Bandido & Mark Haskins vs Jay Lethal & Jonathan Gresham
Haskins and Gresham start us off with a great feeling out process and some mat wrestling. Tempers start to flare as each man gets frustrated with their inability to catch the other, then Lethal and Bandido tag in. The fans are split as Lethal and Bandido tie up, and each man backs the other to the ropes before breaking clean. Bandido and Lethal decide to take it lucha, and neither man gets an advantage. The fans are really into this as a double team flapjack by Haskins and Bandido shuts Lethal down for the moment. Bandido hits a super high velocity baseball slide to Lethal's face, then Haskins comes in to work the arm. Lethal makes a blind tag and Gresham catches Haskins totally off guard with a high angle German suplex. Now Haskins is caught in the wrong part of town, taking a huge flapjack for 2. Haskins catches Lethal with a dropkick and a spinning backbreaker, then Bandido comes off the top with a big senton for 2. Gresham suddenly loses it, mercilessly beating on Bandido and going to the floor for a chair. Lethal stops him, so Gresham shoves Lethal on his butt and goes back into the ring as Bandido makes the hot tag. Haskins goes to town on Gresham, Lethal tags in and all four men go at it and Haskins slams Gresham onto Lethal for 2. Haskins rolls through on Lethal and hits a cradle shock driver for 2. Bandido hits a frogsplash on Lethal and Gresham makes the save at 2. Gresham dumps Bandido to the floor, and a series of double teams from Lethal and Gresham pummel Haskins, who reverses a figure four attempt to a small package on Lethal for 2. Lethal gets it on the second attempt, and he has Haskins right in the middle of the ring. Bandido makes a save, and then he and Gresham trade shots in the middle of the ring until Bandido hits a HUGE pop up Ace Crusher, then counters a Lethal Injection to a backbreaker, then hits a rebound German suplex. Haskins gets Lethal in a Sharpshooter as Bandido takes Gresham out with a dive, and Lethal taps.
Winners: Bandido & Mark Haskins
Unbelievable match! There was a lot going on here in terms of both action and storyline.
Tracy Williams comes out for his TV Title match with Shane Taylor, but Flip Gordon runs in and attacks Williams with a kendo stick. We're told the match will be postponed. Okay then.
No DQ Match: Rush vs Dalton Castle
Dalton charges Rush and gets a big right hand to the face for his trouble. They go to the floor where Dalton comes for Rush with a chair, but Rush ducks and lays Castle out with a right hand, then another before dumping him back into the ring. Rush with a couple of corner splashes, then gets a cross armbreaker. Rush gets a hanging armbar over the ropes, and releases at 4 for some reason even though this is no DQ. Dalton tries to take a walk, but Rush goes after him and they brawl over by the entranceway where Rush nearly skee balls Dalton through the barricade. Rush bashes Castle over the head with a trash can, then they make their way up onto the entranceway where Rush connects with a punt to the back. Dalton has gotten no offense in here, and Rush extends his advantage by choking Castle with some audio cable. Rush goes for a big hanging baseball slide in the corner but stops short and just boots Castle in the face. He spends too much time showing off and Castle furiously attacks him with the riding crop, unloads with right hands, and dumps him to the floor. Castle with a trash can lid to Rush's skull, then tosses a chair at him before standing on Rush's head while grinding the chair into his neck. Castle sits Rush in the chair and hits a running dropkick, then rolls back into the ring to lounge while waiting for Rush to get back into the ring. He gets tired of waiting and goes to the floor to dump Rush with a delayed German suplex on the floor. Rush tries another charge and Castle scoops him up and slams him over the barricade on top of a couple of security guys. Castle tells the camera that rush should stay in those seats and pay admission, then stops to pose for a selfie with a fan before giving Rush a backbreaker and a couple splashes on the floor. Castle apparently insults Rush's mother in Spanish, throws a chair at his head, then sets up another chair and splashes Rush off of it. We finally head back into the ring and Castle covers for 2. Rush no-sells a bunch of chops and punches and kills Castle with a rebound German suplex and a shining wizard, then we head back out to the floor! Rush powerbombs Castle onto the timekeeper's table (a non-breakable variety) before whipping a chair at Castle's head. Rush tosses everything he can find at ringside into the ring, German suplexes Castle across the ring, then hits the Bull's Horns for the win.
Winner: Rush
This was a HELL of a brawl! Great stuff.
Tracy Williams comes back out to the ring with a very gingerly held shoulder. He gets a mic and says Flip Gordon is a lot dumber than he thought if he believes that'll keep him from his title shot tonight. Well, guess we're getting this after all!
ROH TV Title Match: Shane Taylor vs Tracy Williams
Taylor wastes no time unloading the heavy offense on Tracy, just destroying him with hard punches and forearms. Tracy takes a couple of shots back, but Taylor quickly shuts that down with more heavy offense. Taylor lifts Williams to the top rope by the neck, Williams tries a crossbody but gets caught. Williams gets out and charges Taylor, who takes his head off with a clothesline. Taylor dumps Williams to the floor and rams him into the barricade shoulder-first. Back into the ring where Williams tries more chops, but one hard shot to the shoulder puts him right back down. Williams tries again to mount a comeback, but Taylor puts him back down with a headbutt. The referee backs Taylor up to check on Wililams, who shoves the ref off. Taylor decides that means Williams isn't done, so he slams him and comes off the second rope with a splash, but Williams moves and catches Taylor in a crippler crossface. Taylor makes it to the ropes, and now he unloads on Taylor with hard kicks and chops, but an attempt to suplex Taylor goes as well as you'd think, and Taylor snaps him down by the arm. Taylor goes to the second rope, but Williams is up and dishes out some kicks and yanks Taylor off the ropes, making a cover for 2. Williams goes for the piledriver and nearly gets him up, but can't quite manage it, so he goes for the crossface again, but Taylor shoves him off, superkicks him in the face, and hits the Island Driver for the win.
Winner: Shane Taylor
Great match, the shoulder injury allwoed them to tell a great story.
The show continues on Page 3!
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