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By Larry Goodman on 2006-10-14 13:48:00

The Majors Brothers became the new Deep South Wrestling tag team champions by defeating the Untouchables at Thursday night’s DSW television taping. The finish of the match was nothing short of fantastic. The creative juices were flowing, as it proved to be the most interesting hours of television DSW has put together of late, one which set up multiple possibilities for future storylines.

Attendance at the DSW Arena in McDonough was 170. A section of seats was roped off to ensure that the hard camera side was packed to the gills.

Ring announcer Ted Guinness opened the show by introducing the Executive Producer of the DSW television show, Neal Pruitt and cameraman Aaron Miller.

Nigel Sherrod was joined by Montel Vontavious Porter on commentary for the dark matches. Fans gave MVP a solid round of boos.

(A) Tony Santarelli beat Tommy Suede in 6:17. Solid technical match. It was babyface vs. babyface but the crowd was 100% behind Santarelli. They opened move-for-move with Santarelli initiating the action and Suede countering. Santarelli kept going back to a full nelson. Santarelli went for a dragon suplex and Suede flipped over to land on his feet. Very cool. Suede hit a back suplex to get things going his way. Suede applied a standing octopus variation. From there, it was back and forth pin attempts that blew up ref Rob Russo. They collided in midair on simultaneous high crossbodys. Suede got a near fall with a german suplex. Santarelli connected with an enzuigiri to the back of Suede’s head to score the pinfall.

(B) Jake Hager beat Francisco Ciatso via submission in 4:42. Ciatso got heat with his big fat mouth. Hager used headlocks and shoulder blocks. Hager towered over Ciatso, such that Ciatso’s head fit nicely into Hager’s armpit. Ciatso brawled. He hit the Cement Shoes (sidewalk slam) for a one count only. Hager came back with a pair of fireman’s carry takedowns and got the tap out with a choke hold.

(C) Mike Taylor pinned Hannibal at 5:43. OK for what it was. The generic badass wannabe tried to psych Taylor out. Taylor outwrestled Hannibal, so he took shortcuts. Taylor worked the leg for a bit. They traded strikes and headbutts. A Taylor back elbow was good for a near fall. Hannibal showed fear. Taylor blasted him with a forearm. Hannibal reversed a whip and charged madly into the corner. Taylor stepped aside and rolled him up for the three count.

(D) Urban Assault (Cocky Siaki & Eric Perez with G-Rilla) beat Scott Fantastic & Biohazard in 6:40. Fans were split on Assault and they were loud. Nobody much cared about Fantastic and Bio one way or the other. G-Rilla was like a 400 pound statue in Assault’s corner. Siaki bitch slapped Fantastic to set up the turnabout spot that would have helped get the jobber face team over, but Fantastic failed to lay it in. Assault beat on Fantastic and beat on him some more. A fan shouted a perfect imitation of Konnan’s “Viva la Raza,” which was hilarious given the striking similarity between LAX and Assault. UA got half a dozen near falls. Siaki hiptossed Perez on top of Fantastic for one of them. They also blistered Fantastic with a back chop/chest chop double team. Fantastic ducked a lariat cutoff and tagged Bio. After a brief rally and a jumping double knee for a two count, Assault finished Bio with the neckbreaker/powerbomb combo.

Luscious was out for the merchandise drawing during the intermission.

The fearless broadcast team of Sherrod and Bill DeMott came out for the television taping.

The television taping opened with footage of the Assassin addressing the Untouchables and High Impact concerning last week’s tag team title match. What a voice that man has. Matt Striker and Nick Patrick were also on hand. Assassin said he was very unhappy, not so much about what happened, but about the way it happened. Assassin demanded that Striker explain his actions as referee in the match. Striker maintained that he had removed Dice from an injury prone situation and rendered a fair decision in favor of the Untouchables. Assassin said Striker was a smart fellow, but he was no dummy himself. Assassin said he smelled collusion but he couldn’t prove it.

Assassin introduced Krissy Vaine as the new general manager of DSW and Ryan O’Reilly as her able-bodied assistant troubleshooter. Vaine ordered a title match. Dice Domino said there was no automatic return clause and they had 30 days to defend. Vaine ran down the list of tag teams contenders. Untouchables conferred and agreed to a match against Majors Brothers with Matt Striker as referee. Patrick said he reffed his first match when Striker was still wearing pajamas with feet in them. Patrick said Striker needed to choose between being a ref or a wrestler, because right now, he stunk at both of them. O’Reilly decided there would be two referees for the match.

The DSW Heavyweight Champion Bradley Jay ran into Derrick Neikirk backstage. Neikirk told Jay the title was his for seven months and he was coming back for it. “When you come for this, you better bring everything you got,” said Jay.

