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By Richard Trionfo on 2023-02-28 22:01:00

Meiko with a punch but Zoey holds on to the cravate.  Meiko with punches but Zoey holds on to the cravate.  Zoey with knees to the head followed by an Irish whip.  Meiko sends Zoey to the apron and Zoey with a kick.  Zoey goes for a springboard move but Meiko with a kick to the midsection.  Zoey holds her knee after hitting the mat.  Zoey and Meiko exchange forearms.  Meiko with kicks to the midsection followed by a splash into the corner.  Meiko with a DDT and she goes to the turnbuckles.  Meiko with a frog splash for a near fall.  Meiko with kicks to the chest.  Meiko kicks Zoey into the corner and she misses a round off knee when Zoey goes to the apron.  Zoey pulls Meiko down by the hair and she hits a springboard twisting senton for a near fall.  

Zoey goes to the turnbuckles but Meiko with a kick to the leg and a Pele kick.  Meiko with a uranage for a near fall.  Zoey with thrust kicks and a sliding knee to the head for a near fall.  Zoey pulls Meiko into the corner and she goes up top and misses a 450 splash but rolls through.  Meiko with a kick and Death Valley Driver.  Meiko sets for Scorpio Rising and hits it for the three count.

Winner:  Meiko Satomura

After the match, Roxanne goes into the ring and stares down her challenger for next week.

We take a look back at what happened after Bron Breakker's match last week.

We see that Shawn Michaels has accepted Grayson Waller's invitation for next week.

McKenzie is outside the training room and we see Wendy Choo being treated.

Tiffany Stratton shows up and she tells everyone to stay out of the parking lot.

Kayden and Katana come out and say things aren't good for Wendy.

Tiffany asks Kayden and Katana where were they when Nikkita got attacked.

Tiffany says she has a Tiffany Epiphany and she is going to solve this.

Katana tells Tiffany to stop with the detective work and put her boots on.

We are back and Julius and Brutus talk about what they need to do.  

Damon Kemp is in the hallway and Julius says Damon is still a bad man and he is calculating.  He says that is what he needs to beat Indus Sher.

Damon asks if Julius is asking him to help him and he wants to know if they are trying to put the band back together.

Damon says no and Julius has to be held back.

Bron shows up and he says he will be their third against Indus Sher.

Julius yells at Bron for not being there a few minutes earlier to save him from an embarrassing moment.

Match Number Four:  Sol Ruca versus Elektra Lopez (with Valentina Feroz)

They lock up and Lopez pushes Sol on the break.  Sol with a side head lock and take down.  Lopez with a top wrist lock and take down.  Lopez with a wrist lock and Sol tries for a reversal but Lopez pulls Sol down by the hair.  Lopez with an Irish whip and Sol flips over Lopez but Lopez with a forearm to the throat.  Sol lands on her feet on a hip toss and hits an X Factor.  Lopez with an Irish whip and Sol tries to float over.  Lopez knocks Sol off the turnbuckles to the floor.  Lopez gets a near fall.  Lopez with knees to the back and an elbow drop for a near fall.  Lopez with a knee and she sends Sol into the ropes and follows with a forearm.  Lopez with a back body drop and she gets a near fall.  

Lopez works on the neck and Sol with punches.  Lopez with a kick and Sol with a back elbow.  Sol sends Lopez into the ropes and she kicks Lopez.  Sol runs through a clothesline and hits two flying shoulder tackles followed by a drop kick.  Sol with a butterfly suplex and then she sets for a handspring splash but Lopez moves.  Lopez gets a near fall.  Lopez goes into the turnbuckle for the brass knuckles but Feroz has it and Sol with the Sol Snatcher for the three count.

Winner:  Sol Ruca

After the match, Lopez yells at Feroz and pushes her.  Valentina puts on the brass knuckles and she punches Lopez with them.

We go to the pool hall for Gallus.

Mark talks about their career in NXT UK and how what Pretty Deadly did to them last week wouldn't have happened in Europe.  Pretty Deadly reminded them of what happened when Pretty Deadly took the titles from them.  Mark says NXT is their kingdom and he asks if Wolfgang is going to let two Brits do that to them.  He wants Wolfgang to be raging.  

Someone bumps into Wolfgang and Wolfgang batters the man.

We go to Pretty Deadly with McKenzie.  

Kit and Elton say they couldn't be happier with their plan.  Kit asks how will Gallus act when they take the titles from them.  McKenzie shows Pretty Deadly a tweet from Drew McIntyre.

Elton talks about the Scots staying together and Kit talks about how much they hate Scotland.  Kit says they will meet Gallus face to face next week and they can have a civilized discussion with Gallus about their upcoming match.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five:  Katana Chance (with Kayden Carter) versus Tiffany Stratton

They lock up and Tiffany sends Katana to the mat.  Chance with a rollup for a near fall.  Chance with a waist lock and Tiffany with an elbow.  Chance with a drop kick but Tiffany sends Chance to the apron.  Chance with a handstand into a head scissors take down.  Chance with a wrist lock but Tiffany goes for a slam and Chance counters with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Chance with a side head lock.  Chance lands on her feet on a belly-to-back suplex.  Tiffany hot shots Chance and the referee checks on Chance.  Tiffany with kicks to Chance.  Tiffany stretches Chance.  Chance kicks Tiffany and trips her.  Chance with a flying forearm and a head scissors take down.  Tiffany goes to the apron and Chance avoids a shoulder and kicks Tiffany.  Chance gets a near fall.  Tiffany with a punch.

