Effy's Big Gay Brunch 2
4/10/21 - 11am
Tampa, FL - Streaming on FITE.tv
Pollo Del Mar is your host today. “HIIIIII FITE TV!” Effy is brought out to thank everyone for watching days of wrestling content...but this morning they need to get ready for a lot of gay sports entertainment. Pollo Del Mar goes through some general housekeeping announcements before introducing our first contest. Val Capone & Kevin Gil are on commentary.
Match 1: “The Boy Butter Scramble” – Allie Kat vs. Ashton Starr vs. The Whisper vs. Jared Evans vs. Killian McMurphy vs Frontman Jah-C
Jah-C gets the mic, is super mean to Pollo Del Mar and introduces himself aggressively to the crowd. Jared Evans takes it and says no one cares about anyone but him. Jah-C and Jared decides to team up on Whisper. Starr with a big elbow drop to Killian. Kat with cartwheel and dropkick to Ashton. Jah-C in a fist fight with Allie. Kat grabs the leg, Frontman begs off, she tries a crab but Jared Evans in to take the spotlight with Frontman. Everyone hates Jared Evans, especially Val Capone. Whisper and Killian duke it out, Killian dumps out and Whisper with a corkscrew dive to him and Frontman. Jared doesn’t dive and gives the finger. Ashton grabs him and throws to everyone. Ashton moonsaults to the outside on everyone. Battle back to the ring, Whisper with a Michanoku driver to Evans. Jah-C with a big boot to Ashton’s face. Allie hits that seated corner senton but runs into a lariat from McMurphy. Jared tries to steal that pin. McMurphy hates that and lariats him too. Whisper with a fallaway slam to McMurphy. Ashton in with a scissor kick that plants Whisper and gets the pin. Nice!
Winner: Ashton Starr
Match 2: Edith Surreal vs. Devon Monroe
Step Stool Sarah joins Val, replacing Kevin Gil on commentary. Devon trying to come in fast but Edith is wrapping Monroe’s legs up. Devon breaks free and tries a lucha arm drag but Surreal wants none of that. Edith picks the leg out of a leapfrog, dropping an elbow to the knee and trying to wrench those limbs further. Surreal puts Devon into the tree of woe and drops legs right into that. Working the ankle. Working that knee. Devon crawls and gets the rope but the damage is done. Edith with a figure four variation and Devon scrambles to the rope again. Devon with a flash fisherman’s suplex for a two. He tries to springboard but tumbles off the rope due to all the damage Edith did. Surreal locks up the legs in a Venus Fly Trap and Monroe taps out. Edith Surreal walked through Monroe in long form here.
Winner: Edith Surreal
Match 3: MV Young vs. JD Drake
Kevin Gill is back. We might see a murder. Young wants to recruit Drake to the PolyAMCult. MV Young with a shotgun dropkick right away. He goes for plunder but Drake gives and clubs him around the ringside area. They duke it out in the chairs, Young spears him into the front section of chairs. Drake battling back towards the commentary stage. Drake with a big boot sends Young to the concrete. Young with a low blow and he sends the big man back to the ring. MV sets up chairs and we have a good ol’ seated bar fight. This goes poorly for Young. Drake batters him to the corner, belly to belly, Vader splash for two. Young is up with chops but Drake drops him with a boot to the head for another two. Drake to the top and Young runs up with a fisherman’s suplex off of there. Young with chest kicks. Drake wants more. He pops up, one armed spinebuster through a chair. Drake whiffs a moonsault, Young with a boot to the head. Kick out! Drake with a big boot to the face and Young is all done. Drake rules and Young went toe to toe with this badass. Drake gives a fist bump but I doubt he joined the cult.
