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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-03-29 22:33:00

Match Number Seven:  War Chamber Match: The Calling (Sami Callihan, Rickey Shane Page, Cannonball, and Talon) versus AKIRA, Raven, Jimmy Lloyd, and Jake Crist

Jake Crist starts off for his team and they have earned the advantage.

Starting the match for The Calling is Sami Callihan.

Sami misses a clothesline and Jake hits him with the trash can a few times.  Sami flips off Jake and Jake returns the favor and hits him with the lid.  Jake goes to the turnbuckles and Sami swats Jake away as he comes off the turnbuckle.  Sami sends Jake through the door and Jake falls to the floor.  Sami goes after Jake on the floor.  Sami swings the cage door into Jake.  Sami puts Jake against the cage and he misses a chop and hits the cage.  Sami kicks Jake and sends him into the ring steps.  Sami sends Jake back into the cage. Sami grabs a spike and hits Jake in the forehead with it.  Sami hits Jake in the forehead again and he licks off the blood.  Sami hits Jake with the trash can lid.  

Sami gets a chair and he hits a chair on top of Jake.  Sami grabs some barbed wire and he slams Jake onto it.

The next entrant is Akira.

Rickey Shane Page and Cannonball attack Akira in the aisle.  Page hits Akira with a back elbow and security tell them to go to the back.  Sami poses on the turnbuckles and claps. Sami grabs a photo and he punches Jake.  They go to the other ring and a referee checks on Akira.  Sami gives Jake a paper cut in the hand.  

The next entrant is Rickey Shane Page.

Sami sends Jake between the rings and Page throws a chair at Akira as Akira tries to get into the cage.  Page grabs a door and he he turns it over so the barbed wire is exposed.  Jake punches Page and Sami but Sami rakes the eyes to stop Jake.  Page grabs a lid and misse Jake and he hits Sami.  Jake with Stundog Millionaire to escape a suplex and Akira drop kicks Page thorugh the door.

The next entrant is Jimmy Lloyd.  Jimmy hits Sami and Page wtih a chair and then he kicks Sami and hits a neck breaker.  Jimmy sets up a table in the ring.  Page sends Jimmy into the cage and then Sami throws a chair at Jimmy.  Page hits Akira with a chair and Sami misses.  Akira hits Page and Sami with the chair.  Akira throws chairs at Page and Sami.  Jake throws a chair at Sami.  Akira chokes Page while Jake sends Sami into a chair in the turnbuckles.

The next entrant is Cannonball.

Cannonball heads butt Akira and Lloyd and then he gives Lloyd a double underhook piledriver.  Page throws a trash can at Lloyd.  Cannonball spins around and Page chops Akira.  Akira is put on the table and Cannonball climbs the turnbuckles and hits a back senton onto Akira through the table.  Page hits Lloyd with a chair.

The next entrant is Raven.

Page kicks Akira and Jake.  Raven hits Page with a kendo stick and he does the same to Sami and Cannonball.  AKira gives Raven a chair and he gives Cannonball a drop toe hold onto the chair.  Raven with punches to Page and he slams his head against the cage.  Lloyd hits Sami with the endo stick and connects with forearms to the back.  Raven hits Cannonball with the trash can.  Sami hits Lloyd with a bucket.  

The final entrant is Talon.

The War Chamber begins.

Jimmy hits Cannonball with a chair.  Page with a running knee to Raven's midsetion in the turnbuckles.  Talon with forearms to Akira and Lloyd.  Talon punches Akira.  Talon with a spinning heel kick to Akira and he rakes the back.  Sami grabs Lloyd and brings him into teh other ring.  Jimmy blocks a suplex onto the chair and Jimmy with forearms.  Jimmy is caught by Sami and Sami with an exploder onto the chair.  Sami punches Lloyd.  Talon sends AKira into the turnbuckles and AKira with a head scissors and punches.  AKira puts a trash can between Talon's legs and he gets a cinder block and throws it at the trash can.  Cannonball hits AKira with a sack and Raven hits Cannonball with a trash can.  Sami rakes Raven's eyes.  Cannonball pours thumbtacks onto Akira.

Talon with a head butt to Raven.  Sami hits Raven with the trash can and then he sends Raven's head into the bottom of the trash can.  Lloyd sends Cannonball onto the thumbtacks.  Akira goes up top and hits a cross body onto everyone.  Lloyd gets a door.  Page is hit in the head with a trash can by Raven.  The door is put between the rings in the middle rope.  Sami throws thumbtacks at Lloyd and Page and Sami hit a double release suplex through the door.  Page throws a trash can at Akira.  Sami and Talon go to the floor and get a table to bring into the cage.  A board is also brought into the cage.

Page sets up the table and Sami throws some chairs into the other ring.  Chairs are put on top of the table and a board is put on the chairs.  Page and Sami try to suplex Akira onto the strucuer and Akira with knees to escape.  Akira hits Sami and Page puts the door on top of Akira while he hangs on the table.  Page with a back senton through the door ad and table but Akira moves.  Akira with a DDT and he appleis a crossface with the kendo stick in his mouth.  Lloyd hands Page barbed wire and Page taps out.

Winners:  Akira, Raven, Jimmy Lloyd, and Jake Crist

After the match, Akira takes the mic and he says he said The Calling is dead.  He says he believes in simple things.  He believes in blood, guts, wrestling, and Major League Wrestling.

Akira thanks everyone for coming to the show.  He says they ain't stopping and MLW is on the rise.  He thanks eveyrone for believing in them, every step of the way.  Believe in wrestling and follow the Akira way.


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