They aired a video feature on the Impact Tag Team Championship match.
Eric Young with Joe Doering & Deaner vs. Jay White.
They started off with a spirited exchange, battling back and forth. White went for a suplex but Young battled him into the corner. White backdropped him. Young was dumped to the floor and slammed backwards into the ring apron. White chopped Young hard against the chest and worked him over. White was grabbed and sent him shoulder-first into the buckles by Young, who stomped away at him.
White sent Young into the corner and nailed an explosive running uppercut followed by a twisting suplex. White went for the Blade Runner but Young blocked it. White smothered him in the corner with a boot, talking trash. White went for a back suplex but Young landed on his feet and drilled him from behind. Young nailed an elbow and a discus lariat. They battled back and forth with right hands and chops.
Young was sent into the buckles and went up and over, but almost crashed down on his head. White went to hit a move off the top but Young bit his face. White crashed down to the mat. Young nailed a flying elbow off the top to the floor. White nailed a big uranage for a two count. Young was nailed with a snapping Saito suplex. They battled to the outside, where they ripped at each other's faces. Young grabbed him and nailed a piledriver on the apron. Both men went to the floor and the referee began counting them out. Young recovered first and tossed White into the ring, scoring a near fall.
Young wasn't happy about it. Young almost scored the pin with his feet on the ropes. White went for the Blade Runner but Young cut him off and went for the piledriver. White escaped and nailed the half & half suplex. He finally nailed the Blade Runner and scored the pin.
Your winner, Jay White!
I hope we get a lot more of this. This was a really competitive battle between two talents who did lots of believable, physical things to each other. This was enjoyable all the way through.
Backstage, Ace Austin grabbed Speedball Mike Bailey. He asked Bailey to be his partner this Thursday. Bailey said he wasn't looking into a tag team right now. Madman Fulton said it's important to have the right people watching your back. Bailey said he didn't want to get in their dynamic as a team. Austin manipulated Bailey by claiming he heard Jake Something and Trey Miguel disrespecting Bailey. He said they stood across the ring from each other and they both lost, so let's try out the team. Bailey finally agreed.
ROH & AAA Women's Champion Deonna Purrazzo has an open challenge.
Miranda Alize, who fought Rok-C in the ROH Women's Division, answered the call. She wanted to wrestle for the ROH title, so that's what will be on the line.
Some nice wrestling early on. Alize went for a Crossface submission. Alize rolled out of an armwringer and nailed a dropkick ton the legs. Alize controlled Purrazzo and nailed a nice rana. Purrazzo cut her off with a great lariat for a two count. Purrazzo tied her up in a surfboard variation and then drilled her with a series of knees to the back.
Alize went for the tiltowhirl into a crossface but Purrazzo was able to escape and drill her with a kick to the face, then a series of hard chops. Alize went to the apron outside and drilled Purrazzo. They fought to their feet from the mat, battering each other back and forth. Purrazzo drilled her with a running forearm and ate one in return. Alize nailed a running forearm in the corner, followed by a running knee to the face of Purrazzo, who was down in the corner, for a two count.
Purrazzo caught her with an inside out suplex for a two count. Purrazzo went for the Gotch piledriver but Alize escaped and nailed a ripcord knee strike. She locked in the Crossface but Purrazzo escaped. Alize missed a shining wizard and was trapped in a Fujiwara armbar. Alize tapped.
Your winner and still ROH Women's World Champion Deonna Purrazzo!
This was another really good bout that would have gotten far more of a reaction live if the audience in NOLA had more of an idea who Alize was, but this was well worked from bell to bell.
Backstage, Gia Miller interviewed Chapel Heart, who sang the national anthem earlier tonight. Mickie James was thrilled to see them. Chelsea Green showed up and said that she wanted to wish Mickie luck but she didn't need the luck. Mickie said when she gets done with Tasha, she and Green will wrestle again.
They aired a video feature on Matt Cardona.
Impact Wrestling Digital Media Champion Matt Cardona vs. Jordynne Grace.
The talking points of the announcers early on was that Cardona was showing a new side of himself. Grace was all over him early, angry over having lost the title to Cardona but was cut off thanks to his cheap tactics. Cardona worked over Grace relentlessly. He suplexed Grace into the buckles and mocked her. He was going for a Fireman's Carry but was escaped. Grace nailed a boot to the face and began cleaning house on Cardona, nailing a nice sliding lariat. She nailed several palm strikes and a big spinebuster for a two count.
Cardona cut off Grace with a series of running boot to the face but Grace kicked out at the last second. He went for Radio Silence but was elevated into the buckles. Grace nailed a double knee strike to the back and a big elbow to the face. Cardona rolled to the outside. Grace went for a dive but Cardona pulled up a chair. She stopped short and kicked it into his face. Grace went to the floor and picked up the steel chair and slid it into the ring. The referee took it from her, allowing Cardona to roll her up for a two count.
Cardona grabbed the chair. He went to use it and argued with the referee, shoving him away. Cardona charged with the chair but Grace saw him coming and kneed him low. The referee DQ'd Grace.
Your winner and still Impact Wrestling Digital Media Champion by DQ, Matt Cardona!
Yes, it was a cheap finish but it was done to continue to establish Cardona's new heel direction and persona.
Grace nailed Cardona with the chair across the back.
Coverage continues on Page 3!
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