Konosuke Takeshita (International Champion) vs Powerhouse Hobbs
Don Callis joins commentary.
This should be a hoss fight!
They throw hands and then trade shoulder tackles and Hobbs pounces Takeshita out of the ring. He follows Takeshita out of the ring and lays in blows and then slams him on the apron repeatedly. Hobbs rolls Takeshita into the ring and Takeshita nails Hobbs as he tries to get in the ring. Takeshita picks up Hobbs and drops him knee first on the apron.
Takeshita rolls Hobbs into the ring and then slams his leg around the ring post. Takeshita methodically works over Hobbs and rolls him into the ring. Takeshita gets a DDT and Hobbs lays in blows but Takeshita goes back to work on the knee. Hobbs goes to the apron and Takeshita brings him in the hard way with a suplex. Hobbs tries to throw hands but Takeshita goes to the eyes.
Hobbs is whipped into the ropes and hits a crossbody, but Hobbs can’t follow up. Hobbs throws a plethora of clotheslines in the corner and hits a power slam for two. Hobbs picks up Takeshita, who reverses it into a Gotch style piledriver for two. They throw hands until Hobbs gets a power slam for two. They charge at each other and Hobbs gets the clothesline, turning Takeshita inside out for two.
Takeshita gets a blue thunder bomb for one and Callis leaves commentary. Hobbs gets a clothesline for two. Hobbs goes to the top and Takeshita joins him there and they jockey for position. Both men fall from the top and Callis rejoins commentary. Callus says that Hobbs’s knee is gone. The crowd chants Please Be Careful as they go up again.
Takeshita gets a superplex and follows with a senton. Takeshita charges at Hobbs and runs into a spinebuster for two.
THIS is what a Big Man fight should be.
Hobbs pills down the straps. Takeshita tries to roll out of the ring, but Hobbs grabs him and climbs to the top. Takeshita gets a thumb to the eye and they fight at the top and Hobbs gets an avalanche power slam. Hobbs takes off his knee brace as Takeshita is down. Hobbs goes to pick him up and Takeshita kicks the knee, and goes for a front guillotine. Hobbs starts to fade and Takeshita hits Raging Fire for the pin and the win.
Winner and still international Champion: Konosuke Takeshita
GREAT big man match. Loved the story and the way they threw everything at each other.
In the back, Lexi is with Okada who says Ospreay is like his little brother, but not on his level.
Mercedes Moné (TBS Champion) vs. Kris Statlander
They lock up and Statlander tosses Mone to the mat. Mone gets a side headlock, and Statlander sends her to the ropes and drops her with a shoulder tackle. Mone gets a drop-kick and Statlander pops back up. Mone trash talks Statlander who gets an arm drag after Statlander tries to slam her and the fight goes to the outside. Mone leaps into Statlander’s arms, who carries her up the steps and slams her on the apron for two.
Mone is able to pull Statlander into the corner and covers for two. She then gets a rollup for two. Statlander pulls Mone up and Mone reverses it into a rollup. Statlander gets a backbreaker on Mone and picks her up again and hits a fallaway slam. They go to the top and fight on the top with Statlander lifting Mone, but Mone escapes and is able to power bomb Statlander on the apron.
Mone hits a low drop-kick as Statlander tries to get in the ring and Money covers for two. Mone drives the knee into Statlander’s back repeatedly and goes for a rear chinlock. Mone whips her to the corner and gets a double knee strike before covering for two. Mone whips Statlander into the corner and Statlander comes out with a clothesline. Mone gets a backstabber for two.
Mone grabs a straitjacket and hits another backstabber, holding on to try again. Mone holds on to stretch Statlander, and Statlander is able to power out and back into the corner repeatedly. Mone pulls the hair to bring Statlander down. Mone goes to the top for a meteora, but Statlander catches her and slams her. Both women are down and they get to their feet for Statlander to get clothesline. Statlander runs into Mone in the corner and gets a rolling suplex and holds on for two.
Statlander gets a blue thunder bomb for two. Statlander puts Mone on top, but Mone is able to catch her head with her feet, slams Statlander’s head into the turnbuckle and gets a swinging DDT for two. Mone goes for the three amigos suplexes and gets seven in a row. Mone goes to the top and hits a frog splash for two.
Mone goes for the running knee strike into the corner but Statlander dodges it. Statlander gets a package piledriver for two. Mone hits three jawbreakers and they throw hands. Mone starts slapping and they fight to the floor, grabbing the ring skirt as they go. Mone hits the Money Maker on the floor and both women are down. The ref starts the count and Mone makes it in the ring at six and Mone goes to the floor, breaking the count at nine.
Mone sees Statlander’s leg is wedged in the ring and Mone attacks her. She then leaps onto her, wrapping her in the ring skirt and raining down blows. Statlander is able to escape by taking off her boot. Mone tries to attack and Statlander slams Mone into the apron. She gets in the ring and hits a F5 for two.
They go to the top and Mone pulls Statlander down and gets a pile driver on the apron. Statlander leaps into the ring at 9 and Mone had been holding her hands up in triumph. Mone’s disgust is palpable. Mone yells, Why Won’t You Die. Mone locks on the STF and Statlander crawls to the rope. Mone lets go and repositions and Statlander is able to finally get to the rope as Mone screams in fury.
Mone keeps trash talking and Statlander tries for the Staturday Night Fever, but Mone reverses it into an ankle lock on the bare foot. They each roll through and each get a two count rollup. Mone is able to roll through for a crucifix pin and the win.
Winner and still TBS Champion: Mercedes Mone
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