Welcome to PWInsider.com's live, ongoing coverage of the United Wrestling Network's Primetime Live Supercard PPV from Commerce, CA at the Commerce Casino on FITE.TV!
They opened with a series of pre-taped promos with the talents in front of different green screen backgrounds.
Todd Kenely and James Kincaid are the broadcast team.
Vinnie Massarro vs. Honest John vs. Juicy Finau
Finau used his power early to overpower and quickly scored the win after slamming Massarro and hitting a Michinoku Driver on John, who he caught coming off the top with a flying bodypress. It was over in about three minutes.
Your winner, Juicy Finau!
Too quick to be anything of real note, but the intent was to put over Finau and having him win quick accomplishes that.
Jordan Clearwater vs. Blake Troop
Troop has been working as an announcer for a long time on CWH programming and is a MMA fighter. This is his pro wrestling debut.
Troop has been training for some time. They locked up and Clearwater used the ropes to break a hold and escape to the floor. Troop nailed a gutwrench suplex. Clearwater attempted a bulldog but was shoved off and used another takeover. He clotheslined Clearwater in the corner but he missed a splash into the buckles. He hit his head in the ring post and crashed to the floor. They teased a countout. Clearwater worked him over on the floor. Clearwater nailed a big boot through to the face as Troop was trying to climb back inton the ring. Troop played up that he was out on his feet. Troop barely made it back to the ring. Clearwater locked on a cross armbreaker with the story being that Troop taught him the move. Troop kicked him off intok the buckles and now Clearwater was dazed. Troop nailed a hiptoss and a powerslam. He slammed Clearwater again. Troop set up and nailed a big right hand, scoring the pin.
Your winner, Blake Troop!
David Finlay vs. Will Alday.
Some nice back and forth wrestling early on. Allday nailed a nice springboard buzzsaw kick. He went to finish up but Finlay countered and went for a back suplex but Allday countered and nailed a back suplex of his own. Finlay nailed a leaping uppercut for a two count. Allday followed up with a knee strike and a uranage for a two count. Finlay made a comeback with a uranage over the knees. Finlay scored the pin with a brainbuster across the knee. Easily the best in-ring bout thus far on the show.
Your winner, Dave Finlay!
New Japan Dojo representatives Clark Connor & Karl Fredricks & Alex Coughlin vs. Kevin Martinson & Rust Taylor & Daniel Garcia.
A fun six man tag with lots of back and forth action. Team Connor triple-teamed Martinson. He fought his way out and went to the top, coming off with a double stomp to the back of Connor's head. Martinson fought his way to the corner and made the hot tag to Rust. He cleaned house on Coughlin, nailing scissors kicks on him and them Fredericks.
Coughlin absorbed a series of kicks to the chest and fought back. Garcia fought back. Martinson nailed a top rope splash but Fredericks broke up the pinfall. Everyone battled in the ring. They went into a series of big moves, culminating with Garcia locking a Sharpshooter on Fredericks. Coughlin pulled him out and tossed him across the ring in rough matter. He then tossed Martinson. Garcia was nailed with a leaping DDT for the pin.
Your winners, Clark Connor & Karl Fredricks & Alex Coughlin!
Everyone shook hands after.
Ruby Raze vs Viva Van with Halston Body
Early on Raze was in control but missed a charge and hit her shoulder on the post. Van began working over her shoulder. She used the ropes to continue the beating, using the ropes. Raze tried to make a comeback but her arm was hurt and Van quickly cut her off with with a kick to the inside of her elbow and cinched in an armbar. Raze was able to escape and sidestep a charge into the corner. She nailed a knee strike and suplexed her out of the corner. Raze nailed a double knee strike. Raze scored a two count. Raze draped her off the top rope but Body got on the apron and pulled Van to the floor. He walked Van away and let her get counted out.
Your winner, Ruby Raze!
Bleh finish. The idea was Raze had the match won so Body stole that from her, even if she scored the win.