Winner: JD Drake
Match 4: Effy vs. Ace Perry – Soul on a Pole Match
In 2018 Bizarro Lucha, Ace sold his soul to Effy. He tried to take it back at Fight Forever because he hasn’t gotten from the deal what he wanted. That leads to today. There’s a SOUL....on a POLE. Most people would say there’s nothing on that pole.....but they just need to look harder, clearly. Squint or something. It’s a small card on the pole top. Perry is out in a Midsommar-style wedding dress. We have a little tension at the start. Will they kiss or fight? After a pair of slaps, Ace Perry swarms with clubbing blows and stomps to Daddy. Perry has a railroad spike and tries to stab Effy’s heart out. Effy disarms him and landing hard slaps and running knees. Effy doesn’t want this fight but he has it. We see under the ring and it’s a MESS there after Spring Break last night. God help the ring crew if the platform breaks again. Effy sets up chairs, taunting Ace near the pole and drops him back into the seating. Effy goes up top, drags Ace up and makes him look at the soul on the pole. Ace tosses him down and starts to climb towards his prize. Effy cuts it and side slams him to the top turnbuckle. Perry drops Effy to the corner and hits with a Van Terminator. Ace with a pair of cutters to Effy and he’s making the crawl again. Perry tries a rana to the apron but Effy shoves him off into a powerbomb. ugly fall. Effy with an axe kick and sets up a back to back chairs. Uranage to Perry on those chairs. OW. Effy tries to get the soul. Perry throws him from the top but Effy has the soul in his hand.
Winner: Effy
Perry flips out and lands about a dozen chair shots to Effy’s head but Daddy eats those. Effy is upset. He wanted to take Ace to the top with him but now he doesn’t want that burden. He throws the card back into Ace’s face and forces him to do this journey on his own.
Match 5: Parrow’s Twink Hunter Tag Gauntlet
Parrow dominated the Twink Gauntlet in October. Now it’s his event and he’s bringing Odinson. They’re gonna go through everyone. Effy joins Kevin on commentary as he is trying to put Parrow down.
Twink Hunters: THE END (Parrow & Odinson) vs:
Entrant 1: Petty in Pink (Kenzie Paige & Dillion McQueen)
Great entrance for PiP but The End attacks right away, fight into the ringside area. The End with body splashes to Kenzie, belly to belly. Dillon makes the save but Odinson sends him out and drops to the apron. Kenzie throwing gut punches and kicks Parrow low. Dillon in with chops but they do nothing to Odinson. He hits a ddt, Kenzie rolls up the pin. Parrow cuts it off and chokeslams Dillon. Sitout tombstone to Kenzie and Odinson gets the pin.
Entrant 2: The Runway (Calvin Couture & Tyler Klein)
They talk their way to ring, calling Odinson a snack and a tall glass of water. Much needed in this heat. They take their time and argue over who gets to go in ther with the End. They have chairs, Parrow steps Odinson back and Klein sets up a chair to sit in. “Pony” hits the airwaves and the Runway give him a lap dance. Odinson is trying to convince Parrow to powerbomb them. Odinson has had enough and pounces them both. Double pin from Odinson and Parrow head is cleared now.
Entrant 3: The Bitcoin Boiz (Eric Taylor & Mikey Montgomery)
They enter the ring carefully and stun The End with a series of fast kicks and tandem attacks. Parrow puts up with it and boots them both into the corner. The End hit a BRUTAL Super Collider. Parrow tosses Taylor into a pounce. Montgomery on the shoulder. Doomsday Uppercut. Parrow with the step on pin. Effy runs to the dressing room as he has a plan....The End with another Super Collider. JEEEEZ.
Entrant 4: Gregory Iron & Shane Black
Gregory Iron is, as per the stipulations of their Spring Break match, Effy’s B**** today. The youngboy Shane Black is tall and might be in the middle of puberty. Iron is in a g-string. The End grabs Greg but Shane saves him. Greg runs away. Odinson picks up Shane with an airplane spin slam. Iron has a chair and it bounces off of Parrow’s back. He tries to slap Parrow’s chest....and then raise his hand in victory. Parrow smiles and hits the sitout tombstone on Iron for the pin. Goodnight little Greg.