Tiffany gets Chance on her shoulders and Chance with an arm drag take down.  Chance goes to the turnbuckles and . . . 

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre make their way to the ring.

Tiffany catches Chance off the turnbuckles and hits a Finlay Slam followed by the Best Moonsault Ever for the three count.

Winner:  Tiffany Stratton

After the match, Tiffany gets on the mic and she says she has proven that she is the very best woman in NXT.  You would be satisfied by that.  Tiffany says she does not want to be known as the best, she wants to be known as the NXT Women's Champion.  She says she does not care who wins next week because that title belongs to her.

Brooks is in the back and he is working on his shoulder.

Josh shows up and he says that Fallon and him are all that he's got.  Josh says they need to stop doing this because it is Wrestlemania season.  

Brooks apologizes and says it was his fault.  Josh says Fallon apologized to Kiana and now Brooks needs to get his girl back.  

Brooks says he wishes he could have a do over and he doesn't know what to say.  Josh says he will talk to Kiana for Brooks.

Match Number Six:  Axiom versus Hank Walker

Axiom with a sleeper and he gets on Hank's back.  Hank backs Axiom into the corner to escape the hold.  Axiom returns to the sleeper and then he goes for a triangle.  Axiom avoids a power bomb.  Axiom with a chop and Hank with a waist lock but Axiom with a sunset flip attempt.  Hank picks up Axiom.  Hank with a boot to Axiom.  Axiom with a head butt to the midsection.  Hank with a slam for a near fall.  Hank with a punch and Axiom chops back.  Axiom with forearms and Hank with a side head lock.  Axiom with a drop kick and a running kick into the corner.  Axiom goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall.  Axiom with a kick to the chest.  

Axiom with more kicks and forearms.  Walker with a forearm and Axiom with a clothesline but Hank with a shoulder tackle that sends Axiom into the corner.  Hank with a splash followed by an Irish whip and splash.  Hank with a clothesline but Axiom with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Axiom with a kick.  Axiom misses a round kick but hits a back heel kick.  Axiom with the Golden Ratio for the three count.

Winner:  Axiom

We see SCRYPTS watching from the entrance.

Axiom tells Hank that he is special.

We go to Grayson Waller who thanks Shawn for getting back to him and they can discuss Stand and Deliver.  Which Shawn Michaels will he sit next to?  Will it be the Heartbreak Kid or the corporate stooge.  Waller asks to be given the proper respect.  Waller says not to put Shawn in a position he never wanted to be in again.

They run through the card for Roadblock.

Match Number Seven:  Carmelo Hayes (with Trick Williams) versus Tyler Bate

They lock up and go to a stalemate.  They go to a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock and Tyler with a wrist lock take down.  Hayes with a head scissors and Tyler escapes.  Tyler rolls through with Hayes when Hayes tries to escape the wrist lock.  Hayes with a hammer lock and Bate with a reversal.  Hayes sends Bate to the floor but Bate comes back into the ring and Hayes with an arm drag.  Bate with a head scissors and Hayes escapes.  Hayes slaps Bate's hand away.  Bate with a rollup for a near fall.  Hayes gets a near fall.  Hayes and Bate continue to alternate near falls.  Hayes escapes Tyler Driver 97.

Bate with a leap frog and he goes through the legs.  Hayes avoids a jab from Bate.  Bate with European uppercuts.  Bate with a back body drop and a head scissors take down.  Bate with a drop kick that sends Hayes to the floor.  Bate with a plancha and both men are down on the floor.  Hayes returns to the ring and he knocks Bate off the apron.  Hayes goes for a dive to the floor but Bate with an uppercut.  Hayes with kicks to Bate and he gets a near fall.  Hayes with forearms to Bate.  Bate with a punch and Hayes with a knee to the midsection.  Bate blocks a suplex and Hayes does the same.  Hayes puts Bate on the to rope and Hayes with a springboard suplex back into the ring and he gets a near fall.  Hayes with a double wrist lock.

Hayes with a springboard clothesline and he gets a near fall.  Hayes returns to the double wrist lock.  Bate with forearms and Hayes with an Irish whip.  Bate with a knee lift and a corkscrew back elbow off the turnbuckles.  Bate punches Trick on the apron and Bate with an exploder to Hayes.  Bate with a shooting star press for a near fall.  Bate with an airplane spin but Hayes with a rollup for a near fall.  Hayes with a bicycle kick.  Bate returns to the airplane spin and Bate gets a near fall.  Hayes grabs the ankle and Bate with a jab.

Bate with a rebound clothesline for a near fall.  Hayes sends Bate into the turnbuckles.  Bate with a European uppercut and Hayes with a chop and forearms.  Bate with European uppercuts to Hayes.  Bate with punches and Hayes kicks Bate away.  Hayes with a butterfly bomb for a near fall.  Hayes with a rollup for a near fall.  Hayes with a suplex into a cutter for a near fall.  Hayes goes to the turnbuckles and Bate gets back to his feet and he stops Hayes on the turnbuckles and hits a super exploder.  Bate goes up top and Trick gets on the apron and Bate kicks him.  Bate misses a twisting senton and Hayes with a Codebreaker and then Hayes goes up top and hits Nothing But Net for the three count.

Winner:  Carmelo Hayes

We go to credits.


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