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By Eric Denton on 2022-04-11 02:00:00

NJPW STRONG - Los Angeles, CA at the Vermont

1. Kevin Knight/ Fred Yehi/ DKC vs Stray Dog Army (Bateman, Misterioso & Barrett Brown) - Misterioso flying leg drop onto DKC, Brown gets the pin at 10:06. 

Your Winners - Stray Dog Army

2. Keita/Uemura vs Kevin Blackwood & Lucas Riley - Keita & Uemura in 8 min. Uemura with a Frankensteiner pin on Riley.

3. David Finlay vs Blake Christian - Finlay with the yoshicaroshi for the pin in 10.

4. Rocky Romero, Alex Coughlin & Adrian Quest vs JR Kratos, Danny Limelight & Black Tiger- Coughlin pins Limelight with a bridge German in 7 mins. After the match Kratos blasts Coughlin with a chair & tornado uranage. He gets stretchered out.

5. United Empire (Great O-Kahn, TJP, Aaron Henare) vs Brody King, Tyler Rust & Mascara Dorada. O-Khan with an assisted cutter, Henare pins Rust in 14:04. After the match TJP snatches Dorada’s mask. O-Kahn tells the peasants to bow down. 

6. Fred Rosser vs Royce Isaacs & Jorel Nelson in a 2-1 Handicap Match. Isaccs & Nelson with a running knee suplex pin in 8 min. Filthy Tom offers Rosser another Strong Openweight title shot if he shaves his head. He does. Lawlor says if Rosser can’t beat him he want him to leave NJPW Strong. 

7. Ren Narita vs Chris Dickinson - 15 minute time limit draw. 

Local sports legend for CBS 2  News Jim Hill & Josh Barnett in attendance. 

8. Christopher Daniels & Alex Zayne vs Bullet Club’s Chris Bey & El Phantasmo - El Phantasmo pins Zayne after a Styles Clash & superkick in 9:50

9. “Switchblade” Jay White vs Hikuleo - White with the Blade Runner in 18 minutes:. Very good match. White is impressive if you haven’t seen him live.  Hikuleo gives White the “Too Sweet” after the match. 

10. Karl Fredricks & Clark Connors vs The Factory (Nick Comoroto & Aaron Solo) w/ QT Marshall - Connors pins Solo with a spinebuster in 8:45.  After the match Marshall says something about Fredricks turning down The Factory but he gets booed so heavily you can’t understand the rest of his promo. Crowd chats “asshole” at him. QT challenges Karl to a one on one match in Philadelphia. 

11. JONAH, Bad Dude Tito & Shane Haste vs United Empire (Jeff Cobb, Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher)- Davis pins Tito after 14:39. This match was SNUG! All of United Empire celebrate in the ring.

12. Tomohiro Ishii defeats Big Damo in a hard hitting bout. 

Attendance is around 350-400.

NJPW Strong will return to The Vermont in June. 

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