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By Mike Johnson on 2023-12-07 18:53:00


Richard Trionfo is doing play by play so I'll be more blogging here.

The PPV opened with WTF doing a parody of the old WWF logo and Saturday Night's Main Event opening.

Mister Saint Laurent came out with American Idol finalist Alyssa Wray, who sang America the Beautiful.  She had an amazing voice.

MLW Middleweight Champion & CMLL World Welterweight Champion Rocky Romero vs. Mascara Dorada.

The NYC crowd was super into the entrances.  Dorada is a hell of an athlete and they had some great back and forth lucha exchanges.  You can see Dorada is going to be super in demand in the years to come.  Rocky gained control and worked him over with some nice clotheslines.  Romero slammed him on the apron outside.  

Dorada came back and hit some great athletic spots before nailing a tope suicida.  They battled to the top where Romero nailed a nice sliced bread #2 for a near fall.  This has been the best thing on the show already live.  Romero snatched him in a guillotine choke but Dorada turned it into a suplex.  Romero nailed Dorada as he came off top and nailed Kryptonite Krunch for a near fall.  Romero missed a top rope stomp and was nailed with a tiltowhirl slam.  Dorada came back to hit a powerbomb, using the ropes for extra oomph and scored a close two count.

Dorada is insanely fun live.    He was shoved into the referee.  Romero snatched his mask and then hit an inside cradle for the pin.  Unable to kick out without revealing himself, Dorada was pinned.

Your winner and still MLW Middleweight Champion & CMLL World Welterweight Champion Rocky Romero!

Fun while this lasted!

TJPW Princess of Princess Champion Miyu Yamashita vs. Delmi Exo.

This should be a lot of fun as Yamashita is great.  When they announced her debut, I was thrilled.  They had some nice back and forth action.  Yamashita locked on a sleeper.  Yamashita went for a back sleeper but Exo escaped.  Yamashita reversed a whip and nailed some kicks in the corner.  Exo fired back with a kick to the face.  Yamashita went to the floor, where Exo nailed a flip off the apron.

Exo nailed a great blockbuster off the ropes for a two count.  She attempted a package piledriver but Yamashita escaped.  They began back and forth strikes.   Exo elevated and dropped her backwards for a close two count.  That looked good.  They battled to the top where Yamashita nailed a DVDR for a close two count.   They continued until Yamashita scored the pin.  Fun bout.

Your winner and still TJPW Princess of Princess Champion, Miyu Yamashita!

They aired a video where Zayda said she wanted a Featherweight title shot and MSL can make that happen.

Satoshi Kojima vs. Tom Lawlor (with Saint Laurent)

The crowd was super into Lawlor and Kojima and had big reactions for everything they did.  They battled to the floor and onto the entrance ramp.  Lawlor controlled Kojima and jawed with the crowd, which was all over him.  Lawlor focused on Kojima's arm and worked him over on the mat.  Lawlor did the Kobashi rapid fire chops in the corner.    He cinched in a triangle choke on Kojima on the ropes, but Kojima fired back.  Lawlor sent him into the ropes but missed a diving headbutt.

Kojima fired away with chops of his own, which the NYC crowd loved.   They battled back and forth, slugging it out in the center of the ring.  Kojima nailed a DDT.  Lawlor made a comeback and scored a two count after an over the shoulder powerslam.  He locked in an submission.  Kojima battled back and set up for the lariat, only to be kicked as charged.  Lawlor nailed a knee to the back of the head but Kojima kicked up.  The crowd is noticeably more "up" for the PPV matches.

Kojima nailed the lariat but was too spent to capitalize.  They pulled themselves up in opposite corners and Kojima struck again, scoring the pin.

The entire crowd threw bread at Kojima.  He took the mic and thanked everyone.  The crowd chanted for him.  He said he is back after 21 years.  The crowd popped.    He said, "Oh my God.  So much bread. I love bread and I love you guys.  Thank you so much."

Very good, physical match with Lawlor playing the perfect foil for Kojima.  

They aired a video on Cardona vs. Kane.

Bodies by Saint Laurent Bodybuilding Contest.

Oh, you know this is going to be painful.  MSL and Zayda came out.  He promises this will be an annual event.  Oh boy.

The first competitor is Midas Black from Mane Event.  He did his poses.

The second competitor was Mr. Thomas from the Bomaye Fight Club.  He asked who put MSL in charge and why was the trophy so small.  Thomas did his.  

The final competitor was Alexander Hammerstone, who is now with MSL's WTF faction.  MSL put him over as an amazing competitor.  He and Zayda conferred and she declared Hammerstone the victor.  The crowd booed.  

MSL said he gets a victory speech.  He said this was a surprise and he persevered and at the last minute, he became the greatest bodybuilding champion of all time.  The crowd chanted steroids.  Hammerstone said that it looks like all the fatasses need an injection.  He knocked Jacob Fatu and Alex Kane.  Fatu hit the ring and brawled with Hammerstone, wiping him out with a big lariat.  He cleared the ring and stood tall.

Thy ran a commercial for a 12/24 Holiday Rush special.

They ran an announcement that WTF had set an attendance record of 81,036.5 tonight as a parody of the Wrestlemania 3 attendance.  THAT was funny.

More on Page 3!

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