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By Mike Johnson on 2023-12-07 18:53:00

We are back to taping matches for MLW TV.

Wasted Youth vs Mane Event vs. Griffin McCoy & TJ Crawford.

Super fast paced match with everyone hitting big moves and breaking up pinfalls.  Wasted Youth hit some big dives before scoring the pin on Midas Black.  Really liked the Mane Event's circus gimmick.  Wasted Youth earned a future MLW Tag Team Championship bout.

Jacob Fatu vs. Alex Hammerstone (with Saint Laurent)

This is being filmed for the Holiday Rush episode.

The fans chanted "Meat" at them as they wanted them to beat the crap out of each other.  They battled back and forth.  Lots of Fatu chants.  Fatu worked over Hammerstone in corner and nailed a twisting moonsault off the top.  Hammerstone was knocked to the floor.  Fatu hit a crazy tope through the ropes.  They battled on the floor.

Fatu has gotten in GREAT shape.  He nailed a swanton off the top for a two count.  He went for a superkick but Hammerstone pulled the ref in front.  Fatu stopped but Hammerstone leaped up with a kick to the head.  He gained control and choked Fatu against the ropes.  The crowd chanted "Roid Rage."  He drilled Fatu with a series of elbows on the apron.

Fatu limped as he returned to the ring.  Hammerstone was all over him and whipped him hard into the opposite buckle.  He began working over Fatu's lower back.  Fatu finally began firing back.  He went for the Samoan Drop but Hammerstone escaped only to be hit with a pair of Avalanches in the corner followed by a splash off the ropes for a two count.  He went for a springboard splash but Hammerstone pulled up his knees.  He drilled Fatu and almost scored the pin.

They battled back and forth.  Hammerstone kicked off a Fatu charge in the corner but was drilled and dazed on the ropes.  Fatu climbed up and nailed a top rope rana that was so HIGH the crowd chanted "Holy sh**."  Fatu went to the top but Hammerstone shoved the referee into the ropes and Fatu crotched himself.  Hammerstone climbed up and nailed an overhead belly to belly superplex.  Shane Douglas would be proud.  The fans chanted "HGH" at Hammerstone.

Fatu made a comeback with a series of headbutts.  He and Hammerstone began drilling each other with some hard shots and kicks.  Hammerstone nailed a sit-out powerbomb for a close two count.  He nailed a suplex into a DDT for another near fall.    They went into a series of near falls ended by  a Fatu superkick.  He nailed the Samoan Spike and the moonsault for the pin.

An absolutely great match and the best thing on the entire show.  Nothing was even close.

Your winner, Jacob Fatu!

Hammerstone took the mic and said he had tryouts for all these different promotions and everyone passed on him.  Court Bauer saw him and said he wanted to bring Hammerstone in.  He wanted to sign him to a three year contract because he saw something in him.  Before the deal was up, he upped the pay 10X.  A lot of people say a lot about Court and MLW and it hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows but they took a kid and made him into a man.  They take a boy and made him a wrestling superstar.  Tonight might be the last time he's in an MLW ring for the forseeable future, but his ego wants to say that MLW was built with bricks and fused with his DNA, but the truth is Hammerstone is built with bricks and fused with MLW's DNA.  Whatever he does from this point forward, he will be the guy that MLW built.  He said it's not about him anymore.  It's about the hungry boys and girls in the back.  He began naming talents and said they are going to make MLW a success going forward.  He apologized for getting long winded and said he loves the fans and thank you.

As he left, Court Bauer came out and hugged him.

MLW Tag Team Champions The Second Gear Crew's One Called Manders & the Mysterious Masked Man who obviously is not Mance Warner vs. The Bomaye Fight Club's MLW Champion Alex Kane & Mr.  Thomas

Masked Man and Kane battled before they tagged in their partners.  Manders chopped the hell out of Thomas, who fired back.  Thomas slammed Manders.  Manders came back to hit a suplex on the ropes.  Kane tagged in and battled both members of SGC.  He nailed a back suplex on masked man.  He then hit a splash on the apron on Manders.

Manders was placed back into the ring, but kicked up at two.   Kane locked on ankle lock.  MSL and Zayda came out to ringside. Everyone battled in the ring.  The Bomaye went for the Hart Attack but MSL grabbed Kane's leg.  Kane got in his face on the floor.  Holliday came out and brawled with Kane.  They rang the bell.

The WTF guys brawled with Bomaye and worked over Thomas with a chair.   Justice hit the ring but Bomaye and SGC were all beaten down.  Security swarmed the ring.

That's it from NYC!


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