(1) Bradley Jay defeated Heath Miller with the Kamikaze Roll to retain the DSW Heavyweight Title in 5:23. Jay is starting to make a believer out of me. Miller gets the best pop of the non-contract guys. Jay tried to toss Miller over the top, but Miller hooked the rope and landed on the apron. Miller shoulder blocked Jay through the ropes. Miller tried it again, and Jay knocked him silly with a barrage of knees to the head. Jay rag-dolled Miller back into the ring and covered for a two count. Jay gave Miller a palm strike to the ear. Jay tried to grind his elbow into the ear. Jay hit a stalling suplex for a near fall. Miller blocked a suplex and countered with a small package. Miller hit a big kneelift to spark the comeback. Jay dropped Miller in his tracks with a pair of right hands and went right to his finisher, a rolling fireman’s carry slam.

O’Reilly and Vaine were in the office. Vaine was seated at the desk formerly occupied by Palmer Canon. O’Reilly said he was back to regain the Deep South heavyweight gold. Vaine said OK, just so long as it didn’t interfere with his office duties. Neikirk showed up. He told O’Reilly to step aside because he was taking his title shot. “Well, it looks like I’ve got some important decisions to make,” said Vaine.

(2) Dan Rodimer pinned Ray Geezy with the Big Deal at 5:01. Rodimer came out wearing this awesome Batman-style red cape that he spread for the camera. It had “Big Deal” lettered on the inside. Gordy got a strong pop than usual. Geezy got off to a fast start with quick pin attempts. Rodimer bailed out. When Geezy ventured too close, Rodimer snapped his throat off the top rope. Rodimer choked Gordy and strangled him with his own arms. Gordy’s face was beet red. Gordy used leg kicks to set up a dragon screw legwhip. Gordy did a Thesz Press and pounded away. Gordy hit the ATL legdrop. Rodimer hit his press slam gutbuster and it was over.

Angel Williams was backstage with an unhappy UA. Siaki said the tag titles were coming to their house and they were staying for a long time. A healthy percentage of the crowd popped for this.

(3) Kofi Nahaje Kingston beat David Heath in 3:58. Heath did not impress here. Heath worked the crowd for heat. Then he worked over Kingston. Heath used a hotshot variation and a punishing series of corner lariats. Kingston went for a flippy counter, but Heath cut him off with a lariat. Heath said, “That’s it.” Heath dropped Kingston on a powerbomb attempt. Kingston won it with a spinning roundhouse kick.

(4) Majors Brothers (Brian & Brett) beat Untouchables (Deuce Shade & Dice Domino with Cherry) to win the DSW tag titles in 11:44. This match had an electric atmosphere totally unlike the rest of the show. Majors Brothers are getting the mega pop now. The crowd also popped for Patrick. Striker’s intro as the second ref got more heat than any of the heel wrestlers on the show. Brian was on fire early. I knew Deuce was not a big guy, but I didn’t expect Brian to have a clear size advantage. Deuce got dumped but was able to land on his feet. Deuce was prancing around at ringside, so Brian slidekicked him into Domino. Majors gave Domino a double hiptoss. The momentum shifter was a crash-and-burn springboard twisting high crossbody by Brian. Untouchables worked on Brian’s midsection. Domino did a stomp off the top rope that reminded me of seeing Dick the Bruiser as a kid. Domino dropped an elbow to the gut and paused to run a comb through his ducktail. Deuce pounded Brian’s gut and took a TO for a kiss from Cherry. Brian rolled out from under a flying fist drop by Deuce. HOT TAG. Brett hit a bulldog on Deuce and a flapjack on Domino. Cherry interfered and Deuce rolled Brett up for two. Brett came back with a reverse DDT and both refs counted the near fall. It broke down to four-way action. All four climbed the ropes in the heel corner and were pounding away. They did a quadruple noggin knocker with Deuce and Brett ending up flat on their backs in the ring. Striker counted Brett’s shoulders down for the three count, while Patrick counted Deuce. Confusion reigned. The match was restarted. Majors hit stereo dropkicks on the Untouchables. They slammed into Striker, knocking him out of the ring. Majors hit the Big Finish on Deuce and Patrick counted the 1-2-3. The building exploded as Majors were announced as the new champions. Kudos to all involved in the design and execution of this match. It was magic.

Postmatch, Striker got his revenge on Patrick with a wicked piledriver. Patrick sold it like this was Mexico. Striker departed with the Untouchables. The other refs rushed out to tend to Patrick. DeMott was yelling at the refs to be careful with Patrick’s neck, as they assisted him back to the dressing room.

NOTES: Freakin Deacon and Gymini were backstage…While the Comcast version of the television show is limited to 30 minutes during football season, a one hour version continues to air in Tallahassee, Fl. The MAV TV version will also be one hour in length…DSW has an ongoing fund drive for the Sunshine League, a little league organization for kids with developmental disabilities…The first 25 fans in line at next week’s show get autographs and photos with High Impact.

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