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By Mike Johnson on 2023-06-22 10:15:00

A joint motion was filed yesterday in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York requesting that all the defendants in the lawsuit brought against WWE, Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon and other WWE executives by former WWE Writer Britney Abrahams be granted an extension on when they are required to respond to the suit.  The motion lists 9/5 as the new deadline.  Previously, it was 6/26.  The court has yet to sign off on the Motion, but generally this early in the proceedings of a lawsuit, its not unusual for additional time to be given to respond, especially when the Plaintiff is also on biard.

Abrahams' 31-page lawsuit alleges she was discriminated against and fired for objecting to "offensively racist and stereotypical jargon" in scripts for black performers.  Abrahams, who was let go from the company two years ago, claims that her complaints were ignored and then she was let go from the company for taking home a commemorative Wrestlemania 37 chair, which she insinuates was a cover for the real reason for her termination.

Beyond WWE and the McMahon family members, other defendants include Christine Lubrano (SVP, Creative Writing Operations at WWE), former WWE Creative Team member Chris Dunn, Ryan Callahan (a high-up exec on the Smackdown brand creative end who is now VP of Smackdown), creative team member Jen Pepperman, and Mike Heller, another former WWE Creative Team member who exited the company last year.

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