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By Buck Woodward on 2007-01-24 20:39:00

Thanks to Steven Fernandes for the following:

In the latest edition of Superstar 2 Superstar, Edge interviews New Jersey Devils goalie Martin Broadeur. Click here to check it out.

This could be taken as WWE taking another shot at a former employee, but on the main page, in regard to the 'Ultimate Rumble' fantasy match they are running, they have Brock Lesnar's picture with the word 'Eliminated' stamped across, even though Yokozuna was eliminated after him. Till yesterday, they just had a pic of Andre the Giant and Kane that they were using as a preview. 

For those who want to keep score, those eliminated (in order of elimination): Vince McMahon, Bushwhacker Luke, Rick Martel, Bob Backlund, Tito Santana, Greg Valentine, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, John Cena, Lex Luger, Rey Mysterio, Big John Studd, Brock Lesnar and Yokozuna

Still remaining.. Bret Hart, HBK, Andre the Giant, British Bulldog, Big Show, Hulk Hogan, Diesel, Mr. Perfect, Steve Austin, Chris Benoit, Mick Foley, Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, The Rock, Ric Flair and Batista.

Curtis Willard Jr. sent this along. ...  In the new WWE magazine with John Cena on the cover, there is an interview with the Bull of the Woods, Dusty Rhodes, and the age old mystery is finally been solved... That's right, WWE magazine asked Dusty about the big splotch on his stomach, and he states that it has been with him since he left his "Momma's womb". It's a birth mark.

USA Network issued the following press release today, boasting of their recent success including Monday Night Raw.  Thanks to Mike Informer for sending this along:


NEW YORK, NY- January 23, 2007 - USA Network continues in the lead position for the third week of 2007, earning the title of #1 network in basic cable prime for the week among all key demos with a 2.2 household rating and an average of 0.5 million in P18-34, 1.1 million in P18-49, 1.2 million in P25-54, and 2.7 million total viewers.

With original episodes of USA's series WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW, NASHVILLE STAR, MONK, an PSYCH airing last week, the network ranked #1 in basic cable prime among P25-54 on four out of the seven nights, taking the top spot on Monday courtesy of WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW, on Thursday with a strong performance from NASHVILLE STAR, on Friday with the season premieres of MONK and PSYCH, and on Sunday with the basic cable premiere of the acquired movie COLD MOUNTAIN.

WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW continues to show its strength earning its best delivery in seven months (since 6/19/06) among both P18-49 and P25-54. With an average of 2.7 million in P25-54 at 10p and 2.4 million in P25-54 at 9p on Monday, WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW telecasts were the top two basic cable programs of the week among households, P18-49, P25-54, and total viewers.

NASHVILLE STAR shined last week, with Season 5 Episode 2 gaining 18% among P18-49 and building 12% among P25-54 over last week's premiere. USA was the #1 network in basic cable prime on Thursday night among both P18-49 (1.0 million) and P25-54 (1.0 million) and was the only network to average more than 1 million viewers in these key demos.

USA's hit shows MONK and PSYCH returned last week with original episodes, and with 2.2 million in P25-54 and 1.8 million in P25-54 respectively, the shows ranked as the top two programs in basic cable prime on Friday among all key demos (households, P18-34, P18-49, P25-54, and total viewers). With strong performances from the MONK Season 5.5 premiere and the PSYCH Season 1.5 premiere, USA was by far the #1 network in basic cable prime on Friday among the key demos. In addition, MONK and PSYCH showed incredible growth versus the four-week average for their respective time periods. MONK was up 81% in 18-49 and 97% in 25-54 and PSYCH was up 83% in 18-49 and 74% in 25-54

USA's acquired movies also performed well last week, as the network premiere of the movie COLD MOUNTAIN drew in 1.1 million in P25-54 and 2.6 million total viewers, ranking as the top movie in basic cable prime on Sunday in both demos. With this sizable audience, USA ranked as the #1 network in basic cable prime on Sunday among both P25-54 and total viewers.

*Please note: all data is Live+SD unless otherwise noted.

USA NETWORK is cable television's leading provider of original series and feature movies, sports and entertainment events, off-net television shows, and blockbuster theatrical films. The #1 basic cable network across the board in 2006, USA Network is seen in 90 million U.S. homes. The USA Network Web site is located at Characters Welcome.

USA Network is a program service of NBC Universal Cable a division of NBC Universal, one of the world's leading media and entertainment companies in the development, production, and marketing of entertainment, news, and information to a global audience.

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1. Toy WWE Spinner World Title Belt
2. Spectacular History of the AWA DVD Set
3. Ultimate Insiders 2: Matt & Jeff Hardy Triple DVD Set
4. Adult US Spinner Title Belt - Special
5. nWo - Outsiders T-Shirt
6. Black on Red Tri-Winged Japanese Spandex Style Kickpads
7. Toy WWE Intercontinental Title Belt
8. Trace Knee Pads
9. WWF Hardy Boyz: Leap of Faith
10. WCW Television Championship Adult Replica Belt
* Top 10 based on sales.

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