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By Mike Johnson on 2023-12-07 18:53:00

Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of MLW One Shot 2023 from The Melrose Ballroom in Queens, NY!

Pre-Show Notes:

They look to be close to sold out.

ATLAS Security is in the house.

They will be taping a lot of TV material tonight.  They have a video graphic for "Holiday Rush" currently up.

The legendary George Napolitano is in the house shooting ringside.

The equally legendary Vladimir the Superfan and Ringside Charlie are sitting in the front row.

Stephen DeAngelis is ring announcing.

Dax vs. Cannonball

Dax is a masked man billed as the physician of violence.

Cannonball is part of The Calling.

They battled back and forth shortly before Cannonball got the pinfall.  Very short bout.

Your winner, Cannonball!

Scramble Match: AKIRA vs. Love, Doug vs. Nolo Kitano vs. Alec Price vs. J Boujii vs. Brett Ryan Gosselin.

Everyone brawled.  Kitano and Price went back and forth before AKIRA nailed a leaping kick.  Boujii nailed a back suplex on AKIRA.    They went into a series of sleeper holds in a tow but AKIRA nailed a missile dropkick, knocking everyone down.  Love, Doug gained control but was nailed with an enziguiri by Boujii.  They all battled into a Tower of Doom spot off the ropes.  

Someone brought a Christmas Sack into the equation and Doug hit people with it.  They placed the bag over Gosselin's head and superkicked him.  Boujii nailed a cutter off the ropes on Doug.  Price hit a great dive over the top onto everyone.  AKIRA nailed an inverted brainbuster on Price and scored the pin.

Your winner, AKIRA!

Fun, fast paced match with everyone working hard.

AKIRA took the mic and said at the start of 2023, a storm came to MLW, brought by Raven.  It plagued and scared the company.  They were a unit.  He was lost and found but the maker of storm vanished and someone took the throne, RSP.  He's a leech who tried to suck the life out everyone and out of him.  AKIRA said he's going to bring an end to the Calling.

The Calling came out.  Akira used a chair on Cannonball but was overwhelmed as RSP watched from the stage.    RSP hit the ring and they brawled before AKIRA was hit with a DDT.  RSP stood over AKIRA, but was hit low.  Security finally came out and separated them.

Tiara James vs. Zayda (with Mister Saint Laurent). vs. Notorious Mimi

Zayda and Mimi tried to doubleteam Tiara early but it backfired and she worked over each briefly before being caught in the corner.  Mimi hit a Samoan Drop on Zayda, who landed atop of James.  Zayda was dumped to the floor and Mimi covered James for a two count.  Zayda nailed a nice superkick on James.  She and Mimi began chopping each other, not realizing James had recovered and nailed a missile dropkick on both at the same time.  James drilled Mimi over her shoulder and slammed Zayda atop of her, scoring a two count on both.

Mimi was clotheslined over the top, leaving James to work over Zayda.  She went for a pin but MSL pulled her off, which the referee missed.  Zayda grabbed James and nailed the Tomakaze for the pin.

Your winner, Zayda!

Shorter than I expected but it was OK.  They didn't have enough time to really go much deeper.

Jesus Rodriguez came to the ring.  

Salina de la Renta (with Jesus, Rocky Romero & Janai Kai) vs. Ichiban.

The crowd chanted for Ichiban.  They faced off.  Salina clapped her hands and her minions tried to attack but her were beaten off.  Ichiban faced off with her but she sprayed him in the face.  They all attacked him and beat him down.  Security hit the ring but Ichiban was still unmasked.  Mascara Dorada hit the ring because it was so offensive to luchadors.

MLW Tag Team Champion Matthew Justice vs. Josh Bishop (with Saint Laurent)

They went right after each other with chops and strikes.  Justice snapped Bishop's head across from ropes.  He speared Bishop through the ropes to the floor off the apron.  They battled around ringside.  Justice hit a flip over the ropes, drilling Bishop.  He dove off the apron but was caught and charged backward into the ring post.  He smashed Bishop across the back with a steel chair.  Bishop gained control and worked over Justice with a chair.  He set up a table in the middle of the ring but Justice smashed him with a chair over and over.

Justice went to the top but Bishop hit him, then smashed him with the table.  Justice crashed into the ring.  Bishop set the table in the corner and tried to do a Razor's Edge through it, but Justice escaped and speared him for a two count.  Bishop gained control and powerbombed him through the table for the pin.

Your winner, Josh Bishop!

Good, physical bout.

Tony Deppen vs. Kevin Blackwood

Physical work early on.  Blackwood grabbed an anklelock submission.  Deppen tried to get to the ropes but was pulled back in.  He surprised Blackwood with a rollup and scored the pin.

Your winner, Tony Deppen!

They aired a commercial for MLW action figures.More on Page 2!

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