Major League Wrestling surprised longtime pro wrestling producer and cameraman Charlie Bruzzese, with an induction into the Hardcore Hall of Fame as a banner in his honor was unveiled tonight at the 2300 Arena, honoring his 25 years of work in the venue. Bruzzese becomes the first-ever behind the scenes participant who worked the venue inducted into the Hall.
Bruzzese was one of a very small team that produced and filmed the original Extreme Championship Wrestling in the former ECW Arena, handling the ringside camera duties at events and post-production of the ECW TV show alongside Ron Buffone. After the end of ECW, Bruzzese continued on working for a number of different promotions and companies, including The Urban Wrestling Federation and Impact Wrestling, but has primarily been working in recent years as a Producer for MLW.
Bruzzese was surprised by the banner and presentation, which was handled by Stephen DeAngelis. The crowd chanted "Thank you" several times, including during the bout that followed the ceremony. sends our congratulations to a most deserving entrant into the 2300 Arena's Hardcore Hall of Fame.
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