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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-06-28 21:59:00

Your announcers are Wade Barrett and Corey Graves.

We see LA Knight walking in the garage.

We see Logan Paul in the arena.

We see Jade Cargill walking out of the elevator.

We take a look at the arrival of Jacob Fatu on last week's Smackdown.

A vehicle arrives and Paul waits for it to park.  

Solo Sikoa, Tama Tonga, and Tonga Loa emerge.

Paul asks Solo where is Jacob.

Solo pats Paul on the chest and they walk.

They make their way through Gorilla and they make their way to the ring.

We see Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens, and Randy Orton walking with purpose through the garage and to the entrance.

They stand off and they go after each other and start to brawl.

Cody and Solo pair off while Tonga and Kevin fight by the entrance.  Randy and Tama fight to the ring.  Owens hits Tonga with a case while Orton punches Tama.

Orton with a head butt to Tama but that isn't a good idea.  Tama with a thumb to the eyes.

Orton with a back drop driver onto the ringside barrier.  Owens with a swanton to Tonga through a table.  

Cody and Randy are in the ring.

Nick Aldis and New York's 'finest' make their way to the ring to hold out their arms in the official 'don't do that' gesture.

Kevin joins Cody and Randy in the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Nick is on the apron and he is trying to calm down Randy, Cody, and Kevin and the lumbersecurity stand at ringside.

One of the members of security comes up to Randy and he puts on his virtual red shirt for an RKO.  More security enter the ring and they are treated horribly.  Owens gives one a stunner and then an RKO.  Cody gives a different victim CrossRhodes.

Nick storms to the back.

Cody tosses Randy a mic and Kevin gets one for himself.

Kevin tells the Bloodline if you thought they were going to wait until Money in the Bank, you are dumber than you look.  Randy says they have been up his ass for 2 years and he was put on the shelf for 18 months.  At Money in the Bank, they put them out for good.  Cody says the Bloodline sees three victims.  Cody says he sees one of the most dangerous people on the planet who main evented Wrestlemania, he sees his friend Kevin Owens, and he sees a fourteen time World Champion Randy Orton.

Cody says he sees a sold out Madison Square Garden.  Cody says he should be defending his championship tonight against a worthy and credible opponent.  Instead of fighting a war with the Bloodline that he thought he finished at Wrestlemania.

Nick comes out with 'real cops'.

Cody tells Solo he doesn't know why he is calling them the Bloodline because he does not see a Head of the Table or Tribal Chief, he sees a seat filler.

The 'cops' tells Cody, Randy, and Kevin to get out of the ring while the rest of security are still down around the ringside area.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened in the first twenty minutes of the show.

Kayla asks Nick for comments about what happened earlier while Kevin, Cody, and Randy are walked to their vehicle and they leave the building.

Match Number One:  Candice LeRae versus Jade Cargill versus Tiffany Stratton in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Candice tries to talk to the other two and Jade with forearms and elbows to Tiffany and Candice.  Tiffany sends Jade face first into the mat and Candice with a step up back senton.  Tiffany and Candice hit a double suplex on Jade.  They kick and punch Jade.  They set for another double suplex and Jade lands on her feet and hits a double clothesline.  Jade with a uranage back breaker to Candice and follows with a gourdbuster and super kick to Tiffany.  Jade press slams Candice onto Tiffany on the floor.

Nia Jax makes her way to the ring and . . . 

Bianca Belair follows her down the aisle and they have some words.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Candice drop kicks Jade in the back against the ropes.  Candice holds Jade for Tiffany, but it was a trap and Candice with a clothesline.  Candice sets for a tornado DDT and she takes down Jade but Jade breaks up the cover.  Candice with a drop kick to Jade.  Jade with an Irish whip to Tiffany and she floats over and Jade goes into the turnbuckles.  Tiffany with an Alabama Salm near the turnbuckles.  Tiffany with a handspring back elbow on Jade, but misses on Candice.  Tiffany tosses Candice to Jade for a spinebuster.  Tiffany with a drop kick for a near fall on Jade.  Candice with forearms to Tiffany and then Jade.  Jade is done playing with Candice and she tosses Candice into the turnbuckles.

Jade runs Tiffany into the turnbuckles and connects with shoulders.  Jade with a splash to Candice and then Tiffany moves and Jade leaps over the rope to the floor.  Nia stands over Jade but Bianca tells her to stop.  The referee tries to stop Bianca and Jade and Indi Hartwell sends Jade into the ring post.  Bianca chases Indi to the back.  Candice with an inside cradle on Tiffany for a near fall.  Candice goes for a quebrada and Tiffany gets her knees up and Tiffany follows with Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the three count.

Winner:  Tiffany Stratton

Nia celebrates with Tiffany at ringside.

Naomi is in the back and Bayley shows up.

Bayley and Naomi talk about how annoying Tiffany is.  Naomi says that when she wins, she will have to cash in on Bayley.

Blair Davenport stops by and says that Naomi is not going to win.  She tells Bayley her days as champion are over.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Michin is with Nick Aldis and she wants a match with Nia.  

Nick says he will do what he can.

B Fab is with The Street Profits.  She says that they want their hands on the Bloodline.  

Nick says that can't happen tonight, but maybe next week.

Pretty Deadly enter through the 'other door' and they announce their return.  They are willing to give the perfect pitch.  Pretty Deadly . . . THE MUSICAL.

Angelo says no one cares about their musical.  B Fab says the Backstreet Boys didn't interrupt them.  Ford suggests that they face Pretty Deadly.

Nick likes the idea.

We take a look at the men's Money in the Bank Qualifying Match with a video package.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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