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By Mike Johnson on 2023-12-07 18:53:00

MLW National Openweight Champion RSP vs. Jimmy Lloyd.

Lots of people screaming and singing for Lloyd.  They brawl and  Lloyd hits a dive to the floor.  He tosses in some chairs.  He set them up but was hit with a drop toehold into them.    These two just beat the hell out of each other and NYC loved them for it.  They shattered a door in the ring.  RSP finally DDT'd Lloyd on the door and scored the pin.  Lots of plunder and violence here!

MLW Featherweight Champion Janai Kai vs. Maki Itoh.

Itoh took the fight to Kai immediately and nailed a great DDT and an elbow.  Kai cut her off and began drilling her with kicks.  She looked great and unique with all her offense.  Really liked her.  Her kicks reminded me of Yoshihiro Tajiri.  Itoh came back after Kai hit the buckles and nailed a bodypress off the top for a two count.  Itoh worked her over in the corner and nailed a tornado DDT for a close two count.  They battled until Kai locked Itoh in a choke and got the tapout.  Good stuff.

MLW Champion Alex Kane vs. Matt Cardona (with Steph De Lander)

Kane got a big entrance with an army of Bomaye Fight Club members.  It was pretty fun.  

They brawled right from the bell.  They ended up on the stage and Cardona and Steph were run into each other.  The Bomaye Club is on the stage and screaming and chanting, adding to the atmosphere.  Kane worked over Cardona when they returned to the ring.  Cardona swept his leg off the ropes, sending Kane crashing to the mat.  Cardona scored several near falls.  Lots of Bomaye chants.  No Don King.  Cardona worked over Kane for some time and drilled him with a steel chair.  He missed with another and smacked himself in the face.  Kane nailed a Uranage.  Fans were chanting "Nassau" to mess with Cardona.  

Steph De Lander does a hell of a job at ringside.  Very Sherri Martel-esque.

They battled back and forth with strikes and clotheslines.  Kane got the better of the exchange but was drilled with a big knee as he charged.  Cardona went for Radio Silence but was caught and powerbombed.  Cardona was speared.  Kane splashed him on the apron.  He began unleashing suplexes but De Lander pulled the referee out of the ring when he went to count the pinfall.  Kane confronted her, allowing Cardona a chance to recover.  Kane charged at Cardona and almost nailed the ref.  He apologized but that allowed Cardona to slam him into the ring post and hit the Broski Boot.  He covered Kane, who kicked out.

They battled to the floor and back into the ring.  Kane suplexed Cardona but De Lander tripped him and Cardona made the cover, almost scoring the pin.  De Lander went to use a chair but the mysterious masked who is certainly not and never could be Mance Warner came out, stopped her and kissed her.  Cardona drilled Kane who kicked out.  Lots of Bomaye chants.

Cardona grabbed the MLW title belt and nailed Mr. Thomas of the Bomaye Fight Club.   De Lander went to hit Kane with the belt but accidentally drilled Cardona instead.  Then she got speared for her troubles.  Cardona nailed Kane with a chair but he absorbed it, grabbed the chair and nailed Cardona.  He hit a German suplex and then another.  He locked in the rear naked choke and Cardona tapped.

Real good main event.  All the shenanigans.

Your winner and still MLW Champion Alex Kane!

The show went off the with the Bomaye Fight Club on the stage chanting BOMAYE.  Kane took the mic and said he told Cardona he was going to do it and he did.  He called the Fight Club to the ring.  They carried Cardona out as they chanted BOMAYE.  This left Kane in the ring.  He told MSL that he knocked another one down.    He asked who wanted him at Kings of Colloseum. 

The lights went out and when they returned, Richard Holliday was in the ring.  Kane offered to fight him right now, but out came MSL.  He said as his last act as matchmaker tonight, he was setting the first main event for 2024 - Holliday, as a member of WTF vs. Kane.  Holliday agreed and put on a WTF hat.  At this point, they went off the air.


Kane told Holliday he was a ho.  He said he fights for the people and offered again to fight Holliday right now.  

Holliday asked NYC if they wanted to fight right now.  Holliday said he was going to take the title from him right now.

Security and officials stepped between them.

Holliday said they'll do it on his terms.  Kane was him a "p***y" and began wiping out security team members with suplexes.


Coverage continues on Page 4! 

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