was proud of everyone and he says the judges were impressed. Hogan says that Team Nasty is safe. Hogan tells the members of Team Beefcake that one of them is going home. Eric says that Trishelle has a great look, but that does not mean that she deserves a chance to be in the business. Eric says that she does not have to worry about being eliminated. We are down to four people. Jimmy addresses Danny. He says that he looked like he didn’t belong when he got in the ring, but he caught on fire and still has a shot at the belt. Hogan moves on to Butterbean. Hogan tells him to listen to the crowd because they are behind him. Hogan says that the times have changed. He tells Butterbean that because he is big, he cannot work the Hulk Hogan gimmick. He tells Butterbean that he has to be agile and step up his game each time. He will get a chance to move on.

The two on the brink of elimination are Todd Bridges and Tiffany. Hogan tells Tiffany that her showmanship prevailed, but her physicality was lacking. Hogan tells Todd that being a manager is a tough thing. Todd had no presence and people did not know he was there until the final run in. He says that Todd stepped his game up. The person going home is Tiffany and Hogan calls her a jabronie.

Tiffany takes the ‘Walk of Doom . . . Brother’ and she says that she had fun and she did not think that she would be a wrestler. It was a great experience and she is okay with the decision.

We go to credits.

Show Thoughts

If you are a fan of reality television and shows like The Surreal Life, Celebrity Rehab, or Denise Richards: It’s Complicated, you should enjoy this show.

The look of the arena reminded me of Wrestling Society X.

I am assuming that Hogan is the Simon Cowell of the panel, but does that mean that Eric Bischoff is the Paula Abdul of the group or is it Jimmy Hart?

I like how none of the judges or commentators mentioned any wrestling background of the contestants. I guess Hogan doesn’t remember being in a tag team WITH Hulk Hogan in WCW? Maybe since Hogan wasn’t at Wrestlemania XV, he didn’t know Butterbean was on the show?

If they are trying for a Playboy tie-in, they have three who have experience in the magazine. I guess that means that mother of six Erin Murphy is the one to get the Yahtzee.

Good thing to have someone who has never watched wrestling get on the show. At least there is a paycheck for their performance.

I wonder if we will hear any comments from Trishelle about how she knew Mike Mizanin during their time together on one of the Real Road/Road Rules 15 Minutes are Finally Up shows.

If only Brian Knobs had been kicked out of Fenway Park after the show aired, he could do the ‘don’t you know me . . . I am a friend of Hulk Hogan’s, watch me on CMT’ bit.

When you are watching commercials and ‘My Big Fat Redneck Wedding’ seems like a better show, you might be in trouble.

Is there really a third season of ‘Making the Squad’ for the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders? Where has the time gone?

Based on the future clips, who would have thought that Dustin Diamond would end up annoying people? I guess they never watched Celebrity Fit Club or Saved by the Bell: True Hollywood Story? I guess his ‘straight to DVD’ career will not be mentioned on this show.

Is anyone else getting flashback to the training sessions from Tough Enough?

Did it sound like Bubba the Love Sponge was in a different country to do the commentary? Maybe he was in the bubble that Hurricane Helms is in on Smackdown? Did anyone else miss the commentators from the FMW DVDs while watching this show? I think the second commentary track on the PWG DVDs would be better.

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