Entrant 5: The Bad B****ez (Jai Vidal & Parada)
This is the last team the twink hunters need to go through. BB surround Parrow and feed him a series of kicks and a rollup for two. Parrow with a chokeslam to Parada and lariat to Vidal. Odinson is in, slamming the BB around. They are stacked, Odinson DVD’s Parrow onto their opponents. Parrow tries the pin but Vidal breaks it. The End with another Super Collider. Vidal powerbombed into a backstabber and The End gets the definitive pin. Effy throws down his commentary headset in disgust.
Winners: THE END
Match 6: Dark Sheik vs. AC Mack
AC Mack is as COURTEOUS as he can be when he kicks Pollo Del Mar out of the ring so he can do his introduction. HUSH. Sheik gets tossed to the buckles by Mack early. Mack with gut punches and running double knees for a pin attempt. Sheik with a slingshot legdrop for two. Throat choke in the corner and Sheik boots Mack. Mack biting the leg and pulls her into a backbreaker off the corner. Big vertical suplex for a two from Mack. Fight to the outside, Sheik puts Mack into the chairs. She tries a 450 from the top but Mack plants her. Big backdrop from AC but he runs into a kick. Dropkick from the top, atomic drop, Dark Sheik with a flying forearm. Sheik kips up, body slam and she’s up to the top. Elbow drop but Mack kicks out! Dark Sheik is running up the band but Mack wants the Mack-10. Sheik hits a german for two. Mack to the top and Sheik rana’s him off. Sheik with the top rope leg drop but AC convulses to break the count. Sheik up top again, Mack with an enziguri sends her down. Running dropkick in the corner for two. AC wants the Mack-10, Sheik rolls it up into a pin. They reverse the position back and forth,Dark Sheik rolls on top for the final pin and secures the three. Take that, AC Mack!
Winner: Dark Sheik
Pollo Del Mar starts bringing audience members into the ring for a contest to win tickets to a River City Wrestling Con in Jacksonville. Loudest Fan wins the tickets. Effy is here with a pup holding the collar and chain for our main event. Effy kicks everyone out of his ring.
Main Event: “The Truth” AJ Gray vs. “The Business” Billy Dixon – Pup Collar Match
Billy Dixon attacks AJ Gray after his match at For The Culture to set this up. Dixon is FURIOUS that Gray didn’t make it to the Brunch in October. Dixon is going to prove that the LGTBQ community brings as much fight as anyone. Dixon has hit work cut out for him as Gray brings a pile of light tubes with him.....Deathmatch AJ is here. He blasts it right over Dixon’s head before the bell. AJ gets the collar attached and comes in swinging and opening Dixon up. Dixon to the. Outside and uses the chain to pull Gray into the post. Gray’s back covered in glass and Dixon is whipping him with the chain. Trading toes to toe slaps on the floor. They fight to the entryway, Dixon taking a moment to yell at Brett Lauderdale. He makes Brett watch while he chokes gray with the chain. Gray wakes up and dragging Billy across the hot concrete. Gray carving up the head with a tube. Gray grabs a door and leads Dixon back to get beat on. Gray landing shots and knees that crumbles him. Gray throwing chairs into the ring and drags Billy inside. Door set up on the chairs. Dixon gets tube and blasts Gray. Dixon carving up Gray head with the tube. Gray onto the door. DIxon with an elbow drop through the door but only a two. DIxon tries to come off again butGray chain pulls him through a chair. Billy gets hit with the big lariat. Kick out! Another lariat. Kick out! Gray with a third lariat. KICK. OUT. Dixon is officially the toughest person this weekend. Gray disconnects the chain and wraps his arm in the metal. Chain-assisted lariat from Gray and Billy Dixon is stiff for the three count.
Winner: AJ Gray
Effy on the mic and into the ring. He was overjoyed at how much Billy Dixon made this match the moment of the day. Gray won but Dixon got the respect of everyone. This was wild.
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