Defy Wrestling Tag Team Champions Midnight Heat vs "Pretty" Peter Avalon & Ray Rosas aka "PPRay"
Defy is a promotion in Washington State. Midnight Heat had a bit of a throwback feel to their work and have obviously been influenced by the Midnight Express. Well, if you are going to be influenced by someone, it should be the best. Avalon wasn't playing his AEW persona. He was worked over for a long time by the Heat. They held him up for a double delayed vertical suplex, then dropped him back to his feet and nailed him with stereo right hands. Loved that.
Avalon tried to fight his way out of the corner but was cut off. He finally battled hrough and made the hot tag to Rosas. He cleaned house. He and Avalon used a double team wheelbarrow bulldog for a near fall. Midnight Heat double-teamed Rosas with a Side Russian Legsweep into a backstagger for a two count. Rosas went for a sunset flip and had the match won but Avalon was shoved into his own partner, breaking up the pinfall. The challengers hot several double-team moves but again the pinfall was broken up. The Midnight Heat finally stole the win.
Your winners and still Defy Tag Team Champions, Midnight Heat!
Mike Bennett vs. Chris Dickinson in a tournament final to determine the first-ever UWN Champion.
Dave Marquez, who has legitimately been trying to get this championship established and crowned for years off and on, was in the ring before the bout to present the title belt.
At the bell, Dickinson rocked Bennett with a kick and a series of forearm smashes. Bennett fired back with a running boot to the face but Dickinson fired back himself with a series of clotheslines. They challenged each other to bring it in the center of the ring with chops. Bennett grabbed a side headlock but Dickinson drilled him with a back suplex. He kicked Bennett to the floor and followed, chopping away at him on the floor. Dickinson followed up with a series of forearms. He went to toss Bennett back in the ring but Bennett bounced off the ropes outside and smashed him with a leaping punch.
Back in the ring, Bennett nailed a dropkick to the face. He worked over Dickinson's arm and smashed it across the edge of the apron outside the ring. Dickinson kept kicking out and from the mat, began raining kicks upwards at Bennett's legs and knees. Dickinson nailed a big clothesline in the corner and snapped him with a Dragon Screw Leglock. Using the ropes, Dickinson wrenched away at Bennett's leg. Dickinson locked up the leg and cinched in a crossface submission but Bennett made it to the ropes. Dickinson rained down with big bombs across the face and chest.
Dickinson worked over the leg but Bennett drilled him over and over with strikes and punccches to the face. They fired back and forth with big punches. Dickinson nailed a back suplex and then nailed a T-Bone Tazplex. Bennett battled back but Dickinson fired away with a back suplex and a lariat. Dickinson snatched him in a keylock. They went back and forth through submission attempts and reversals. Now it was Dickinson in a top wristlock but Dickinson made it to the ropes, forcing the break. Dickinson was able to naila DVDR. Bennett was out of his feet. Dickinson shoulderblocked him down and nailed another DVDR, getting another close two count.
Bennett was locked in a STF in the center of the ring and tapped.
Your winner and the first United World Champion, Chris Dickinson!
Super fun bout.
Dickinson took the mic and asked everyone to give Bennett a round of applause. He said matches like this are why he became a pro wrestling and thanked Bennett. Bennett pointed to Dickinson and left the ring. Dickinson said there was a lot that went into the match and leading to it, but it's all irrelevant as he's the champion now. It could have happened to Egypt and Atlanta (sites planned for this bout that were canceled) but he's glad it happened in Los Angeles. Dickinson said that when he wasn't doing anything last summer before New Japan and Ring of Honor ("except GCW, God bless GCW"), when Dave Marquez called him and invited him to come to Primetime Live and he thought, "Thank God, life goes on." He thanked David Marquez. The crowd chanted, "Thank you David." Dickinson agreed and said it was an honor to be the first champion.
They did not announce a return PPV date. Dave Marquez told PWInsider.com this past Thursday they were working on figuring out whether to do monthly or bimonthly PPVs but they intend to return with additional specials under the Primetime Live banner.
The replay of the PPV can be ordered at this link.
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