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By Dave Scherer on 2008-03-10 11:57:21 has a long article today covering how they think the Big Show-Floyd Mayweather match will go at WrestleMania.  As you would probably suspect, the wrestling business isn't treated very well in the piece.  To read it, click here.

During a video chat last week, Johnny Knoxville was asked why he and the Jackass crew bailed on doing SummerSlam last year.  He said that they didn't back out.  He said WWE has been good to them and WWE tried to put something together with the crew.  He said that he agreed to wrestle one time but that was all he could fit into his schedule.  He said that he thinks the sides got their signals crossed and that WWE wanted more of a commitment than one night so WWE decided to go in a different direction.  He put over WWE and said that there are no ill feelings whatsoever.  To watch the whole chat, click here. ... Thanks to Chris Gabbard for his help with that item.

For those of you who like that kind of thing, here's a link to a confession from Christiane Plante, Hulk Hogan's alleged paramour (and friend of his teenage daughter).

Alex Young reporting. ... Former WWE Women's Champion Candice Michelle was featured as #13 on E's "Byte Me: 20 Hottest Women" show, which is a countdown of women on the Internet. Some notable excerpts:

- Started modeling at 16, won a modeling contest, received a scholarship to modeling school
- Credited with a 23% jump in registrations after the first Super Bowl ad
- Worked as a Hooters girl in the first Hooters restaurant in Wisconsin
- Moved to Los Angeles to start an acting career, but received no work, so she tried out for WWE's Diva Search
- Talks about how she trained to become a wrestler on her days off
- Mentions how overcome with emotion she was when she won the Women's title
- Maintains her own website, promises to update the blog soon

Smiths sent this. I didn't see it yet, but I can't say that it surprises me given the way that WWE wants to keep their distance from the situation. ... I thought you would find this interesting regarding the three hour RAW tonight.  USA's advertisement for the event shows a bunch of Wrestlemania clip and in one clip something stands out.  It's HHH vs. HBK vs. Chris Benoit, and they show the part where HHH pedigrees HBK.  The funny part is while this is happening, Chris Benoit is on the opposite side of the ring in the background... or so you'd think. You see, while HHH is performing the move on HBK, there's a huge blur in the background where Benoit was standing!  I guess that's how WWE plans to handle matches that Benoit was a part of... making him the mysterious blurred man.


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