They aired a video package on Allie Katch.
Effy vs. Allie Katch - Winner Challenges Mance Warner for GCW Title Tonight
Allie came out with sparklers shooting out of her, well, breasts, for her entrance.
They went right after each other with slaps. Allie was sent into the corner but sent Effy up and over to the floor. She nailed a tope to the outside. She came down with her ankle bent in an unnatural way and was down after and the referee called for help. It appears she hurt her leg coming down and never got back up. They kept the cameras off the situation as the announcers talked. GCW Champion Mance Warner came out and attacked Effy, which sounded like they are trying to improvise. He chokeslammed Effy through a table at ringside. Warner entered the ring, standing over all holding up the belt.
They announced Effy as the winner.
Well, that's pretty awful for Katch. She was stretchered out of the venue.
Homicide, Grim Reefer and The Amazing Red vs. Tony Deppen, Kerry Morton and Griffin McCoy.
Kerry did a good promo saying that they were real professional wrestlers and deserved standing ovations. Good luck with that when you're facing Homicide in NYC.
Julius Smokes is with the NYC crew. LOVE THAT. He was great ring announcing Homicide's team. How this guy never had a national TV job is beyond me and quite frankly, really stupid.
Morton and Smokes went back and forth on the mic. GCW announced they had to wait for the Athletic Commission to return from checking on Allie Katch. My GUESS is the ambulance took Katch to a hospital and they have to wait for it to return because the Commission will allow the show to actually continue. I'll try and find out if I am correct..
Note: I was correct. They were awaiting another ambulance to arrive.
Kerry, etc said they were already paid so they are walking out. Morton is doing a great time killing time. Homicide took a mic and began cursing them out and saying this was NYC. He said he came here for a fight and so did his team. He demanded someone ring the bell. Homicide went to the back as they went to a video package.
We are pretty much at an unplanned intermission. We are finally back. They are all brawling. The announcers noted Effy is also hurt. If that is legitimate, what a snake-bitten show. Poor GCW.
Red tagged in as it started to settle down and faced off with Deppen. They had some really nice action going back and forth. McCoy tagged in but Reefer also tagged in. He and Red double-teamed McCoy. Team Homicide kept control on McCoy. Reefer tried to light up but Morton smashed him and then broke the, um, blunt. Reefer was worked over for some time. He namade a comeback, lit up and hit a springboard flip to the outside.
Homicide tagged in and battled Morton, nailing him with an Ace Crusher. Homicide went after McCoy but was attacked by Deppen. Morton produced a fork as his partners held him. Ricky Morton hit the ring and kicked his son, taking it away and then hitting a Canadian Destroyer on his own son. Reefer nailed McCoy. Red nailed Code Red. Homicide pinned Deppen with The Cop Killa.
Your winners, the NYC OGs.
They presented Red with his Indie Wrestling Hall of Fame award. If anyone deserves it, it's him.
GCW Tag Team Champions Dominic Garrini & Kevin Ku vs. Gahbage Daddies, Alec Price & Cole Radrick
Fans sang The Cranberries' Zombie for the Champs' entrace.
They brawled around ringside. The champs caught Radrick in the ring and scored a two count. Some very good action in this with the story being the champs were using their experience and violence to control the challenger, who kept kicking out and showing their versatility. Garrini and Price slugged it out and each tried to clothesline the other at the same time. Radrick and Ku faced off and went back and forth. The champs nailed an evil spike piledriver but Radrick got his shoulder up at the last second. The challenger came back with some great double-team maneuevers. They hit their finisher, The gabage Disposal, a Doomsday Device with a double stomp and scored the pin.
Your winners and new Tag Team Champions, The Gahbage Daddies!
Real fun tag team match. I enjoyed this one quite a bit.
They ran a vignette showing what a madman Charles Mason is.
Richard Holliday vs. Charles Mason - Steel Cage Match.
Mason's entrance featured a number of criminals before revealing Hannibal Lecter.
They went right after each other. Holliday tried to escape the cage but Mason stopped him and they exchanged fists. Mason bit Holliday and sent him into the top of the cage. Holliday crashed to the mat. Mason could have escaped but instead went to the top and dropped a hell of a flying elbow. Parrow, who has been aligned with Mason before siding with Holliday, came to the ring and entered the cage, attacking several officials in his wake. He placed Holliday on top and tossed the referee into the cage but Mason got his shoulder up at the last second.
Parrow was going to powerbomb Mason but Slade, an old Mason ally, came to the ring and faced off with Parrow. He speared Parrow through a door that was set up in the corner. Parrow was dragged out of the cage. Slade was backdropped over the railing to the first row. They brawled out of the building. Holliday went to use a chain to punch him, but was nailed with a chair. Holliday drilled him with a superkick and admitted he's the one who "snitched" on Mason, sending him to jail. Holliday nailed the 2008 but Mason kicked up. Mason nailed a DVDR and went for a sleeper. Holliday tried to fight out of it. Holliday grabbed the chain but Mason used it and wrapped it around his throat, choking him out. The referee called it.
Your winner, Charles Mason.
I guess the life lesson here is don't snitch.
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